publishing to check changes in cdms code
Dependencies: FreescaleIAP SimpleDMA mbed-rtos mbed
Fork of CDMS_CODE_samp_23SEP_DMA_flag by
- Committer:
- spacelab
- Date:
- 2016-11-01
- Revision:
- 307:6ed5535ac465
- Parent:
- 264:f7d8f9f361e3
- Child:
- 275:605dd29161ad
File content as of revision 307:6ed5535ac465:
#define get_tc_list(tm_ptr, thePSC){\ uint8_t TM_PSC = 0xFF;\ uint8_t TC_PSC = thePSC;\ int overflowCount = 0;\ uint8_t TC_LIST_TAG = 0x00;\ Base_tc *temp_tc = gHEAD_NODE_TCL;\ bool first_time = true;\ Base_tm *current_tm = NULL;\ while( temp_tc != NULL ){\ if( overflowCount < TCL_OVERFLOW_CONSTANT ){\ TM_PSC = TM_PSC + 1;\ /*Increment TM_PSC for every new TM pointer created*/\ Base_tm *temp_tm = new Long_tm;\ temp_tm->next_TM = NULL;\ temp_tm->TM_string[0] = 0x38;\ /*Frame type(1) = 0; TMID = 0111; Spare = 000*/\ temp_tm->TM_string[1] = TC_PSC;\ temp_tm->TM_string[3] = TM_PSC;\ int indexCustom = 4, num_of_short_tc = 0;\ while(temp_tc != NULL){\ if( overflowCount < TCL_OVERFLOW_CONSTANT ){\ if( GETshort_or_long_tc(temp_tc) == SHORT_TC_CODE ){\ for( int i = 0 ; i < TC_SHORT_SIZE ; ++i ){\ temp_tm->TM_string[indexCustom + i] = temp_tc->TC_string[i];\ }\ indexCustom = indexCustom + TC_SHORT_SIZE;\ ++overflowCount;\ /*INCREMENT STUFF*/\ temp_tc = temp_tc->next_TC;\ num_of_short_tc = num_of_short_tc + 1;\ if (temp_tc == NULL){\ for (int i = indexCustom ; i < TM_LONG_SIZE-2 ; ++i){\ temp_tm->TM_string[i] = 0;\ /*Fill remaining values with 0*/\ }\ TC_LIST_TAG = num_of_short_tc;\ break;\ }\ if( (GETshort_or_long_tc(temp_tc) == LONG_TC_CODE) || (num_of_short_tc == OBOSC_TCL_MAX_SHORT_SIZE) ){\ /*Next TC is long or memory is filled*/\ for(int i = indexCustom; i < TM_LONG_SIZE-2 ; ++i){\ temp_tm->TM_string[i] = 0;\ /*Fill remaining values with 0*/\ }\ TC_LIST_TAG = num_of_short_tc;\ break;\ }\ }\ else if (TC_LIST_TAG == OBOSC_TCL_TAG_LONG_FIRST_HALF){\ /*Long TC, 2nd half*/\ for (int i = 0; i < OBOSC_LONG_TC_SECOND_HALF_SIZE ; ++i){\ temp_tm->TM_string[indexCustom + i] = temp_tc->TC_string[OBOSC_LONG_TC_FIRST_HALF_SIZE + i];\ /*Fill the TM with TC_values*/\ }\ for (int i = OBOSC_LONG_TC_SECOND_HALF_SIZE + indexCustom ; i < TM_LONG_SIZE-2 ; ++i ){\ temp_tm->TM_string[i] = 0;\ /*Fill remaining values with 0*/\ }\ temp_tc = temp_tc->next_TC;\ TC_LIST_TAG = OBOSC_TCL_TAG_LONG_SECOND_HALF;\ ++overflowCount;\ break;\ }\ else{\ /*Long TC, 1st half */\ for (int i = 0; i < OBOSC_LONG_TC_FIRST_HALF_SIZE; ++i){\ /*gPC.printf("indexCustom = %d\r\n", indexCustom);*/\ temp_tm->TM_string[indexCustom + i] = temp_tc->TC_string[i];\ /*Fill the TM with TC_values*/\ }\ for (int i = OBOSC_LONG_TC_FIRST_HALF_SIZE + indexCustom ; i < TM_LONG_SIZE-2 ; ++i ){\ temp_tm->TM_string[i] = 0;\ /*Fill remaining values with 0*/\ }\ TC_LIST_TAG = OBOSC_TCL_TAG_LONG_FIRST_HALF;\ break;\ }\ }\ else{\ RESET_CDMS;\ break;\ }\ }\ temp_tm->TM_string[2] = TC_LIST_TAG;\ /*TC_LIST_TAG as is updated in the inner while loop*/\ uint16_t crc16 = crc16_gen(temp_tm->TM_string, TM_LONG_SIZE-2);\ temp_tm->TM_string[TM_LONG_SIZE-2] = (crc16 & 0xFF00) >> 8 ;\ temp_tm->TM_string[TM_LONG_SIZE-1] = crc16 & 0x00FF;\ /*Attach this new node to the TM linked list*/\ if( first_time ){\ first_time = false;\ tm_ptr = temp_tm;\ current_tm = temp_tm;\ }\ else{\ current_tm->next_TM = temp_tm;\ current_tm = current_tm->next_TM;\ }\ /*Attach this new node at the end*/\ }\ else{\ RESET_CDMS;\ break;\ }\ }\ } #define put_crc_l1_ack(tm_ptr) {\ /*TC LIST STATUS*/\ tm_ptr->TM_string[3] |= (gMASTER_STATE << 6) & 0xC0;\ /*PA HOT*/\ if( gFLAGS & COM_PA_HOT_FLAG ){\ tm_ptr->TM_string[3] |= (1 << 5);\ }\ else{\ tm_ptr->TM_string[3] &= ~(1 << 5);\ }\ /*PA OC*/\ if( gFLAGS & COM_PA_OC_FLAG ){\ tm_ptr->TM_string[3] |= (1 << 4);\ }\ else{\ tm_ptr->TM_string[3] &= ~(1 << 4);\ }\ uint16_t crc_checksum = crc16_gen(tm_ptr->TM_string, TM_SHORT_SIZE-2);\ tm_ptr->TM_string[TM_SHORT_SIZE-2] = (crc_checksum >> 8) & 0xFF;\ tm_ptr->TM_string[TM_SHORT_SIZE-1] = crc_checksum & 0xFF;\ } #define fill_l1_ack(tm_ptr) {\ tm_ptr->next_TM = NULL;\ tm_ptr->TM_string[0] = TMID_ACK_L1 << 4;\ tm_ptr->TM_string[1] = gTOTAL_INCORRECT_SIZE_TC & 0xFF;\ tm_ptr->TM_string[2] = gTOTAL_CRC_FAIL_TC & 0xFF;\ } #define P_COM_HK{\ uint8_t returnHere;\ isPAhot(returnHere);\ if (returnHere == 0xFF)\ gFLAGS = gFLAGS | COM_PA_HOT_FLAG;\ else\ gFLAGS = gFLAGS & ~(COM_PA_HOT_FLAG);\ if (gFLAGS & COM_PA_OC_FLAG){\ COM_TX_CNTRL = 1;\ wait_ms(5);\ }\ isPAoc(returnHere);\ if (returnHere == 0xFF)\ gFLAGS = gFLAGS | COM_PA_OC_FLAG;\ else\ gFLAGS = gFLAGS & ~(COM_PA_OC_FLAG);\ /*P_CDMS_HANDLE_HW_FAULTS*/\ } #define isPAhot(returnHere){\ uint8_t pa_temp = 0;\ uint8_t pa_temp_quant = 0;\ SelectLinec0=0;\ SelectLinec1=0;\ SelectLinec2=0;\ SelectLinec3=1;\ pa_temp = TempInput.read();\ pa_temp = pa_temp * 3.3;\ int resistance;\ resistance = 24000 * pa_temp/(3.3 - pa_temp);\ if(pa_temp > 1.47) {\ pa_temp = 3694/log(24.032242*resistance);\ }\ else{\ pa_temp = 3365.4/log(7.60573*resistance);\ }\ pa_temp_quant = quantiz(tstart_thermistor,tstep_thermistor,pa_temp);\ pa_temp_quant = 0;\ if (pa_temp_quant > COM_PA_TMP_HIGH){\ returnHere = 0xFF;\ gPC.puts("PA is measured HOT\r\n");\ }\ else{\ returnHere = 0;\ gPC.puts("PA is measured not HOT\r\n");\ }\ } #define isPAoc(returnHere){\ if (COM_TX_OC_FAULT){\ returnHere = 0xFF;\ }\ else{\ returnHere = 0;\ }\ returnHere = 0;\ } #define get_call_sign(tm_ptr) {\ Base_tm* call_sign_tm = new Short_tm;\ call_sign_tm->next_TM = NULL;\ tm_ptr = call_sign_tm;\ for( int i = 0 ; i < TM_SHORT_SIZE ; ++i ){\ call_sign_tm->TM_string[i] = gCALL_SIGN_STRING[i];\ }\ } #define get_ack_l1( tm_ptr ){\ Base_tc *current_TC = gHEAD_NODE_TCL;\ Base_tm *l1_ack = new Short_tm;\ /*APPEND TO THE tm_ptr HERE*/\ tm_ptr = l1_ack;\ fill_l1_ack(l1_ack);\ int TC_count = 0;\ int overflowCountL1 = 0;\ while(current_TC != NULL){\ if( overflowCountL1 < TCL_OVERFLOW_CONSTANT ){\ /*IF CRC PASS*/\ if( (GETcrc_pass(current_TC) == 1) ){\ if(TC_count > 4){\ put_crc_l1_ack( l1_ack );\ /*extend the TM linked list*/\ TC_count = 0;\ l1_ack->next_TM = new Short_tm;\ l1_ack = l1_ack->next_TM;\ fill_l1_ack(l1_ack);\ }\ /*PSC starts from 7th byte*/\ l1_ack->TM_string[6+TC_count] = GETpacket_seq_count(current_TC);\ /*TC exec status*/\ switch(TC_count){\ case 0:\ l1_ack->TM_string[3] = (GETexec_status(current_TC)) & 0x0F;\ break;\ case 1:\ l1_ack->TM_string[4] = (GETexec_status(current_TC) << 4) & 0xF0;\ break;\ case 2:\ l1_ack->TM_string[4] |= (GETexec_status(current_TC)) & 0x0F;\ break;\ case 3:\ l1_ack->TM_string[5] = (GETexec_status(current_TC) << 4) & 0xF0;\ break;\ case 4:\ l1_ack->TM_string[5] |= (GETexec_status(current_TC)) & 0x0F;\ }\ ++TC_count;\ }\ current_TC = current_TC->next_TC;\ ++overflowCountL1;\ }\ else{\ RESET_CDMS;\ break;\ }\ }\ /*FILL UP THE REMAINING FIELDS WITH 0x00 as PSC, AND 0xF as tc exec status*/\ if( (TC_count < 5) && (TC_count != 0) ){\ while(TC_count < 5){\ l1_ack->TM_string[6+TC_count] = 0x00;\ switch(TC_count){\ case 1:\ l1_ack->TM_string[4] = 0xF0;\ break;\ case 2:\ l1_ack->TM_string[4] |= 0x0F;\ break;\ case 3:\ l1_ack->TM_string[5] = 0xF0;\ break;\ case 4:\ l1_ack->TM_string[5] |= 0x0F;\ }\ ++TC_count;\ }\ }\ put_crc_l1_ack(l1_ack);\ }