Utility to manage ASCII communications. Register a header and event and then pass messages into the class and events are generated on a match

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CommHandler Class Reference

CommHandler Class Reference

Example using the CommHandler class. More...

#include <CommHandler.h>

Public Member Functions

 CommHandler ()
 Create the CommHandler object.
template<class T >
void attachMsg (char *string, T *item, char *(T::*method)(char *))
 Attach a member function as the match handler.
void attachMsg (char *string, char *(*function)(char *))
 Attach a global function as the match handler.
char * serviceMessage (char *buffer)
 called in a loop somewhere to processes messages
char * messageLookup (uint32_t const loc)
 Determine what a message in location X is looking to match.

Detailed Description

Example using the CommHandler class.

  #include "mbed.h"
  #include "CommHandler.h"
  DigitalOut myled(LED1);
  CommHandler msgs;
  char *one(char* msg)
      // you can parse msg here
      return msg;
  class Wrap
      char *two(char *msg)
          // you can parse msg here
          return msg;
  char *three(char* msg)
      // you can parse msg here
      return msg;
  int main()
      char *tmp = 0;
      msgs.attachMsg("One", &one);
      msgs.attachMsg("Two", &obj, &Wrap::two);
      msgs.attachMsg("Three", &three);
      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(0);
      printf("0:%s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(1);
      printf("1:%s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(2);
      printf("2:%s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(3);
      printf("3:%s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(4);
      printf("4:%s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Two-00-66-99-20133");
      printf("1: Found: %s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("One-99-60-1-339788354");
      printf("2: Found: %s\n", tmp);
      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Three-xx-xx-XX-XXXXXXX");
      printf("3: Found: %s\n", tmp);
      error("End of Test\n");

API abstraction for managing device to device communication

Definition at line 100 of file CommHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CommHandler ( void   )

Create the CommHandler object.

Definition at line 26 of file CommHandler.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void attachMsg ( char *  string,
T *  item,
char *(T::*)(char *)  method 

Attach a member function as the match handler.

string- The string that we're trying to match
item- Address of a initialized object
member- Address of the initialized object's member function

Definition at line 127 of file CommHandler.h.

void attachMsg ( char *  string,
char *(*)(char *)  function 

Attach a global function as the match handler.

string- The string that we're trying to match
function- Address of the global function

Definition at line 31 of file CommHandler.cpp.

char * messageLookup ( uint32_t const   loc )

Determine what a message in location X is looking to match.

loc- The location of the member in the list
The message that is attached to the list

Definition at line 68 of file CommHandler.cpp.

char * serviceMessage ( char *  buffer )

called in a loop somewhere to processes messages

buffer- A buffer containing ascii data
Data from the handler message when a match is found and 0 otherwise

Definition at line 48 of file CommHandler.cpp.