Utility to manage ASCII communications. Register a header and event and then pass messages into the class and events are generated on a match

Dependents:   Waldo_Embed_V2

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00001 /**
00002  * @file    CommHandler.h
00003  * @brief   Core Utility - Manage ASCII communication between devices
00004  * @author  sam grove
00005  * @version 1.0
00006  * @see     
00007  *
00008  * Copyright (c) 2013
00009  *
00010  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00011  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00012  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00013  *
00014  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00015  *
00016  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00017  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00018  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00019  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00020  * limitations under the License.
00021  */
00023 #ifndef COMMHANDLER_H
00024 #define COMMHANDLER_H
00026 #include "FP.h"
00027 #include "LinkedList.h"
00028 #include "LogUtil.h"
00030 /** Example using the CommHandler class
00031  * @code
00032  *  #include "mbed.h"
00033  *  #include "CommHandler.h"
00034  *  
00035  *  DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00036  *  CommHandler msgs;
00037  *  
00038  *  char *one(char* msg)
00039  *  {
00040  *      // you can parse msg here
00041  *      LOG("\n");
00042  *      return msg;
00043  *  }
00044  *  
00045  *  class Wrap
00046  *  {
00047  *  public:
00048  *      Wrap(){}
00049  *      char *two(char *msg)
00050  *      {
00051  *          // you can parse msg here
00052  *          LOG("\n");
00053  *          return msg;
00054  *      }
00055  *  }obj;
00056  *  
00057  *  
00058  *  char *three(char* msg)
00059  *  {
00060  *      // you can parse msg here
00061  *      LOG("\n");
00062  *      return msg;
00063  *  }
00064  *  
00065  *  int main()
00066  *  {
00067  *      char *tmp = 0;
00068  *  
00069  *      msgs.attachMsg("One", &one);
00070  *      msgs.attachMsg("Two", &obj, &Wrap::two);
00071  *      msgs.attachMsg("Three", &three);
00072  *      
00073  *      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(0);
00074  *      printf("0:%s\n", tmp);
00075  *      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(1);
00076  *      printf("1:%s\n", tmp);
00077  *      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(2);
00078  *      printf("2:%s\n", tmp);
00079  *      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(3);
00080  *      printf("3:%s\n", tmp);
00081  *      tmp = msgs.messageLookup(4);
00082  *      printf("4:%s\n", tmp);
00083  *          
00084  *      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Two-00-66-99-20133");
00085  *      printf("1: Found: %s\n", tmp);
00086  *      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("One-99-60-1-339788354");
00087  *      printf("2: Found: %s\n", tmp);
00088  *      tmp = msgs.serviceMessage("Three-xx-xx-XX-XXXXXXX");
00089  *      printf("3: Found: %s\n", tmp);
00090  *      
00091  *      error("End of Test\n");
00092  *  }
00093  * @endcode
00094  */
00096 /**
00097  *  @class CommHandler
00098  *  @brief API abstraction for managing device to device communication
00099  */ 
00100 class CommHandler
00101 {
00102 private:
00103     LinkedList <node>_list;
00105 public:
00107     /**
00108      *  @struct MsgObject
00109      *  @brief An object to store in the linked list
00110      */
00111     struct MsgObj
00112     {
00113         char *string;               /*!< The header we are going to match */
00114         FP<char *, char *>handler;  /*!< The function to call when a match is found */
00115     };
00117     /** Create the CommHandler object
00118      */     
00119     CommHandler();
00121     /** Attach a member function as the match handler
00122      *  @param string - The string that we're trying to match
00123      *  @param item - Address of a initialized object
00124      *  @param member - Address of the initialized object's member function
00125      */
00126     template<class T>
00127     void attachMsg( char *string, T *item, char*(T::*method)(char *) )
00128     {
00129         MsgObj *new_node = new MsgObj [1];
00130         // make sure the new object was allocated
00131         if (NULL == new_node)
00132         {
00133             ERROR("Memory Allocation Failed\n");
00134         }
00135         // store the user parameters
00136         new_node->string = string;
00137         new_node->handler.attach( item, method );
00138         // and insert them into the list
00139         _list.append(new_node);
00140         return;
00141     }
00143     /** Attach a global function as the match handler
00144      *  @param string - The string that we're trying to match
00145      *  @param function - Address of the global function
00146      */
00147     void attachMsg( char *string, char *(*function)(char*) );
00149     /** called in a loop somewhere to processes messages
00150      *  @param buffer - A buffer containing ascii data
00151      *  @return Data from the handler message when a match is found and 0 otherwise
00152      */
00153     char *serviceMessage( char* buffer );
00156     /** Determine what a message in location X is looking to match
00157      *  @param loc - The location of the member in the list
00158      *  @return The message that is attached to the list
00159      */
00160     char *messageLookup( uint32_t const loc );
00162 };
00164 #endif