
Dependencies:   PID TextLCD mbed

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API Documentation at this revision

Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
common.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
usart.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
wordString.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 PID.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PID.lib	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 TextLCD.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.lib	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 common.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common.h	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+    FRONT = 0,
+    LEFT,
+    BACK,
+    RIGHT,
+    VX = 0,
+    VY,
+const double way16[16][2] = {
+    {0,1},
+    {0.5,0.866},
+    {0.707,0.707},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {1.0},
+    {0.866,-0.5},
+    {0.707,-0.707},
+    {0.5,-0.866},
+    {0,-1},
+    {-0.5,-0.866},
+    {-0.707,-0.707},
+    {-0.866,-0.5},
+    {-1,0},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.707,0.707},
+    {-0.5,0.866}
+    };
+const double modulate_near[17] = {//0~4 = -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,,5 = 0,,6~16=1,2,3.....10
+    1.20,1.1,1.05,1.02,1.01,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+    };
+const double modulate_go[17] = {
+    1,1,1,1,1,1,1.01,1.02,1.03,1.05,1.07,1.08,1.10,1.12,1.15,1.15,1.15
+    };
+const double modulate[17] = {
+    1.1,1.05,1.02,1.02,1.01,1,1.01,1.02,1.03,1.05,1.07,1.08,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.20
+    };
+//defense move action support.
+const double apply[9] = {
+    1.4,1.4,1.3,1.2,1.15,1.15,1.10,1.05,1.0
+    };
+const double near0[10][2] = {//go go goボールと一定感覚を保とうとする輩,これまた角度ではなく値を直接投げておく
+    {-1,0},
+    {-0.505,0.505},
+    {-0.3,0.866},
+    {0,1},
+    {0.3,0.866},
+    {0.505,0.505},
+    {1,0},
+    {0.3,-0.3},//0.707,-0.707
+    {0,-1.0},
+    {-0.3,-0.3}//-0.707,-0.707
+    };
+const double near1[10][2] = {//back back back
+    {1,0},
+    {0.5,-0.5},
+    {0.25,0},//0.5,-0.866
+    {0,0.2},
+    {-0.25,0},//-0.5,-0.866
+    {-0.5,-0.5},
+    {-1,0},
+    {-0.707,0.303},//-0.707,0.707
+    {0,0.4},
+    {0.707,0.303}//0.707,0.707
+    };
+const double go[10][2] = {//ir_numに沿ったそれぞれの動きを直接配列に投げて置く参照、ir_action0~9
+    {0,-0.433},
+    {-0.303,-0.757},//0.303
+    {-0.3,0},
+    {0,0.8},//other block
+    {0.3,0},
+    {0.303,-0.757},//0.303
+    {0,-0.433},
+    {0,-1},
+    {0,-0.5},//other block@ir_action8
+    {0,-1},
+    };
+const int keep_dist[10] = {//ir_num[0~9]
+    45,48,45,44,45,50,49,41,49,39//45,49,444444,
+    };
+const int keep_ping[4] = {
+    0,58,30,56
+    };
+const int keep_pingSTRONG[4] = {
+    0,40,20,36
+    };
+const int keep_ball[10] = {
+    37,33,27,27,27,30,34,31,32,32//28
+    };
+const double goal_state1[12][2] = {
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.433,0.25},
+    {0.433,0.25},
+    {0.433,0.25},
+    {0.433,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0.0}
+    };
+const double goal_state2[12][2] = {
+    {0,-1},
+    {0,-0.8},
+    {0,-0.6},
+    {0,-0.4},
+    {0,-0.2},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0.1},
+    {0,0.3},
+    {0,0.4}
+    };
+const double goal_state3[12][2] = {
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.433,0.25},
+    {-0.433,0.25},
+    {-0.433,0.25},
+    {-0.433,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0.0}
+    };
+const double ball_state0[10][2] = {//ir_num[0~9]
+    {-1,-0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.2},
+    {-0.707,0.5},
+    {0,0},
+    {0.707,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.2},
+    {1,-0.5},
+    {0.7,-1},
+    {0,-1},
+    {-0.7,-1}
+    };
+const double ball_state1[10][2] = {//ir_num[0~9]
+    {-1.0,-0.3},
+    {-0.9,-0.4},
+    {-0.9,0.866},
+    {0,1},
+    {0.9,0.866},
+    {0.9,-0.4},
+    {1.0,-0.3},
+    {-0.404,-0.7},
+    {0,0},//other comand
+    {0.404,-0.7}  
+    };
+const double strongPing1[12][2] = {
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.866,0.5},
+    {0.577,0.5},
+    {0.577,0.5},
+    {0.577,0.25},
+    {0.577,0.25},
+    {0.433,0.1},
+    {0.211,0.1},
+    {0,0},
+    {0.0}
+    };
+const double strongPing2[12][2] = {
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0},
+    {0,0.3},
+    {0,0.5}
+    };
+const double strongPing3[12][2] ={
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.866,0.5},
+    {-0.577,0.5},
+    {-0.577,0.25},
+    {-0.577,0.25},
+    {-0.433,0.1},
+    {-0.211,0.1},
+    {0,0},
+    {0.0}
+  };    
+ir_number position
+    2   3   4
+ 1 /----------\5
+  /            \
+0|              |6
+ \              /
+9 \____________/ 7
+        8
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "HMC6352.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#define LINE_LP 30/*line def@line_state*/
+#define LINE_FP 40/*line def@line_State*/
+#define LINE_ON 0x2710/*line underline*///40000
+#define LINE_TIME 0.5/*used lineAttach*/
+/****pid config *************/
+#define RATE    0.08//52
+#define PID_BIAS    0.2
+#define REFERENCE   180.0
+#define MINIMUM     0.1
+#define MAXIMUM     360.0
+#define PID_CYCLE   0.05   //s
+#define P_GAIN  1.4    //0.78   
+#define I_GAIN  0.0     //0.0
+#define D_GAIN  0.015  //0.009
+#define OUT_LIMIT   30.0
+#define MAX_POW     100
+#define MIN_POW     -100
+/****pid config *************/
+ /*keep your distance!!*/
+#define OFFENSE_POWER 31  /*moter power strength*/
+#define DEFENSE_POWER 30
+#define BACK_HOME_TIME 0.3
+#define DASH_TIME 0.7//about
+#define CHARGE_DACH_TIME 0.25//about
+#define DASH_STRENGTH 40
+Serial motor(p9,p10);
+Serial sensor(p13,p14);
+Serial xbee(p28,p27);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+TextLCD lcd(p26, p25, p24, p23, p22, p21);
+AnalogIn adcline[4] = {p17, p18, p19, p20};
+DigitalIn start(p7);/*start switch*/
+DigitalIn check(p8);/*Xbee chenge switch*/
+DigitalOut myled[4] = {LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4};
+DigitalIn kick_check(p5);
+/*Compass PID SetUp*/
+Ticker pidUpdata;
+/*XBee interrupt*/
+Ticker xbeetx;
+Ticker xbeerx;
+/*line check,linestate*/
+Timeout liner0;
+Timeout liner1;
+Timeout liner2;
+Timeout liner3;
+/*back home*/
+Timeout home;
+Timer timer_home;
+/*ofence dash timer*/
+Timer dash_charge;
+Ticker dash_start;
+extern string StringFIN;
+extern void array(int,int,int,int);
+extern void micon_rx(void);
+extern void xbee_tx(void);
+extern void xbee_rx(void);
+extern int count;
+int speed[4] = {0};                                        /*@move,tx_moter*/
+uint8_t line_stop[4] = {0},home_stop = 0;                  /*@line_stop(number),@back_home*/
+unsigned int compass = 0;                                  /*relevant compass*/
+double standTu = 0, inputPID = 180.0, compassPID = 0.0;    /*relevant compass*/
+uint8_t ping[4]={0};                                       /*ping_data*/
+uint8_t ir_min = 0,ir_num = 0, ir_main = 0;                /*ir_min=25~50~70(value),ir_num=0~9,ir_main=undef*/
+//double clockL = 0;//not used
+uint8_t dash_stop = 0;
+void move(double vx, double vy, int vs, int vk){
+    double pwm[4] = {0};
+    uint8_t i = 0;
+    pwm[0] = (double)((vx) + vs);
+    pwm[1] = (double)((-0.5 * vx) + ((sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)  * vy) + vs);
+    pwm[2] = (double)((-0.5 * vx) + ((-sqrt(3.0) / 2.0) * vy) + vs);
+    pwm[3] = vk;
+    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
+            if(pwm[i] > 100){
+                pwm[i] = 100;
+            }else if(pwm[i] < -100){
+                pwm[i] = -100;
+            }
+        speed[i] = pwm[i];
+    }
+void tx_motor(){
+    array(speed[0],speed[1],speed[3],speed[2]);
+    motor.printf("%s",StringFIN.c_str());
+void line_state(double *vx,double*vy,uint8_t *line){
+    /*chenge to move ,line*/
+    if(line[FRONT]){
+        *vy = -LINE_FP;
+    }
+    if(line[LEFT]){
+        *vx = LINE_LP;
+    }
+    if(line[BACK]){
+        *vy = LINE_FP;
+    }
+    if(line[RIGHT]){
+        *vx = -LINE_LP;
+    }
+void line_stop0(){
+    line_stop[FRONT] = 0;
+void line_stop1(){
+    line_stop[LEFT] = 0;
+void line_stop2(){
+    line_stop[BACK] = 0;
+void line_stop3(){
+    line_stop[RIGHT] = 0;
+void line_check(uint8_t *line){
+    if(!line_stop[FRONT]){
+        if(adcline[FRONT].read_u16() > LINE_ON){
+            line[FRONT] = 1;
+            line_stop[FRONT] = 1;
+            line_stop[BACK] = 1;
+            myled[0] = 1;
+            liner0.attach(&line_stop0,LINE_TIME);
+            liner2.attach(&line_stop2,LINE_TIME);
+        } else {
+            line[FRONT] = 0;
+            myled[0] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(!line_stop[LEFT]){
+        if(adcline[LEFT].read_u16() > LINE_ON){
+            line[LEFT] = 1;
+            line_stop[LEFT] = 1;
+            line_stop[RIGHT] = 1;
+            myled[1] = 1;
+            liner1.attach(&line_stop1,LINE_TIME);
+            liner3.attach(&line_stop3,LINE_TIME);
+        } else {
+            line[LEFT] = 0;
+            myled[1] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(!line_stop[BACK]){
+        if(adcline[BACK].read_u16() > LINE_ON){
+            line[BACK] = 1;
+            line_stop[BACK] = 1;
+            line_stop[FRONT] = 1;
+            myled[2] = 1;
+            liner2.attach(&line_stop2,LINE_TIME);
+            liner0.attach(&line_stop0,LINE_TIME);
+        } else {
+            line[BACK] = 0;
+            myled[2] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(!line_stop[RIGHT]){
+        if(adcline[RIGHT].read_u16() > LINE_ON){
+            line[RIGHT] = 1;
+            line_stop[RIGHT] = 1;
+            line_stop[LEFT] = 1;
+            myled[3] = 1;
+            liner3.attach(&line_stop3,LINE_TIME);
+            liner1.attach(&line_stop1,LINE_TIME);
+        } else {
+            line[RIGHT] = 0;
+            myled[3] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void PidUpdate()
+    pid.setSetPoint((int)((REFERENCE + standTu) / 1.0)); 
+    inputPID = compass;
+    pid.setProcessValue(inputPID);
+    compassPID = -(pid.compute());
+void ir_defense0(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense1(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense2(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense3(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense4(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense5(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense6(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+void ir_defense7(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+    if(ping[2]<20){
+        *vx = DEFENSE_POWER*1.2*way16[13][0];
+        *vy = DEFENSE_POWER*1.2*way16[13][1];
+    }
+void ir_defense8(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+    if(ping[LEFT]>ping[RIGHT]){
+        *vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(-0.8+near1[ir_num][VX]+go[ir_num][VX]);
+        *vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(0.5+near1[ir_num][VY]+go[ir_num][VY]);
+    }else if(ping[RIGHT]>ping[LEFT]){
+        *vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(0.8+near1[ir_num][VX]+go[ir_num][VX]);
+        *vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(0.5+near1[ir_num][VY]+go[ir_num][VY]);
+    }
+void ir_defense9(double *vx, double *vy, int *k, int rateD){
+    if(ping[2]<20){
+        *vx = DEFENSE_POWER*1.2*way16[3][0];
+        *vy = DEFENSE_POWER*1.2*way16[3][1];
+    }      
+void ir_offense0(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*
+    clockL = 6.50;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = (ir_min+5)*way16[9][0];
+    *vy = (ir_min+5)*way16[9][1];
+    */
+void ir_offense1(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*
+    clockL = 7.00;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = ir_min*way16[10][0];
+    *vy = ir_min*way16[10][1];
+    */
+void ir_offense2(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*y
+    if(rateD <= 0){
+        *vx = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][0];
+        *vy = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][1];
+    }
+    */
+    /*
+    clockL = 10.0;
+    *vx=-ir_min;
+    *vy = ir_min+5;
+    if(ping[LEFT]>ping[RIGHT]){
+        clockL = 10.5;
+        *vx = 35*way16[14][0];
+        *vy = 35*way16[14][1];
+            *//**vx = 0;
+            *vy =35;*/   
+    /*
+    }
+    */
+void ir_offense3(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    /**********
+    一定時間待ち,その間変わらずir[3]が反応していたならば、ブースト直進キック
+    irの最小値の位置が移動した場合,タイマーの時間を初期化、停止
+    設定時間内に変更がなかった場合,数秒間キック直進し続ける。(ほかからの変更を拒否)
+    ********/
+    if(dash_charge.read() == 0){
+        dash_charge.start();
+    }
+    /*
+    if(rateD <=0+3){
+        *vk = 25;
+    }else {
+        *vk = 0;
+    }
+    */
+    /*
+    if(rateD <= 0){
+        *vx = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][0];
+        *vy = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][1];
+    }*/
+    /*
+    clockL = 12.0;
+    *vx = 0,*vy = 30;
+    */
+void ir_offense4(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*if(rateD <= 0){
+        *vx = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][0];
+        *vy = STRENGTH*1.2*way16[0][1];
+    }*/
+    /*
+    clockL = 2.00;
+    *vx=ir_min;
+    *vy = ir_min+5;
+    if(ping[RIGHT]>ping[LEFT]){
+        clockL = 2.50;
+        *vx = 35*way16[2][0];
+        *vy = 35*way16[2][1];
+            *//**vx = 0;
+            *vy = 35;*/
+    /*
+    }
+    */
+void ir_offense5(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*
+    clockL = 5.00;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = ir_min*way16[6][0];
+    *vy = ir_min*way16[6][1];
+    */
+void ir_offense6(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*
+    clockL = 5.50;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = (ir_min+5)*way16[7][0];
+    *vy = (ir_min+5)*way16[7][1];
+    */
+void ir_offense7(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*clockL = 6.00;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = 0;
+    *vy = -(ir_min+8);
+    */
+void ir_offense8(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    if(rateD<(0)){
+        if(ping[LEFT]>ping[RIGHT]){
+            *vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(-1+near1[ir_num][VX]+go[ir_num][VX]);
+            *vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(1+near1[ir_num][VY]+go[ir_num][VY]);
+        }else if(ping[RIGHT]>ping[LEFT]){
+            *vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(1+near1[ir_num][VX]+go[ir_num][VX]);
+            *vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(1+near1[ir_num][VY]+go[ir_num][VY]);
+        }
+    }
+    /*standTu = 0;
+    if(ping[LEFT]>ping[RIGHT]){
+            clockL = 8.00;
+            *vx = 40*way16[11][0];
+            *vy = 40*way16[11][1];
+        }else{
+            clockL = 4.00;
+            *vx = 40*way16[5][0];
+            *vy = 40*way16[5][1];
+        }*/
+void ir_offense9(double *vx, double *vy, int *vk, int rateD){
+    dash_charge.stop();
+    dash_charge.reset();
+    /*clockL = 6.00;
+    standTu = 0;
+    *vx = 0;
+    *vy = -(ir_min+8);*/
+/**kick and dash function**/
+void dash_reset(){
+    dash_stop = 0;
+    lcd.cls();
+void dist_fun_DM(int *rate_dm){//used defense first junction
+    *rate_dm = ir_min - keep_ball[ir_num];//zastu
+    if(*rate_dm >0){
+        *rate_dm = 1;
+    }else if(*rate_dm <-7){
+        *rate_dm =-7;
+    }
+void dist_fun_D(int *rate_d){//ofense action support
+    *rate_d = ir_main - keep_dist[ir_num];
+    if(*rate_d < -5){
+        *rate_d = -5;
+    }else if(*rate_d >10){
+        *rate_d = 11;
+    }
+void dist_fun_ping(int *rate_p){//defense action support
+    rate_p[1] = ping[1] - keep_ping[1];
+    if(rate_p[1] <-10){
+        rate_p[1] = -10;
+    }else if(rate_p[1]>0){
+        rate_p[1] = 1;
+    }
+    rate_p[2] = keep_ping[2] - ping[2];
+    if(rate_p[2]<-5){
+        rate_p[2] = -5;
+    }else if(rate_p[2] >6){
+        rate_p[2] = 6;
+    }
+    rate_p[3] = ping[3] - keep_ping[3];
+    if(rate_p[3] <-10){
+        rate_p[3] = -10;
+    }else if(rate_p[3]>0){
+        rate_p[3] = 1;
+    }
+void dist_fun_pingSTRONG(int *rate_p){//defense action support
+    rate_p[2] = keep_pingSTRONG[2] - ping[2];
+    if(rate_p[2]<-5){
+        rate_p[2] = -5;
+    }else if(rate_p[2] >6){
+        rate_p[2] = 6;
+    }
+    if(ping[1]+ping[3] >=155){//tyousei
+        rate_p[1] = ping[1] - keep_pingSTRONG[1];//38
+        if(rate_p[1] <-10){
+            rate_p[1] = -10;
+        }else if(rate_p[1]>0){
+            rate_p[1] = 1;
+        }
+        rate_p[3] = ping[3] - keep_pingSTRONG[3];///37
+        if(rate_p[3] <-10){
+            rate_p[3] = -10;
+        }else if(rate_p[3]>0){
+            rate_p[3] = 1;
+        }
+    }else {
+        rate_p[1] = 0;
+        rate_p[3] = 0;
+    }
+void dist_fun(int *rate_d,int *rate_dm,int *rate_p){*//*This is compute some length.?*/
+    /* KEEP_DISTANCE is border line, ir_main is variable 
+     if ir_main> keep_dist   (access)
+     else ir_main< keep_dist (out)
+    @retaD
+    */
+    /*
+    *rate_d = ir_main - keep_dist[ir_num];
+    if(*rate_d < -5){
+        *rate_d = -5;
+    }else if(*rate_d >10){
+        *rate_d = 11; //+30  
+    }
+    *rate_dm = ir_min - keep_ball[ir_num];//zastu
+    rate_p[1] = ping[1] - keep_ping[1];
+    if(rate_p[1] <-10){
+        rate_p[1] = -10;
+    }else if(rate_p[1]>0){
+        rate_p[1] = 1;
+    }
+    rate_p[2] = keep_ping[2] - ping[2];
+    if(rate_p[2]<-5){
+        rate_p[2] = -5;
+    }else if(rate_p[2] >6){
+        rate_p[2] = 6;
+    }
+    rate_p[3] = ping[3] - keep_ping[3];
+    if(rate_p[3] <-10){
+        rate_p[3] = -10;
+    }else if(rate_p[3]>0){
+        rate_p[3] = 1;
+    }
+void home_stop0(){
+    home_stop = 0;
+void back_home(double *vx,double*vy){
+    *vx = 0;
+    *vy = -40;
+    if(!home_stop){
+        if(timer_home.read() ==0){
+            timer_home.start();
+        }
+    }
+    if(ping[2]<24){
+        *vy = -35;
+    }else if(ping[2]<30){
+        *vy = -25;
+    }
+    if((abs(ping[1]-ping[3]))>25){
+        if(ping[1]>ping[3]){
+            //*vy = 15;
+            *vx = -25;
+        }else if(ping[1]<ping[3]){
+            //*vy = 12;
+            *vx = 25;
+        }
+    }
+    //左角を抜ける方法を考える
+    if((timer_home.read()>0.6)/*||home0.read()==0*/){
+        *vy = 11;
+        *vx = 0;
+        timer_home.stop();
+        timer_home.reset();
+        home_stop = 1;
+        home.attach(&home_stop0,BACK_HOME_TIME);
+        //wait(0.1);
+    }
+    if(ping[2]<20){
+        *vx = 0;
+        *vy = 5;
+    }
+int main(void){
+    uint8_t line[4] = {0};      /*@line_state,line_check*/
+    double vx = 0,vy = 0;       /*used move(moter)*/
+    int vs = 0, vk = 0;         /*used move(moter)*/
+    int rateD = 0;              /*keep distance*/
+    int rateDM  = 0;            /*keep_distrance to boal //ir_max use*/
+    int rateP[4] = {0};         /*keep in front of goal*/
+    void (*offense[10])(double *,double *,int *,int);
+    void (*defense[10])(double *,double *,int *,int);
+    //dcompass.setOpMode(HMC6352_CONTINUOUS, 1, 20);
+    motor.baud(115200);                             //ボーレート設定
+    motor.printf("1F0002F0003F0004F000\r\n");       //モータ停止
+    motor.attach(&tx_motor,Serial::TxIrq);          //送信空き割り込み(モータ用)
+    sensor.attach(&micon_rx,Serial::RxIrq);         //送信空き割り込み(センサ用)
+    //compassdef = (compass / 10);                  //コンパス初期値保存
+    //compassdef = (dcompass.sample() / 10);
+    pid.setInputLimits(MINIMUM,MAXIMUM);            //pid sed def
+    pid.setOutputLimits(-OUT_LIMIT, OUT_LIMIT);     //pid sed def
+    pid.setBias(PID_BIAS);                          //pid sed def
+    pid.setMode(AUTO_MODE);                         //pid sed def
+    pid.setSetPoint(REFERENCE);                     //pid sed def    
+    start.mode(PullDown);                           //digitalin pulldown
+    check.mode(PullUp);                            //digitalin pullup
+    kick_check.mode(PullUp);
+    offense[0] = ir_offense0;
+    offense[1] = ir_offense1;
+    offense[2] = ir_offense2;
+    offense[3] = ir_offense3;
+    offense[4] = ir_offense4;
+    offense[5] = ir_offense5;
+    offense[6] = ir_offense6;
+    offense[7] = ir_offense7;
+    offense[8] = ir_offense8;
+    offense[9] = ir_offense9;
+    defense[0] = ir_defense0;
+    defense[1] = ir_defense1;
+    defense[2] = ir_defense2;
+    defense[3] = ir_defense3;
+    defense[4] = ir_defense4;
+    defense[5] = ir_defense5;
+    defense[6] = ir_defense6;
+    defense[7] = ir_defense7;
+    defense[8] = ir_defense8;
+    defense[9] = ir_defense9;
+    pidUpdata.attach(&PidUpdate, PID_CYCLE);
+    //move(30,0,0,0);
+    count = 0;
+    if(check){// NOT use Xbee
+        myled[3] = 0;
+        count = 1;
+        //lcd.printf("NOT USE XBee\nDEFENSE\n");
+        /*
+            count = 1:defense
+            count = 0:offense
+        */
+    }else {
+        myled[3] = 1;
+        xbeerx.attach(&xbee_rx,5);
+        xbeetx.attach(&xbee_tx,5);
+    }
+    myled[0] = 1; 
+    while(!start){
+        lcd.printf("comp %3d min %3dnum %3d main %3d",compass,ir_min,ir_num,ir_main);
+        if(!kick_check){
+            move(0,0,0,25);
+        }else{
+            move(0,0,0,0);
+        }
+    }
+    myled[0] = 0;
+    lcd.cls();
+        vx = 0, vy = 0, vk = 0;
+        standTu = 0;
+        if(ir_num<10){
+            dist_fun_DM(&rateDM);//used defense first junction
+            if(count){/****  DEFENSE ACTION!!  *******/
+                if((rateDM > 0)||(ping[2]>33)){//key point
+                    dist_fun_ping(rateP);//check ping state.
+                    vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][0]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][0]+ball_state0[ir_num][0]);    
+                    vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][1]+goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][1]+ball_state0[ir_num][1]);
+                    if(ping[2]<28){
+                    }else if(ping[2]<45){
+                        vy = -30;
+                    }else {
+                        vx =0;
+                        vy = -35;
+                    }
+                }else{
+                    dist_fun_pingSTRONG(rateP);
+                    vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*ball_state1[ir_num][0]+strongPing1[rateP[1]+10][0]+strongPing3[rateP[3]+10][0]);
+                    vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*ball_state1[ir_num][1]+strongPing1[rateP[1]+10][1]+strongPing2[rateP[2]+10][1]+strongPing3[rateP[3]+10][1]);
+                    (*defense[ir_num])(&vx,&vy,&vk,rateD);
+                    if(ir_num == 2||ir_num == 3||ir_num == 4){
+                        vk=25;
+                    }
+                }
+            }else{/****  OFFENSE ACTION!!  *****/
+            // if count =0
+                if((rateDM > 0)&&((ir_num != 2)&&(ir_num !=3)&&(ir_num!=4))){ 
+                        //アウトオブリーチ時後ろに下がりながらボールの直線上に移動する
+                    dist_fun_ping(rateP);//check ping_state
+                    vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][0]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][0]+ball_state0[ir_num][0]);    
+                    vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][1]+goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][1]+ball_state0[ir_num][1]);
+                    if(ping[2]<30){
+                    //stop place
+                    }else if(ping[2]<50){
+                        vy = -30;
+                    }else {
+                        vx = 0;
+                        vy = -35;
+                    }
+                }else{/**** Main offense action */
+                    if(!dash_stop){
+                        dist_fun_D(&rateD);//check ball state.
+                        if(rateD > 0){
+                            //dist_fun_pingSTRONG(rateP);
+                            vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(near0[ir_num][0]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][0]);
+                            vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(near0[ir_num][1]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][1]);
+                        }else{
+                            vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][0]+go[ir_num][0]);
+                            vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][1]+go[ir_num][1]);
+                        }
+                        if(dash_charge.read()>=CHARGE_DACH_TIME){
+                            dash_start.attach(&dash_reset,DASH_TIME);
+                            dash_stop = 1;
+                            //lcd.printf(" FALCON KICK \n\n");
+                            dash_charge.stop();
+                            dash_charge.reset();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    (*offense[ir_num])(&vx,&vy,&vk,rateD);
+                    if(dash_stop){
+                        vk = 25;
+                        vx = DASH_STRENGTH*way16[0][0];
+                        vy = DASH_STRENGTH*way16[0][1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(ir_num >= 10){
+            back_home(&vx,&vy);    
+        }
+        line_check(line);
+        line_state(&vx,&vy,line);
+        vs = compassPID;
+        move(vx,vy,vs,vk);
+        //lcd.printf("%0.2lf clock\n\n",clockL);
+        //pc.printf("compassPID:%d\t compass:%d\n",s,compass);
+        //pc.printf("%lf  %lf\n",x,y);
+        //pc.printf("compass: %d\n",compass);
+        //pc.printf("ping0:%d\tping1:%d\tping2:%d\tping3:%d\n",ping[0],ping[1],ping[2],ping[3]);
+        //pc.printf("ir_min:%d\tir_num:%d\tir_main:%d\n",ir_min,ir_num,ir_main);
+        //pc.printf("line0:%d\tline1:%d\tline2:%d\tline3:%d\n",adcline[0].read_u16(),adcline[1].read_u16(),adcline[2].read_u16(),adcline[3].read_u16());
+    }
+    /**************************************************
+    ****************************************************/
+    /*
+    while(1){
+        vx = 0, vy = 0, vk = 0;
+        standTu = 0;
+        //dist_fun(&rateD,&rateDM,rateP);//3to-ri
+        if(ir_num<10){*/
+            /*if(rateD >= 0){//if(ir_num =2ka4) =3
+                vx = STRENGTH*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near0[ir_num][0]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][0]);
+                vy = STRENGTH*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near0[ir_num][1]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][1]);
+            }else{
+                vx = STRENGTH*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][0]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][0]);
+                vy = STRENGTH*(modulate_near[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][1]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][1]);
+            }*/
+            /*
+            if(rateD >= 0){
+                vx = STRENGTH*(modulate[rateD+5]*near0[ir_num][0]+modulate[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][0]);
+                vy = STRENGTH*(modulate[rateD+5]*near0[ir_num][1]+modulate[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][1]);
+            }else{
+                vx = STRENGTH*(modulate[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][0]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][0]);
+                vy = STRENGTH*(modulate[rateD+5]*near1[ir_num][1]+modulate_go[rateD+5]*go[ir_num][1]);
+            }*/
+            /*
+            dist_fun_DM(&rateDM);//used defense first junction
+            if(count){//defense
+                if(rateDM > 0){//key point
+                    dist_fun_ping(rateP);//check ping state.
+                    vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][0]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][0]+ball_state0[ir_num][0]);    
+                    vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][1]+goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][1]+ball_state0[ir_num][1]);
+                    if(ping[2]<35){
+                    }else if(ping[2]<48){
+                        vy = -30;
+                    }else {
+                        vy = 0;
+                        vy = -35;
+                    }
+                }else{*/
+                    /*if(ir_num<7){
+                        vx = DEFENSE_POWER*ball_state1[ir_num][0];
+                        vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+ball_state1[ir_num][1]);
+                    }else if(ir_num<10){
+                        vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(strongPing1[rateP[1]+10][0]+strongPing3[rateP[3]+10][0]+ball_state1[ir_num][0]);
+                        vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+ball_state1[ir_num][1]);
+                    }*/
+                    /*
+                    dist_fun_pingSTRONG(rateP);
+                    vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*ball_state1[ir_num][0]+strongPing1[rateP[1]+10][0]+strongPing3[rateP[3]+10][0]);
+                    vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*ball_state1[ir_num][1]+strongPing1[rateP[1]+10][1]+strongPing2[rateP[2]+10][1]+strongPing3[rateP[3]+10][1]);
+                    if(ir_num == 2||ir_num == 3||ir_num == 4){
+                        vk=25;
+                    }
+                }
+            }else{//ofense
+                if((rateDM > 0)&&((ir_num != 2)&&(ir_num !=3)&&(ir_num!=4))){
+                    //アウトオブリーチ時後ろに下がりながらボールの直線上に移動する
+                    dist_fun_ping(rateP);//check ping state.
+                    vx = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][0]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][0]+ball_state0[ir_num][0]);    
+                    vy = DEFENSE_POWER*(goal_state1[rateP[1]+10][1]+goal_state2[rateP[2]+5][1]+goal_state3[rateP[3]+10][1]+ball_state0[ir_num][1]);
+                    if(ping[2]<35){
+                    }else if(ping[2]<50){
+                        vy = -30;
+                    }else {
+                        vx = 0;
+                        vy = -35;
+                    }
+                }else{
+                    dist_fun_D(&rateD);//check ball state.
+                    if(rateD > 0){
+                        dist_fun_pingSTRONG(rateP);
+                        vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*near0[ir_num][0]+go[ir_num][0]);
+                        vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(apply[rateDM+7]*near0[ir_num][1]+go[ir_num][1]);
+                    }else{
+                        vx = OFFENSE_POWER*(near1[ir_num][0]+go[ir_num][0]);
+                        vy = OFFENSE_POWER*(near1[ir_num][1]+go[ir_num][1]);
+                    }
+                    (*offense[ir_num])(&vx,&vy,&vk,rateD);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(ir_num >= 10){
+            back_home(&vx,&vy);    
+        }
+        */    
+        /*
+        if(ir_num<10){
+            (*offense[ir_num])(&vx,&vy,&vk);
+            //vx =25*way10[ir_num][0],vy = 25*way10[ir_num][1];
+        }else{
+            clockL = 00.0;
+            back_home(&x,&y);
+        }
+        */
+        /*
+        line_check(line);
+        line_state(&vx,&vy,line);
+        vs = compassPID;
+        move(vx,vy,vs,vk);
+        //lcd.printf("%0.2lf clock\n\n",clockL);
+        //pc.printf("compassPID:%d\t compass:%d\n",s,compass);
+        //pc.printf("%lf  %lf\n",x,y);
+        //pc.printf("compass: %d\n",compass);
+        //pc.printf("ping0:%d\tping1:%d\tping2:%d\tping3:%d\n",ping[0],ping[1],ping[2],ping[3]);
+        //pc.printf("ir_min:%d\tir_num:%d\tir_main:%d\n",ir_min,ir_num,ir_main);
+        //pc.printf("line0:%d\tline1:%d\tline2:%d\tline3:%d\n",adcline[0].read_u16(),adcline[1].read_u16(),adcline[2].read_u16(),adcline[3].read_u16());
+    }*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 usart.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usart.cpp	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#define KEYCODE 0xAA
+#define TX_CHECKCODE (tx_data[1]^tx_data[2]^tx_data[3]^tx_data[4]^tx_data[5]^tx_data[6]^tx_data[7]^tx_data[8]^tx_data[9])
+#define RX_CHECKCODE (rx_data[1]^rx_data[2]^rx_data[3]^rx_data[4]^rx_data[5]^rx_data[6]^rx_data[7]^rx_data[8]^rx_data[9])
+#define DATA_NUM 11
+#define CHECK (DATA_NUM - 1)
+extern Serial sensor;
+extern Serial xbee;
+extern Serial pc;
+extern uint8_t ping[4];
+extern uint8_t ir_min;
+extern uint8_t ir_num;
+extern uint8_t ir_main;
+extern unsigned int compass;
+int count;
+void xbee_tx(){
+    xbee.putc(1);
+void xbee_rx(){
+    if(xbee.readable()){
+        count = xbee.getc();
+    } else {
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    //pc.printf("%d\n", count);
+void micon_rx(){
+    static uint8_t rx;
+    static int rx_data[DATA_NUM];
+    rx_data[rx] = sensor.getc();
+    if(rx_data[0] == KEYCODE){
+        rx++;
+    }
+    if(rx >= DATA_NUM){
+        if(rx_data[CHECK] == RX_CHECKCODE){
+            ir_min = rx_data[1];
+            ir_num = rx_data[2];
+            ping[FRONT] = rx_data[3];
+            ping[LEFT] = rx_data[4];
+            ping[BACK] = rx_data[5];
+            ping[RIGHT] = rx_data[6];
+            compass = rx_data[7] + rx_data[8];
+            ir_main = rx_data[9];
+            //pc.printf("compass: %d\n",compass);
+            //pc.printf("ping0:%d\tping1:%d\tping2:%d\tping3:%d\n",ping[0],ping[1],ping[2],ping[3]);
+            //pc.printf("ir_min:%d\tir_num:%d\tir_main:%d\n",ir_min,ir_num,ir_main);
+        } 
+     rx = 0;   
+    }
+    //pc.printf("%d\n", rx_data[rx]);
+void micon_tx(){
+    static uint8_t tx;
+    static uint8_t tx_data[DATA_NUM];
+    if(tx >= DATA_NUM){
+        tx_data[0] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[1] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[2] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[3] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[4] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[5] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[6] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[7] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[8] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[9] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[10] = KEYCODE;
+        tx_data[11] = TX_CHECKCODE;
+        tx = 0;
+    }
+    sensor.putc(tx_data[tx]);
+    tx++;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r fb4c529248d7 wordString.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wordString.cpp	Sun Apr 27 02:37:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include <sstream>
+#include "mbed.h"
+string StringFIN;
+using namespace std;
+//extern Serial pc; // tx, rx 
+string IntToString(int number)
+  stringstream ss;
+  ss << number;
+  return ss.str();
+void array(int power1,int power2,int power3,int power4)
+    int input[4] = {power1,power2,power3,power4};
+    int value = 0;
+    string StringA[4] = {"0","0","0","0"};
+    string StringX = "0";
+    string StringY = "0";
+    string StringZ = "0";
+    string String0 = "0";
+    StringFIN = "0";
+    for(uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4; i++){
+        value = input[i];
+        StringX =  IntToString(i+1);
+        if( (value < 0) && (value >= -100) ){
+            StringY = "R";
+            value = abs(value);
+            StringZ = IntToString(value);
+        }else if( (value >= 0) && (value <= 100) ){
+            StringY = "F";
+            StringZ = IntToString(value);
+        }else{
+            value = abs(value);
+            StringY = "F";
+            StringZ = "000";
+        }
+        if(value < 10){
+            String0 = "00";
+            StringZ = String0 + StringZ;
+        }else if(value < 100)
+        {
+            String0 = "0";
+            StringZ = String0 + StringZ;
+        }else{
+        }
+        StringA[i] = (StringX + StringY + StringZ);
+        if(i == 0)StringFIN  = StringA[i];
+        else StringFIN  += StringA[i];
+    }
+    StringFIN += "\r\n";   
\ No newline at end of file