Handles reading and scaling the analog inputs from a simple 2-axis joystick with a pushbutton. Can also attach rise and fall interrupts to the button.

Dependents:   joystickdeneme NOKIA_KOMBAT projekat


Simple library for reading an analog joystick like those found on game console controllers. These joysticks usually also have a pushbutton.


Joystick Library Example

// Joystick Library Example
// Reads the joystick x axis and fades green and red LEDs in response.
// The blue LED is turned on while the pushbutton is pressed.

#include "mbed.h"
#include <Joystick.h>

// target is the KL25Z
#define PIN_JOYX PTB0    // A0
#define PIN_JOYY PTB1    // A1
#define PIN_JOYA PTB2

PwmOut led_R(LED1);
PwmOut led_G(LED2);
PwmOut led_B(LED3);


// call on joystick button release
void jrise(void) {
    led_B = 1.0f;

// call on joystick button press
void jfall(void) {
    led_B = 0.0f;

int main () {
    // setup
    led_R = 1.0f;
    led_G = 1.0f;
    led_B = 1.0f;
    joypos p;    // joystick position
    // attach joystick button interrupts
    float fade = 0.0f;

    // loop
    while (1) {
        p = j.read();
        fade = p.x;
        if (fade > 0.0) {
            led_R = 1.0f;
            led_G = 1.0f - (float)fade;
        } else if (fade < 0.0) {
            led_R = 1.0f + (float)fade;
            led_G = 1.0f;
        } else {
            led_R = 1.0f;
            led_G = 1.0f;

Revisions of Joystick.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
0:13d10cc6a822 2015-08-05 Initial commit of the Joystick library. File  Diff  Annotate