Library for driving the IBT-2 H-bridge motor controller (with BTS 7960 or BTN 7971 half bridges).

IBT 2 Example Code

Table of Contents

  1. Example


IBT2 Library Example

// IBT2 Library Example
// Ramps the IBT-2 output up from 0 to 100% forward, down to 100% reverse,
// and then back to 0 and repeats.
// The target is the FRDM-K64F board. You can hook up the EN lines directly to
// Vcc if you want to, but I have included them here for completeness.
// IBT-2 connections:
//   L_PWM -> PTC10
//   R_PWM -> PTC11
//   L_EN  -> PTB11
//   R_EN  -> PTB10 (or just wire to PTB11)
//   L_IS  -> not used
//   R_IS  -> not used
//   VCC   -> 3.3V
//   GND   -> GND
//   B+    -> Power + (6-28V)
//   B-    -> Power -
//   M+    -> Load +
//   M-    -> Load -

#include "mbed.h"
#include "IBT2.h"

IBT2 ibt(PTC10, PTC11, PTB11, 10000.0);    // L_pwm, R_pwm, en, freq
// manually enable the second enable line (R_EN)
DigitalOut R_en(PTB10);    // only because I used 2 wires

int main()
    // setup
    float speed = 0.0;
    float ds = 0.01;    // start ramping up
    R_en = 1;    // manually enable the R_EN line
    // loop
    while (true) {
        // set up the next speed
        speed += ds;
        if (speed > 1.0f) {
            speed = 1.0;
            ds = -ds;    // stop at 1.0 and begin to ramp down
        } else if (speed < -1.0f) {
            speed = -1.0;
            ds = -ds;    // stop at -1.0 and begin to ramp up

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