I've got some basic filter code setup (but not yet tested).

Dependencies:   BLE_API Queue mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_HeartRate by Bluetooth Low Energy

diff -r 1de72bdab0ef -r 8e2fbe131b53 bdac.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bdac.cpp	Sun Jun 28 03:06:00 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+FILE:  bdac.cpp
+AUTHOR: Patrick S. Hamilton
+REVISED:    5/13/2002
+  ___________________________________________________________________________
+bdac.cpp: Beat Detection And Classification
+Copywrite (C) 2001 Patrick S. Hamilton
+This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along
+with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+You may contact the author by e-mail (pat@eplimited.edu) or postal mail
+(Patrick Hamilton, E.P. Limited, 35 Medford St., Suite 204 Somerville,
+MA 02143 USA).  For updates to this software, please visit our website
+  __________________________________________________________________________
+bdac.cpp contains functions for handling Beat Detection And Classification.
+The primary function calls a qrs detector.  When a beat is detected it waits
+until a sufficient number of samples from the beat have occurred.  When the
+beat is ready, BeatDetectAndClassify passes the beat and the timing
+information on to the functions that actually classify the beat.
+Functions in bdac.cpp require functions in the following files:
+        qrsfilt.cpp
+        qrsdet.cpp
+        classify.cpp
+        rythmchk.cpp
+        noisechk.cpp
+        analbeat.cpp
+        match.cpp
+        postclas.cpp
+ __________________________________________________________________________
+    Revisions:
+        5/13/02:
+            Encapsulated down sampling from input stream to beat template in
+            the function DownSampleBeat.
+            Constants related to time are derived from SAMPLE_RATE in qrsdet
+         and BEAT_SAMPLE_RATE in bcac.h.
+#include "qrsdet.h" // For base SAMPLE_RATE
+#include "bdac.h"
+#define ECG_BUFFER_LENGTH   1000    // Should be long enough for a beat
+                                            // plus extra space to accommodate
+                                            // the maximum detection delay.
+#define BEAT_QUE_LENGTH 10          // Length of que for beats awaiting
+                                            // classification.  Because of
+                                            // detection delays, Multiple beats
+                                            // can occur before there is enough data
+                                            // to classify the first beat in the que.
+// Internal function prototypes.
+void DownSampleBeat(int *beatOut, int *beatIn) ;
+// External function prototypes.
+int QRSDet( int datum, int init ) ;
+int NoiseCheck(int datum, int delay, int RR, int beatBegin, int beatEnd) ;
+int Classify(int *newBeat,int rr, int noiseLevel, int *beatMatch, int *fidAdj, int init) ;
+int GetDominantType(void) ;
+int GetBeatEnd(int type) ;
+int GetBeatBegin(int type) ;
+int gcd(int x, int y) ;
+// Global Variables
+int ECGBuffer[ECG_BUFFER_LENGTH], ECGBufferIndex = 0 ;  // Circular data buffer.
+int BeatBuffer[BEATLGTH] ;
+int BeatQue[BEAT_QUE_LENGTH], BeatQueCount = 0 ;  // Buffer of detection delays.
+int RRCount = 0 ;
+int InitBeatFlag = 1 ;
+    ResetBDAC() resets static variables required for beat detection and
+    classification.
+void ResetBDAC(void)
+    {
+    int dummy ;
+    QRSDet(0,1) ;   // Reset the qrs detector
+    RRCount = 0 ;
+    Classify(BeatBuffer,0,0,&dummy,&dummy,1) ;
+    InitBeatFlag = 1 ;
+   BeatQueCount = 0 ;   // Flush the beat que.
+    }
+    int BeatDetectAndClassify(int ecgSample, int *beatType, *beatMatch) ;
+    BeatDetectAndClassify() implements a beat detector and classifier.
+    ECG samples are passed into BeatDetectAndClassify() one sample at a
+    time.  BeatDetectAndClassify has been designed for a sample rate of
+    200 Hz.  When a beat has been detected and classified the detection
+    delay is returned and the beat classification is returned through the
+    pointer *beatType.  For use in debugging, the number of the template
+   that the beat was matched to is returned in via *beatMatch.
+    BeatDetectAndClassify() returns 0 if no new beat has been detected and
+    classified.  If a beat has been classified, BeatDetectAndClassify returns
+    the number of samples since the approximate location of the R-wave.
+int BeatDetectAndClassify(int ecgSample, int *beatType, int *beatMatch)
+    {
+    int detectDelay, rr, i, j ;
+    int noiseEst = 0, beatBegin, beatEnd ;
+    int domType ;
+    int fidAdj ;
+    // Store new sample in the circular buffer.
+    ECGBuffer[ECGBufferIndex] = ecgSample ;
+    if(++ECGBufferIndex == ECG_BUFFER_LENGTH)
+        ECGBufferIndex = 0 ;
+    // Increment RRInterval count.
+    ++RRCount ;
+    // Increment detection delays for any beats in the que.
+    for(i = 0; i < BeatQueCount; ++i)
+        ++BeatQue[i] ;
+    // Run the sample through the QRS detector.
+    detectDelay = QRSDet(ecgSample,0) ;
+    if(detectDelay != 0)
+        {
+        BeatQue[BeatQueCount] = detectDelay ;
+        ++BeatQueCount ;
+        }
+    // Return if no beat is ready for classification.
+        || (BeatQueCount == 0))
+        {
+        NoiseCheck(ecgSample,0,rr, beatBegin, beatEnd) ;    // Update noise check buffer
+        return 0 ;
+        }
+    // Otherwise classify the beat at the head of the que.
+    rr = RRCount - BeatQue[0] ; // Calculate the R-to-R interval
+    detectDelay = RRCount = BeatQue[0] ;
+    // Estimate low frequency noise in the beat.
+    // Might want to move this into classify().
+    domType = GetDominantType() ;
+    if(domType == -1)
+        {
+        beatBegin = MS250 ;
+        beatEnd = MS300 ;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        beatBegin = (SAMPLE_RATE/BEAT_SAMPLE_RATE)*(FIDMARK-GetBeatBegin(domType)) ;
+        beatEnd = (SAMPLE_RATE/BEAT_SAMPLE_RATE)*(GetBeatEnd(domType)-FIDMARK) ;
+        }
+    noiseEst = NoiseCheck(ecgSample,detectDelay,rr,beatBegin,beatEnd) ;
+    // Copy the beat from the circular buffer to the beat buffer
+    // and reduce the sample rate by averageing pairs of data
+    // points.
+    j = ECGBufferIndex - detectDelay - (SAMPLE_RATE/BEAT_SAMPLE_RATE)*FIDMARK ;
+    if(j < 0) j += ECG_BUFFER_LENGTH ;
+    for(i = 0; i < (SAMPLE_RATE/BEAT_SAMPLE_RATE)*BEATLGTH; ++i)
+        {
+        tempBeat[i] = ECGBuffer[j] ;
+        if(++j == ECG_BUFFER_LENGTH)
+            j = 0 ;
+        }
+    DownSampleBeat(BeatBuffer,tempBeat) ;
+    // Update the QUE.
+    for(i = 0; i < BeatQueCount-1; ++i)
+        BeatQue[i] = BeatQue[i+1] ;
+    --BeatQueCount ;
+    // Skip the first beat.
+    if(InitBeatFlag)
+        {
+        InitBeatFlag = 0 ;
+        *beatType = 13 ;
+        *beatMatch = 0 ;
+        fidAdj = 0 ;
+        }
+    // Classify all other beats.
+    else
+        {
+        *beatType = Classify(BeatBuffer,rr,noiseEst,beatMatch,&fidAdj,0) ;
+      }
+    // Ignore detection if the classifier decides that this
+    // was the trailing edge of a PVC.
+    if(*beatType == 100)
+        {
+        RRCount += rr ;
+        return(0) ;
+        }
+    // Limit the fiducial mark adjustment in case of problems with
+    // beat onset and offset estimation.
+    if(fidAdj > MS80)
+        fidAdj = MS80 ;
+    else if(fidAdj < -MS80)
+        fidAdj = -MS80 ;
+    return(detectDelay-fidAdj) ;
+    }
+void DownSampleBeat(int *beatOut, int *beatIn)
+    {
+    int i ;
+    for(i = 0; i < BEATLGTH; ++i)
+        beatOut[i] = (beatIn[i<<2]+
+                      beatIn[(i<<2)+1]+
+                      beatIn[(i<<2)+2]+
+                      beatIn[(i<<2)+3]
+                      )>>2 ;
+    }
+void DownSampleBeatOld(int *beatOut, int *beatIn)
+    {
+    int i ;
+    for(i = 0; i < BEATLGTH; ++i)
+        beatOut[i] = (beatIn[i<<1]+beatIn[(i<<1)+1])>>1 ;
+    }