CppUTest is a C /C++ based unit xUnit test framework for unit testing and for test-driving your code.


Where to find more information

Getting test reports on the console

You may need to tailor the file src/Platforms/mbed/UtestPlatform.cpp to your needs. In particular, if you want console output, you might want to look at the function PlatformSpecificPutchar().

Quick introduction (some code!)

To write your first test, all you need is a new cpp file with a TEST_GROUP and a TEST, like:

#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"


TEST(FirstTestGroup, FirstTest)
   FAIL("Fail me!");

This test will fail.

You can add new tests to the test group by just writing more tests in the file, like this:

TEST(FirstTestGroup, SecondTest)
   STRCMP_EQUAL("hello", "world");
   LONGS_EQUAL(1, 2);

You do need to trigger the tests from somewhere in your program. It could look something like:

#include "CppUTest/TestRegistry.h"
#include "CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h"

int main(int ac, char** av)
    unsigned failureCount = 0;
        ConsoleTestOutput output;
        CommandLineTestRunner runner(ac, av, &output, TestRegistry::getCurrentRegistry());
        failureCount = runner.runAllTestsMain();

    if (failureCount == 0) {

For more information, We’d recommend to read the manual or, even better, check some existing tests such as SimpleStringTest or (a bit more complicated) MemoryLeakDetectorTest or the mocking tests or just check out the Cheat Sheet.


Rohit Grover

File content as of revision 2:82161d9e7b36:

 * This file can be used to get extra debugging information about memory leaks in your production code.
 * It defines a preprocessor macro for malloc. This will pass additional information to the
 * malloc and this will give the line/file information of the memory leaks in your code.
 * You can use this by including this file to all your production code. When using gcc, you can use
 * the -include file to do this for you.

#include "CppUTestConfig.h"


/* This prevents the declaration from done twice and makes sure the file only #defines malloc, so it can be included anywhere */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

extern void* cpputest_malloc_location(size_t size, const char* file, int line);
extern void* cpputest_calloc_location(size_t count, size_t size, const char* file, int line);
extern void* cpputest_realloc_location(void *, size_t, const char* file, int line);
extern void cpputest_free_location(void* buffer, const char* file, int line);

#ifdef __cplusplus

extern void crash_on_allocation_number(unsigned number);


/* NOTE on strdup!
 * strdup was implemented earlier, however it is *not* an Standard C function but a POSIX function.
 * Because of that, it can lead to portability issues by providing more than is available on the local platform.
 * For that reason, strdup is *not* implemented as a macro. If you still want to use it, an easy implementation would be:
 * size_t length = 1 + strlen(str);
 * char* result = (char*) cpputest_malloc_location(length, file, line);
 * memcpy(result, str, length);
 * return result;

#define malloc(a) cpputest_malloc_location(a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define calloc(a, b) cpputest_calloc_location(a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define realloc(a, b) cpputest_realloc_location(a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free(a) cpputest_free_location(a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
