Versão do protegemed que calcula o tempo em ms da fuga, calcula o numero de onverflow (valores muito baixo) e underflow (valores muito altos). Além disso, calcula um valor médio a partir dos valores capturados e não apenas pela fft.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jul 09 21:16:23 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+    Novo projeto MBED_Tempo
+    Criado para: 
+    - calcular ValorMedio
+    - Calcular Casos de OverFlow (Valores maiores que 4095 do AD)
+    - Calcular Casos de UnderFlow (Valores menores que 0 do AD)
+    - Calcular o tempo em ms de uma fuga.    
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "cmsis_os.h"
+//#include "EthernetIf.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "Settings.h"
+#include "Capture.h"
+#include "Http_post.h"
+#include "CommTCP.h"
+#include "SignalProcessor.h"
+#include "EventDetector.h"
+#include "TelnetServer.h"
+EthernetInterface eth;
+void thread1(void const *args)
+    DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+    int n = 0;
+    //int tatual, tnovo;
+    Capture::Initialize();
+    //Timer t;
+    //t.start();
+    //tatual = 0;
+    while(1)
+    {
+        Capture::Wait();
+        // Calcula o RMS dos 6 canais
+        SignalProcessor::CalculateRMSBulk(rms, mv2, under, over);
+        //printf("Tempo ms %d\n", t.read_ms());
+        //t.reset();
+        //rms[0] = 2050;
+        //rms[1]=rms[2]=rms[3]=rms[4]=rms[5]=2000;
+        for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
+            //printf("Main %d\n", i);
+            EventDetector::get_Detector(i).ProcessEvent(rms[i], mv2[i], under[i], over[i]);
+            //wait_ms(2);
+        }
+        //Thread::yield();
+        /*
+        for(int i =0; i < 6; i++)
+            printf("%5.2f\t", rms[i]);
+        printf("\n");
+        wait(5);
+        */
+        n++;
+        if(n==60)
+        {
+            printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",rms[0],rms[1],rms[2],rms[3],rms[4],rms[5]);
+            led1 = !led1;            
+            n=0;    
+            //t.stop();
+            /*
+            tnovo = t.read_us();            
+            printf("MAIN: The time XXX taken loop %d\n", tnovo - tatual);
+            tatual = tnovo;
+            t.reset();
+            */
+            //Thread::wait(1000); //1000
+            wait(1);
+        }
+    }
+void InitializeEthernetLink()
+    if(Settings::get_Dhcp())
+        eth.init(); //Use DHCP
+    else
+        eth.init(Settings::get_IpAddress(),Settings::get_Netmask(),Settings::get_Gateway());
+    eth.connect();
+    printf("IP Address is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+void InitializeEthernetLink()
+    if(Settings::get_Dhcp())
+        //EthernetIf::Initialize(); //Use DHCP
+        eth.init(); //Use DHCP
+    else
+        //EthernetIf::Initialize(Settings::get_IpAddress(),Settings::get_Netmask(),Settings::get_Gateway());
+        eth.init(Settings::get_IpAddress(),Settings::get_Netmask(),Settings::get_Gateway());
+    //EthernetIf::Connect();
+    eth.connect();
+    //printf("IP Address is %s\n", EthernetIf::get_IpAddress());
+    printf("IP Address is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+int main() {
+    FILE *f;
+    //Set Highest Priority
+    //osThreadSetPriority(osThreadGetId(),osPriorityHigh);
+    Settings::ReadFile();    
+    //printf("Passou Settings, carregou arquivo\n");
+    //Settings::ShowValues();
+    InitializeEthernetLink();
+    //printf("Inicializou link Ethernet\n");
+    //Start HTTP POST service
+    Thread http_post(HttpPost::HttpPost_Thread);
+    //Start TCP daemon service
+    //Thread TcpService(CommTCP::CommTCP_Thread);
+    //Start Telnet Service
+    //Thread telnetserver(TelnetServer::TelnetServer_Thread);
+    //Start TFTP Service
+    /*
+    unsigned short vet[256] = {2105,2105,2113,2127,2127,2125,2112,2113,2130,2130,2123,2112,2112,2128,2128,2123,2112,2113,2136,2136,2374,2551,2671,2869,2887,3036,2964,2964,2964,3145,3145,3206,3209,3298,3298,3264,3261,3208,3239,3239,3197,3197,3113,3032,3065,3065,3000,2901,2943,2943,2900,2852,2844,2863,2863,2838,2764,2791,2724,2724,2668,2710,2636,2658,2658,2606,2527,2443,2434,2434,2258,2066,2061,2080,2080,2063,2055,2055,2070,2070,2064,2051,2054,2069,2069,2062,2054,2058,2066,2309,2062,2052,2054,2067,2067,2063,2051,2049,2068,2068,2060,2053,2050,2067,2066,2069,2051,2053,2070,2070,2064,2050,2053,2070,2070,2062,2052,2055,2068,2068,2065,2052,2057,2072,2072,2064,2054,2054,2072,2072,2064,2053,2052,2069,2069,2064,2052,2053,2064,2064,2062,2049,2051,2067,2067,2059,2051,2050,2068,2068,2058,2046,2050,2068,2068,2061,2052,2058,2068,2068,2059,2052,2053,2067,2067,1744,1526,1471,1289,1289,1137,1142,1055,1120,1120,997,967,894,941,941,928,887,1001,949,949,1028,1105,1079,1191,1191,1223,1211,1223,1267,1267,1325,1267,1356,1327,1327,1369,1439,1381,1498,1498,1503,1503,1527,1545,1545,1635,1650,1778,1792,1792,1971,2108,2109,2126,2126,2124,2117,2118,2131,2131,2126,2118,2118,2138,2138,2134,2124,2114,2135,2135,2129,2121,2120,2136,2136,2128,2122,2122,2143,2120,2130,2120,2121,2139,2139,2130,2119,2121,2136,2136,2129};
+    float sen[12],cos[12],vm;
+    SignalProcessor::CalculateFFT(vet,sen,cos,&vm,1);
+    printf("VM = %f\n",vm);
+    for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
+    {
+        printf("SEN%d = %f, COS%d = %f\n",i,sen[i],i,cos[i]);
+    }
+    */
+    printf("Nova versao [6]\n\n");
+    //Jump to the capture routine(will run on this thread)  
+    thread1(NULL);
+    while(1){//never reaches here  
+        printf("Reset\n");
+        f = fopen(FILENAMERESET, "a");
+        if (f == NULL)            
+            f = fopen(FILENAMERESET, "w");
+        fprintf(f, "Laco Errado\n");
+        fclose(f);
+        Thread::yield();
+    }