A metronome using the FRDM K64F board

diff -r 000000000000 -r a7a43371b306 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun May 14 18:40:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "frdm_client.hpp"
+#include "metronome.hpp"
+#define IOT_ENABLED
+namespace active_low
+  const bool on = false;
+  const bool off = true;
+RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+DigitalOut g_led_red(LED1);
+DigitalOut g_led_green(LED2);
+DigitalOut g_led_blue(LED3);
+InterruptIn g_button_mode(SW3);
+InterruptIn g_button_tap(SW2);
+size_t prev_bpm =0,max_bpm=0, min_bpm=INT_MAX;
+bool min_changed = 0, max_changed =0, bpm_changed =0;
+uint8_t* buffIn = NULL;
+uint32_t sizeIn;
+Semaphore updates(0);
+Ticker status_ticker;
+void blinky(){
+  g_led_green = !g_led_green;
+  }
+metronome metronome_object;
+void metronome::start_timing(){
+      m_timing = true;
+      m_beat_count = 0;
+      m_timer.start();
+  }
+void metronome::stop_timing(){
+      m_timing = false;
+      m_timer.stop();
+    size_t curr_bpm=0;
+      curr_bpm = metronome_object.get_bpm();
+      pc.printf("BPM:- %d",curr_bpm);
+      bpm_changed = 1;
+      if(curr_bpm < min_bpm){
+            min_bpm = curr_bpm;
+            min_changed =1;
+        }
+      if(curr_bpm > max_bpm){
+          max_bpm = curr_bpm;
+          max_changed = 1;
+        }
+      if (curr_bpm == 0){
+          g_led_green = active_low::off;
+        }else{
+          //pc.printf("Blinky Call");
+          size_t tempo = 60/curr_bpm;
+          status_ticker.attach(blinky,tempo);
+          }      
+void metronome::tap(){
+      m_beats[m_beat_count++] = m_timer.read_us();
+      pc.printf("%d\n",m_timer.read_us());
+size_t metronome::get_bpm() const {
+     int i=0;
+     size_t bpm=0;
+     if(m_beat_count < 4){
+         return prev_bpm;
+      }else{          
+            for(i=0;i<m_beat_count-1;i++){
+               bpm = bpm + m_beats[i+1]-m_beats[i];
+              } 
+            bpm = (size_t) bpm/(m_beat_count-1);
+            prev_bpm = (bpm * 0.00006);
+            pc.printf("BPM Calc:- %d",prev_bpm);
+            return prev_bpm;
+        }
+void on_mode()
+  if(metronome_object.is_timing()){
+        //Go to play mode
+        //printf("playmode");
+        g_led_red = active_low::off;
+        g_led_green = active_low::on;
+        metronome_object.stop_timing();
+       //Go to learn mode
+      // printf("learnmode");
+       g_led_green = active_low::off;
+       g_led_red = active_low::on;
+       status_ticker.detach();
+       metronome_object.start_timing();
+      }
+void on_tap()
+    // Receive a tempo tap
+    if(metronome_object.is_timing()){
+          metronome_object.tap();
+      }    
+/*Frequency Class  and related resources*/
+class FreqResource {
+    FreqResource() {
+//        M2MObject* freq_object;
+        freq_object = M2MInterfaceFactory::create_object("3318");
+        M2MObjectInstance* freq_inst = freq_object->create_object_instance();
+// Why is it blinking only 4 time? - Ram
+        // there's not really an execute LWM2M ID that matches... hmm...
+        M2MResource* setValue_res = freq_inst->create_dynamic_resource("5900", "Set Value",
+            M2MResourceInstance::FLOAT, true);
+        // we allow executing a function here...
+        setValue_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_PUT_ALLOWED);
+        //setValue_res->set_value_updated_function(value_updated_callback2(this, &FreqResource::handle_put_bpm));
+        setValue_res->set_execute_function(execute_callback(this, &FreqResource::handle_put_bpm));
+        // Completion of execute function can take a time, that's why delayed response is used
+        setValue_res->set_delayed_response(true);
+        //Max BPM
+         M2MResource* maxBPM_res = freq_inst->create_dynamic_resource("5602", "Max BPM",
+            M2MResourceInstance::FLOAT, true);
+        // we allow executing a function here...
+        maxBPM_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED);
+        // Completion of execute function can take a time, that's why delayed response is used
+       // maxBPM_res->set_delayed_response(true);
+        //Min BPM
+         M2MResource* minBPM_res = freq_inst->create_dynamic_resource("5601", "Min BPM",
+            M2MResourceInstance::FLOAT, true);
+        // we allow executing a function here...
+        minBPM_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED);
+        // Completion of execute function can take a time, that's why delayed response is used
+        //minBPM_res->set_delayed_response(true);
+        //Reset Min/Max
+         M2MResource* resetBPM_res = freq_inst->create_dynamic_resource("5605", "Reset Min/Max BPM",
+            M2MResourceInstance::STRING, true);
+        // we allow executing a function here...
+        resetBPM_res->set_operation(M2MBase::POST_ALLOWED);        
+        resetBPM_res->set_execute_function(execute_callback(this, &FreqResource::handle_reset_minMax_bpm));
+        // Completion of execute function can take a time, that's why delayed response is used
+        resetBPM_res->set_delayed_response(true);
+        //Units
+         M2MResource* unitsBPM_res = freq_inst->create_dynamic_resource("5701", "Units",
+            M2MResourceInstance::STRING, true);
+        // we allow executing a function here...
+        unitsBPM_res->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED);
+        // Completion of execute function can take a time, that's why delayed response is used
+        //unitsBPM_res->set_delayed_response(true);
+        unitsBPM_res->set_value((uint8_t*)"BPM",3);
+    }
+    ~FreqResource() {
+    }
+   void handle_put_bpm(void *argument){
+        status_ticker.detach();
+        M2MObjectInstance* inst = freq_object->object_instance();
+        M2MResource* setValue_res = inst->resource("5900");
+        // values in mbed Client are all buffers, and we need a vector of int's
+        setValue_res->get_value(buffIn, sizeIn);
+        int temp=0;
+            for(int i=0;i<sizeIn;i++){
+            temp=temp*10+(int)buffIn[i]-48;
+            }
+        prev_bpm=temp;
+      if(prev_bpm < min_bpm)
+      {
+            min_bpm = prev_bpm;
+            min_changed =1;
+        }
+      if(prev_bpm > max_bpm)
+      {
+          max_bpm = prev_bpm;
+          max_changed = 1;
+        }
+        size_t tempo = 60/prev_bpm;
+        status_ticker.attach(blinky,tempo);
+        bpm_changed = 1; 
+   }
+   void handle_set_bpm(){
+      M2MObjectInstance* inst = freq_object->object_instance();
+        M2MResource* setValue_res = inst->resource("5900");
+        char buffer[20];
+        int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",prev_bpm);
+        setValue_res->set_value((uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+      }
+    void handle_set_min_bpm(){
+      //Send a notification
+      M2MObjectInstance* inst = freq_object->object_instance();
+        M2MResource* minBPM_res = inst->resource("5601");
+        pc.printf("%d",min_bpm);
+        char buffer[20];
+        int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",min_bpm);
+        minBPM_res->set_value((uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+      }
+    void handle_set_max_bpm(){
+      //Send a notification
+      M2MObjectInstance* inst = freq_object->object_instance();
+        M2MResource* maxBPM_res = inst->resource("5602");
+        char buffer[20];
+        int size = sprintf(buffer,"%d",max_bpm);
+        maxBPM_res->set_value((uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+      }
+    void handle_reset_minMax_bpm(void *argument){
+      //Handle request to reset the min_max values to zero and 1000000 each
+         M2MObjectInstance* inst = freq_object->object_instance();
+         M2MResource* minBPM_res = inst->resource("5601");
+         M2MResource* maxBPM_res = inst->resource("5602");
+               minBPM_res->set_value(0);
+               maxBPM_res->set_value(0);               
+          }       
+    M2MObject* get_object() {
+        return freq_object;
+    }
+    M2MObject* freq_object;
+int main()
+  // Seed the RNG for networking purposes
+    unsigned seed = utils::entropy_seed();
+    srand(seed);
+  // LEDs are active LOW - true/1 means off, false/0 means on
+  // Use the constants for easier reading
+    g_led_red = active_low::off;
+    g_led_green = active_low::off;
+    g_led_blue = active_low::off;
+  // Button falling edge is on push (rising is on release)
+    g_button_mode.fall(&on_mode);
+    g_button_tap.fall(&on_tap);
+  // Turn on the blue LED until connected to the network
+   // g_led_blue = active_low::off;
+  // Need to be connected with Ethernet cable for success
+    EthernetInterface ethernet;
+    if (ethernet.connect() != 0)
+        return 1;
+  // Pair with the device connector
+    frdm_client client("coap://api.connector.mbed.com:5684", &ethernet);
+    if (client.get_state() == frdm_client::state::error)
+        return 1;
+  // The REST endpoints for this device
+  // Add your own M2MObjects to this list with push_back before client.connect()
+    M2MObjectList objects;
+    //Frequency device definition and instance definition
+    FreqResource freq_resource;         
+    M2MDevice* device = frdm_client::make_device();
+    objects.push_back(device);
+    objects.push_back(freq_resource.get_object());
+  // Publish the RESTful endpoints
+    client.connect(objects);
+  // Connect complete; turn off blue LED forever
+    //g_led_blue = active_low::on;
+    while (true)
+    {
+      //updates.wait(25000);
+        if (client.get_state() == frdm_client::state::error)
+            break;
+        // Insert any code that must be run continuously here
+        if(bpm_changed){
+           bpm_changed = 0;
+           freq_resource.handle_set_bpm();
+          }
+        if(min_changed) {
+           min_changed = 0;
+            freq_resource.handle_set_min_bpm();
+        }
+        if(max_changed) {
+           max_changed = 0;
+            freq_resource.handle_set_max_bpm();
+        }
+    }
+    client.disconnect();
+    return 1;