Experimental BLE project showing how IO can be made with an App over BLE. Pointer to matching App will be added when ready, initially this works with: - Android App [nRF-Master Control Panel], supports Write,Read,Notify - Android Project [BluetoothLeGatt]
Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822
Android App
- This is a zip of an Android Studio 1.0.2 App matching mbed code bleIOv04_pr Revision21
- Developed from Android Sample BluetoothLeGatt, but with changes including:
- several bug fixes to the sample (| vs &, starting only one BLE action at a time, etc.)
- Added some custom Characteristics for testing Write, Read, Notify (as the standard characteristics hide so much: HTM,HRM, Battery...)
- Ideas from other projects and web searches
- Custom Characteristics support:
- w8: two seekBar controls PWM for the LEDs (LEDs blink "heartbeat" till first control change)
- r4: Read the two buttons status, and count presses/releases
- n4: Immediately report changes in status of two buttons, and also the MCU Temperature (nRF51822)
- ToDo:
- Lots of "TODO:" in the code.
- Bonding/pairing: Automatically linking to a previously paired device, and not allowing connect without a sequence on the device to put in pairing mode.
- Add Debug by BLE custom characteristic to tab in app, to support platforms without mbed chip that were loaded by FOTA, and allows app+debug whereas BLE UART does not.
- Move the services/characteristics to a diagnostic screen or tab that is normally hidden
- Retrieving logs from Device
- Storing data to file on Android
- matching iPhone App
- more...