Experimental BLE project showing how IO can be made with an App over BLE. Pointer to matching App will be added when ready, initially this works with: - Android App [nRF-Master Control Panel], supports Write,Read,Notify - Android Project [BluetoothLeGatt]

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

This is an experimental project for BLE (Bluetooth LE == Bluetooth Low Energy == Bluetooth Smart).

  • It supports general IO over BLE with Read/Notify/Write support.
  • It is compatible with FOTA using Android App "nRF Master Control Panel" (20150126)
  • IO supported by:
    • Custom Android App is in the WIKI under: Android-App, developed from Android Sample "BluetoothLeGatt"
    • Android App: nRF-MCP (Master Control Panel)
    • iOS App LightBlue.
    • General HRM, HTM, Battery and similar apps should be able to access the matching services.
  • It includes combinations of code from other projects, alternative code included can be tried by moving comments (, //)
  • 20150126 bleIO r25: It compiles for both "Nordic nRF51822" and "Nordic nRF51822 FOTA" platforms
  • 20150126 The matching bleIO App (in wiki) doesn't support FOTA yet, use Android App "nRF Master Control Panel"

Feedback and ideas greatly appreciated!!!

diff -r 5b6fb35b4450 -r 1097d012b01a main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Dec 14 20:22:06 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 14 20:35:15 2014 +0000
@@ -95,8 +95,9 @@
     //BLE_UUID_GATT UUID_GENERIC ATTRIBUTE              //0x1801    //Included by Default, ServiceChanged, 
     GattService::UUID_HEALTH_THERMOMETER_SERVICE,       //0x1809    //HTM (Might need to be first for nRF App)
     GattService::UUID_HEART_RATE_SERVICE,               //0x180D    //HRM, BodyLocation, ControlPoint
-    //GattService::UUID_DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE,       //0x180A    //sManufacturer, sModelNumber, sSerialNumber, sHWver, sFWver, sSWver
-    //GattService::UUID_BATTERY_SERVICE,                  //0x180F    //BatteryLevel
+    GattService::UUID_DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE,       //0x180A    //sManufacturer, sModelNumber, sSerialNumber, sHWver, sFWver, sSWver
+    GattService::UUID_BATTERY_SERVICE,                  //0x180F    //BatteryLevel
+    GattService::UUID_LINK_LOSS_SERVICE,                //0x1803    //LinkLoss
     //x GattService::UUID_DFU,                          //0x1530 - See UARTServiceShortUUID in BLE_API:DFUService.cpp  //
     //x GattService::UARTService,                       //0x0001~0x0003 - See DFUServiceShortUUID  in BLE_API:UARTService.cpp //
@@ -104,7 +105,6 @@
     //GattService::UUID_CURRENT_TIME_SERVICE,           = 0x1805,
     //GattService::UUID_HUMAN_INTERFACE_DEVICE_SERVICE, = 0x1812,
     //GattService::UUID_IMMEDIATE_ALERT_SERVICE,        = 0x1802,
-    //GattService::UUID_LINK_LOSS_SERVICE,              = 0x1803,
     //GattService::UUID_PHONE_ALERT_STATUS_SERVICE,     = 0x180E,
     //GattService::UUID_REFERENCE_TIME_UPDATE_SERVICE,  = 0x1806,
     //GattService::UUID_SCAN_PARAMETERS_SERVICE,        = 0x1813,