
Dependencies:   FreescaleIAP SimpleDMA mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of standaloneworkingi2c_cdms by Team Fox

--- a/Compression.h	Sat Jan 23 12:59:06 2016 +0000
+++ b/Compression.h	Sun Jan 24 09:30:22 2016 +0000
@@ -1,936 +1,572 @@
-int disk_write(const uint8_t *, uint64_t);
-uint64_t  RTC_TIME;                                    //need to  be changed to uint_64
-unsigned char SDcard_lastWritten[512]  = {0};
-namespace Science_TMframe {
-    #define OUTLENGTH 360                                           //length of the output frame after convolution
-    #define SDcard_block 512                                        //block size of the sd card
-    Convolution ConvObj;                                            //object which stores the frame after convolution
-    bool fresh[3] = {true,true,true};                               // True only for the first time                                                                 
-    unsigned char frames[3][134] = {0};                             // "frame" stores the address of the current frame...."first_frame_address" stores the address of the first node made.
-    unsigned int FCN[4] = {0};                                      //frame count number
-    unsigned int data_starting_point[3] = {8,5,10};             
-    unsigned int max_data[3] = {124,127,122};                       //number of bytes in each frame excluding TMID,FCN,first_header_point,crc
-    unsigned char TM_convoluted_data[270] = {0};                    //270 bytes is the size after convolution of 1072 bits
-    unsigned char complete_frame[SDcard_block] = {0};
-    uint64_t  SDC_address = 200;
-    bool SCH_FCCH_FLAG = true;
+unsigned int read_2byte(unsigned char* ptr){
+    unsigned int output = (unsigned int) *(ptr+1);
+    output += ( (unsigned int)(*ptr) ) << 8;
+    return output;
-    void add_SCH_FCCH(){
-        int i = 0;
-        complete_frame[0] = 0x0a;
-        complete_frame[1] = 0x3f;;
-        complete_frame[2] = 0x46;
-        complete_frame[3] = 0xb4;
-        complete_frame[4] = 0x00;
-        for(i = 149 ; i < 159 ; i ++){
-            complete_frame[i] = 0 ; 
+unsigned int read_4byte(unsigned char* ptr){
+    unsigned int output = (unsigned int) *(ptr+3);
+    output += (unsigned int)*(ptr+2)<<8;
+    output += (unsigned int)*(ptr+1)<<16;
+    output += (unsigned int)*(ptr)<<24;
+    return output;
+int adjust(int size, unsigned int data, unsigned char* ptr , int space){
+    space = space&0x0f;
+    data = data&((1<<size)-1);
+    if(space >= size){
+        *ptr += data<<(space-size);
+        if(space - size == 0){
+            return 0x18;
+        }else{
+            return space-size;
-        complete_frame[159] = 0x0a;
-        complete_frame[160] = 0x3f;;
-        complete_frame[161] = 0x46;
-        complete_frame[162] = 0xb4;
-        complete_frame[163] = 0x00;
-        for(i = 308 ; i < 318 ; i ++){
-            complete_frame[i] = 0 ; 
+    }else{
+        ptr[0] += data>>(size-space);
+        ptr[1] = (data<<(8-(size-space)))&0xff ;
+        return 0x10 + 8-(size - space);
+    }
+int compress (int data, int x, int y){  //to be compressed with scheme (msb x)*4^y ;
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < 1<<y ; i++){
+        if(data <= ( (1<<x)-1) * (1<<(2*i)) ){
+            return ( ((data>>i*2)<<y) + i);
+    }
+    if ( data > ( (1<<x)-1) * (1<<(2*((1<<y)-1))) ){
+//      cout <<"compression exception"<<endl;
+        return 0;
+    }
+//variable declerations
+unsigned char srp_mode , at , pzf , ezf ,sfp[65] ,scp[55];; //tells which mode is calibrated or plot 0 for calibrated and 1 for scatterered, below threshold , proton zero flux, electron zero flux.
+unsigned int sfp_bin[52] , scp_bin[52];         //storing the bin values.
+unsigned int sfp_threshold_m0[52] = {8128,8128,8128,8128,8128,8128,8128,8128,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,960,4032,4032,4032,4032,8128,8128,8128,8128,4032,4032,124,124,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,60,252,252,252,252,252}; 
+const unsigned int scp_threshold_m0[52] = {245760,245760,245760,245760,245760,245760,245760,245760,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,49152,114688,114688,114688,114688,245760,245760,245760,245760,114688,114688,4032,4032,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,1984,8128,4032,4032,4032,4032};
+unsigned int scp_threshold_m0_1[9]={114688,245760,245760,245760,245760,114688,114688,65472,65472} ; //for mode callibrated mode
+const unsigned int sfp_threshold_m1[2] ={252,8128},scp_threshold_m1[2]={7680,245760};
+unsigned char frames[3][134] = {0};
+unsigned char position_tm_frame[3] = {8,11,5} , position_tm_starting[3] = {8,11,5}; //{sc,sf-bt,sf-at}
+unsigned char id;   //sf = 0,sc-at = 1,sc-bt = 2;
+unsigned char TM_interleave_data[512] , TM_convoluted_data[270] = {0};
+int proton_scp_sum,electron_scp_sum,length, temp_crc,attitude = 0,FSC_science = 0,debug_cntr = 0, size,space;   
+unsigned char *ptr ,* pointer;
+long long int sci_time = 0x221000000;       //call some function and get the time or get in the starting, what ever akshay says
+    Convolution ConvObj;
+    void convolution (unsigned char * ptr){
+        ConvObj.convolutionEncode(ptr, TM_convoluted_data);
+        ConvObj.convolutionEncode(ptr + 67, TM_convoluted_data + 135);
+    }
+//give the pointer of 6 second data to this function
+void srp(unsigned char * head){
+    sci_time = FCTN_CDMS_RD_RTC();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 52 ; i++){
+        scp_bin[i] = 0;
-    void making_frameHeader(unsigned char  TMID){
-        unsigned char frame_type_identifier = 0;                                                        // not conform about the values , yet to be done    
-        frames[TMID][0] = (frame_type_identifier<<7) + ( (TMID + 1)<<3 ) + ( (FCN[TMID]>>24) & 0x7 );   //frame number should be less than 2^23 since 23 bits are assigned for that
-        frames[TMID][1] = ((FCN[TMID]>>16) & 0xff );
-        frames[TMID][2] = ( (FCN[TMID]>>8 )& 0xff );
-        frames[TMID][3] = ( FCN[TMID] & 0xff      );                                                        // first bit for (frame identifier), next 4 for (TMID) and next 27 for FCN
-        if(TMID == 0){
-            frames[TMID][5] =( (RTC_TIME>>29) & 0xff );
-            frames[TMID][6] =( (RTC_TIME>>21) & 0xff ); 
-            frames[TMID][7] =( (RTC_TIME>>13) & 0xff );
-        }else if(TMID == 2){
-            frames[TMID][5] =( (RTC_TIME>>32) & 0xff );
-            frames[TMID][6] =( (RTC_TIME>>24) & 0xff ); 
-            frames[TMID][7] =( (RTC_TIME>>16) & 0xff );
-            frames[TMID][8] =( (RTC_TIME>>8 ) & 0xff );
-            frames[TMID][9] =( (RTC_TIME    ) & 0xff );
+    ptr = head + 3;
+    srp_mode = head[2]&0x1;
+    at = 0;     //above threshold is false
+    for(int counter = 0 ; counter < 60 ; counter++){
+        pzf = 1;    ezf = 1;
+        if(srp_mode == 0){      //calibrated mode
+            for(int i=0; i<48 ; i++){
+                sfp_bin[i] = read_2byte(ptr + i*2);
+                scp_bin[i] += sfp_bin[i];
+                if(sfp_bin[i]>sfp_threshold_m0[i]){
+                    at = 1;
+                }
+                if(i<17){
+                    if(sfp_bin[i] > 0)
+                        pzf = 0;
+                }
+                else if (i>17 && i < 23){
+                    if(sfp_bin[i]>0)
+                        ezf = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
+                sfp_bin[i+48] = read_4byte( (ptr+96) + 4*i );
+                scp_bin[i+48] += sfp_bin[i+48];
+                if(sfp_bin[i+48]>sfp_threshold_m0[i+48])
+                    at = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(srp_mode == 1){ //scattered mode
+            for(int i = 0; i <32; i++){
+                sfp_bin[i] = read_2byte(ptr+2*i);
+                scp_bin[i] += sfp_bin[i];
+                if(sfp_bin[i] > sfp_threshold_m1[0])
+                    at = 1;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++){
+                sfp_bin[i+32] = read_4byte( (ptr+64) + 4*i );
+                scp_bin[i+32] += sfp_bin[i+32];
+                if(sfp_bin[i+32] > sfp_threshold_m1[1])
+                    at = 1;
+            }
-    }
-    void convolution (unsigned char * ptr){
-        ConvObj.convolutionEncode(ptr , TM_convoluted_data);
-        ConvObj.convolutionEncode(ptr + 67, TM_convoluted_data + 135);
-    }
-    /*
-        @brief : take the address of array of LCR or HCR and stores it into a frame
-        @parameters: type->L or H , deprnding on wheather it is LCR or HCR respectively
-        @return: nothing
-    */
-//  type 2 yet to be done
-    void making_frame(unsigned char TMID ,unsigned char type, unsigned char* pointer){
+        ptr = ptr + 112;
+        for(int i = 0; i<65; i++)
+            sfp[i] = 0;
+        if(srp_mode == 0){      //calibrated mode
+            if(at == 0){
+                pointer = sfp; debug_cntr = 0;
+                space = adjust(4, attitude,pointer,8);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(6, counter,pointer,space);   pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(1, srp_mode,pointer,space);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(1, pzf,pointer,space);   pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(1, ezf,pointer,space);   pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, ((compress(sfp_bin[24+i],7,2))&0x100)>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, ((compress(sfp_bin[24+i],7,2))&0xff) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0 ; i <12 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(6, (compress(sfp_bin[32+i],4,2)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
+                    space = adjust(8, (compress(sfp_bin[44+i],6,2)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, (compress(sfp_bin[48+i],7,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[48+i],7,2) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                space = adjust(8, ((compress(sfp_bin[17],6,2))&0xff) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, ((compress(sfp_bin[23],6,2))&0xff) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                if(pzf == 0){
+                    for(int i = 0; i<2 ; i++){
+                        space = adjust(6, ((compress(sfp_bin[i],5,1))&0xff) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    }
+                    for(int i = 0; i<15 ; i++){
+                        space = adjust(5, ((compress(sfp_bin[i+2],4,1))&0xff) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    }
+                }
+                if(ezf == 0){
+                    for(int i = 0; i <5 ;i++){
+                        space = adjust(7, ((compress(sfp_bin[18+i],6,1))&0xff) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    }
+                }
+            }//below thershold ends here.
-        TMID--;                                          //TMID goes from 1 to 3 , convinient to ue from 0 to 2
-        static int frame_space_number[3] = {0};          //this variable represents the register number of the frame in which LCR or HCR data to be written not including header
-        int  packet_len = 0;
-        int copy_count = 0 ;
-        switch(int(TMID)){
-            case 0:                                     //SCP
-                if(type == 'L'){                        //below threshold
-                    packet_len = 22;   
+            if(at == 1){
+                pointer = sfp + 6; debug_cntr = 6;space = 8;
+                sfp[0] = (sci_time>>27)&0xff;   sfp[1] = (sci_time>>19)&0xff;   sfp[2] = (sci_time>>11)&0xff;   sfp[3] = (sci_time>>3)&0xff;
+                sfp[4] = ((sci_time&0x07)<<5) + ((attitude&0x0f)<<1) + (counter>>5);    
+                sfp[5] = ((counter&0x0f)<<3) + (srp_mode<<2);   
+                sfp[5] += (pzf<<1) + ezf ;
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, (compress(sfp_bin[24+i],7,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, ((compress(sfp_bin[24+i],7,2))&0xff) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
-                else if(type == 'H'){                   //above threshold
-                    packet_len = 26;
+                for(int i = 0 ; i <12 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(6, ((compress(sfp_bin[32+i],3,3))&0xff) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
-                break;
-            case 1:                                     //SFP above threshold
-                packet_len = 35;
-                break;
-            case 2:                                     //SFP  below threshold
-                packet_len = 23;
-                break;  
-        }
-        if(SCH_FCCH_FLAG){
-            add_SCH_FCCH();
-            SCH_FCCH_FLAG = false;
-        }
-        if(fresh[TMID]){
-            //welcome to first frame
-            making_frameHeader(TMID);
-            frames[TMID][4] = 0;
-            fresh[TMID] = false;
-        }
-        while(copy_count < packet_len){                                                                  // 22 bytes is the size of the LCR
-            frames[TMID][ frame_space_number[TMID] + data_starting_point[TMID] ]= *(pointer + copy_count);
-            frame_space_number[TMID]++;                                          
-            copy_count++;
-            if( frame_space_number[TMID] == max_data[TMID] ){                                //frame space number can go from 0 to 126 as data is written from 0+5 to 126+5
-                FCN[TMID]++;
-                // convolution and save frame in the sd card
-                // copying crc in 132 and 133
-                int temp_crc;
-                temp_crc = crc16_gen(frames[TMID],132);
-                frames[TMID][132] = temp_crc>>8;
-                frames[TMID][133] = temp_crc & 0xff;                
-                // xor 
-                for(int j = 0 ; j < 134 ; j++){
- //                   frames[TMID][j] = frames[TMID][j]^exorThisWithTMFrame[j];
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(2, (compress(sfp_bin[44+i],8,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[44+i],8,2) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
-                //convolution and interleaving  
-                convolution(frames[TMID]);
-                interleave(TM_convoluted_data , complete_frame + 5);
-                interleave(TM_convoluted_data+ 135,complete_frame + 164);
-                // writing the SDC_address in a buffer , to store it in SDcard at address 5
-                SDcard_lastWritten[0] = SDC_address>>56;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[1] = (SDC_address>>48)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[2] = (SDC_address>>40)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[3] = (SDC_address>>32)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[4] = (SDC_address>>24)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[5] = (SDC_address>>16)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[6] = (SDC_address>>8)&0xFF;
-                SDcard_lastWritten[7] = (SDC_address)&0xFF;
-                SPI_mutex.lock();
-                disk_write(complete_frame , SDC_address);
-                SPI_mutex.unlock();
-                SDC_address++;
-                //now save to the sd card TM_convoluted_data
-//              std::bitset<8> b;
-//              printf("\nthis is frame %d\n",TMID);                                        //for printing frame 
-//                  for(int j =0; j<134;j++){
-//                  printf(" %d",frames[TMID][j]);
-////                    b =  frames[TMID][j];
-////                    cout<<b;
-//                  }
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, (compress(sfp_bin[48+i],6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[48+i],6,3) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                space = adjust(2, (compress(sfp_bin[17],8,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[17],8,2) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(2, (compress(sfp_bin[23],8,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[23],8,2) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
-                frame_space_number[TMID] = 0;
-                making_frameHeader(TMID);
-                frames[TMID][4]=packet_len - copy_count;
-                //write time  here also
-                continue;
-            }       
-        }
-//      printf("\nthis is frame %d\n",TMID);                                              //for printing frame 
-//      for(int j =0; j<134;j++){
-//          printf(" %d",frames[TMID][j]);
-//      }
-    }   
-namespace Science_Data_Compression{
-    # define PACKET_SEQUENCE_COUNT 1                         //1 byte
-    # define NUM_PROTON_BIN 17                               //2 byte each
-    # define NUM_ELECTRON_BIN 14                             //2 byte each 
-    # define VETO 1                                          //2 byte
-    # define FASTCHAIN 2                                     //4 byte each
-    #define RAW_PACKET_LENGTH 73                             //73 bytes
-//  #define PACKET_SEQ_COUNT 1
-//  #define PROTON_BIN_SIZE 2
-//  #define ELECTRON_BIN_SIZE 2
-//  #define VETO 2
-//  #define FAST_CHAIN 4
-    /*
-    @brief:     read one uint16_t equivalent of first two chars from the stream. short int because 16 bits
-    @param:     pointer to the start of the short int
-    @return:    uint16_t 
-    */
-    unsigned int read_2byte(unsigned char* ptr){
-        unsigned int output = (unsigned int) *(ptr+1);
-        output += ( (unsigned int)(*ptr) ) << 8;
-        return output;
-    }
-    /*
-    @brief:     read one int equivalent of first four chars from the stream.  int because 32 bits
-    @param:     pointer to the start of the short int
-    @return:    unsigned int  
-    */
-    unsigned int read_4byte(unsigned char* ptr){
-        unsigned int output = (unsigned int) *(ptr+3);
-        output += (unsigned int)*(ptr+2)<<8;
-        output += (unsigned int)*(ptr+1)<<16;
-        output += (unsigned int)*(ptr)<<24;
-        return output;
-    }
-    unsigned int SFP_thresholds[35]={0  ,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100};//threashold values 
-    unsigned int SCP_thresholds[35]={0  ,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,500,0  ,0  ,0  };
-    unsigned int SFP_bin[35];
-    unsigned int SCP_bin[35]={0};
-    unsigned char SFP_outputBT[23];                         //BT = below threshold
-    unsigned char SFP_outputAT[35];
-    unsigned char SCP_outputLCR[22];
-    unsigned char SCP_outputHCR[26];
-    //lots of compression functions are listed below
-    unsigned char SFP_compress4_BT(unsigned int input){                                 //for veto
-        int de_4 = 0;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input<= 3){
-        //  DE = 0;
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
+                if(pzf == 0){
+//                  cout<<"proton bins ";
+                    for(int i = 0; i<17 ; i++){
+                        space = adjust(2, ((compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2))>>8) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                        space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+//                      printf("%02X ",compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2));
+                    }
+                }
+                if(ezf == 0){
+//                  cout<<"electron bins ";
+                    for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){
+                        space = adjust(2, ((compress(sfp_bin[18+i],8,2))>>8) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                        space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[18+i],8,2) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+//                      printf("%02X ",compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2));
+                    }
+                }
+//              cout<<debug_cntr<<" "<<(space&0xf)<<endl;
+//              cout<<"packet ";
+//              for(int i = 0; i< 64; i++){
+//                  cout<<bitset<8>(sfp[i]);
+//              }
+//              cout<<"ends"<<endl;
+            }//above threshold ends here.
+        }else if(srp_mode == 1){    //scattered mode
+            if(at == 0){
+                pointer = sfp; debug_cntr = 0;  space = 8;
+                space = adjust(4, attitude,pointer,8);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(6, counter,pointer,space);   pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(1, srp_mode,pointer,space);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
+                    space = adjust(7, compress(sfp_bin[i],6,1) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, (compress(sfp_bin[32+i],7,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[32+i],7,2) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+            if(at == 1){
+                pointer = sfp; debug_cntr = 0;  space = 8;
+                space = adjust(3, sci_time>>32 ,pointer,space); pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, sci_time>>24 ,pointer,space); pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, sci_time>>16 ,pointer,space); pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, sci_time>>8 ,pointer,space);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, sci_time ,pointer,space); pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(4, attitude,pointer,space);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(6, counter,pointer,space);   pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(1, srp_mode,pointer,space);  pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
+                    space = adjust(2, (compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[i],8,2) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(1, (compress(sfp_bin[32+i],6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, compress(sfp_bin[32+i],6,3) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+        }   
+        //science fine packet is complete here.
+        //lets try to make frame now******************************************************************************************************************************
+        if(srp_mode == 0){
+            if(at == 0){
+                id = 1;     length = 241;
+                if(pzf == 0)
+                    length += 87;
+                if(ezf == 0)
+                    length += 35;
+            }else{
+                id = 2;     length = 288;
+                if(pzf == 0)
+                    length += 170;
+                if(ezf == 0)
+                    length += 50;
+            }
-        else if(input <= 12){
-        //  DE = 01;
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;   
-        }
-        else if(input <= 48){
-        //  DE = 10
-            output = 0x2;
-            de_4 = 4;   
-        }
-        else {
-        //  DE = 11
-            output = 0x3;
-            de_4 = 6;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 2;
-        return output;
-    }
-    unsigned char SFP_compress5_BT(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4 = 0;                                   //number by which bin value need to be shifted
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 15){
-//            D = 0 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 60){
-//            D = 1
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
+        else if(srp_mode == 1){
+            if(at == 0){
+                id = 1;     length = 272;
+            }else{
+                id = 2;     length = 408;
+            }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 1;
-        return output;      
-    };
-    unsigned char SFP_compress6_BT(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4 = 0;;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 31){
-//          E = 0 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 124){
-//            E = 1
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 1;
-        return output;
-    };
-    unsigned char SFP_compress7_AT(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4  = 0;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 31){
-//            DE = 00 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 124){
-//            DE = 01 [1]
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 496){
-//            DE = 10 [2]
-            output = 0x2;
-            de_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 1984){
-//           DE = 11 [3]
-            output = 0x3;
-            de_4 = 6;
+        length = (length%8==0)?(length/8):(length/8)+1;
+        for(int j=0 ; j<length ;j++){
+//          printf("%02X",sfp[j]);
+            frames[id][position_tm_frame[id]] = sfp[j];
+            position_tm_frame[id]++;
+            if(position_tm_frame[id] == 132){   //space full in the frame bro
+                pointer = frames[id];
+                if(id == 1){    //below thereshold
+                    space = adjust(1,0,pointer,8);
+                    space = adjust(4,3,pointer,space);
+                    FSC_science = FCTN_SD_MNGR(3);
+                    gPC.printf("SID = 3, FSC = %02X", FSC_science);
+                    frames[id][1] = (FSC_science>>24)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][2] = (FSC_science>>16)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][3] = (FSC_science>>8)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][4] = FSC_science&0xff;
+                    frames[id][6] = (sci_time>>32)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][7] = (sci_time>>24)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][8] = (sci_time>>16)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][9] = (sci_time>>8)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][10] = (sci_time)&0xff;
+                }else if(id == 2){
+                    space = adjust(1,0,pointer,8);
+                    space = adjust(4,2,pointer,space);
+                    FSC_science = FCTN_SD_MNGR(2);
+                    gPC.printf("SID = 2, FSC = %02X", FSC_science);
+                    frames[id][1] = (FSC_science>>16)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][2] = (FSC_science>>8)&0xff;
+                    frames[id][3] = FSC_science&0xff;
+                }
+                temp_crc = crc16_gen(frames[id],132);
+                frames[id][132] = temp_crc>>8;
+                frames[id][133] = temp_crc & 0xff;
+                convolution(frames[id]);
+                interleave(TM_convoluted_data,TM_interleave_data);
+                interleave(TM_convoluted_data+ 135,TM_interleave_data + 144);
+                if(id == 1)
+                    SD_WRITE(TM_interleave_data,FSC_science,3);
+                else if (id == 2)
+                    SD_WRITE(TM_interleave_data,FSC_science,2);
+                position_tm_frame[id] = position_tm_starting[id];
+                frames[id][6-id] = (length-1) - j;      // first head pointer.
+            }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 2;
-        return output;
-    };
-    unsigned char SFP_compress8_AT(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4 = 0;;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 63){
-//            DE = 00 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 252){
-//            DE = 01 [1]
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 1008){
-//            DE = 10 [2]
-            output = 0x2;
-            de_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else {
-//           DE = 11 [3]
-            output = 0x3;
-            de_4 = 6;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 2;
-        return output;
-    };
-    unsigned char SFP_compress5_AT(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4 = 0;;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 3){
-//            DE = 000 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 12){
-//            DE = 001 [1]
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 48){
-//            DE = 010 [2]
-            output = 0x2;
-            de_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 192) {
-//           DE = 011 [3]
-            output = 0x3;
-            de_4 = 6;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 768) {
-//           DE = 100 [4]
-            output = 0x4;
-            de_4 = 8;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 3072) {
-//           DE = 101 [5]
-            output = 0x5;
-            de_4 = 10;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 12288) {
-//           DE = 110 [6]
-            output = 0x6;
-            de_4 = 12;
-        }
-        else  {
-//          DE = 111 [7]
-            output = 0x7;
-            de_4 = 14;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 3;
-        return output;
-    }
-    unsigned char SFP_compress7FC_AT(unsigned int input){                   // for fast chain above threshold
-        int de_4 = 0;;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 15){
-//            DE = 000 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 60){
-//            DE = 001 [1]
-            output = 0x1;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 240){
-//            DE = 010 [2]
-            output = 0x2;
-            de_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 960) {
-//           DE = 011 [3]
-            output = 0x3;
-            de_4 = 6;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 3840) {
-//           DE = 100 [4]
-            output = 0x4;
-            de_4 = 8;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 15360) {
-//           DE = 101 [5]
-            output = 0x5;
-            de_4 = 10;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 61440) {
-//           DE = 110 [6]
-            output = 0x6;
-            de_4 = 12;
-        }
-        else  {
-//          DE = 111 [7]
-            output = 0x7;
-            de_4 = 14;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp ) << 3;
-        return output;
-    }
+    }//for loop bracket which runs 60 times
-    //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-    unsigned char SCP_compress6(unsigned int input){
-        int ef_4;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 15){
-//      EF = 00
-        output = 0x0;
-        ef_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 60 ){
-//          EF = 01 [1]
-            output = 0x01;
-            ef_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 240){
-//          EF = 10 [2]
-            output = 0x02;
-            ef_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else{
-//          EF = 11 [3]
-            output = 0x03;
-            ef_4 = 6;
-        }
-            unsigned short int temp = input >> ef_4;
-            output += (temp & 0xf) << 2;
-            return output;
-    }
-    unsigned char SCP_compress5(unsigned int input){
-        int de_4 = 0;;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 7){
-//            DE = 00 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            de_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 28){
-//            DE = 01 [1]
-            output = 0x01;
-            de_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 112){
-//            DE = 10 [2]
-            output = 0x02;
-            de_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else{
-//        DE = 11 [3]
-            output = 0x03;
-            de_4 = 6;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> de_4;
-        output += (temp & 0x7) << 2;
-        return output;
-    }
-        unsigned char SCP_compress6h(unsigned int input) {
-        int ef_4;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <=7){
-//          EF = 000 [0]
-            output = 0x00;
-            ef_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <=28){
-//          EF = 001 [1]
-            output = 0x01;
-            ef_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 112){
-//          EF = 010 [2]
-            output = 0x02;
-            ef_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 448){
-//          EF = 011 [3]
-            output = 0x03;
-            ef_4 = 6;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 1792){
-//          EF = 100 [4]
-            output = 0x04;
-            ef_4 = 8;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 7168){
-//          EF = 101 [5]
-            output = 0x05;
-            ef_4 = 10;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 28672){
-//          EF = 110 [6]
-            output = 0x06;
-            ef_4 = 12;
-        }
-        else{
-//          EF = 111 [7]
-            output = 0x07;
-            ef_4 =14;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> ef_4;
-        output += (temp & 0x7) << 3;
-        return output;
-    }
-    unsigned char SCP_compress7h(unsigned int input) {
-        int fg_4;
-        unsigned char output;
-        if(input <= 15){
-//          EF = 000 [0]
-            output = 0x0;
-            fg_4 = 0;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 60){
-//          EF = 001 [1]
-            output = 0x01;
-            fg_4 = 2;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 240){
-//          EF = 010 [2]                    
-            output = 0x02;
-            fg_4 = 4;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 960){
-//          EF = 011 [3]
-            output = 0x03;
-            fg_4 = 6;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 3840){
-//          EF = 100 [4]
-            output = 0x04;
-            fg_4 = 8;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 15360){
-//          EF = 101 [5]
-            output = 0x05;
-            fg_4 = 10;
-        }
-        else if(input <= 61440){
-//          EF = 110 [6]
-            output = 0x06;
-            fg_4 = 12;
-        }
-        else{
-//          EF = 111 [7]
-            output = 0x07;
-            fg_4 =14;
-        }
-        unsigned short int temp = input >> fg_4;
-        output += (temp & 0xf) << 3;
-        return output;
-    }
-    //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-    void SCP_compress_data();                   
-    void SFP_compress_data(unsigned char* input){
-            bool LCR = true;
-            int i = 0;
-            static int packet_no = 0;                       //takes value from 0 to 29
-            //TRAVERSE THE LIST TO DETERMINE LCR OR HCR and stroing the values in proton_bin and electron bin
-            SFP_bin[0] = *input;
-            for(i=1 ; i<= NUM_PROTON_BIN + NUM_ELECTRON_BIN + VETO ; ++i){          //storing the bin values into an array name bin
-                SFP_bin[i]=read_2byte(input+1+((i-1)<<1));                             //proton bin and elecron bin are 2 byte, hence read_2byte and 
-                SCP_bin[i]+=SFP_bin[i];
-                if(SFP_bin[i] > SFP_thresholds[i]){                                         //fast cahin is 4 byte hence read_4byte
-                    LCR = false;                                                    // if a single value is above threshold then lcr becomes false
-                    i++;
+    //---------------below is scp --------------**************************************************************************************************
+    at = 0;     pzf = 1;    ezf = 1;
+    srp_mode = head[2]&0x1;
+    unsigned char compression_option = (head[2]>>1)&0x3;    //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if(srp_mode ==0){
+        if(compression_option == 0){
+            for(int i=0; i<52 ;i++){
+                if(scp_bin[i] > scp_threshold_m0[i]){
+                    at = 1;
-            for( ; i<= NUM_PROTON_BIN + NUM_ELECTRON_BIN + VETO ; ++i){
-                SCP_bin[i]+=SFP_bin[i];
-                SFP_bin[i] = read_2byte(input + 1 + ( (i-1)<<1) );
-            }
-            SFP_bin[i] = read_4byte(input+1+ ((i-1)<<1))    ;
-            SCP_bin[i]+=SFP_bin[i];
-            if(SFP_bin[i]>SFP_thresholds[i])
-                LCR = false;                                                    //since veto starts from location (input + 65) and (input + 69)
-            SFP_bin[i+1] = read_4byte(input+69);
-            SCP_bin[i]+=SFP_bin[i];
-            if(SFP_bin[i]>SFP_thresholds[i])
-                LCR = false;
-//          printf("\n");                       //for printing the sfp bin
-//          for (i=0;i<35;i++){
-//              printf("sfp[%d] = %d",i,SFP_bin[i]);
-//          }
-//          printf("\n");
-            if(LCR){   
-                 SFP_outputBT[0]  =  (packet_no<<3) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[1])>>2 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[1]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[1])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[2])<<1 ) +   ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[3])>>4 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[2]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[3])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[4])>>1 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[3]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[4])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[5])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[6])>>3 );            
-                 SFP_outputBT[4]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[6])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[7]) );
-                 SFP_outputBT[5]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[8])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[9])>>2 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[6]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[9])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[10])<<1 ) +  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[11])>>4 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[7]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[11])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[12])>>1 );            
-                 SFP_outputBT[8]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[12])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[13])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[14])>>3 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[9]  =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[14])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[15]) );
-                 SFP_outputBT[10] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[16])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[17])>>2 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[11] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[17])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress6_BT(SFP_bin[18]) );
-                 SFP_outputBT[12] =  ( SFP_compress6_BT(SFP_bin[19])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress6_BT(SFP_bin[20])>>4 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[13] =  ( SFP_compress6_BT(SFP_bin[20])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[21])>>1 );        
-                 SFP_outputBT[14] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[21])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[22])<<2 )  + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[23])>>3 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[15] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[23])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[24]) );
-                 SFP_outputBT[16] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[25])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[26])>>2 );
-                 SFP_outputBT[17] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[26])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[27])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[28])>>4);
-                 SFP_outputBT[18] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[28])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[29])>>1) ;
-                 SFP_outputBT[19] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[29])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[30])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[31])>>3)  ; 
-                 SFP_outputBT[20] =  ( SFP_compress5_BT(SFP_bin[31])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress4_BT(SFP_bin[32])<<1)  + ( SCP_compress5(SFP_bin[33])>>4 ) ; //
-                 SFP_outputBT[21] =  ( SCP_compress5(SFP_bin[33])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SFP_bin[34])>>1 );        //here intentionally SCP_compress is used instead of SCP_compress5 is different than SFP_compress5
-                 SFP_outputBT[22] =  ( SCP_compress5(SFP_bin[34])<<7 );                                             //7 bits are spare
-                 Science_TMframe::making_frame(3,'L',SFP_outputBT);
-                 if(++packet_no == 30){
-                    packet_no=0;
-                    SCP_compress_data();
-                        if(packet_no==0){
-                            SCP_bin[i]=0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                 }
+        }
+        else if(compression_option == 1){
+            if(scp_bin[44] > scp_threshold_m0_1[0]) at=1;
+            for(int i=0; i<4 ;i++){
+                if(scp_bin[48+i] > scp_threshold_m0_1[i+1]){
+                    at = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
-            else {
-                SFP_outputAT[0]  = (RTC_TIME>>27)&(0xff);
-                SFP_outputAT[1]  = (RTC_TIME>>19)&(0xff);
-                SFP_outputAT[2]  = (RTC_TIME>>11)&(0xff);
-                SFP_outputAT[3]  = (RTC_TIME>>3 )&(0xff);
-                SFP_outputAT[4]  = (RTC_TIME<<5 )&(0xff) + (packet_no);
-                SFP_outputAT[5]  = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[1])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[2])>>6 );
-                SFP_outputAT[6]  = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[2])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[3])>>5 );
-                SFP_outputAT[7]  = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[3])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[4])>>4 );
-                SFP_outputAT[8]  = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[4])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[5])>>3 );
-                SFP_outputAT[9]  = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[5])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[6])>>2 );
-                SFP_outputAT[10] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[6])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[7])>>1 );
-                SFP_outputAT[11] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[7])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[8]) );
-                SFP_outputAT[12] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[9])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[10])>>6);
-                SFP_outputAT[13] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[10])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[11])>>5);
-                SFP_outputAT[14] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[11])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[12])>>4);
-                SFP_outputAT[15] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[12])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[13])>>3);
-                SFP_outputAT[16] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[13])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[14])>>2);
-                SFP_outputAT[17] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[14])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[15])>>1);
-                SFP_outputAT[18] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[15])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[16]));
-                SFP_outputAT[19] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[17])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[18])>>7 );
-                SFP_outputAT[20] = ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[18])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[19])>>7 );
-                SFP_outputAT[21] = ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[19])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[20])>>7 );
-                SFP_outputAT[22] = ( SFP_compress8_AT(SFP_bin[20])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[21])>>6 );
-                SFP_outputAT[23] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[21])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[22])>>5 );
-                SFP_outputAT[24] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[22])<<3 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[23])>>4 );
-                SFP_outputAT[25] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[23])<<4 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[24])>>3 );
-                SFP_outputAT[26] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[24])<<5 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[25])>>2 );
-                SFP_outputAT[27] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[25])<<6 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[26])>>1 );
-                SFP_outputAT[28] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[26])<<7 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[27]) );
-                SFP_outputAT[29] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[28])<<1 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[29])>>6);
-                SFP_outputAT[30] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[29])<<2 ) + ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[30])>>5);
-                SFP_outputAT[31] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[30])<<3 ) +( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[31])>>4);  
-                SFP_outputAT[32] = ( SFP_compress7_AT(SFP_bin[31])<<4 ) +( SFP_compress5_AT(SFP_bin[32])>>1); 
-                SFP_outputAT[33] = ( SFP_compress5_AT(SFP_bin[32])<<7 ) +( SFP_compress7FC_AT(SFP_bin[33])); 
-                SFP_outputAT[34] =  ( SFP_compress7FC_AT(SFP_bin[34])<<1 );                                             // 1 bit is spare          
-                Science_TMframe::making_frame(2,'H',SFP_outputAT);
-                if(++packet_no == 30){
-                    packet_no=0;
-                    SCP_compress_data();
-                        if(packet_no==0){
-                            SCP_bin[i]=0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+            if(scp_bin[17] > scp_threshold_m0_1[5]) at=1;
+            if(scp_bin[23] > scp_threshold_m0_1[6]) at=1;
+            proton_scp_sum = 0; electron_scp_sum = 0;
+            for(int i=0;i<17;i++){
+                proton_scp_sum += scp_bin[i];
-    }
-    brief: takes the  pointer of the raw data string and return the address of the array which stores the address of 30 packets.
-    input: pointer to the raw data.
-    output : void
-    void complete_compression(unsigned char *SRP,uint64_t x){
-        RTC_TIME = x;
-        int i;                  //30 times because 3 second data
-        for(i=0;i<30;i++){
-         SFP_compress_data(SRP + 73*i); 
+            for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
+                electron_scp_sum += scp_bin[18+i];
+            }
+            if(proton_scp_sum > scp_threshold_m0_1[7]) at=1;
+            if(electron_scp_sum > scp_threshold_m0_1[8]) at=1;
-    }
-    /*
-    @brief:     compresses the given input stream and return output packet
-    @param:     pointer to input stream. Input stream always has the fixed size of RAW_PACKET_LENGTH
-    @return:    pointer to output stream. Output stream has the size of 22 or 26 bytes
-    */
-    void SCP_compress_data(){
-        bool LCR = true;
-        int i = 0;
-            if(SCP_bin[i]>SCP_thresholds[i]){
-            LCR = false;
-            break;
+    }else if(srp_mode ==1){
+        for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
+            if(scp_bin[i] > scp_threshold_m1[0]){
+                at = 1;
+                break;
-//      printf("\n");                    //for printing the scp bin
-//          for (i=0;i<35;i++){
-//              printf(" scp[%d] = %d    ",i,SCP_bin[i]);
-//          }
-//          printf("\n");         
-        // compressing the data
-        if(LCR){   
-             SCP_outputLCR[0] = (RTC_TIME>>5)&(0xff);                //first 13 bits for time tagging
-             SCP_outputLCR[1] = (RTC_TIME<<3)&(0xff);                //then 4 bits for attitude tag
-             SCP_outputLCR[2] = 0x00;                                //only attitude tag is left
-             SCP_outputLCR[2] += ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[0])<<1 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[1])>>4 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[3] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[1])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[2])>>1 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[4] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[2])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[3])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[4])>>3 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[5] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[4])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[5]) );            
-             SCP_outputLCR[6] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[6])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[7])>>2 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[7] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[7])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[8])<<1 ) +  ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[9])>>4 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[8] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[9])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[10])>>1 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[9] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[10])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[11])<<2) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[12])>>3 );            
-             SCP_outputLCR[10] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[12])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[13]) );
-             SCP_outputLCR[11] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[14])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[15])>>2 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[12] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[15])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[16])<<1) +  ( SCP_compress6(SCP_bin[17])>>5 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[13] = ( SCP_compress6(SCP_bin[17])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress6(SCP_bin[18])>>3 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[14] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[18])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress6(SCP_bin[19])>>1 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[15] = ( SCP_compress6(SCP_bin[19])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[20])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[21])>>3 );          
-             SCP_outputLCR[16] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[21])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[22]) );
-             SCP_outputLCR[17] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[23])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[24])>>2 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[18] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[24])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[25])<<1) +  ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[26])>>4 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[19] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[26])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[27])>>1 );
-             SCP_outputLCR[20] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[27])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[28])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[29])>>3 ); 
-             SCP_outputLCR[21] = ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[29])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress5(SCP_bin[30]) );
-             Science_TMframe::making_frame(1,'L',SCP_outputLCR);
-        }
-        else{
-            SCP_outputLCR[0] = (RTC_TIME>>5)&(0xff);                //first 13 bits for time tagging
-            SCP_outputLCR[1] = (RTC_TIME<<3)&(0xff);
-            SCP_outputHCR[2] = 0x40;
-            SCP_outputHCR[2] += ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[0])<<6 ) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[3] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[1])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[2])>>4) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[4] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[2])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[3])>>2) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[5] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[3])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[4])) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[6] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[5])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[6])>>4) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[7] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[6])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[7])>>2) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[8] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[7])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[8])) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[9] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[9])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[10])>>4) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[10] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[10])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[11])>>2);
-            SCP_outputHCR[11] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[11])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[12])) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[12] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[13])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[14])>>4)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[13] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[14])<<4 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[15])>>2)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[14] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[15])<<6 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[16]))     ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[15] = ( SCP_compress7h(SCP_bin[17])<<1 ) + ( SCP_compress7h(SCP_bin[18])>>6)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[16] = ( SCP_compress7h(SCP_bin[18])<<2 ) + ( SCP_compress7h(SCP_bin[19])>>5)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[17] = ( SCP_compress7h(SCP_bin[19])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[20])>>3)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[18] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[20])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[21])>>1)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[19] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[21])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[22])<<1) +  ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[23])>>5) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[20] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[23])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[24])>>3)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[21] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[24])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[25])>>1)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[22] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[25])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[26])<<1) +  ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[27])>>5) ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[23] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[27])<<3 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[28])>>3)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[24] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[28])<<5 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[29])>>1)  ;
-            SCP_outputHCR[25] = ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[29])<<7 ) + ( SCP_compress6h(SCP_bin[30])<<1)  ; //last bit is empty
-        /*  for (i=0;i<26;i++){
-                printf("\nscp[%d] = %d",i,SCP_outputHCR[i]);
-            }*/
-            Science_TMframe::making_frame(1,'H',SCP_outputHCR);
+        for(int i=32; i<36; i++){
+            if(scp_bin[i] > scp_threshold_m1[1]){
+                at = 1;
+                break;
+            }
\ No newline at end of file
+    for(int i=0; i<17 ;i++){
+        if(scp_bin[i]>0)
+            pzf = 0;
+    }
+    for(int i=18; i<23 ;i++){
+        if(scp_bin[i]>0)
+            ezf = 0;
+    }
+    pointer = scp;      debug_cntr = 0;     space = 8;
+    unsigned char packet_pp = 1;    //where to get this packet present bit----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    int sfp_at_counter; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    space = adjust(1, packet_pp,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(5, (sci_time>>8)&0x1f,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(8, (sci_time)&0xff,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(4, (attitude)&0xf,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(2, compression_option,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(1,srp_mode,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(1,srp_mode,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(8, sfp_at_counter>>16,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(8, sfp_at_counter>>8,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    space = adjust(8, sfp_at_counter,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+    if(srp_mode == 0 && compression_option == 0){       //normal callibrated mode
+        space = adjust(1, pzf,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+        space = adjust(1, ezf,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+        if(at == 0 ){
+            for(int i = 0; i<8 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(7,compress(sfp_bin[24+i],4,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i<12 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(5,compress(sfp_bin[32+i],2,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i<4 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(6,compress(scp_bin[44+i],3,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i<4 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(7,compress(scp_bin[48+i],4,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            space = adjust(6,compress(scp_bin[17],3,3) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(6,compress(scp_bin[23],3,3),pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            if(pzf == 0){
+                for(int i = 0; i<2 ;i++){
+                    space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[i],6,2) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                for(int i = 0; i<15 ;i++){
+                    space = adjust(7,compress(scp_bin[i+2],5,2) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+            if(ezf == 0){
+                space = adjust(1,compress(scp_bin[18],7,2)>>8 ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[18],7,2) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
+                    space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[19+i],6,2) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+        }// below threshold ends here
+        if(at == 1){
+            for(int i = 0; i<8 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(7,compress(scp_bin[24+i],4,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i<12 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(5,compress(scp_bin[32+i],2,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0; i<4 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(1,compress(scp_bin[44+i],6,3)>>8 ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[44+i],6,3) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i=0; i<4 ;i++){
+                space = adjust(2,compress(scp_bin[48+i],6,4)>>8 ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[48+i],6,4) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            space = adjust(1,compress(scp_bin[17],6,3)>>8 ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[17],6,3),pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(1,compress(scp_bin[23],6,3)>>8,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(8,compress(scp_bin[23],6,3),pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            if(pzf == 0){
+                for(int i = 0; i<17 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[i],5,3)) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+            if(ezf == 0){
+                for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){
+                    space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[18+i],5,3)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }
+        }   //above thresholds ends
+    }   //srp_mode == 0 ends
+    if(srp_mode == 1){
+        if(at == 0){
+            for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
+                space = adjust(6, ((compress(scp_bin[i],4,2))&0xff) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                space = adjust(7, (compress(scp_bin[32+i],4,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+        }
+        if(at == 1){
+            for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
+                space = adjust(6, (compress(scp_bin[i],3,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
+                space = adjust(4, (compress(scp_bin[32+i],9,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[32+i],9,3)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+        }
+    }// scp mode 1 end
+    if( srp_mode == 0 && compression_option == 1 ){ //scp data conservation mode
+        space = adjust(1, pzf,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+        space = adjust(1, ezf,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+        if(at == 0){
+            if(at == 0){
+                space = adjust(6, (compress(scp_bin[44],3,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
+                    space = adjust(7, (compress(scp_bin[48+i],4,3)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                space = adjust(6, (compress(scp_bin[17],3,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(6, (compress(scp_bin[23],3,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                if(pzf==0){
+                    space = adjust(2, (compress(proton_scp_sum,10,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, (compress(proton_scp_sum,10,2)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+                if(ezf==0){
+                    space = adjust(2, (compress(electron_scp_sum,10,2))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                    space = adjust(8, (compress(electron_scp_sum,10,2)) ,pointer,space);    pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                }
+            }   // scp data conservaton mode 
+        }else if(at == 1){
+            space = adjust(1, (compress(scp_bin[44],6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[44],6,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
+                space = adjust(4, (compress(scp_bin[48+i],9,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[48+i],9,3)) ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            space = adjust(1, (compress(scp_bin[17],6,3)>>8) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[17],6,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(1, (compress(scp_bin[23],6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            space = adjust(8, (compress(scp_bin[23],6,3)) ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            if(pzf==0){
+                space = adjust(1, (compress(proton_scp_sum,6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);        pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, (compress(proton_scp_sum,6,3)) ,pointer,space);       pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+            if(ezf==0){
+                space = adjust(1, (compress(electron_scp_sum,6,3))>>8 ,pointer,space);      pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+                space = adjust(8, (compress(electron_scp_sum,6,3)) ,pointer,space);     pointer += space>>4;    debug_cntr += space>>4;
+            }
+        }
+    }//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //time to make scp frame
+    id = 0;
+    if(srp_mode == 0 && compression_option == 0){
+        if(at == 0){
+            length = 228;
+            if(pzf == 0)
+                length += 121;
+            if(ezf == 0)
+                length +=41;
+        }else if(at == 1){
+            length = 266;
+            if(pzf == 0)
+                length += 136;
+            if(ezf == 0)
+                length += 40;
+        }
+    }else if(srp_mode == 0 && compression_option == 1){     //data conservation mode
+        if(at == 0){
+            length = 94;
+            if(pzf == 0)
+                length += 12;
+            if(ezf == 0)
+                length += 12;
+        }else if(at == 1){
+            length = 123;
+            if(pzf == 0)
+                length += 9;
+            if(ezf == 0)
+                length += 9;
+        }
+    }else if( srp_mode == 1){
+        if(at == 0)
+            length = 272;
+        else if(at == 1)
+            length = 288;
+    }
+    length = (length%8==0)?(length/8):(length/8)+1;
+    for(int j= 0; j < length ; j++){
+        frames[id][position_tm_frame[id]] = scp[j];
+            position_tm_frame[id]++;
+            if(position_tm_frame[id] == 132){   //space full in the frame bro
+                pointer = frames[id];
+                space = adjust(1,0,pointer,8);
+                space = adjust(4,1,pointer,space);
+                FSC_science = FCTN_SD_MNGR(1);
+                gPC.printf("SID = 1, FSC = %02X", FSC_science);
+                frames[id][1] = (FSC_science>>16)&0xff;
+                frames[id][2] = (FSC_science>>8)&0xff;
+                frames[id][3] = (FSC_science)&0xff;
+                frames[id][5] = (sci_time>>16)&0x3f;
+                frames[id][6] = (sci_time>>8)&0xff;
+                frames[id][7] = (sci_time)&0xff;
+                temp_crc = crc16_gen(frames[id],132);
+                frames[id][132] = temp_crc>>8;
+                frames[id][133] = temp_crc & 0xff;
+                convolution(frames[id]);
+                interleave(TM_convoluted_data,TM_interleave_data);
+                interleave(TM_convoluted_data+ 135,TM_interleave_data + 144);
+                SD_WRITE(TM_interleave_data,FSC_science,1);
+                position_tm_frame[id] = position_tm_starting[id];
+                frames[id][4] = (length-1) - j;
+            }
+    }
+}//srp fucntion end bracket
\ No newline at end of file