
Fork of SevenSegLed by suu pen

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/types.h	Sun Nov 20 00:22:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* File Information                                                           */
+/* Name       : types.h                                                       */
+/* Type       : C Programming Language Header                                 */
+#ifndef __TYPES_H__
+#define __TYPES_H__
+#include "stdint.h"
+typedef char                    int8_t;
+typedef unsigned    char        uint8_t;
+typedef signed      short       int16_t;
+typedef unsigned    short       uint16_t;
+typedef signed      int         int32_t;
+typedef unsigned    int         uint32_t;
+typedef signed      long long   int64_t;
+typedef unsigned    long long   uint64_t;
+//typedef bool                bool_t;
+typedef enum{TRUE, FALSE} bool_t;
+//    byte bit access
+typedef union{                    //    BYTE/NIBBLE/BIT access
+    uint8_t byte;                //    Byte access
+    struct{                        //    Nibble access
+        uint8_t lo : 4;        //        lower(Bit0 - 3)
+        uint8_t hi : 4;        //        upper(Bit4 - 7)
+    }nibble;
+    struct{                        //    Bit access
+        uint8_t b0 : 1;        //        Bit0
+        uint8_t b1 : 1;        //        Bit1
+        uint8_t b2 : 1;        //        Bit2
+        uint8_t b3 : 1;        //        Bit3
+        uint8_t b4 : 1;        //        Bit4
+        uint8_t b5 : 1;        //        Bit5
+        uint8_t b6 : 1;        //        Bit6
+        uint8_t b7 : 1;        //        Bit7
+    }bits;
+//    word bit access
+typedef union{                    //    WORD/BYTE/NIBBLE/BIT access
+    uint16_t word;                //    Word access
+    struct{                        //    Byte access
+        uint8_t b0;            //        upper byte
+        uint8_t b1;            //        lower byte
+    }byte;
+    struct    {                    //    Nibble access
+        uint8_t n0 : 4;        //        lower byte low(Bit 0 -  3)
+        uint8_t n1 : 4;        //        lower byte up (Bit 4 -  7)
+        uint8_t n2 : 4;        //        upper byte low(Bit 8 - 11)
+        uint8_t n3 : 4;        //        upper byte up (Bit12 - 15)
+    }nibble;
+    struct{                        //    Bit acces
+        uint8_t b0 : 1;        //        Bit0
+        uint8_t b1 : 1;        //        Bit1
+        uint8_t b2 : 1;        //        Bit2
+        uint8_t b3 : 1;        //        Bit3
+        uint8_t b4 : 1;        //        Bit4
+        uint8_t b5 : 1;        //        Bit5
+        uint8_t b6 : 1;        //        Bit6
+        uint8_t b7 : 1;        //        Bit7
+        uint8_t b8 : 1;        //        Bit8
+        uint8_t b9 : 1;        //        Bit9
+        uint8_t b10: 1;        //        Bit10
+        uint8_t b11: 1;        //        Bit11
+        uint8_t b12: 1;        //        Bit12
+        uint8_t b13: 1;        //        Bit13
+        uint8_t b14: 1;        //        Bit14
+        uint8_t b15: 1;        //        Bit15
+    }bits;
+//    ascii code
+#define Z_NUL (0x00)
+#define Z_SOH (0x01)
+#define Z_STX (0x02)
+#define Z_ETX (0x03)
+#define Z_EOT (0x04)
+#define Z_ENQ (0x05)
+#define Z_ACK (0x06)
+#define Z_BEL (0x07)
+#define Z_BS  (0x08)
+#define Z_HT  (0x09)
+#define Z_LF  (0x0A)
+#define Z_HM  (0x0B)
+#define Z_FF  (0x0C)
+#define Z_CR  (0x0D)
+#define Z_SO  (0x0E)
+#define Z_SI  (0x0F)
+#define Z_DLE (0x10)
+#define Z_DC1 (0x11)
+#define Z_DC2 (0x12)
+#define Z_DC3 (0x13)
+#define Z_DC4 (0x14)
+#define Z_NAK (0x15)
+#define Z_SYN (0x16)
+#define Z_ETB (0x17)
+#endif    /* __TYPES_H__*/
\ No newline at end of file