Example project

Dependencies:   PM2_Libary Eigen

--- a/Motion.cpp	Wed May 11 09:44:25 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
- * Motion.cpp
- * Copyright (c) 2022, ZHAW
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#include <cmath>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "Motion.h"
-using namespace std;
-const float Motion::DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1.0f;       // default value for limits
-const float Motion::MINIMUM_LIMIT = 1.0e-9f;    // smallest value allowed for limits
- * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object.
- * The values for position, velocity and acceleration are set to 0.
- */
-Motion::Motion() {
-    position = 0.0;
-    velocity = 0.0f;
-    profileVelocity = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
-    profileAcceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
-    profileDeceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
- * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object with given values for position and velocity.
- * @param position the initial position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
- * @param velocity the initial velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
- */
-Motion::Motion(double position, float velocity) {
-    this->position = position;
-    this->velocity = velocity;
-    profileVelocity = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
-    profileAcceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
-    profileDeceleration = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
- * Creates a <code>Motion</code> object with given values for position and velocity.
- * @param motion another <code>Motion</code> object to copy the values from.
- */
-Motion::Motion(const Motion& motion) {
-    position = motion.position;
-    velocity = motion.velocity;
-    profileVelocity = motion.profileVelocity;
-    profileAcceleration = motion.profileAcceleration;
-    profileDeceleration = motion.profileDeceleration;
- * Deletes the Motion object.
- */
-Motion::~Motion() {}
- * Sets the values for position and velocity.
- * @param position the desired position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
- * @param velocity the desired velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
- */
-void Motion::set(double position, float velocity) {
-    this->position = position;
-    this->velocity = velocity;
- * Sets the values for position and velocity.
- * @param motion another <code>Motion</code> object to copy the values from.
- */
-void Motion::set(const Motion& motion) {
-    position = motion.position;
-    velocity = motion.velocity;
- * Sets the position value.
- * @param position the desired position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
- */
-void Motion::setPosition(double position) {
-    this->position = position;
- * Gets the position value.
- * @return the position value of this motion, given in [m] or [rad].
- */
-double Motion::getPosition() {
-    return position;
- * Sets the velocity value.
- * @param velocity the desired velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
- */
-void Motion::setVelocity(float velocity) {
-    this->velocity = velocity;
- * Gets the velocity value.
- * @return the velocity value of this motion, given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
- */
-float Motion::getVelocity() {
-    return velocity;
- * Sets the limit for the velocity value.
- * @param profileVelocity the limit of the velocity.
- */
-void Motion::setProfileVelocity(float profileVelocity) {
-    if (profileVelocity > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileVelocity = profileVelocity; else this->profileVelocity = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
- * Sets the limit for the acceleration value.
- * @param profileAcceleration the limit of the acceleration.
- */
-void Motion::setProfileAcceleration(float profileAcceleration) {
-    if (profileAcceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileAcceleration = profileAcceleration; else this->profileAcceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
- * Sets the limit for the deceleration value.
- * @param profileDeceleration the limit of the deceleration.
- */
-void Motion::setProfileDeceleration(float profileDeceleration) {
-    if (profileDeceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileDeceleration = profileDeceleration; else this->profileDeceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
- * Sets the limits for velocity, acceleration and deceleration values.
- * @param profileVelocity the limit of the velocity.
- * @param profileAcceleration the limit of the acceleration.
- * @param profileDeceleration the limit of the deceleration.
- */
-void Motion::setLimits(float profileVelocity, float profileAcceleration, float profileDeceleration) {
-    if (profileVelocity > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileVelocity = profileVelocity; else this->profileVelocity = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
-    if (profileAcceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileAcceleration = profileAcceleration; else this->profileAcceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
-    if (profileDeceleration > MINIMUM_LIMIT) this->profileDeceleration = profileDeceleration; else this->profileDeceleration = MINIMUM_LIMIT;
- * Gets the time needed to move to a given target position.
- * @param targetPosition the desired target position given in [m] or [rad].
- * @return the time to move to the target position, given in [s].
- */
-float Motion::getTimeToPosition(double targetPosition) {
-    // calculate position, when velocity is reduced to zero
-    double stopPosition = (velocity > 0.0f) ? position+(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f) : position-(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f);
-    if (targetPosition > stopPosition) { // positive velocity required
-        if (velocity > profileVelocity) { // slow down to profile velocity first
-            float t1 = (velocity-profileVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = (float)(targetPosition-stopPosition)/profileVelocity;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            return t1+t2+t3;
-        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to profile velocity
-            float t1 = (profileVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-(velocity+profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
-            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
-                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t1 = (maxVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
-                t2 = 0.0f;
-                t3 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            return t1+t2+t3;
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to profile velocity
-            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t3 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
-            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
-                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t2 = maxVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-                t3 = 0.0f;
-                t4 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            return t1+t2+t3+t4;
-        }
-    } else { // negative velocity required
-        if (velocity < -profileVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) profile velocity first
-            float t1 = (-profileVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = (float)(stopPosition-targetPosition)/profileVelocity;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            return t1+t2+t3;
-        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) profile velocity
-            float t1 = (velocity+profileVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = ((float)(position-targetPosition)+(velocity-profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
-            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
-                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t1 = (velocity-minVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
-                t2 = 0.0f;
-                t3 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            return t1+t2+t3;
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) profile velocity
-            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t3 = (-(float)(targetPosition-position)+velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
-            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
-                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t2 = -minVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-                t3 = 0.0f;
-                t4 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            return t1+t2+t3+t4;
-        }
-    }
- * Increments the current motion towards a given target velocity.
- * @param targetVelocity the desired target velocity given in [m/s] or [rad/s].
- * @param period the time period to increment the motion values for, given in [s].
- */
-void Motion::incrementToVelocity(float targetVelocity, float period) {
-    if (targetVelocity < -profileVelocity) targetVelocity = -profileVelocity;
-    else if (targetVelocity > profileVelocity) targetVelocity = profileVelocity;
-    if (targetVelocity > 0.0f) {
-        if (velocity > targetVelocity) { // slow down to target velocity
-            float t1 = (velocity-targetVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            }
-        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to target velocity
-            float t1 = (targetVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*period;
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            }
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to target velocity
-            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = targetVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (velocity < targetVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) target velocity
-            float t1 = (targetVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            }
-        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) target velocity
-            float t1 = (velocity-targetVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*period;
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            }
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) target velocity
-            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = -targetVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Increments the current motion towards a given target position.
- * @param targetPosition the desired target position given in [m] or [rad].
- * @param period the time period to increment the motion values for, given in [s].
- */
-void Motion::incrementToPosition(double targetPosition, float period) {
-    // calculate position, when velocity is reduced to zero
-    double stopPosition = (velocity > 0.0f) ? position+(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f) : position-(double)(velocity*velocity/profileDeceleration*0.5f);
-    if (targetPosition > stopPosition) { // positive velocity required
-        if (velocity > profileVelocity) { // slow down to profile velocity first
-            float t1 = (velocity-profileVelocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = (float)(targetPosition-stopPosition)/profileVelocity;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t3;
-            }
-        } else if (velocity > 0.0f) { // speed up to profile velocity
-            float t1 = (profileVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-(velocity+profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
-            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
-                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t1 = (maxVelocity-velocity)/profileAcceleration;
-                t2 = 0.0f;
-                t3 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t3;
-            }
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to profile velocity
-            float t1 = -velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t3 = ((float)(targetPosition-position)-velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
-            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
-                float maxVelocity = sqrt((2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t2 = maxVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-                t3 = 0.0f;
-                t4 = maxVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3+t4 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2-t3))*(period-t1-t2-t3));
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2-t3);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t4)*t4);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t4;
-            }
-        }
-    } else { // negative velocity required
-        if (velocity < -profileVelocity) { // slow down to (negative) profile velocity first
-            float t1 = (-profileVelocity-velocity)/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = (float)(stopPosition-targetPosition)/profileVelocity;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t3;
-            }
-        } else if (velocity < 0.0f) { // speed up to (negative) profile velocity
-            float t1 = (velocity+profileVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
-            float t3 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = ((float)(position-targetPosition)+(velocity-profileVelocity)*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*t3;
-            if (t2 < 0.0f) {
-                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileAcceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileDeceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t1 = (velocity-minVelocity)/profileAcceleration;
-                t2 = 0.0f;
-                t3 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2))*(period-t1-t2));
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t2);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t3)*t3);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t3;
-            }
-        } else { // slow down to zero first, and then speed up to (negative) profile velocity
-            float t1 = velocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t2 = profileVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-            float t4 = profileVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            float t3 = (-(float)(targetPosition-position)+velocity*0.5f*t1)/profileVelocity-0.5f*(t2+t4);
-            if (t3 < 0.0f) {
-                float minVelocity = -sqrt((-2.0f*(float)(targetPosition-position)*profileDeceleration+velocity*velocity)*profileAcceleration/(profileAcceleration+profileDeceleration));
-                t2 = -minVelocity/profileAcceleration;
-                t3 = 0.0f;
-                t4 = -minVelocity/profileDeceleration;
-            }
-            if (t1 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*period)*period);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*period;
-            } else if (t1+t2 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*(period-t1))*(period-t1));
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*(period-t1);
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*(period-t1-t2));
-            } else if (t1+t2+t3+t4 > period) {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*(period-t1-t2-t3))*(period-t1-t2-t3));
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*(period-t1-t2-t3);
-            } else {
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileDeceleration*0.5f*t1)*t1);
-                velocity += -profileDeceleration*t1;
-                position += (double)((velocity-profileAcceleration*0.5f*t2)*t2);
-                velocity += -profileAcceleration*t2;
-                position += (double)(velocity*t3);
-                position += (double)((velocity+profileDeceleration*0.5f*t4)*t4);
-                velocity += profileDeceleration*t4;
-            }
-        }
-    }