Example project

Dependencies:   PM2_Libary Eigen

--- a/Controller.h	Wed May 11 09:44:25 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Controller.h
- * Copyright (c) 2022, ZHAW
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef CONTROLLER_H_
-#define CONTROLLER_H_
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <mbed.h>
-#include "EncoderCounterROME2.h"
-#include "Motion.h"
-#include "LowpassFilter.h"
-#include "ThreadFlag.h"
- * This class implements a controller that regulates the
- * speed of the two motors of the ROME2 mobile robot.
- */
-class Controller {
-    public:
-                Controller(PwmOut& pwmLeft, PwmOut& pwmRight, EncoderCounterROME2& counterLeft, EncoderCounterROME2& counterRight);
-        virtual ~Controller();
-        void    setTranslationalVelocity(float velocity);
-        void    setRotationalVelocity(float velocity);
-        float   getActualTranslationalVelocity();
-        float   getActualRotationalVelocity();
-    private:
-        static const unsigned int   STACK_SIZE = 4096;  // stack size of thread, given in [bytes]
-        static const float          PERIOD;             // period of control task, given in [s]
-        static const float  M_PI;                       // the mathematical constant PI
-        static const float  WHEEL_DISTANCE;             // distance between wheels, given in [m]
-        static const float  WHEEL_RADIUS;               // radius of wheels, given in [m]
-        static const float  MAXIMUM_VELOCITY;           // maximum wheel velocity, given in [rpm]
-        static const float  MAXIMUM_ACCELERATION;       // maximum wheel acceleration, given in [rpm/s]
-        static const float  COUNTS_PER_TURN;
-        static const float  LOWPASS_FILTER_FREQUENCY;
-        static const float  KN;
-        static const float  KP;
-        static const float  MAX_VOLTAGE;
-        static const float  MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
-        static const float  MAX_DUTY_CYCLE;
-        PwmOut&             pwmLeft;
-        PwmOut&             pwmRight;
-        EncoderCounterROME2&     counterLeft;
-        EncoderCounterROME2&     counterRight;
-        float               translationalVelocity;
-        float               rotationalVelocity;
-        float               actualTranslationalVelocity;
-        float               actualRotationalVelocity;
-        float               desiredSpeedLeft;
-        float               desiredSpeedRight;
-        float               actualSpeedLeft;
-        float               actualSpeedRight;
-        Motion              motionLeft;
-        Motion              motionRight;
-        short               previousValueCounterLeft;
-        short               previousValueCounterRight;
-        LowpassFilter       speedLeftFilter;
-        LowpassFilter       speedRightFilter;
-        ThreadFlag          threadFlag;
-        Thread              thread;
-        Ticker              ticker;
-        void    sendThreadFlag();
-        void    run();
-#endif /* CONTROLLER_H_ */