Robot Amaldi Rev 4.0 Messaggio don't touch me
Revision 18:f1faab783b47, committed 2019-03-11
- Comitter:
- pinofal
- Date:
- Mon Mar 11 21:42:01 2019 +0000
- Parent:
- 17:5f43dd94fc17
- Commit message:
- Robot Amaldi Rev 4.0
Changed in this revision
diff -r 5f43dd94fc17 -r f1faab783b47 RobotFinale3-4.cpp --- a/RobotFinale3-4.cpp Mon Mar 11 01:09:34 2019 +0000 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,1184 +0,0 @@ -//++++++++++++++++++++ ATTENZIONE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -// rivedere tutte le giunzioni. su alcune ci sono fili di rame che fuoriescono. -// rivedere i cavi nei connettori. In alcuni sono moto tesi -// inserire una ventola per raffreddare transistor e resistenza -//++++++++++++++++++++ ATTENZIONE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -// mbed specific header files. -#include "mbed.h" - -// include suono del motore -#include "SampledSoundGurgle.h" // rumore del motore da fermo durante gli spsotamenti -#include "SampledSoundWelcomeDizione.h" // messaggio di benvenuto -#include "SampledSoundFarewellDizione.h" // messaggio di Arrivederci -#include "SampledSoundMotosega.h" // rumore durante lo spostamento con Cesoia - -//#include "SampledSoundMotosega.h" -//#include "SampledSoundTrattore.h" - - -// TimeOut in [microsec] per verificare la presenza del sensore prossimità. Se il sensore non è presente il timer supera TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR -#define TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR 1000 //tempo in [microsec] - -// numero di campioni che compongono un periodo della sinusoide in Output sull'ADC -#define CLACSONSAMPLENUM 45 // consigliabile avere multipli di 45 - -// numero di campioni acquisiti su cui effettuare la media di luminosità -#define NUMLIGHTSAMPLE 100 - -// Parametri di soglia per la luce. Accendi/spegni Luci se la luminosità scende/sale sotto/sopra SOGLIALUCIMAX e SOGLIALUCIMIN -#define SOGLIALUCIMAX (1.85) -#define SOGLIALUCIMIN (1.45) - -// parametri dell'onda coseno da generare -#define PI (3.141592653589793238462) -#define AMPLITUDE 32767 //(1.0) // x * 3.3V -#define PHASE (PI/2) // 2*pi è un periodo -#define OFFSET 32767 //(0x7FFF) - -// variabile che modula l'amplificazione dei segnali audio. 1= non cambia niente. 0=amplificazione 0; -#define SOUNDGAIN (1.0) - -// ticker per la generazione dell'onda con DAC -Ticker SampleOutTicker; - - -// Timer per il calcolo dei tempi del sensore di prossimità -Timer TimerProxSensor; - -// distanza in cm dell'ostacolo -double fDistance; - - -// tempo inizio intermedio e fine del timer che misura la distanza con il sensore ultrasuoni -int nTimerStart, nTimerCurrent, nTimerStop, nTimerTillNow; - -// Buffer contenente la sinusoide da porre in output come Clacson. -unsigned short usaClacson[CLACSONSAMPLENUM]; - -// prototipo di funzione che genera i campioni della sinusoide da utilizzare per la generazione tramite DAC -void CalculateSinewave(void); - - -// Periodo di generazione campioni in output DeltaT = T/NumSample -double fDeltaTClacsonSound; -double fDeltaTEngineSound; - -// amplificazione per i suoni da generare con l'ADC -double fAmpEngineSound; // rumore di Engine -double fAmpClacsonSound; // rumore di Clacson -double fAmpShearSound; // rumore di Shear - -// frequenza segnale audio da generare per clacson e motore -double fFreqClacsonSound; -double fFreqEngineSound; - -// periodo della sinusoide audio da generare come suono del clacson -double fPeriodClacsonSOund; - -// numero di campioni di clacson già inviati in output sul DAC -int nClacsonSampleCount; -// indice dell'array di generazione campioni clacson -int nClacsonSampleIndex; - -// indice dell'Array di generazione suoni del motore -volatile int nEngineSampleIndex; - -// Flag che decide se generare oppure no il suono del motore. '1'=non generare il suono del motore, '0'=genera il suono del motore -int bEngineSoundStop; - - - -// valore medio della Luminosità su NUMACQUISIZIONI acquisizioni -double fAvgLight; - -// valore numerico, di tensione e di luce letto dall'ADC -volatile unsigned short usReadADC; -volatile float fReadVoltage; - -// valore di luminosità letto dall'ADC -volatile float fLight; - -// posizione del Cofano '0' = chiuso, '1'=aperto. Inizialmente DEVE essere chiuso (cioè '0') -int nPosizioneCofano=0; - - -// indice per il conteggio dei campioni di luce acquisiti dal fotoresistore -int nLightSampleIndex; - -// timer per il calcolo della velocità -Timer TimerHall; - -// variabile che conta il numero di fronti si salita del segnale encoder del motore di movimento robot -volatile int nCountRiseEdge; - -// variabile che ricorda lo stato di StandBy: '0' = Operativo, '1'=StandBy -int nStandBy; - -// variabile che permette di modificare il Gain di tutti i suoni -float fSoundGain=SOUNDGAIN; // inizialmente fissato da un define - -// sensore di prossimità. '1' = Sensore Presente, '0' = Sesnore Assente -int nProximitySensorPresent; - -// pin di pilotaggio Motore DC -DigitalOut OutMotorA (PB_0); -DigitalOut OutMotorB (PC_1); - -// Output Digitali usati per i LED -DigitalOut LedWAD (PC_2); -DigitalOut LedWAS (PC_3); -DigitalOut LedWPD (PH_0); -DigitalOut LedWPS (PA_0) ; -DigitalOut LedYAD (PC_9); -DigitalOut LedYAS (PC_8); -DigitalOut LedRPD (PA_13); -DigitalOut LedRPS (PA_14) ; -DigitalOut LedYRAll (PC_7); // COn questo pin si pilotano contemporaneamente i Led: YLD1, YLD2, YLD3, YLD4, YLS1, YLS2, YLS3, YLS4, RPD1, RPS1 - - -// Input/Output Digitali usati per interfaccia RPI -DigitalIn InShearRPI (PB_11, PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando di apertura/chiusura cesoie. Collegato a Raspberry GPIO17 -DigitalIn InLightSwitchRPI (PB_9, PullDown); // accende e spegne le Luci rosse e gialle. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO20 -DigitalIn InMotorSwitchRPI (PB_8, PullDown); // accende e spegne il motore del Cofano. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO16 -DigitalIn InFutureUse0RPI (PB_7); // usi futuri 0 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO13 -DigitalIn InFutureUse2RPI (PC_15); // usi futuri 1 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO25 -//DigitalIn InFutureUse1PI (PC_15); // usi futuri 2 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO12 -DigitalIn InStandByRPI (PB_2,PullDown); // StandBy ON/OFF. '1' = robot in StandBy; '0' = robot operativo. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO12 - -// Input e Output per i sensori e attuatori -AnalogOut OutWave(PA_4); // pin A2 di output per la forma d'onda analogica dedicata al suono -AnalogIn InWaveLight(PA_1); // pin A1 di input per la forma d'onda analogica dedicata alla luminosità -DigitalInOut InOutProxSensor (PC_0, PIN_OUTPUT, PullDown, 0); // Pin di tipo In-Out per la gestione del segnale Sig del Sensore di prossimità a ultrasuoni - -InterruptIn InEncoderA(PA_9); // Primo Pin di input dall'encoder ottico collegato al motore per misurare lo spostamento -//InterruptIn InEncoderB(PC_7); // Secondo Pin di input dall'encoder ottico collegato al motore. predisposizione per usi futuri - -// Input/Output utilizzati da funzioni default su scheda NUCLEO -DigitalOut led2(LED2);// LED verde sulla scheda. Associato a PA_5 -Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); // seriale di comunicazione con il PC. Associati a PA_11 e PA_12 -DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON); // pulsante Blu sulla scheda. Associato a PC_13 - -// input di diagnostica -DigitalIn InDiag1(PA_15,PullUp); // Di Default è a Vcc. Può essere collegato a GND con un ponticello su CN7 pin17-pin19 -//DigitalIn InDiag2(PB_11,PullUp); // Di Default è a Vcc. Può essere collegato a GND con un ponticello su CN10 pin18-pin20 - - -//**************************** -// Create the sinewave buffer -//**************************** -void CalculateSinewave(int nOffset, int nAmplitude, double fPhase) -{ - // variabile contenente l'angolo in radianti - double fRads; - // indici per i cicli - int nIndex; - // passo in frequenza fissato dal numero di campioni in cui voglio dividere un periodo di sinusoide: DeltaF = 360°/NUMSAMPLE - double fDeltaF; - // angolo per il quale bisogna calcolare il valore di sinusoide: fAngle = nIndex*DeltaF - double fAngle; - - fDeltaF = 360.0/CLACSONSAMPLENUM; - for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < CLACSONSAMPLENUM; nIndex++) - { - fAngle = nIndex*fDeltaF; // angolo per il quale bisogna calcolare il campione di sinusoide - fRads = (PI * fAngle)/180.0; // Convert degree in radian - //usaSine[nIndex] = AMPLITUDE * cos(fRads + PHASE) + OFFSET; - usaClacson[nIndex] = fSoundGain * nAmplitude * cos(fRads + fPhase) + nOffset; - } -} - -/********************************************************/ -/* Funzione avviata all'inizio come saluto e Benvenuto */ -/********************************************************/ -void WelcomeMessage() -{ - // indice per i cicli interni alla funzione - int nIndex; - - // indice per l'array di welcome message - int nWelcomeMsgIndex; - // parametri per generare il messaggio di welcome - double fAmpWelcomeSound; - double fFreqWelcomeSound; - double fDeltaTWelcomeSound; - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO Accendi le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - // accendi tutte le luci - LedWAD = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedWAS = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedWPD = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedWPS = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedYAD = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedYAS = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedRPD = 1; - wait_ms(100); - LedRPS = 1; - //++++++++++++ FINE Accendi le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione messaggio di benvenuto +++++++++++++++++ - fAmpWelcomeSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il messaggio di welcome. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] - fFreqWelcomeSound=nSamplePerSecWelcome/nUnderSampleFactorWelcome;// campioni per secondo del welcome message da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor - fDeltaTWelcomeSound = (1.0/fFreqWelcomeSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - - - for(nWelcomeMsgIndex=0; nWelcomeMsgIndex < nSampleNumWelcome; nWelcomeMsgIndex++) - { - // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del welcome message moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp - OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveWelcome[nWelcomeMsgIndex]*fAmpWelcomeSound*fSoundGain); - - // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento - //wait(fDeltaTWelcomeSound); - wait_us(37); - } - //++++++++++++ FINE generazione messaggio di benvenuto +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO Spegni le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - // spegni le Luci in sequenza - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedWAD = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedWAD = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedWAS = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedWAS = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedWPD = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedWPD = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedWPS = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedWPS = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedYAD = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedYAD =0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedYAS = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedYAS = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedRPD = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedRPD = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedRPS = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedRPS = 0; - } - for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) - { - wait_ms(50); - LedYRAll = 1; - wait_ms(50); - LedYRAll = 0; - } - //++++++++++++ FINE Spegni le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - -} - -/***************************************************************************/ -/* Genera Messaggio di Arrivederci e spegni i LED quando passa in SyandBy */ -/***************************************************************************/ -void FarewellMessage() -{ - // indice per l'array di Farewell message - int nFarewellMsgIndex; - // parametri per generare il messaggio di Farewell - double fAmpFarewellSound; - double fFreqFarewellSound; - double fDeltaTFarewellSound; - - - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione messaggio di Arrivederci +++++++++++++++++ - fAmpFarewellSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il messaggio di Farewell. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] - fFreqFarewellSound=nSamplePerSecFarewell/nUnderSampleFactorFarewell;// campioni per secondo del Farewell message da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor - fDeltaTFarewellSound = (1.0/fFreqFarewellSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - - - for(nFarewellMsgIndex=0; nFarewellMsgIndex < nSampleNumFarewell; nFarewellMsgIndex++) - { - // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del Farewell message moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp - OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveFarewell[nFarewellMsgIndex]*fAmpFarewellSound*fSoundGain); - - // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento - //wait(fDeltaTFarewellSound); - wait_us(57); - } - //++++++++++++ FINE generazione messaggio di Arrivederci +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO Spegni tutti i LED in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - // spegni tutti i LED - LedWAD = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedWAS = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedWPD = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedWPS = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedYAD = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedYAS = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedRPD = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedRPS = 0; - wait_ms(100); - LedYRAll = 0; - //++++++++++++ FINE Spegni tutti i LED in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ - -} -/***********************************************************************/ -/* Genera il suono di una motosega. */ -/* Attivo quando arriva il comando di spostamento Cesoie da Raspberry */ -/***********************************************************************/ -void ShearSoundGeneration() -{ - // indice per l'array di suono Shear - int nShearSoundIndex; - // parametri per generare il messaggio di shear - double fAmpShearSound; - double fFreqShearSound; - double fDeltaTShearSound; - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione suono di motosega +++++++++++++++++ - fAmpShearSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il suono di Shear. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] - fFreqShearSound=nSamplePerSecShear/nUnderSampleFactorShear;// campioni per secondo del Shear da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor - fDeltaTShearSound = (1.0/fFreqShearSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - - - for(nShearSoundIndex=0; nShearSoundIndex < nSampleNumShear; nShearSoundIndex++) - { - // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del suono di Shear, moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp - OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveShear[nShearSoundIndex]*fAmpShearSound*fSoundGain); - - // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento - wait(fDeltaTShearSound); - } - //++++++++++++ FINE generazione suono di motosega +++++++++++++++++ - - - -} -/***********************************************************************/ -/* generazione suoni con i sample da file di campioni in SoundSample.h */ -/***********************************************************************/ -void SampleOut() -{ - // interrompi il suono del motore per generare altri suoni. '1' = interrompi i suoni - if(bEngineSoundStop == 0) - { - // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del rumore motore moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp - OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWave[nEngineSampleIndex]*fAmpEngineSound*fSoundGain); - // incrementa l'indice del campione in output, nSampleNum è il numero dei campioni nle file Sound.h - nEngineSampleIndex++; - if(nEngineSampleIndex >= nSampleNum) - nEngineSampleIndex=0; - } -} - - - /**************************************************************************************/ -/* Routine di gestione Interrupt associata al fronte di salita del segnale di encoder */ -/**************************************************************************************/ -void riseEncoderIRQ() -{ - nCountRiseEdge++; -} - -/********/ -/* Main */ -/********/ -int main() -{ - // configura velocità della comunicazione seriale su USB-VirtualCom e invia messaggio di benvenuto - pc.baud(921600); //921600 bps - - // definisci il mode del segnale digitale di EncoderA - InEncoderA.mode(PullUp); - - // Associa routine di Interrup all'evento fronte di salita del segnale di encoder - InEncoderA.rise(&riseEncoderIRQ); - - // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove - InEncoderA.enable_irq(); - - // definisci il mode del segnale di InStandBy da RPI ('0' = operativo; '1' = StandBy) - InStandByRPI.mode(PullDown); - InShearRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando di apertura/chiusura cesoie. Collegato a Raspberry GPIO17 - InLightSwitchRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando che accende e spegne le Luci rosse e gialle. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO20 - InMotorSwitchRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando che accende e spegne il motore del Cofano. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO16 - - - - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INIZIO CICLO OPERATIVO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - - //+++++++++++ inizializza Gain dei suoni +++++++++++++ - fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; // inizialmente fissato a SOUNDGAIN che può essere fissato a 0 per modalità di debug - - //+++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Sinusoide ++++++++++++++++++ - fFreqClacsonSound = 550.0; // frequenza in Hz del tono del Clacson da generare - fAmpClacsonSound = 1.0; // coefficiente per il quale viene moltiplicato l'ampiezza massima del tono da generare - fDeltaTClacsonSound = 1.0/(fFreqClacsonSound*CLACSONSAMPLENUM); // intervallo di tempo tra un campione e l'altro, per generare la frequenza desiderata - CalculateSinewave(AMPLITUDE, (AMPLITUDE*fAmpClacsonSound*fSoundGain), (PI/2.0)); // generazione della sinusoide con valori nominali - //+++++++++++++ FINE Genera Sinusoide +++++++++++++++++++++ - - // avvia routine di saluto di benvenuto - bEngineSoundStop = 1; // per generare il messaggio di benvenuto il suono del motore è spento - WelcomeMessage(); - bEngineSoundStop = 0; // riattiva il suono del motore - - //+++++++ INIZIO avvio rumore del motore a frequenza da fermo +++++++++ - fAmpEngineSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il rumore motore. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] - fFreqEngineSound=nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor;// campioni per secondo del rumore motore da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor - fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - nEngineSampleIndex =0; // Avvia indice di generazione suono motore - SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione - //+++++++ FINE avvio rumore del motore a frequenza da fermo +++++++++ - - //inizializza variabili - nEngineSampleIndex =0; // avvia l'indice di generazione suoni - nCountRiseEdge=0; // azzera il contatore dei fronti di salita del segnale di encoder. Saranno contati nella IRQ legata a InEncoderA - bEngineSoundStop =0; // inizialmente il suono del motore è generato - nPosizioneCofano=0; // inizializza la posizione del cofano chiuso - nStandBy=0; // iniazializza la modalità StandBy/Operation del robot. nStandBy=0 : modalità Operation - - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INIZIO CICLO TEST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor - while(true) - { - if(InStandByRPI == 0) - { - // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove - InEncoderA.enable_irq(); - - // se appena uscito dalla modalità di StandBy, è ancora nStandBy = 1, emetti messaggio di benvenuto - if(nStandBy == 1) - { - - // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di benvenuto - bEngineSoundStop=1; - - // se modalità StandBy = OFF, riattiva audio; - fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; - - - //Genera messaggio di benvenuto - WelcomeMessage(); - - // rispristina il suono del motore - bEngineSoundStop=0; - } - - // imposta lo stato di StandBy OFF - nStandBy = 0; - //++++++++++ INIZIO calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ - // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove - //InEncoderA.enable_irq(); - - // conta il numero di impulsi del segnale di encoder che si verificano in un timer pari a 500ms - TimerHall.start(); - nTimerStart=TimerHall.read_ms(); - - // per 100ms verifica se ci sono impulsi sull'encoder. Gli impulsi vengono contati lungo tutto il ciclo ma se il ciclo è attraversato troppo rapidamente rischio di non contaniente e aggiungo questo ritarda. - while( (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart) < 50) // attende il passare di 100ms - { - nTimerCurrent=TimerHall.read_ms(); - // pc.printf("CounterTimer= %d\r\n", (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart)); - } - TimerHall.stop(); - //InEncoderA.disable_irq(); - //++++++++++ FINE calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++ INIZIO genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ - // se nella IRQ sono stati contati fronti di salita del dell'encoder, il robot si sta muovendo - if(nCountRiseEdge != 0) - //if(InDiag1==1) - { - // sono stati contati impulsi di encoder, il robot si sta muovendo - fDeltaTEngineSound = (0.5/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione - //pc.printf("\r\nIn Movimento \r\n"); //Diagnostica - } - else - { - // se non ci sono stati impulsi di encoder, il robot è fermo, genera rumore del motore fermo - fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione - //pc.printf("\r\nFermo \r\n"); //Diagnostica - } - // riazzera il contatore di impulsi di encoder. Questo contatore viene incrementato nella rouine di interrupt - nCountRiseEdge=0; - //++++++++++ FINE genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED Bianchi ++++++++++++++ - // inizializza il valore medio della Luminosità - fAvgLight=0.0; - for(nLightSampleIndex=0; nLightSampleIndex < NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; nLightSampleIndex++) - { - // acquisisce dato da ADC - usReadADC = InWaveLight.read_u16(); - fReadVoltage=(usReadADC*3.3)/65535.0; // converte in Volt il valore numerico letto dall'ADC - //fReadVoltage=InWave.read(); // acquisisce il valore dall'ADC come valore di tensione in volt - fLight= fReadVoltage; //ATTENZIONE Visualizza il valore grezzo letto dall'ADC - fAvgLight+=fLight; - } - // calcola valore medio su NUMSAMPLE acquisizioni - fAvgLight/= NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; - - // Accendi/Spegni i LED Bianchi se il valore medio della luminosità è sotto/sopra soglia - if(fAvgLight < SOGLIALUCIMIN) - { - // Accendi LED Bianchi - //led2 = 1; - LedWAD = 1; - LedWAS = 1; - LedWPD = 1; - LedWPS = 1; - } - else - { - if(fAvgLight > SOGLIALUCIMAX) - { - // Spegni LED Bianchi - //led2 = 0; - LedWAD = 0; - LedWAS = 0; - LedWPD = 0; - LedWPS = 0; - } - } - - // invia il dato al PC - //pc.printf("\n\r--- Digital= %d [Volt]; Brightness= %.2f ---\n\r", usReadADC, fAvgLight); - //++++++++++++ FINE Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED ++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ - //inizializza misura di distanza - fDistance=0.0; - // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor - InOutProxSensor.output(); - // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(0); - wait_us(5); - // Poni 'H' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(1); - wait_us(10); - // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(0); - // Attendi assestamento e Fissa come Input il pin InOutProxSensor - wait_us(5); - InOutProxSensor.input(); - InOutProxSensor.mode(PullDown); // se non è presente il sensore, il pin rimane a '0' - - // attende la risposta del sensore di prossimità per un tempo fissato da TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR. Dopo tale tempo dichiara inesistente il sensore - TimerProxSensor.start(); - nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - nTimerTillNow=(TimerProxSensor.read_us()-nTimerStart); - while((InOutProxSensor ==0) && (nTimerTillNow< TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR)) - { - nTimerCurrent = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - nTimerTillNow=nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart; - led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso - //pc.printf("sono qui 2 \r\n"); // Diagnotica - } - TimerProxSensor.stop(); // spegne il timer che serve per misurare il timeout quando assente il sensore di prossimità - //pc.printf("\r\nUscita dal while, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); // Diagnostica - // se nTimerTillNow è inferiore al TIMEOUT, il sensore è presente e quindi misura la distanza dell'ostacolo - if(nTimerTillNow < TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR) - { - // riattiva il timer per misurare la distanza dell'ostacolo - TimerProxSensor.start(); - nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - while(InOutProxSensor == 1) - { - led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso - } - TimerProxSensor.stop(); - nTimerStop = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - - //pc.printf("\r\nSensore Presente, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); // Diagnostica - - // velocità del suono = 343 [m/s] = 0.0343 [cm/us] = 1/29.1 [cm/us] - // tempo di andata e ritorno del segnale [us] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)[us]; per misurare la distanza bisogna dividere per due questo valore - // distanza dell'ostacolo [cm] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)/2 [us] * 1/29.1[cm/us] - fDistance = (nTimerStop-nTimerStart)/58.2; - // invia il dato al PC - //pc.printf("distanza dell'ostacolo = %f0.2\r\n", fDistance); // Diagnostica - } - - //++++++++++++++ FINE Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Suona Clacson +++++++++ - //escludi le misure oltre il max - if(myButton == 0) fDistance = 20; //RIPRISTINA TOGLIENDO QUESTA RIGA - if((fDistance <= 50.0) && (fDistance >= 3)) - //if(InDiag1 == 1) - { - // SUONA IL CLACSON se l'ostacolo si trova ad una distanza inferiore ad una soglia minima - if(fDistance < 22) - { - // blocca altri suoni quando genera suono del clacson - bEngineSoundStop=1; - // INIZIO generazione tono - nClacsonSampleIndex=0; - // Genera il suono del clacson - for(nClacsonSampleCount=0; nClacsonSampleCount<7000; nClacsonSampleCount++) - { - OutWave.write_u16(usaClacson[nClacsonSampleIndex]); //max 32767 - //OutWave.write_u16(32767); //uscita analogica per scopi diagnostici - - wait(fDeltaTClacsonSound); - - // genera ciclicamente - nClacsonSampleIndex++; - if(nClacsonSampleIndex >= CLACSONSAMPLENUM) - { - nClacsonSampleIndex=0; - } - // a metà genera un wait per doppio clacson - if(nClacsonSampleCount == 2000) - { - wait_ms(100); - } - - } - //assicurati di inviare 0 come ultimo campione per spegnere l'amplificatore e non dissipare inutilmente corrente - OutWave.write_u16(0); - - // sblocca altri suoni dopo aver generato suono del clacson - bEngineSoundStop=0; - - } // if(fDistance < soglia) suona clacson - - } // if( (fDistance < Max) && (fDistance > Min)) - //++++++++++++++ FINE Suona Clacson +++++++++ - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO pilotaggio motore cofano +++++++++++++++++++ - if((InMotorSwitchRPI==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) - //if((myButton==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) - { - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // Ruota Right - OutMotorA=1; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Ruota Right; OutA OutB = 11\r\n"); - wait_ms(710); - - // Ferma Motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Stop Motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Aperto - nPosizioneCofano = 1; - } - // se arriva comando di chiusura cofano & il cofano è aperto, muovi motore - //if((myButton==0) && (nPosizioneCofano == 1)) - if((InMotorSwitchRPI==0) && (nPosizioneCofano ==1)) - { - //pc.printf("\r\nCofano aperto & comando di chiusura\r\n"); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // Ruota Left - OutMotorA=1; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Ruota Left; OutA OutB = 10\r\n"); - wait_ms(730); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Chiuso - nPosizioneCofano = 0; - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Pilotaggio Motore +++++++++++++ - - - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ - if(InLightSwitchRPI ==1) - { - // accendi i LED di abbellimento - //led2=1; - LedYAD = 1; - LedYAS = 1; - LedRPD = 1; - LedRPS = 1; - LedYRAll = 1; - } - else - { - - // spegni i LED di abbellimento - //led2=0; - LedYAD = 0; - LedYAS = 0; - LedRPD = 0; - LedRPS = 0; - LedYRAll = 0; - - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ - if(InShearRPI == 1) - { - // funzione di generazione suono motosega - bEngineSoundStop=1; // disattiva suono del motore - ShearSoundGeneration(); - bEngineSoundStop=0; // riattiva suono del motore - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ - }// if(InStandByRPI == 0) - else - { - - // ricevuto da RPI, il comando di StandBy = ON - // ricevuto il comando di StandBy (InStandBy == 1) - - // la prima volta che entra in questo else, la variabile di stato nStandBy è '0'. Solo la prima volta Genera il messaggio di arrivederci - if(nStandBy == 0) - { - // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di arrivederci - bEngineSoundStop=1; - - //Genera messaggio di arrivederci - FarewellMessage(); - - // rispristina il suono del motore - bEngineSoundStop=0; - - // cambia lo stato dello StandBy - nStandBy = 1; - } - - // se modalità StandBy = ON, disattiva audio; - fSoundGain = 0.0; - } // fine if(nStandByRPI == 1) - - } // fine ciclo while(true) - - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE CICLO TEST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - - - - - - - while(true) - { - if(InStandByRPI == 0) - { - // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove - InEncoderA.enable_irq(); - - // se appena uscito dalla modalità di StandBy, è ancora nStandBy = 1, emetti messaggio di benvenuto - if(nStandBy == 1) - { - - // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di benvenuto - bEngineSoundStop=1; - - // se modalità StandBy = OFF, riattiva audio; - fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; - - - //Genera messaggio di benvenuto - WelcomeMessage(); - - // rispristina il suono del motore - bEngineSoundStop=0; - } - - // imposta lo stato di StandBy OFF - nStandBy = 0; - //++++++++++ INIZIO calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ - // abilita l'interrupt su fronte di salita del segnale di encoder - nCountRiseEdge=0; - InEncoderA.enable_irq(); - - // conta il numero di impulsi del segnale di encoder che si verificano in un timer pari a 500ms - TimerHall.start(); - nTimerStart=TimerHall.read_ms(); - - // per 200ms verifica se ci sono impulsi sull'encoder - while( (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart) < 200) // attende il passare di 200ms - { - nTimerCurrent=TimerHall.read_ms(); - // pc.printf("CounterTimer= %d\r\n", (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart)); - } - TimerHall.stop(); - InEncoderA.disable_irq(); - //++++++++++ FINE calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++ INIZIO genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ - // se nella IRQ sono stati contati fronti di salita del dell'encoder, il robot si sta muovendo - if(nCountRiseEdge != 0) - //if(InDiag1==1) - { - // sono stati contati impulsi di encoder, il robot si sta muovendo - fDeltaTEngineSound = (0.5/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione - } - else - { - // se ci sono stati impulsi di encoder, il robot è fermo, genera rumore del motore fermo - fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento - SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione - - } - // riazzera il contatore di impulsi di encoder. Questo contatore viene incrementato nella rouine di interrupt - nCountRiseEdge=0; - // disabilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder. In questo modo non occupiamo inutilmente la CPU - InEncoderA.disable_irq(); // L'interrupt sarà di nuovo abilitato quando si ricomincia il while (true) - //++++++++++ FINE genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++ INIZIO Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED Bianchi ++++++++++++++ - // inizializza il valore medio della Luminosità - fAvgLight=0.0; - for(nLightSampleIndex=0; nLightSampleIndex < NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; nLightSampleIndex++) - { - // acquisisce dato da ADC - usReadADC = InWaveLight.read_u16(); - fReadVoltage=(usReadADC*3.3)/65535.0; // converte in Volt il valore numerico letto dall'ADC - //fReadVoltage=InWave.read(); // acquisisce il valore dall'ADC come valore di tensione in volt - fLight= fReadVoltage; //ATTENZIONE Visualizza il valore grezzo letto dall'ADC - fAvgLight+=fLight; - } - // calcola valore medio su NUMSAMPLE acquisizioni - fAvgLight/= NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; - - // Accendi/Spegni i LED Bianchi se il valore medio della luminosità è sotto/sopra soglia - if(fAvgLight < SOGLIALUCIMIN) - { - // Accendi LED Bianchi - //led2 = 1; - LedWAD = 1; - LedWAS = 1; - LedWPD = 1; - LedWPS = 1; - } - else - { - if(fAvgLight > SOGLIALUCIMAX) - { - // Spegni LED Bianchi - //led2 = 0; - LedWAD = 0; - LedWAS = 0; - LedWPD = 0; - LedWPS = 0; - } - } - - // invia il dato al PC - //pc.printf("\n\r--- Digital= %d [Volt]; Brightness= %.2f ---\n\r", usReadADC, fAvgLight); - //++++++++++++ FINE Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED ++++++++++++++ - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ - //inizializza misura di distanza - fDistance=0.0; - // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor - InOutProxSensor.output(); - // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(0); - wait_us(5); - // Poni 'H' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(1); - wait_us(10); - // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo - InOutProxSensor.write(0); - // Attendi assestamento e Fissa come Input il pin InOutProxSensor - wait_us(5); - InOutProxSensor.input(); - InOutProxSensor.mode(PullDown); // se non è presente il sensore, il pin rimane a '0' - - // attende la risposta del sensore di prossimità per un tempo fissato da TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR. Dopo tale tempo dichiara inesistente il sensore - TimerProxSensor.start(); - nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - nTimerTillNow=(TimerProxSensor.read_us()-nTimerStart); - while((InOutProxSensor ==0) && (nTimerTillNow< TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR)) - { - nTimerCurrent = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - nTimerTillNow=nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart; - led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso - pc.printf("sono qui 2 \r\n"); - } - TimerProxSensor.stop(); // spegne il timer che serve per misurare il timeout quando assente il sensore di prossimità - pc.printf("\r\nUscita dal while, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); - // se nTimerTillNow è inferiore al TIMEOUT, il sensore è presente e quindi misura la distanza dell'ostacolo - if(nTimerTillNow < TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR) - { - // riattiva il timer per misurare la distanza dell'ostacolo - TimerProxSensor.start(); - nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - while(InOutProxSensor == 1) - { - led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso - } - TimerProxSensor.stop(); - nTimerStop = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); - - pc.printf("\r\nSensore Presente, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); - - // velocità del suono = 343 [m/s] = 0.0343 [cm/us] = 1/29.1 [cm/us] - // tempo di andata e ritorno del segnale [us] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)[us]; per misurare la distanza bisogna dividere per due questo valore - // distanza dell'ostacolo [cm] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)/2 [us] * 1/29.1[cm/us] - fDistance = (nTimerStop-nTimerStart)/58.2; - // invia il dato al PC - pc.printf("distanza dell'ostacolo = %f0.2\r\n", fDistance); - } - else - { - // quando esce dai while bloccanti, il LED si spegne - led2=0; - pc.printf("\r\nTimeOut\r\n"); - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Suona Clacson +++++++++ - //escludi le misure oltre il max - if((fDistance <= 50.0) && (fDistance >= 3)) - //if(InDiag1 == 1) - { - // SUONA IL CLACSON se l'ostacolo si trova ad una distanza inferiore ad una soglia minima - if(fDistance < 22) - { - // blocca altri suoni quando genera suono del clacson - bEngineSoundStop=1; - // INIZIO generazione tono - nClacsonSampleIndex=0; - // Genera il suono del clacson - for(nClacsonSampleCount=0; nClacsonSampleCount<7000; nClacsonSampleCount++) - { - OutWave.write_u16(usaClacson[nClacsonSampleIndex]); //max 32767 - //OutWave.write_u16(32767); //uscita analogica per scopi diagnostici - wait(fDeltaTClacsonSound); - // genera ciclicamente - nClacsonSampleIndex++; - if(nClacsonSampleIndex >= CLACSONSAMPLENUM) - { - nClacsonSampleIndex=0; - } - // a metà genera un wait per doppio clacson - if(nClacsonSampleCount == 2000) - { - wait_ms(100); - } - - } - //assicurati di inviare 0 come ultimo campione per spegnere l'amplificatore e non dissipare inutilmente corrente - OutWave.write_u16(0); - - // sblocca altri suoni dopo aver generato suono del clacson - bEngineSoundStop=0; - - } // if(fDistance < soglia) suona clacson - - } // if( (fDistance < Max) && (fDistance > Min)) - //++++++++++++++ FINE Suona Clacson +++++++++ - - - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO pilotaggio motore cofano +++++++++++++++++++ - if((InMotorSwitchRPI==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) - //if((myButton==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) - { - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // Ruota Right - OutMotorA=1; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Ruota Right; OutA OutB = 11\r\n"); - wait_ms(710); - - // Ferma Motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=1; - //pc.printf("Stop Motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Aperto - nPosizioneCofano = 1; - } - // se arriva comando di chiusura cofano & il cofano è aperto, muovi motore - //if((myButton==0) && (nPosizioneCofano == 1)) - if((InMotorSwitchRPI==0) && (nPosizioneCofano ==1)) - { - //pc.printf("\r\nCofano aperto & comando di chiusura\r\n"); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // Ruota Left - OutMotorA=1; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Ruota Left; OutA OutB = 10\r\n"); - wait_ms(730); - - //Ferma motore - OutMotorA=0; - OutMotorB=0; - //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); - wait_ms(10); - - // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Chiuso - nPosizioneCofano = 0; - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Pilotaggio Motore +++++++++++++ - - - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ - if(InLightSwitchRPI ==1) - { - // accendi i LED di abbellimento - //led2=1; - LedYAD = 1; - LedYAS = 1; - LedRPD = 1; - LedRPS = 1; - LedYRAll = 1; - } - else - { - - // spegni i LED di abbellimento - //led2=0; - LedYAD = 0; - LedYAS = 0; - LedRPD = 0; - LedRPS = 0; - LedYRAll = 0; - - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ - - //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ - if(InShearRPI == 1) - { - // funzione di generazione suono motosega - bEngineSoundStop=1; // disattiva suono del motore - ShearSoundGeneration(); - bEngineSoundStop=0; // riattiva suono del motore - } - //++++++++++++++ FINE Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ - }// if(InStandByRPI == 0) - else - { - - // ricevuto da RPI, il comando di StandBy = ON - // ricevuto il comando di StandBy (InStandBy == 1) - - // la prima volta che entra in questo else, la variabile di stato nStandBy è '0'. Solo la prima volta Genera il messaggio di arrivederci - if(nStandBy == 0) - { - // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di arrivederci - bEngineSoundStop=1; - - //Genera messaggio di arrivederci - FarewellMessage(); - - // rispristina il suono del motore - bEngineSoundStop=0; - - // cambia lo stato dello StandBy - nStandBy = 1; - } - - // se modalità StandBy = ON, disattiva audio; - fSoundGain = 0.0; - - - - } - } //while(true) - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE CICLO OPERATIVO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - -} -
diff -r 5f43dd94fc17 -r f1faab783b47 RobotFinale4.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/RobotFinale4.cpp Mon Mar 11 21:42:01 2019 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@ +//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +// Revisione del 16/03/2019 +//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +// mbed specific header files. +#include "mbed.h" + +// include suono del motore +#include "SampledSoundGurgle.h" // rumore del motore da fermo durante gli spsotamenti +#include "SampledSoundWelcomeDizione.h" // messaggio di benvenuto +#include "SampledSoundFarewellDizione.h" // messaggio di Arrivederci +#include "SampledSoundMotosega.h" // rumore durante lo spostamento con Cesoia +#include "SampledSoundDontTouch.h" // Messaggio di Don't Touch Me + +//#include "SampledSoundMotosega.h" +//#include "SampledSoundTrattore.h" + + +// TimeOut in [microsec] per verificare la presenza del sensore prossimità. Se il sensore non è presente il timer supera TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR +#define TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR 1000 //tempo in [microsec] + +// numero di campioni che compongono un periodo della sinusoide in Output sull'ADC +#define CLACSONSAMPLENUM 45 // consigliabile avere multipli di 45 + +// numero di campioni acquisiti su cui effettuare la media di luminosità +#define NUMLIGHTSAMPLE 100 + +// Parametri di soglia per la luce. Accendi/spegni Luci se la luminosità scende/sale sotto/sopra SOGLIALUCIMAX e SOGLIALUCIMIN +#define SOGLIALUCIMAX (1.85) +#define SOGLIALUCIMIN (1.45) + +// parametri dell'onda coseno da generare +#define PI (3.141592653589793238462) +#define AMPLITUDE 32767 //(1.0) // x * 3.3V +#define PHASE (PI/2) // 2*pi è un periodo +#define OFFSET 32767 //(0x7FFF) + +// variabile che modula l'amplificazione dei segnali audio. 1= non cambia niente. 0=amplificazione 0; +#define SOUNDGAIN (1.0) + +// ticker per la generazione dell'onda con DAC +Ticker SampleOutTicker; + + +// Timer per il calcolo dei tempi del sensore di prossimità +Timer TimerProxSensor; + +// distanza in cm dell'ostacolo +double fDistance; + + +// tempo inizio intermedio e fine del timer che misura la distanza con il sensore ultrasuoni +int nTimerStart, nTimerCurrent, nTimerStop, nTimerTillNow; + +// Buffer contenente la sinusoide da porre in output come Clacson. +unsigned short usaClacson[CLACSONSAMPLENUM]; + +// prototipo di funzione che genera i campioni della sinusoide da utilizzare per la generazione tramite DAC +void CalculateSinewave(void); + + +// Periodo di generazione campioni in output DeltaT = T/NumSample +double fDeltaTClacsonSound; +double fDeltaTEngineSound; + +// amplificazione per i suoni da generare con l'ADC +double fAmpEngineSound; // rumore di Engine +double fAmpClacsonSound; // rumore di Clacson +double fAmpShearSound; // rumore di Shear + +// frequenza segnale audio da generare per clacson e motore +double fFreqClacsonSound; +double fFreqEngineSound; + +// periodo della sinusoide audio da generare come suono del clacson +double fPeriodClacsonSOund; + +// numero di campioni di clacson già inviati in output sul DAC +int nClacsonSampleCount; +// indice dell'array di generazione campioni clacson +int nClacsonSampleIndex; + +// indice dell'Array di generazione suoni del motore +volatile int nEngineSampleIndex; + +// Flag che decide se generare oppure no il suono del motore. '1'=non generare il suono del motore, '0'=genera il suono del motore +int bEngineSoundStop; + + + +// valore medio della Luminosità su NUMACQUISIZIONI acquisizioni +double fAvgLight; + +// valore numerico, di tensione e di luce letto dall'ADC +volatile unsigned short usReadADC; +volatile float fReadVoltage; + +// valore di luminosità letto dall'ADC +volatile float fLight; + +// posizione del Cofano '0' = chiuso, '1'=aperto. Inizialmente DEVE essere chiuso (cioè '0') +int nPosizioneCofano=0; + + +// indice per il conteggio dei campioni di luce acquisiti dal fotoresistore +int nLightSampleIndex; + +// timer per il calcolo della velocità +Timer TimerHall; + +// variabile che conta il numero di fronti si salita del segnale encoder del motore di movimento robot +volatile int nCountRiseEdge; + +// variabile che ricorda lo stato di StandBy: '0' = Operativo, '1'=StandBy +int nStandBy; + +// variabile che permette di modificare il Gain di tutti i suoni +float fSoundGain=SOUNDGAIN; // inizialmente fissato da un define + +// sensore di prossimità. '1' = Sensore Presente, '0' = Sesnore Assente +int nProximitySensorPresent; + +// pin di pilotaggio Motore DC +DigitalOut OutMotorA (PB_0); +DigitalOut OutMotorB (PC_1); + +// Output Digitali usati per i LED +DigitalOut LedWAD (PC_2); +DigitalOut LedWAS (PC_3); +DigitalOut LedWPD (PH_0); +DigitalOut LedWPS (PA_0) ; +DigitalOut LedYAD (PC_9); +DigitalOut LedYAS (PC_8); +DigitalOut LedRPD (PA_13); +DigitalOut LedRPS (PA_14) ; +DigitalOut LedYRAll (PC_7); // COn questo pin si pilotano contemporaneamente i Led: YLD1, YLD2, YLD3, YLD4, YLS1, YLS2, YLS3, YLS4, RPD1, RPS1 + + +// Input/Output Digitali usati per interfaccia RPI +DigitalIn InShearRPI (PB_11, PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando di apertura/chiusura cesoie. Collegato a Raspberry GPIO17 +DigitalIn InLightSwitchRPI (PB_9, PullDown); // accende e spegne le Luci rosse e gialle. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO20 +DigitalIn InMotorSwitchRPI (PB_8, PullDown); // accende e spegne il motore del Cofano. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO16 +//DigitalIn InFutureUse0RPI (PB_7); // usi futuri 0 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO13 +DigitalIn InDontTouchRPI (PB_7, PullDown); // usi futuri 0 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO13 + +DigitalIn InFutureUse2RPI (PC_15); // usi futuri 1 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO25 +//DigitalIn InFutureUse1PI (PC_15); // usi futuri 2 di comunicazione. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO12 +DigitalIn InStandByRPI (PB_2,PullDown); // StandBy ON/OFF. '1' = robot in StandBy; '0' = robot operativo. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO12 + +// Input e Output per i sensori e attuatori +AnalogOut OutWave(PA_4); // pin A2 di output per la forma d'onda analogica dedicata al suono +AnalogIn InWaveLight(PA_1); // pin A1 di input per la forma d'onda analogica dedicata alla luminosità +DigitalInOut InOutProxSensor (PC_0, PIN_OUTPUT, PullDown, 0); // Pin di tipo In-Out per la gestione del segnale Sig del Sensore di prossimità a ultrasuoni + +InterruptIn InEncoderA(PA_9); // Primo Pin di input dall'encoder ottico collegato al motore per misurare lo spostamento +//InterruptIn InEncoderB(PC_7); // Secondo Pin di input dall'encoder ottico collegato al motore. predisposizione per usi futuri + +// Input/Output utilizzati da funzioni default su scheda NUCLEO +DigitalOut led2(LED2);// LED verde sulla scheda. Associato a PA_5 +Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); // seriale di comunicazione con il PC. Associati a PA_11 e PA_12 +DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON); // pulsante Blu sulla scheda. Associato a PC_13 + +// input di diagnostica +DigitalIn InDiag1(PA_15,PullUp); // Di Default è a Vcc. Può essere collegato a GND con un ponticello su CN7 pin17-pin19 +//DigitalIn InDiag2(PB_11,PullUp); // Di Default è a Vcc. Può essere collegato a GND con un ponticello su CN10 pin18-pin20 + + +//**************************** +// Create the sinewave buffer +//**************************** +void CalculateSinewave(int nOffset, int nAmplitude, double fPhase) +{ + // variabile contenente l'angolo in radianti + double fRads; + // indici per i cicli + int nIndex; + // passo in frequenza fissato dal numero di campioni in cui voglio dividere un periodo di sinusoide: DeltaF = 360°/NUMSAMPLE + double fDeltaF; + // angolo per il quale bisogna calcolare il valore di sinusoide: fAngle = nIndex*DeltaF + double fAngle; + + fDeltaF = 360.0/CLACSONSAMPLENUM; + for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < CLACSONSAMPLENUM; nIndex++) + { + fAngle = nIndex*fDeltaF; // angolo per il quale bisogna calcolare il campione di sinusoide + fRads = (PI * fAngle)/180.0; // Convert degree in radian + //usaSine[nIndex] = AMPLITUDE * cos(fRads + PHASE) + OFFSET; + usaClacson[nIndex] = fSoundGain * nAmplitude * cos(fRads + fPhase) + nOffset; + } +} + +/********************************************************/ +/* Funzione avviata all'inizio come saluto e Benvenuto */ +/********************************************************/ +void WelcomeMessage() +{ + // indice per i cicli interni alla funzione + int nIndex; + + // indice per l'array di welcome message + int nWelcomeMsgIndex; + // parametri per generare il messaggio di welcome + double fAmpWelcomeSound; + double fFreqWelcomeSound; + double fDeltaTWelcomeSound; + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO Accendi le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + // accendi tutte le luci + LedWAD = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedWAS = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedWPD = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedWPS = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedYAD = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedYAS = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedRPD = 1; + wait_ms(100); + LedRPS = 1; + //++++++++++++ FINE Accendi le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione messaggio di benvenuto +++++++++++++++++ + fAmpWelcomeSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il messaggio di welcome. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] + fFreqWelcomeSound=nSamplePerSecWelcome/nUnderSampleFactorWelcome;// campioni per secondo del welcome message da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor + fDeltaTWelcomeSound = (1.0/fFreqWelcomeSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + + + for(nWelcomeMsgIndex=0; nWelcomeMsgIndex < nSampleNumWelcome; nWelcomeMsgIndex++) + { + // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del welcome message moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp + OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveWelcome[nWelcomeMsgIndex]*fAmpWelcomeSound*fSoundGain); + + // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento + //wait(fDeltaTWelcomeSound); + wait_us(37); + } + //++++++++++++ FINE generazione messaggio di benvenuto +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO Spegni le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + // spegni le Luci in sequenza + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedWAD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWAD = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedWAS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWAS = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedWPD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWPD = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedWPS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWPS = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedYAD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYAD =0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedYAS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYAS = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedRPD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedRPD = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedRPS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedRPS = 0; + } + for(nIndex=0; nIndex<3; nIndex++) + { + wait_ms(50); + LedYRAll = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYRAll = 0; + } + //++++++++++++ FINE Spegni le Luci in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + +} + +/***************************************************************************/ +/* Genera Messaggio di Arrivederci e spegni i LED quando passa in SyandBy */ +/***************************************************************************/ +void FarewellMessage() +{ + // indice per l'array di Farewell message + int nFarewellMsgIndex; + // parametri per generare il messaggio di Farewell + double fAmpFarewellSound; + double fFreqFarewellSound; + double fDeltaTFarewellSound; + + + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione messaggio di Arrivederci +++++++++++++++++ + fAmpFarewellSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il messaggio di Farewell. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] + fFreqFarewellSound=nSamplePerSecFarewell/nUnderSampleFactorFarewell;// campioni per secondo del Farewell message da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor + fDeltaTFarewellSound = (1.0/fFreqFarewellSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + + + for(nFarewellMsgIndex=0; nFarewellMsgIndex < nSampleNumFarewell; nFarewellMsgIndex++) + { + // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del Farewell message moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp + OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveFarewell[nFarewellMsgIndex]*fAmpFarewellSound*fSoundGain); + + // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento + //wait(fDeltaTFarewellSound); + wait_us(57); + } + //++++++++++++ FINE generazione messaggio di Arrivederci +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO Spegni tutti i LED in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + // spegni tutti i LED + LedWAD = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedWAS = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedWPD = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedWPS = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedYAD = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedYAS = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedRPD = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedRPS = 0; + wait_ms(100); + LedYRAll = 0; + //++++++++++++ FINE Spegni tutti i LED in sequenza +++++++++++++++++ + +} + +/**************************************/ +/* Genera Messaggio di Don't Touch Me */ +/**************************************/ +void DontTouchMessage() +{ + // indice per l'array di DontTouch message + int nDontTouchMsgIndex; + // parametri per generare il messaggio di DontTouch + double fAmpDontTouchSound; + double fFreqDontTouchSound; + double fDeltaTDontTouchSound; + + + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione messaggio di Don't Touch +++++++++++++++++ + fAmpDontTouchSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il messaggio di DontTouch. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] + fFreqDontTouchSound=nSamplePerSecDontTouch/nUnderSampleFactorDontTouch;// campioni per secondo del DontTouch message da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor + fDeltaTDontTouchSound = (1.0/fFreqDontTouchSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + + + for(nDontTouchMsgIndex=0; nDontTouchMsgIndex < nSampleNumDontTouch; nDontTouchMsgIndex++) + { + // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del DontTouch message moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp + OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveDontTouch[nDontTouchMsgIndex]*fAmpDontTouchSound*fSoundGain); + + // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento + //wait(fDeltaTDontTouchSound); + wait_us(57); + } + //++++++++++++ FINE generazione messaggio di Don't Touch +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO ACCENDI tutti i LED in sequenza e spegnili subito dopo +++++++++++++++++ + // spegni tutti i LED + LedWAD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWAS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWPD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedWPS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYAD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYAS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedRPD = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedRPS = 1; + wait_ms(50); + LedYRAll = 1; + wait(1); + LedWAD = 0; + LedWAS = 0; + LedWPD = 0; + LedWPS = 0; + LedYAD = 0; + LedYAS = 0; + LedRPD = 0; + LedRPS = 0; + LedYRAll = 0; + //++++++++++++ FINE ACCENDI tutti i LED in sequenza e spegnili subito dopo +++++++++++++++++ + +} + + + +/***********************************************************************/ +/* Genera il suono di una motosega. */ +/* Attivo quando arriva il comando di spostamento Cesoie da Raspberry */ +/***********************************************************************/ +void ShearSoundGeneration() +{ + // indice per l'array di suono Shear + int nShearSoundIndex; + // parametri per generare il messaggio di shear + double fAmpShearSound; + double fFreqShearSound; + double fDeltaTShearSound; + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO generazione suono di motosega +++++++++++++++++ + fAmpShearSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il suono di Shear. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] + fFreqShearSound=nSamplePerSecShear/nUnderSampleFactorShear;// campioni per secondo del Shear da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor + fDeltaTShearSound = (1.0/fFreqShearSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + + + for(nShearSoundIndex=0; nShearSoundIndex < nSampleNumShear; nShearSoundIndex++) + { + // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del suono di Shear, moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp + OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWaveShear[nShearSoundIndex]*fAmpShearSound*fSoundGain); + + // tra un campione e l'altro attendi un periodo pari al periodo di campionamento + wait(fDeltaTShearSound); + } + //++++++++++++ FINE generazione suono di motosega +++++++++++++++++ + + + +} +/***********************************************************************/ +/* generazione suoni con i sample da file di campioni in SoundSample.h */ +/***********************************************************************/ +void SampleOut() +{ + // interrompi il suono del motore per generare altri suoni. '1' = interrompi i suoni + if(bEngineSoundStop == 0) + { + // mette in output un campione della forma d'onda del rumore motore moltiplicato per l'amplificazione fAmp + OutWave.write_u16(naInputSoundWave[nEngineSampleIndex]*fAmpEngineSound*fSoundGain); + // incrementa l'indice del campione in output, nSampleNum è il numero dei campioni nle file Sound.h + nEngineSampleIndex++; + if(nEngineSampleIndex >= nSampleNum) + nEngineSampleIndex=0; + } +} + + + /**************************************************************************************/ +/* Routine di gestione Interrupt associata al fronte di salita del segnale di encoder */ +/**************************************************************************************/ +void riseEncoderIRQ() +{ + nCountRiseEdge++; +} + +/********/ +/* Main */ +/********/ +int main() +{ + // configura velocità della comunicazione seriale su USB-VirtualCom e invia messaggio di benvenuto + pc.baud(921600); //921600 bps + + // definisci il mode del segnale digitale di EncoderA + InEncoderA.mode(PullUp); + + // Associa routine di Interrup all'evento fronte di salita del segnale di encoder + InEncoderA.rise(&riseEncoderIRQ); + + // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove + InEncoderA.enable_irq(); + + // definisci il mode del segnale di InStandBy da RPI ('0' = operativo; '1' = StandBy) + InStandByRPI.mode(PullDown); + InShearRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando di apertura/chiusura cesoie. Collegato a Raspberry GPIO17 + InLightSwitchRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando che accende e spegne le Luci rosse e gialle. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO20 + InMotorSwitchRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando che accende e spegne il motore del Cofano. Collegato al Raspberry GPIO16 + InDontTouchRPI.mode(PullDown); // arriva un segnale alto su questo input quando Raspberry Invia un comando per generare messaggio Audio "don't Touch me" GPIO13 + + + + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INIZIO CICLO OPERATIVO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + //+++++++++++ inizializza Gain dei suoni +++++++++++++ + fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; // inizialmente fissato a SOUNDGAIN che può essere fissato a 0 per modalità di debug + + //+++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Sinusoide ++++++++++++++++++ + fFreqClacsonSound = 550.0; // frequenza in Hz del tono del Clacson da generare + fAmpClacsonSound = 1.0; // coefficiente per il quale viene moltiplicato l'ampiezza massima del tono da generare + fDeltaTClacsonSound = 1.0/(fFreqClacsonSound*CLACSONSAMPLENUM); // intervallo di tempo tra un campione e l'altro, per generare la frequenza desiderata + CalculateSinewave(AMPLITUDE, (AMPLITUDE*fAmpClacsonSound*fSoundGain), (PI/2.0)); // generazione della sinusoide con valori nominali + //+++++++++++++ FINE Genera Sinusoide +++++++++++++++++++++ + + // avvia routine di saluto di benvenuto + bEngineSoundStop = 1; // per generare il messaggio di benvenuto il suono del motore è spento + WelcomeMessage(); + bEngineSoundStop = 0; // riattiva il suono del motore + + //+++++++ INIZIO avvio rumore del motore a frequenza da fermo +++++++++ + fAmpEngineSound = 1.0; // fissa l'amplificazione per il rumore motore. Valori da 0[min] a 1[max] + fFreqEngineSound=nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor;// campioni per secondo del rumore motore da generare = nSamplePerSec/nUnderSampleFactor + fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + nEngineSampleIndex =0; // Avvia indice di generazione suono motore + SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione + //+++++++ FINE avvio rumore del motore a frequenza da fermo +++++++++ + + //inizializza variabili + nEngineSampleIndex =0; // avvia l'indice di generazione suoni + nCountRiseEdge=0; // azzera il contatore dei fronti di salita del segnale di encoder. Saranno contati nella IRQ legata a InEncoderA + bEngineSoundStop =0; // inizialmente il suono del motore è generato + nPosizioneCofano=0; // inizializza la posizione del cofano chiuso + nStandBy=0; // iniazializza la modalità StandBy/Operation del robot. nStandBy=0 : modalità Operation + + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INIZIO CICLO OPERATIVO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor + while(true) + { + if(InStandByRPI == 0) + { + // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove + InEncoderA.enable_irq(); + + // se appena uscito dalla modalità di StandBy, è ancora nStandBy = 1, emetti messaggio di benvenuto + if(nStandBy == 1) + { + + // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di benvenuto + bEngineSoundStop=1; + + // se modalità StandBy = OFF, riattiva audio; + fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; + + + //Genera messaggio di benvenuto + WelcomeMessage(); + + // rispristina il suono del motore + bEngineSoundStop=0; + } + + // imposta lo stato di StandBy OFF + nStandBy = 0; + //++++++++++ INIZIO calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ + // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove + //InEncoderA.enable_irq(); + + // conta il numero di impulsi del segnale di encoder che si verificano in un timer pari a 500ms + TimerHall.start(); + nTimerStart=TimerHall.read_ms(); + + // per 100ms verifica se ci sono impulsi sull'encoder. Gli impulsi vengono contati lungo tutto il ciclo ma se il ciclo è attraversato troppo rapidamente rischio di non contaniente e aggiungo questo ritarda. + while( (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart) < 50) // attende il passare di 100ms + { + nTimerCurrent=TimerHall.read_ms(); + // pc.printf("CounterTimer= %d\r\n", (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart)); + } + TimerHall.stop(); + //InEncoderA.disable_irq(); + //++++++++++ FINE calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++ INIZIO genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ + // se nella IRQ sono stati contati fronti di salita del dell'encoder, il robot si sta muovendo + if(nCountRiseEdge != 0) + //if(InDiag1==1) + { + // sono stati contati impulsi di encoder, il robot si sta muovendo + fDeltaTEngineSound = (0.5/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione + //pc.printf("\r\nIn Movimento \r\n"); //Diagnostica + } + else + { + // se non ci sono stati impulsi di encoder, il robot è fermo, genera rumore del motore fermo + fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione + //pc.printf("\r\nFermo \r\n"); //Diagnostica + } + // riazzera il contatore di impulsi di encoder. Questo contatore viene incrementato nella rouine di interrupt + nCountRiseEdge=0; + //++++++++++ FINE genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED Bianchi ++++++++++++++ + // inizializza il valore medio della Luminosità + fAvgLight=0.0; + for(nLightSampleIndex=0; nLightSampleIndex < NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; nLightSampleIndex++) + { + // acquisisce dato da ADC + usReadADC = InWaveLight.read_u16(); + fReadVoltage=(usReadADC*3.3)/65535.0; // converte in Volt il valore numerico letto dall'ADC + //fReadVoltage=InWave.read(); // acquisisce il valore dall'ADC come valore di tensione in volt + fLight= fReadVoltage; //ATTENZIONE Visualizza il valore grezzo letto dall'ADC + fAvgLight+=fLight; + } + // calcola valore medio su NUMSAMPLE acquisizioni + fAvgLight/= NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; + + // Accendi/Spegni i LED Bianchi se il valore medio della luminosità è sotto/sopra soglia + if(fAvgLight < SOGLIALUCIMIN) + { + // Accendi LED Bianchi + //led2 = 1; + LedWAD = 1; + LedWAS = 1; + LedWPD = 1; + LedWPS = 1; + } + else + { + if(fAvgLight > SOGLIALUCIMAX) + { + // Spegni LED Bianchi + //led2 = 0; + LedWAD = 0; + LedWAS = 0; + LedWPD = 0; + LedWPS = 0; + } + } + + // invia il dato al PC + //pc.printf("\n\r--- Digital= %d [Volt]; Brightness= %.2f ---\n\r", usReadADC, fAvgLight); + //++++++++++++ FINE Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED ++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ + //inizializza misura di distanza + fDistance=0.0; + // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor + InOutProxSensor.output(); + // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(0); + wait_us(5); + // Poni 'H' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(1); + wait_us(10); + // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(0); + // Attendi assestamento e Fissa come Input il pin InOutProxSensor + wait_us(5); + InOutProxSensor.input(); + InOutProxSensor.mode(PullDown); // se non è presente il sensore, il pin rimane a '0' + + // attende la risposta del sensore di prossimità per un tempo fissato da TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR. Dopo tale tempo dichiara inesistente il sensore + TimerProxSensor.start(); + nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + nTimerTillNow=(TimerProxSensor.read_us()-nTimerStart); + while((InOutProxSensor ==0) && (nTimerTillNow< TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR)) + { + nTimerCurrent = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + nTimerTillNow=nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart; + led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso + //pc.printf("sono qui 2 \r\n"); // Diagnotica + } + TimerProxSensor.stop(); // spegne il timer che serve per misurare il timeout quando assente il sensore di prossimità + //pc.printf("\r\nUscita dal while, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); // Diagnostica + // se nTimerTillNow è inferiore al TIMEOUT, il sensore è presente e quindi misura la distanza dell'ostacolo + if(nTimerTillNow < TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR) + { + // riattiva il timer per misurare la distanza dell'ostacolo + TimerProxSensor.start(); + nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + while(InOutProxSensor == 1) + { + led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso + } + TimerProxSensor.stop(); + nTimerStop = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + + //pc.printf("\r\nSensore Presente, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); // Diagnostica + + // velocità del suono = 343 [m/s] = 0.0343 [cm/us] = 1/29.1 [cm/us] + // tempo di andata e ritorno del segnale [us] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)[us]; per misurare la distanza bisogna dividere per due questo valore + // distanza dell'ostacolo [cm] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)/2 [us] * 1/29.1[cm/us] + fDistance = (nTimerStop-nTimerStart)/58.2; + // invia il dato al PC + //pc.printf("distanza dell'ostacolo = %f0.2\r\n", fDistance); // Diagnostica + } + + //++++++++++++++ FINE Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Suona Clacson +++++++++ + //escludi le misure oltre il max + //if(myButton == 0) fDistance = 20; //Diagnostica + if((fDistance <= 50.0) && (fDistance >= 3)) + //if(InDiag1 == 1) + { + // SUONA IL CLACSON se l'ostacolo si trova ad una distanza inferiore ad una soglia minima + if(fDistance < 22) + { + // blocca altri suoni quando genera suono del clacson + bEngineSoundStop=1; + // INIZIO generazione tono + nClacsonSampleIndex=0; + // Genera il suono del clacson + for(nClacsonSampleCount=0; nClacsonSampleCount<7000; nClacsonSampleCount++) + { + OutWave.write_u16(usaClacson[nClacsonSampleIndex]); //max 32767 + //OutWave.write_u16(32767); //uscita analogica per scopi diagnostici + + wait(fDeltaTClacsonSound); + + // genera ciclicamente + nClacsonSampleIndex++; + if(nClacsonSampleIndex >= CLACSONSAMPLENUM) + { + nClacsonSampleIndex=0; + } + // a metà genera un wait per doppio clacson + if(nClacsonSampleCount == 2000) + { + wait_ms(100); + } + + } + //assicurati di inviare 0 come ultimo campione per spegnere l'amplificatore e non dissipare inutilmente corrente + OutWave.write_u16(0); + + // sblocca altri suoni dopo aver generato suono del clacson + bEngineSoundStop=0; + + } // if(fDistance < soglia) suona clacson + + } // if( (fDistance < Max) && (fDistance > Min)) + //++++++++++++++ FINE Suona Clacson +++++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO pilotaggio motore cofano +++++++++++++++++++ + if((InMotorSwitchRPI==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) + //if((myButton==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) + { + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // Ruota Right + OutMotorA=1; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Ruota Right; OutA OutB = 11\r\n"); + wait_ms(710); + + // Ferma Motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Stop Motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Aperto + nPosizioneCofano = 1; + } + // se arriva comando di chiusura cofano & il cofano è aperto, muovi motore + //if((myButton==0) && (nPosizioneCofano == 1)) + if((InMotorSwitchRPI==0) && (nPosizioneCofano ==1)) + { + //pc.printf("\r\nCofano aperto & comando di chiusura\r\n"); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // Ruota Left + OutMotorA=1; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Ruota Left; OutA OutB = 10\r\n"); + wait_ms(730); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Chiuso + nPosizioneCofano = 0; + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Pilotaggio Motore Cofano +++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ + if(InLightSwitchRPI ==1) + { + // accendi i LED di abbellimento + //led2=1; + LedYAD = 1; + LedYAS = 1; + LedRPD = 1; + LedRPS = 1; + LedYRAll = 1; + } + else + { + + // spegni i LED di abbellimento + //led2=0; + LedYAD = 0; + LedYAS = 0; + LedRPD = 0; + LedRPS = 0; + LedYRAll = 0; + + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ + if(InShearRPI == 1) + { + // funzione di generazione suono motosega + bEngineSoundStop=1; // disattiva suono del motore + ShearSoundGeneration(); + bEngineSoundStop=0; // riattiva suono del motore + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Messaggio Audio "Don't Touch Me" quando arriva il comando da Raspberry +++++++++ + if ((InDontTouchRPI == 1) || (myButton == 0)) // myButton premuto per scopi Diagnostici + { + // funzione di generazione suono motosega + bEngineSoundStop=1; // disattiva suono del motore + DontTouchMessage(); + bEngineSoundStop=0; // riattiva suono del motore + } + //++++++++++++++ Fine Genera Messaggio Audio "Don't Touch Me" quando arriva il comando da Raspberry +++++++++ + + + }// if(InStandByRPI == 0) + else + { + + // ricevuto da RPI, il comando di StandBy = ON + // ricevuto il comando di StandBy (InStandBy == 1) + + // la prima volta che entra in questo else, la variabile di stato nStandBy è '0'. Solo la prima volta Genera il messaggio di arrivederci + if(nStandBy == 0) + { + // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di arrivederci + bEngineSoundStop=1; + + //Genera messaggio di arrivederci + FarewellMessage(); + + // rispristina il suono del motore + bEngineSoundStop=0; + + // cambia lo stato dello StandBy + nStandBy = 1; + } + + // se modalità StandBy = ON, disattiva audio; + fSoundGain = 0.0; + } // fine if(nStandByRPI == 1) + + } // fine ciclo while(true) + + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE CICLO OPERATIVO++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INIZIO CICLO TEST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + /* + while(true) + { + if(InStandByRPI == 0) + { + // abilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder per contare il numero di impulsi e quindi verificare se il robot si muove + InEncoderA.enable_irq(); + + // se appena uscito dalla modalità di StandBy, è ancora nStandBy = 1, emetti messaggio di benvenuto + if(nStandBy == 1) + { + + // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di benvenuto + bEngineSoundStop=1; + + // se modalità StandBy = OFF, riattiva audio; + fSoundGain = SOUNDGAIN; + + + //Genera messaggio di benvenuto + WelcomeMessage(); + + // rispristina il suono del motore + bEngineSoundStop=0; + } + + // imposta lo stato di StandBy OFF + nStandBy = 0; + //++++++++++ INIZIO calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ + // abilita l'interrupt su fronte di salita del segnale di encoder + nCountRiseEdge=0; + InEncoderA.enable_irq(); + + // conta il numero di impulsi del segnale di encoder che si verificano in un timer pari a 500ms + TimerHall.start(); + nTimerStart=TimerHall.read_ms(); + + // per 200ms verifica se ci sono impulsi sull'encoder + while( (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart) < 200) // attende il passare di 200ms + { + nTimerCurrent=TimerHall.read_ms(); + // pc.printf("CounterTimer= %d\r\n", (nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart)); + } + TimerHall.stop(); + InEncoderA.disable_irq(); + //++++++++++ FINE calcola spostamento con encoder sul motore +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++ INIZIO genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ + // se nella IRQ sono stati contati fronti di salita del dell'encoder, il robot si sta muovendo + if(nCountRiseEdge != 0) + //if(InDiag1==1) + { + // sono stati contati impulsi di encoder, il robot si sta muovendo + fDeltaTEngineSound = (0.5/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione + } + else + { + // se ci sono stati impulsi di encoder, il robot è fermo, genera rumore del motore fermo + fDeltaTEngineSound = (1.0/fFreqEngineSound); // fFreq dipende dal periodo di campionamento e dal fattore di sottocampionamento + SampleOutTicker.attach(&SampleOut,fDeltaTEngineSound); // avvia generazione + + } + // riazzera il contatore di impulsi di encoder. Questo contatore viene incrementato nella rouine di interrupt + nCountRiseEdge=0; + // disabilita interrupt sul segnale di encoder. In questo modo non occupiamo inutilmente la CPU + InEncoderA.disable_irq(); // L'interrupt sarà di nuovo abilitato quando si ricomincia il while (true) + //++++++++++ FINE genera diverso suono con motore fermo e in movimento +++++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++ INIZIO Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED Bianchi ++++++++++++++ + // inizializza il valore medio della Luminosità + fAvgLight=0.0; + for(nLightSampleIndex=0; nLightSampleIndex < NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; nLightSampleIndex++) + { + // acquisisce dato da ADC + usReadADC = InWaveLight.read_u16(); + fReadVoltage=(usReadADC*3.3)/65535.0; // converte in Volt il valore numerico letto dall'ADC + //fReadVoltage=InWave.read(); // acquisisce il valore dall'ADC come valore di tensione in volt + fLight= fReadVoltage; //ATTENZIONE Visualizza il valore grezzo letto dall'ADC + fAvgLight+=fLight; + } + // calcola valore medio su NUMSAMPLE acquisizioni + fAvgLight/= NUMLIGHTSAMPLE; + + // Accendi/Spegni i LED Bianchi se il valore medio della luminosità è sotto/sopra soglia + if(fAvgLight < SOGLIALUCIMIN) + { + // Accendi LED Bianchi + //led2 = 1; + LedWAD = 1; + LedWAS = 1; + LedWPD = 1; + LedWPS = 1; + } + else + { + if(fAvgLight > SOGLIALUCIMAX) + { + // Spegni LED Bianchi + //led2 = 0; + LedWAD = 0; + LedWAS = 0; + LedWPD = 0; + LedWPS = 0; + } + } + + // invia il dato al PC + //pc.printf("\n\r--- Digital= %d [Volt]; Brightness= %.2f ---\n\r", usReadADC, fAvgLight); + //++++++++++++ FINE Misura della Luminosità e accensione LED ++++++++++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ + //inizializza misura di distanza + fDistance=0.0; + // Fissa come Output il pin InOutProxSensor + InOutProxSensor.output(); + // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(0); + wait_us(5); + // Poni 'H' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(1); + wait_us(10); + // Poni 'L' sul Pin e mantienilo per qualche microsecondo + InOutProxSensor.write(0); + // Attendi assestamento e Fissa come Input il pin InOutProxSensor + wait_us(5); + InOutProxSensor.input(); + InOutProxSensor.mode(PullDown); // se non è presente il sensore, il pin rimane a '0' + + // attende la risposta del sensore di prossimità per un tempo fissato da TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR. Dopo tale tempo dichiara inesistente il sensore + TimerProxSensor.start(); + nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + nTimerTillNow=(TimerProxSensor.read_us()-nTimerStart); + while((InOutProxSensor ==0) && (nTimerTillNow< TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR)) + { + nTimerCurrent = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + nTimerTillNow=nTimerCurrent-nTimerStart; + led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso + pc.printf("sono qui 2 \r\n"); + } + TimerProxSensor.stop(); // spegne il timer che serve per misurare il timeout quando assente il sensore di prossimità + pc.printf("\r\nUscita dal while, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); + // se nTimerTillNow è inferiore al TIMEOUT, il sensore è presente e quindi misura la distanza dell'ostacolo + if(nTimerTillNow < TIMEOUTPROXSENSOR) + { + // riattiva il timer per misurare la distanza dell'ostacolo + TimerProxSensor.start(); + nTimerStart = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + while(InOutProxSensor == 1) + { + led2=1; // se rimane nel while il LED rimane acceso + } + TimerProxSensor.stop(); + nTimerStop = TimerProxSensor.read_us(); + + pc.printf("\r\nSensore Presente, nTimerTillNow = %d\r\n", nTimerTillNow); + + // velocità del suono = 343 [m/s] = 0.0343 [cm/us] = 1/29.1 [cm/us] + // tempo di andata e ritorno del segnale [us] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)[us]; per misurare la distanza bisogna dividere per due questo valore + // distanza dell'ostacolo [cm] = (TimerStop-TimerStart)/2 [us] * 1/29.1[cm/us] + fDistance = (nTimerStop-nTimerStart)/58.2; + // invia il dato al PC + pc.printf("distanza dell'ostacolo = %f0.2\r\n", fDistance); + } + else + { + // quando esce dai while bloccanti, il LED si spegne + led2=0; + pc.printf("\r\nTimeOut\r\n"); + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Acquisisci distanza ostacoli +++++++++ + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Suona Clacson +++++++++ + //escludi le misure oltre il max + if((fDistance <= 50.0) && (fDistance >= 3)) + //if(InDiag1 == 1) + { + // SUONA IL CLACSON se l'ostacolo si trova ad una distanza inferiore ad una soglia minima + if(fDistance < 22) + { + // blocca altri suoni quando genera suono del clacson + bEngineSoundStop=1; + // INIZIO generazione tono + nClacsonSampleIndex=0; + // Genera il suono del clacson + for(nClacsonSampleCount=0; nClacsonSampleCount<7000; nClacsonSampleCount++) + { + OutWave.write_u16(usaClacson[nClacsonSampleIndex]); //max 32767 + //OutWave.write_u16(32767); //uscita analogica per scopi diagnostici + wait(fDeltaTClacsonSound); + // genera ciclicamente + nClacsonSampleIndex++; + if(nClacsonSampleIndex >= CLACSONSAMPLENUM) + { + nClacsonSampleIndex=0; + } + // a metà genera un wait per doppio clacson + if(nClacsonSampleCount == 2000) + { + wait_ms(100); + } + + } + //assicurati di inviare 0 come ultimo campione per spegnere l'amplificatore e non dissipare inutilmente corrente + OutWave.write_u16(0); + + // sblocca altri suoni dopo aver generato suono del clacson + bEngineSoundStop=0; + + } // if(fDistance < soglia) suona clacson + + } // if( (fDistance < Max) && (fDistance > Min)) + //++++++++++++++ FINE Suona Clacson +++++++++ + + + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO pilotaggio motore cofano +++++++++++++++++++ + if((InMotorSwitchRPI==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) + //if((myButton==1) && (nPosizioneCofano ==0)) + { + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // Ruota Right + OutMotorA=1; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Ruota Right; OutA OutB = 11\r\n"); + wait_ms(710); + + // Ferma Motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=1; + //pc.printf("Stop Motore; OutA OutB = 01\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Aperto + nPosizioneCofano = 1; + } + // se arriva comando di chiusura cofano & il cofano è aperto, muovi motore + //if((myButton==0) && (nPosizioneCofano == 1)) + if((InMotorSwitchRPI==0) && (nPosizioneCofano ==1)) + { + //pc.printf("\r\nCofano aperto & comando di chiusura\r\n"); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // Ruota Left + OutMotorA=1; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Ruota Left; OutA OutB = 10\r\n"); + wait_ms(730); + + //Ferma motore + OutMotorA=0; + OutMotorB=0; + //pc.printf("Stop motore; OutA OutB = 00\r\n"); + wait_ms(10); + + // cambia posizione del cofano. E' Stato Chiuso + nPosizioneCofano = 0; + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Pilotaggio Motore +++++++++++++ + + + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ + if(InLightSwitchRPI ==1) + { + // accendi i LED di abbellimento + //led2=1; + LedYAD = 1; + LedYAS = 1; + LedRPD = 1; + LedRPS = 1; + LedYRAll = 1; + } + else + { + + // spegni i LED di abbellimento + //led2=0; + LedYAD = 0; + LedYAS = 0; + LedRPD = 0; + LedRPS = 0; + LedYRAll = 0; + + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Accensione LED da comando Raspberry +++++++ + + //++++++++++++++ INIZIO Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ + if(InShearRPI == 1) + { + // funzione di generazione suono motosega + bEngineSoundStop=1; // disattiva suono del motore + ShearSoundGeneration(); + bEngineSoundStop=0; // riattiva suono del motore + } + //++++++++++++++ FINE Genera Suono MOTOSEGA quando arriva comando di movimento Cesoie da Raspberry +++++++++ + }// if(InStandByRPI == 0) + else + { + + // ricevuto da RPI, il comando di StandBy = ON + // ricevuto il comando di StandBy (InStandBy == 1) + + // la prima volta che entra in questo else, la variabile di stato nStandBy è '0'. Solo la prima volta Genera il messaggio di arrivederci + if(nStandBy == 0) + { + // blocca il suono del motore per emettere messaggio di arrivederci + bEngineSoundStop=1; + + //Genera messaggio di arrivederci + FarewellMessage(); + + // rispristina il suono del motore + bEngineSoundStop=0; + + // cambia lo stato dello StandBy + nStandBy = 1; + } + + // se modalità StandBy = ON, disattiva audio; + fSoundGain = 0.0; + + + + } + } //while(true) + */ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE CICLO TEST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + +} +
diff -r 5f43dd94fc17 -r f1faab783b47 SampledSoundDontTouch.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/SampledSoundDontTouch.h Mon Mar 11 21:42:01 2019 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,15409 @@ +//Forma d'onda campionata +int nSampleNumDontTouch = 15403; +int nSamplePerSecDontTouch = 44100; +int nUnderSampleFactorDontTouch = 3; +const int naInputSoundWaveDontTouch[15403]= { +15120, +15027, +15925, +14921, +15211, +15753, +15154, +15201, +15241, +15734, +15129, +15158, +15732, +14976, +15382, +15288, +15306, +15192, +14983, +15849, +14993, +15235, +15485, +15174, +15513, +14813, +15541, +15667, +14711, +15572, +15313, +15240, +15581, +14890, +15360, +15478, +15168, +15411, +15596, +14918, +15991, +15164, +15316, +15526, +15664, +15257, +15357, +15632, +15042, +15628, +15396, +15013, +15728, +15227, +15278, +15693, +14847, +15952, +15178, +14926, +16209, +14758, +15551, +15481, +15274, +15611, +15282, +15055, +15550, +15104, +15470, +14955, +15349, +15488, +14943, +15583, +15287, +14533, +16186, +14934, +14984, +15507, +15351, +14764, +15473, +15347, +14531, +15860, +15055, +14735, +16008, +15055, +15008, +15719, +15104, +15406, +15373, +15107, +15439, +15395, +14992, +15821, +14931, +15715, +15414, +15187, +15857, +15083, +15626, +15345, +15428, +15584, +15515, +15118, +15540, +15691, +15417, +15469, +15750, +15226, +15672, +15502, +15254, +15916, +15203, +15961, +15544, +15245, +16102, +14946, +15737, +15699, +15012, +15854, +15246, +15341, +15677, +15181, +15481, +15548, +15188, +15296, +15634, +14794, +15487, +15496, +14667, +15242, +15454, +14858, +15028, +15436, +14919, +15185, +15201, +15106, +15258, +14712, +15551, +14851, +14788, +15544, +14612, +14803, +15294, +14717, +15121, +15162, +14534, +15764, +14708, +15089, +15290, +15026, +15101, +15729, +14635, +15428, +15470, +15177, +15490, +15207, +15572, +15273, +15395, +15498, +15506, +15124, +15716, +15761, +15152, +15618, +15758, +15403, +15688, +15521, +15860, +15246, +15942, +15747, +15525, +15769, +15926, +15484, +15967, +15261, +16007, +15514, +15554, +15704, +15392, +15824, +15350, +15559, +15507, +15394, +15934, +15122, +15416, +16112, +14743, +15859, +15384, +15142, +15599, +15257, +15157, +15327, +15290, +14911, +15546, +14816, +15169, +15123, +15057, +15097, +14855, +15280, +15043, +15108, +15069, +15207, +15149, +15067, +15269, +14916, +14846, +15487, +14670, +15255, +14946, +15258, +14924, +15115, +15065, +14953, +15130, +14921, +15120, +15338, +14979, +15373, +15291, +15329, +15154, +15651, +15165, +15418, +15581, +15196, +15581, +15472, +15355, +15257, +15627, +15430, +15314, +15538, +15336, +15816, +15455, +15403, +15801, +15464, +15626, +15715, +15557, +15473, +15594, +15753, +15335, +15588, +15533, +15499, +15634, +15347, +15522, +15494, +15654, +15217, +15465, +15877, +15003, +15571, +15453, +15589, +15029, +15775, +15243, +15040, +15780, +14911, +15367, +15147, +15304, +15296, +14974, +15442, +14990, +15465, +14910, +15695, +15043, +15185, +15360, +15508, +14719, +15777, +15051, +15298, +15408, +15198, +15170, +15154, +15425, +15017, +15376, +14950, +15489, +15092, +15326, +15090, +15400, +15148, +15085, +15578, +14793, +15504, +15134, +15428, +15188, +15274, +15539, +15207, +15293, +15653, +15167, +15401, +15460, +15413, +15295, +15666, +15375, +15254, +15981, +14994, +15712, +15385, +15653, +15375, +15388, +15762, +15072, +15542, +15360, +15273, +15484, +15141, +15424, +15539, +15134, +15170, +15595, +14877, +15701, +15205, +14902, +15664, +15180, +15289, +15610, +15133, +15437, +15604, +14841, +15795, +15025, +15264, +15442, +15095, +15106, +15132, +15246, +15110, +15610, +14949, +15411, +15360, +14952, +15436, +15303, +15075, +15494, +15520, +14948, +15610, +15066, +15204, +15338, +15112, +15389, +15415, +15266, +15268, +15656, +15130, +15371, +15536, +15174, +15243, +15649, +15331, +15119, +15921, +15447, +15725, +15416, +15812, +15481, +15594, +15732, +15185, +15719, +15247, +15563, +15360, +15381, +15491, +15593, +15466, +15521, +15624, +15346, +15654, +15300, +15744, +15601, +15211, +15869, +15431, +15339, +15805, +15603, +15315, +15616, +15619, +15007, +15789, +15384, +14931, +15858, +14678, +15143, +15311, +14509, +15199, +15052, +14839, +14915, +14973, +15100, +14704, +14901, +15211, +14529, +15028, +14667, +14759, +15027, +14399, +14855, +14751, +14520, +14653, +15401, +14388, +15068, +15243, +14560, +14999, +15245, +14784, +15075, +15683, +14902, +15533, +15066, +15127, +15566, +15455, +15548, +15579, +15840, +15679, +16105, +15559, +16107, +16191, +16003, +16357, +16068, +16208, +16360, +16424, +16308, +16458, +15861, +16029, +15943, +15526, +15641, +15894, +15010, +15217, +14999, +14153, +15246, +14809, +15962, +16302, +15509, +16117, +14984, +16350, +16224, +16502, +17597, +16931, +18009, +17463, +17114, +17822, +17610, +18757, +18471, +17697, +17395, +17146, +17654, +16734, +16641, +15957, +14355, +13939, +12954, +11491, +11043, +9973, +9410, +7688, +6558, +5901, +5122, +6135, +5797, +6147, +5653, +5813, +7088, +7787, +10100, +11335, +13039, +15411, +16060, +17946, +19143, +20885, +23691, +24133, +25163, +25188, +25642, +25721, +25618, +25764, +25423, +24866, +24661, +23481, +22231, +21732, +20822, +19948, +18949, +18214, +16625, +16094, +15422, +14743, +13900, +12863, +12433, +11720, +10964, +10793, +10664, +10648, +10541, +10996, +10597, +10240, +11408, +11546, +12128, +13199, +13409, +13841, +14758, +15332, +16360, +17246, +17806, +18653, +18681, +18731, +18089, +18319, +17453, +17216, +16616, +14633, +14096, +12513, +11204, +9975, +8290, +7036, +6101, +6015, +4907, +4197, +4901, +4282, +5235, +5790, +6117, +8184, +9570, +11868, +13470, +14250, +16648, +18235, +20736, +21994, +22637, +24773, +24463, +26781, +26315, +25937, +26729, +26233, +26757, +26364, +25501, +25620, +24487, +24808, +23902, +22097, +21976, +20723, +20766, +19661, +18863, +17614, +16124, +16752, +14484, +13635, +13287, +12156, +12156, +11255, +10956, +10472, +9785, +10429, +10158, +9831, +10617, +10614, +11296, +11577, +11867, +12238, +11892, +13118, +13079, +12854, +13246, +12787, +12347, +11703, +10916, +10044, +9190, +9239, +8616, +9007, +7901, +8178, +8237, +7367, +8490, +8116, +8524, +10687, +11469, +13111, +13586, +14660, +16342, +18217, +19826, +19781, +21320, +21908, +22984, +22639, +21914, +22739, +23847, +23337, +23095, +23037, +21962, +22776, +21833, +21062, +20770, +20800, +19633, +18800, +20603, +20386, +18719, +17957, +18500, +18593, +16203, +17122, +16463, +16521, +16971, +14823, +14480, +14069, +14786, +14001, +13691, +15134, +14515, +14025, +14248, +14744, +14370, +13428, +14122, +14815, +12918, +12379, +11458, +10017, +8598, +6764, +7955, +6944, +6713, +6221, +4856, +5721, +4580, +5307, +6692, +7059, +9696, +10675, +11701, +13491, +14308, +16421, +18379, +20414, +21670, +21754, +22851, +23371, +23618, +23302, +23227, +23943, +23105, +23044, +22559, +20777, +20039, +19173, +19785, +17772, +17415, +17473, +16615, +16963, +15997, +15834, +15568, +15402, +15825, +14909, +14515, +14644, +14573, +15163, +14912, +14736, +15308, +15676, +16290, +15560, +15851, +15986, +15445, +15858, +15507, +15998, +15243, +15080, +14669, +12027, +11213, +9043, +9404, +9857, +9065, +9921, +6905, +7821, +5770, +4899, +6554, +5492, +9187, +9596, +11314, +12984, +11620, +15815, +17879, +19746, +21654, +21628, +23452, +23045, +23303, +23804, +23031, +24230, +24722, +23653, +23560, +22215, +21496, +20661, +20712, +19893, +17945, +18303, +17406, +16650, +16489, +15557, +15683, +14845, +14874, +14308, +12706, +13824, +13214, +13597, +13922, +13820, +14180, +13091, +14393, +14000, +13054, +13920, +13850, +13852, +13515, +13189, +13829, +12258, +11217, +9756, +7829, +7922, +8822, +9100, +9399, +8287, +8402, +7239, +6582, +7033, +7208, +9363, +10438, +11823, +12124, +12464, +15138, +17704, +20325, +21383, +21968, +23231, +23659, +24250, +24111, +25192, +25295, +25312, +25579, +24756, +23285, +22903, +22680, +22141, +20256, +19290, +18604, +17709, +17978, +17400, +17047, +16621, +15388, +15658, +13643, +13806, +13704, +13287, +14319, +13724, +14076, +13867, +13601, +14337, +13675, +13906, +13472, +13313, +13452, +11816, +12028, +9790, +8465, +8319, +6701, +8920, +7412, +7550, +7391, +4452, +6950, +3658, +5871, +7569, +7622, +12002, +9676, +10928, +12597, +12738, +18592, +18029, +20773, +21869, +22410, +24940, +23697, +25819, +25482, +25879, +26634, +24789, +25083, +23518, +23924, +24375, +23056, +22950, +21138, +20342, +20743, +19230, +19092, +18727, +17555, +17829, +15531, +15307, +14263, +12883, +14246, +13311, +13380, +12673, +12454, +12243, +11274, +12368, +12263, +12695, +9992, +9625, +7792, +3324, +5779, +3753, +6008, +6881, +5674, +6922, +3802, +6191, +5423, +5580, +9682, +10050, +12132, +12843, +11928, +14565, +15015, +19554, +20681, +19876, +21962, +20870, +23131, +23346, +24200, +25539, +25154, +26132, +25696, +23540, +25235, +23192, +23686, +23712, +21232, +21586, +18584, +19910, +20165, +18295, +19500, +17145, +17253, +15971, +14758, +14915, +13269, +14203, +14033, +13425, +13640, +12986, +13850, +14016, +15326, +15831, +14725, +12869, +10299, +8921, +7264, +7627, +9036, +7583, +6547, +5850, +3119, +4472, +2990, +5064, +6308, +7057, +11402, +8789, +11590, +13919, +15046, +19903, +19569, +21321, +21179, +22227, +24557, +23476, +24867, +24329, +24914, +23885, +23234, +22600, +20191, +22089, +21407, +20027, +19028, +16908, +16777, +16142, +16144, +17293, +15378, +15149, +15041, +13389, +13214, +12390, +12719, +12973, +12053, +12933, +11256, +11795, +13581, +13424, +14405, +13901, +13263, +11038, +10975, +10464, +11337, +11182, +10396, +11025, +7909, +8606, +7415, +7695, +9913, +10003, +12557, +11679, +11739, +13719, +14405, +18742, +19772, +20227, +21594, +22015, +22917, +23646, +25389, +25966, +25723, +26607, +25609, +24539, +24032, +25012, +23904, +23771, +21891, +19992, +18278, +17300, +17592, +15829, +15303, +15098, +13587, +13500, +11924, +11547, +11081, +10812, +11008, +10255, +9756, +9298, +9942, +10634, +10084, +8748, +7626, +6805, +6816, +7339, +8341, +7832, +8166, +7535, +6529, +7044, +6232, +8648, +9459, +11211, +13141, +10469, +12127, +12913, +15345, +18602, +18713, +20068, +20458, +21784, +22840, +23523, +25167, +25438, +26150, +24984, +24957, +23128, +23170, +24959, +24500, +25045, +23265, +22330, +21874, +21227, +21312, +20442, +20613, +19769, +18196, +16774, +14675, +14187, +13598, +14129, +13399, +12944, +11366, +11389, +11017, +10120, +9417, +7333, +7151, +7009, +6790, +6290, +4871, +4572, +3568, +4875, +3483, +4310, +5889, +7599, +9410, +9138, +9990, +11208, +12779, +16343, +16341, +17808, +17966, +18880, +19993, +20235, +22011, +21956, +23413, +24638, +23013, +22470, +22373, +22830, +24136, +24057, +23967, +22760, +21147, +22013, +20981, +20651, +21895, +21090, +21723, +20685, +19298, +18842, +18062, +18845, +17878, +17402, +16162, +14679, +13593, +11538, +10556, +9975, +9824, +11092, +10461, +8680, +7556, +5494, +5814, +3596, +4006, +5492, +5703, +8520, +6354, +6653, +7658, +8740, +12135, +12087, +14097, +13307, +14290, +16707, +15781, +18069, +18015, +19592, +20764, +20134, +19669, +18253, +19442, +19981, +20430, +20011, +19738, +20516, +19945, +20570, +19689, +20535, +21204, +21309, +22437, +20964, +19950, +19983, +19026, +19809, +19251, +18878, +18579, +17399, +14387, +12823, +11569, +11820, +12809, +10758, +11415, +7517, +7626, +6794, +5590, +7940, +7777, +9960, +11032, +8834, +9078, +8702, +11551, +14701, +14015, +14986, +14247, +15787, +16749, +17332, +19255, +18424, +20308, +19632, +18550, +18848, +17460, +19498, +19356, +18473, +18129, +16410, +18838, +18822, +18152, +18398, +17494, +18879, +19235, +19164, +19505, +19233, +20708, +20225, +19711, +19440, +18040, +18245, +16415, +15827, +15314, +14596, +15649, +12929, +13864, +11265, +9569, +10328, +6986, +7667, +6800, +7943, +9850, +7715, +9696, +9258, +10697, +12358, +11467, +12771, +11186, +14224, +14178, +13997, +15282, +13423, +16279, +16055, +16253, +15507, +14048, +15001, +14890, +14405, +14753, +14551, +15289, +16957, +15874, +15579, +17009, +17559, +19784, +19919, +20579, +20063, +20031, +21556, +21482, +22871, +22222, +22162, +20623, +19401, +18850, +18700, +20457, +18363, +18722, +15855, +14343, +14796, +11897, +13780, +13041, +13890, +13800, +11986, +12710, +12833, +13945, +17336, +14611, +15573, +14941, +15945, +16339, +15265, +16911, +16510, +16440, +16116, +13476, +11797, +11342, +11011, +11458, +10143, +9325, +8444, +7381, +8883, +7320, +7236, +8698, +9158, +10791, +10082, +12067, +12112, +14800, +16120, +15902, +16292, +15604, +15575, +16042, +16604, +18497, +20022, +20536, +19610, +19577, +17322, +18664, +18337, +19115, +21329, +19377, +23050, +20896, +19961, +22441, +21757, +24583, +22778, +23110, +22329, +21221, +22287, +21215, +21005, +21217, +21666, +20726, +18529, +16733, +15453, +14418, +13932, +14144, +10662, +10552, +8926, +7735, +6716, +3875, +5622, +4258, +5433, +5931, +3944, +5776, +5411, +7132, +6818, +6591, +6992, +5762, +6727, +7785, +8297, +10478, +11178, +11742, +10520, +11175, +12462, +13622, +15311, +18124, +18779, +20138, +20010, +20910, +24028, +25906, +27679, +28175, +27665, +28125, +28055, +29185, +27998, +28990, +29208, +28391, +27730, +26212, +24105, +24307, +22905, +22890, +21448, +19214, +18165, +16026, +14784, +13378, +10412, +11002, +9815, +8884, +8080, +6734, +6698, +6801, +7095, +5504, +3719, +3333, +3194, +3478, +4484, +5356, +5679, +5682, +5305, +4126, +5037, +5519, +7806, +9292, +10832, +11594, +11602, +12685, +13970, +16682, +20178, +20347, +21683, +21442, +21867, +22748, +23695, +24864, +25627, +26216, +27101, +25964, +25408, +24972, +24456, +23609, +24063, +23568, +22992, +22186, +21659, +21030, +18590, +18092, +18087, +16483, +16966, +15386, +14525, +13843, +12598, +11828, +9646, +8208, +7960, +7469, +7787, +8269, +7087, +7022, +6245, +5095, +5269, +5043, +6006, +7688, +8751, +10326, +9777, +9983, +11552, +12292, +15261, +16105, +16666, +18325, +18567, +19798, +18918, +19732, +20625, +21157, +22555, +22354, +22292, +21663, 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+16947, +17306, +14151, +17764, +18007, +16979, +21795, +17262, +20442, +16083, +18930, +15620, +19832, +16874, +14180, +18073, +16068, +14855, +17926, +16164, +11569, +15615, +12557, +16542, +14379, +19327, +11003, +14830, +14708, +14577, +13547, +15055, +15067, +14320, +14793, +11804, +14476, +12302, +13837, +9730, +11164, +15775, +10772, +13736, +11293, +10353, +10698, +14838, +13195, +16179, +15308, +16246, +16889, +15463, +16107, +16125, +19534, +15741, +20241, +17360, +20248, +18794, +18581, +17071, +17709, +16276, +16900, +19291, +16954, +17654, +16400, +18217, +15467, +17896, +17536, +19541, +15317, +17987, +16416, +19449, +16400, +12884, +15382, +13192, +14806, +11726, +12205, +13801, +9138, +12028, +8041, +11015, +8077, +8729, +12036, +11182, +10245, +11840, +12234, +11489, +15463, +14207, +14533, +16796, +18733, +19391, +19508, +20203, +19104, +21413, +21080, +20704, +18301, +19790, +16494, +17021, +16461, +17567, +15666, +16702, +16874, +14525, +16364, +15644, +14446, 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+23493, +26898, +22230, +20364, +14971, +13343, +11667, +13429, +13609, +8863, +10844, +10208, +10630, +13557, +13384, +16336, +18138, +21646, +23473, +26014, +26884, +23959, +23554, +20607, +16033, +13622, +10255, +8861, +10133, +11193, +13669, +16772, +18545, +18839, +18424, +17987, +15251, +15296, +15782, +16603, +18293, +18461, +19829, +19855, +18441, +15043, +11742, +8218, +5956, +7931, +10220, +14319, +16847, +18035, +20258, +18288, +17157, +14046, +12236, +12572, +13036, +15753, +17671, +18821, +18827, +17456, +15086, +10681, +7002, +3936, +3794, +5312, +5925, +9081, +11618, +14059, +16189, +13958, +11558, +8817, +8382, +14156, +16839, +21999, +21003, +21960, +25707, +20683, +24592, +17063, +12814, +14001, +9824, +12798, +11536, +16274, +20741, +25556, +28006, +24537, +26390, +22807, +19109, +18291, +13892, +13426, +14261, +16273, +17283, +15699, +13551, +10222, +11151, +10482, +8203, +11217, +15013, +19389, +25415, +26700, +25527, +22708, +19426, +14720, +10238, +8213, +4337, +6380, +9588, +11930, +15743, +17752, +19312, +17649, +16678, +13927, +11737, +12461, +10389, +12360, +14345, +13918, +15033, +14175, +12770, +11388, +11923, +10813, +10124, +11724, +11616, +14456, +16371, +15491, +16933, +17690, +15664, +15004, +12785, +11381, +11954, +14221, +16303, +19673, +22087, +22876, +23928, +21920, +17379, +12721, +6770, +3496, +4991, +7209, +12819, +17839, +19451, +22834, +24417, +22762, +24118, +20290, +19521, +21722, +21003, +21985, +23319, +22802, +22542, +21621, +15931, +9598, +6934, +4976, +4098, +6449, +7175, +10190, +16304, +20189, +21946, +24641, +22468, +19971, +19544, +16474, +12779, +11136, +10812, +11200, +11861, +10869, +9176, +10238, +10719, +10894, +11224, +11670, +10944, +12659, +16450, +18125, +17768, +17882, +17191, +16462, +15263, +14004, +13294, +13133, +13151, +14623, +16855, +16202, +14999, +15512, +15171, +15570, +16232, +16122, +16621, +16598, +17359, +18516, +18150, +16871, +16017, +15395, +15143, +17380, +16717, +17831, +18090, 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-18008, -18357, -18533, -19173, -19392, -19460, -19816, -20304, -20363, -20486, -20747, -20635, -20294, -20212, -20046, -19531, -18929, -18570, -18082, -17854, -18080, -18202, -18150, -17725, -17651, -17531, -17734, -18308, -18868, -19502, -19906, -20467, -20897, -21034, -21100, -21373, -21370, -21682, -21492, -21500, -21025, -20645, -20370, -19912, -19135, -18269, -17267, -16804, -16357, -16210, -15463, -14295, -13302, -12505, -12239, -12035, -11452, -10524, -9625, -9208, -8878, -8694, -8294, -7247, -6480, -6463, -6533, -6548, -6604, -6360, -6043, -6304, -7046, -7474, -7783, -7995, -8180, -8835, -9768, -10751, -11302, -11743, -12431, -13209, -14085, -14908, -15418, -15695, -15926, -16582, -17321, -17695, -17803, -17715, -17591, -17554, -17881, -17976, -17939, -17986, -17984, -18165, -18373, -18813, -19030, -19009, -19289, -19424, -19397, -19253, -19438, -19519, -19393, -19581, -19574, -19109, -18830, -18611, -18253, -17403, -17032, -16518, -16124, -16336, -16693, -16647, -16390, 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-16337, -16282, -16274, -14623, -13932, -14300, -13787, -12913, -12926, -12601, -11351, -11627, -12435, -11318, -10684, -10967, -10265, -9427, -10278, -10300, -8760, -8867, -9581, -8967, -9170, -9707, -9203, -8316, -9069, -9947, -9675, -10297, -10813, -10440, -10875, -12001, -13046, -13010, -13203, -13828, -14114, -14505, -15416, -16143, -15892, -15729, -16617, -16930, -16597, -17119, -17208, -16573, -16769, -17817, -17729, -17217, -17886, -17982, -17489, -18074, -18742, -18389, -17905, -18270, -18059, -17647, -17875, -17405, -16557, -16022, -16372, -16650, -17055, -16906, -16089, -15627, -16120, -16629, -17723, -18360, -18752, -19051, -19689, -20711, -20852, -21125, -21063, -21064, -21538, -22368, -22569, -22071, -21564, -21468, -20657, -20648, -20206, -19443, -18497, -18149, -17653, -17193, -16667, -15661, -14586, -14458, -13888, -13332, -12876, -12353, -11453, -11493, -11785, -11204, -10675, -10984, -10225, -10023, -10811, -10874, -9922, -9908, -10326, -9777, -9750, -10474, -10229, -9374, -9881, -10140, -9798, -10028, -10674, -10445, -10312, -11149, -11963, -11952, -12459, -13063, -13168, -13409, -14419, -15129, -15089, -15096, -15631, -15853, -16060, -16504, -16981, -16645, -16324, -16878, -17102, -16828, -17118, -17485, -16962, -16964, -17956, -17965, -17414, -17153, -16499, -15644, -15354, -16063, -15902, -15868, -16248, -15930, -15616, -15473, -15931, -16329, -16803, -18080, -18896, -19750, -20430, -20623, -21374, -21482, -21995, -22566, -22687, -22696, -22257, -22657, -22813, -22432, -22385, -21526, -20056, -19870, -20012, -19637, -18443, -18248, -17412, -16013, -16017, -16556, -15166, -13903, -13761, -13013, -11868, -12910, -12590, -11008, -10691, -11082, -10364, -10477, -11444, -11050, -9940, -10700, -10773, -10723, -11402, -11717, -10848, -10624, -11377, -11333, -11088, -11592, -11037, -10380, -10985, -11677, -11741, -11724, -12015, -12091, -12290, -12982, -13630, -13666, -13409, -13943, -14523, -14722, -15154, -15652, -15644, -15146, -15683, -16317, -15764, -16062, -16567, -16199, -15893, -16427, -16538, -15402, -14810, -14943, -13942, -13836, -14743, -15042, -14666, -14574, -14734, -14122, -14620, -15549, -15943, -16865, -17831, -18703, -19373, -20239, -20988, -21480, -22052, -22685, -22892, -23655, -23304, -23496, -23796, -23941, -23604, -23142, -22480, -21628, -21190, -21388, -20545, -19778, -18887, -17687, -17337, -17858, -17071, -16186, -15593, -14788, -13932, -14590, -14131, -12863, -12176, -12159, -11417, -11679, -12607, -11685, -10375, -11043, -11057, -10687, -11314, -11468, -10207, -9915, -10978, -11219, -10644, -11152, -10980, -10027, -10657, -11512, -11592, -11183, -11270, -11562, -11483, -12349, -13329, -12936, -12535, -12843, -13421, -13792, -13913, -14284, -14236, -14301, -15042, -15739, -15780, -15615, -15726, -15631, -15848, -16222, -16258, -15448, -14354, -14295, -14331, -14499, -15204, -15191, -14525, -13976, -14325, -14841, -14992, -15945, -16526, -16784, -17954, -18932, -19677, -19773, -20011, -20489, -21338, -22107, -22715, -22465, -22087, -22155, -22569, -23082, -22805, -21973, -21257, -20763, -20703, -20813, -20756, -19814, -18083, -17776, -18326, -17576, -17056, -17036, -15537, -14602, -15143, -15480, -14227, -13395, -13762, -12539, -12500, -13579, -12792, -11669, -12224, -12702, -11891, -11689, -12471, -11214, -10900, -11955, -12442, -11643, -11585, -11572, -10725, -10967, -11994, -12170, -11868, -11914, -11621, -11491, -12459, -13570, -13402, -13391, -13277, -13677, -14132, -14276, -14875, -14986, -14299, -14786, -14989, -15179, -14799, -14650, -13786, -12468, -13008, -12773, -12566, -13126, -11576, -12189, -9706, -12715, -14444, -13942, -14578, -11749, -15413, -17297, -19839, -19944, -15576, -20200, -24041, -23504, -23538, -18449, -24228, -23297, -27868, -22141, -20657, -22850, -23277, -21934, -21407, -20503, -19618, -17793, -20422, -15734, -17195, -17714, -16090, -14462, -14422, -15230, -14726, -15721, -15607, -11976, -13970, -15846, -14437, -14194, -14823, -14520, -13454, -14945, -15004, -14287, -14883, -14399, -12496, -14268, -14743, -14454, -13489, -14246, -13042, -12975, -15032, -13385, -13230, -13858, -14014, -11957, -13833, -15163, -13583, -12587, -13290, -13907, -13279, -13366, -14017, -13532, -13667, -12632, -13756, -13609, -13064, -12853, -14278, -12278, -12172, -11716, -12490, -9729, -10182, -11326, -8106, -9845, -7533, -9624, -12476, -9432, -12758, -7894, -13904, -16883, -13895, -20067, -13432, -22975, -25080, -18995, -26156, -20489, -29738, -25093, -26558, -25967, -24050, -30056, -25403, -21191, -24742, -26306, -21058, -18060, -22053, -18461, -17334, -17841, -13461, -12814, -16291, -16051, -10072, -10658, -16355, -11202, -11539, -15180, -12834, -12182, -14130, -14163, -13753, -15511, -17340, -12301, -13756, -17407, -14422, -13874, -14070, -15822, -12357, -14132, -14389, -13875, -14161, -13573, -12441, -13100, -13478, -15202, -13565, -12382, -13305, -14108, -15197, -14375, -13442, -16162, -13600, -15124, -13936, -15776, -14462, -13963, -13963, -13530, -13319, -12715, -12088, -11178, -8822, -11254, -10110, -7087, -8824, -5736, -10544, -7348, -9693, -11060, -5933, -12652, -13028, -15412, -15441, -12700, -23302, -20726, -18628, -23682, -20225, -29039, -21944, -27750, -22784, -25491, -28841, -23894, -21758, -25874, -25825, -21330, -18610, -24378, -19822, -20133, -18308, -16336, -16813, -18034, -16518, -12471, -15529, -17221, -11431, -13534, -15127, -15007, -12891, -14875, -13931, -13498, -17057, -15706, -12130, -15283, -16029, -15019, -12133, -16471, -14780, -11486, -13210, -14514, -12753, -12884, -12400, -13251, -12254, -12982, -15078, -12270, -12366, -13685, -14237, -14255, -12949, -15181, -14798, -12840, -14286, -15987, -15552, -13911, -14074, -13963, -15447, -13371, -13777, -11335, -11746, -11907, -12120, -9911, -10339, -6285, -11141, -9332, -10049, -9687, -7623, -10689, -10995, -14941, -14490, -11544, -16737, -20695, -15213, -21570, -17287, -26141, -19918, -23875, -22586, -23299, -26266, -23503, -20727, -24172, -23627, -20646, -18620, -22207, -18925, -18638, -17157, -15478, -15002, -17356, -15709, -12113, -14471, -17054, -12970, -13977, -16715, -15936, -13812, -16648, -16341, -17225, -18390, -18043, -15504, -17712, -20068, -18917, -14646, -18847, -17423, -16758, -14111, -16231, -16692, -14150, -12370, -13717, -14160, -13056, -12735, -13596, -12474, -12163, -13777, -14198, -11837, -14040, -14758, -13725, -12471, -15894, -15687, -13470, -14083, -14248, -14270, -14048, -13101, -13045, -9743, -13132, -9736, -10077, -8847, -6727, -10731, -7581, -10132, -7656, -7491, -11181, -9571, -14018, -12282, -12318, -19048, -15402, -18061, -17787, -19415, -25036, -19323, -23549, -20047, -25962, -24312, -20798, -22524, -25353, -20332, -18873, -19595, -21693, -17072, -18227, -14407, -13681, -16188, -16519, -10317, -12462, -15572, -12447, -8687, -15300, -16592, -12067, -13607, -15056, -14110, -17776, -19511, -17104, -14594, -19708, -21306, -17247, -19291, -21331, -19093, -17358, -18419, -20254, -19256, -17477, -15826, -16953, -16464, -16958, -15672, -14836, -14323, -14645, -16090, -15075, -13344, -15730, -14644, -14073, -14186, -15679, -16557, -13704, -14392, -13874, -14204, -14003, -12032, -11953, -11572, -10964, -9578, -8498, -7484, -11066, -7239, -7849, -6157, -7040, -10181, -7010, -11519, -7841, -10082, -17051, -13249, -12747, -15540, -17040, -22046, -16179, -23949, -18960, -23304, -22093, -22260, -22300, -26652, -22175, -19281, -20581, -22941, -19225, -20055, -16217, -15474, -14759, -17297, -12752, -12340, -15269, -12257, -8035, -13072, -15543, -11474, -11198, -13952, -12720, -14627, -17010, -17370, -14126, -16467, -19703, -17448, -16889, -19880, -19557, -19068, -17024, -18998, -20349, -18580, -17325, -17596, -17237, -16527, -17121, -18202, -14984, -14626, -16697, -17326, -14310, -15355, -17170, -15315, -14648, -17115, -17088, -15968, -15435, -16906, -15958, -15065, -16215, -14604, -13600, -14466, -12494, -11664, -7628, -14119, -9829, -8278, -6534, -6909, -10765, -8167, -10757, -9198, -6209, -16140, -11400, -14015, -12287, -14445, -19853, -14720, -21038, -18233, -22193, -20095, -18872, -21741, -24947, -21227, -18175, -19965, -21918, -18611, -19246, -17513, -14886, -15464, -16341, -11999, -11396, -15257, -13450, -6997, -10159, -15022, -11011, -10068, -12790, -13061, -13077, -14027, -16459, -14529, -14720, -18097, -16623, -17158, -18010, -18382, -18450, -17127, -19572, -18764, -17962, -16775, -18431, -18896, -17424, -17905, -17935, -17056, -16489, -18200, -17834, -15054, -15834, -18045, -16127, -15423, -16147, -17644, -16082, -16024, -16983, -16222, -15291, -15934, -15334, -15247, -12833, -15516, -14084, -10031, -14321, -11619, -12830, -9107, -9588, -13080, -9831, -12183, -10828, -9915, -16232, -10846, -14710, -13372, -13166, -19740, -14060, -20839, -14267, -21876, -20050, -18211, -19325, -23804, -20441, -17739, -18802, -22174, -17086, -19107, -16853, -15026, -13811, -16431, -13027, -10990, -13195, -12418, -7294, -10861, -12940, -10482, -7970, -11940, -11323, -12017, -12796, -15393, -13443, -13565, -17179, -17319, -16754, -16208, -16746, -18388, -16182, -17730, -18806, -18492, -15306, -16304, -17729, -17908, -16498, -18159, -14995, -16064, -17822, -19712, -15961, -15236, -19354, -18316, -16632, -18042, -19440, -18695, -15785, -18857, -18387, -18392, -17285, -17352, -15402, -14969, -16843, -14126, -10975, -12525, -13311, -10980, -10637, -7930, -12130, -7583, -11979, -9473, -9094, -13640, -13336, -10637, -16626, -11856, -21462, -11944, -22828, -16913, -21140, -21946, -20715, -21330, -24009, -21625, -19596, -19541, -24067, -18857, -18851, -18450, -15289, -13535, -16685, -13739, -9168, -11104, -11642, -6835, -9165, -13227, -9471, -5181, -9582, -12208, -9620, -12085, -14389, -11802, -13297, -15628, -17859, -17969, -16325, -18178, -16114, -17739, -18792, -17820, -18505, -16612, -16291, -17350, -15908, -18136, -17312, -14217, -13819, -15985, -17854, -15775, -14652, -16354, -15733, -15816, -16637, -19529, -16359, -16452, -17920, -19396, -20303, -17034, -20316, -18210, -17513, -17576, -18456, -14812, -14659, -12195, -16099, -10769, -12215, -9855, -9030, -10166, -9673, -9574, -8880, -9651, -12058, -12886, -10598, -15261, -12374, -20179, -12889, -23613, -16010, -22461, -19877, -22866, -22093, -22144, -22375, -20161, -21121, -23872, -17137, -18375, -17640, -17945, -14144, -14067, -14679, -12535, -10795, -11631, -10259, -13043, -10861, -10067, -7968, -13169, -12127, -11895, -14138, -13507, -14229, -14752, -17159, -16094, -15742, -18886, -16623, -14671, -16698, -19178, -18049, -12582, -15389, -16319, -15872, -14192, -14321, -17017, -13221, -14341, -16031, -14506, -16313, -13781, -16832, -14755, -14763, -17365, -17738, -15047, -17598, -15395, -20916, -13961, -20204, -17995, -20666, -16690, -16930, -18970, -18172, -15899, -14824, -12164, -12470, -15090, -12384, -11423, -3589, -13773, -8485, -8724, -8510, -11232, -10076, -13137, -11303, -17268, -11380, -19995, -19635, -16821, -21274, -22091, -25475, -18091, -22052, -22821, -22794, -19902, -20033, -19615, -19602, -17703, -18798, -14505, -16439, -15367, -15686, -12220, -14062, -15537, -14687, -9881, -13257, -14606, -12954, -10333, -14772, -14292, -11220, -15716, -15271, -13550, -13605, -16302, -19174, -12310, -14342, -17254, -15257, -14241, -13961, -16953, -12287, -8755, -12234, -14306, -10852, -12101, -15579, -12029, -12103, -14180, -16645, -15170, -13062, -20413, -20108, -18530, -19035, -17808, -22401, -21029, -20545, -20277, -20343, -19487, -20944, -19007, -19785, -16676, -20484, -15657, -12880, -13017, -14241, -12038, -8149, -11086, -11257, -4216, -7834, -6934, -7598, -7917, -8050, -7363, -11658, -11276, -11792, -11711, -17398, -16375, -17574, -15710, -19319, -19746, -22456, -19985, -21769, -20681, -21890, -22655, -22488, -19444, -21939, -21334, -19561, -17705, -20065, -20109, -18082, -17667, -18478, -17284, -16699, -18517, -18567, -14587, -15751, -18112, -17260, -13539, -15021, -17458, -14158, -11741, -14394, -13079, -12554, -10332, -12977, -11047, -8691, -10915, -10875, -10955, -9965, -11023, -9862, -9131, -13185, -13965, -13981, -14329, -13059, -15941, -15135, -18315, -17684, -14901, -16295, -17857, -19521, -15605, -14749, -21562, -17651, -15767, -17917, -16439, -17712, -15594, -17093, -15211, -16240, -15912, -14488, -15828, -13252, -14285, -12743, -11481, -11578, -13074, -14120, -11142, -11981, -13118, -11064, -13421, -14067, -14843, -12717, -12213, -15215, -16166, -14273, -15702, -18357, -16624, -16560, -18518, -20057, -18506, -20128, -20594, -20085, -19786, -20886, -20901, -23589, -20722, -20903, -19714, -22312, -22588, -18512, -20643, -19609, -20411, -17973, -18330, -18304, -16716, -14903, -18335, -14496, -14902, -11584, -14129, -13492, -9146, -11001, -10568, -10826, -7828, -9405, -10023, -10436, -9063, -11445, -12540, -12573, -12244, -13370, -13961, -15274, -17051, -14730, -14287, -17946, -18052, -13029, -15071, -16203, -15315, -10866, -15906, -14896, -14354, -9687, -14602, -14924, -12340, -12510, -14356, -13912, -11736, -12501, -14054, -15057, -12622, -12874, -14108, -12536, -13743, -16385, -16302, -12154, -13681, -17591, -16170, -14473, -17316, -17161, -14752, -14734, -19081, -17991, -15796, -17083, -17244, -17475, -19746, -20260, -19799, -17411, -20821, -20718, -21744, -22290, -22925, -21162, -20347, -24333, -21742, -22832, -21043, -22494, -19362, -17884, -21615, -18556, -16263, -14784, -17403, -14561, -11570, -13473, -15217, -11116, -9653, -12658, -14684, -10234, -10488, -12801, -14058, -11894, -11680, -15356, -14124, -13603, -13713, -15523, -17016, -12605, -14488, -15349, -15192, -12854, -14571, -15245, -13114, -12673, -12153, -14442, -10940, -11847, -10776, -10404, -11542, -10730, -10559, -9616, -10885, -10656, -10826, -10054, -11915, -11856, -12166, -12820, -13111, -13898, -13364, -14929, -15689, -13303, -14264, -15847, -16165, -15002, -15554, -15485, -15956, -15527, -17224, -17125, -17627, -17964, -17976, -20854, -21638, -21067, -19077, -22996, -23608, -22753, -22641, -24601, -24255, -22618, -24777, -24105, -24675, -22339, -22715, -21792, -19717, -20541, -19859, -17761, -15776, -15612, -15304, -12907, -10760, -12732, -11047, -8888, -8260, -11950, -10843, -9562, -10079, -11669, -12629, -11793, -14523, -14852, -13744, -13382, -15645, -18681, -15882, -14797, -15487, -16312, -14675, -15009, -15704, -15396, -14088, -13166, -15588, -14221, -14784, -14210, -12499, -14143, -12880, -14089, -14124, -11898, -11981, -12693, -13574, -12262, -12019, -12218, -12961, -11839, -11823, -13071, -12398, -12588, -12430, -13628, -11756, -11993, -12695, -13641, -11861, -13191, -13353, -13793, -13545, -14233, -14916, -13891, -15754, -18139, -18683, -16170, -17758, -21235, -22141, -19912, -22063, -23013, -23600, -23495, -24058, -25930, -24218, -23501, -22685, -22838, -22892, -22058, -20680, -19281, -17223, -16140, -14139, -15150, -12489, -11434, -9925, -10110, -9360, -9509, -11178, -9212, -9581, -11359, -11759, -11423, -14489, -15347, -15350, -13272, -18398, -18771, -18408, -16536, -18885, -17708, -16860, -18057, -18405, -16994, -15714, -15616, -14747, -14691, -16365, -15458, -10823, -12522, -14658, -15076, -12499, -13765, -15454, -13682, -13626, -15273, -15853, -15445, -16390, -15093, -15269, -16099, -17337, -14916, -13381, -15318, -15424, -12527, -13247, -11638, -13273, -11764, -10846, -11155, -12305, -9883, -9097, -12150, -13268, -10832, -10452, -13891, -14093, -14394, -16162, -16825, -17336, -18759, -20830, -19839, -20598, -22339, -22111, -20601, -22080, -21928, -21048, -20873, -21959, -19436, -17365, -17942, -17349, -16371, -14063, -13730, -12837, -11728, -11036, -12530, -11200, -9391, -11593, -12008, -11479, -9962, -14279, -15449, -13020, -14073, -17238, -17098, -15954, -17618, -19059, -16867, -15710, -17381, -20776, -16157, -16248, -16968, -16101, -17562, -17253, -16115, -13995, -15491, -18259, -16170, -14857, -17885, -16917, -15184, -16630, -17957, -17863, -17058, -17590, -16980, -17732, -19124, -19089, -15920, -15491, -18055, -17335, -16420, -14769, -14561, -14892, -14109, -14754, -15812, -13307, -9877, -11768, -15049, -13479, -10459, -12063, -12977, -11632, -12817, -14250, -12987, -13382, -13823, -14961, -14138, -16266, -16604, -16426, -15283, -16234, -16672, -16257, -15129, -15515, -15342, -14344, -13679, -13645, -14007, -12199, -12076, -11204, -11227, -11122, -12705, -10703, -11069, -12491, -12443, -12198, -14594, -16329, -12835, -12991, -17307, -19409, -15826, -16206, -19247, -19102, -17131, -17332, -19685, -19704, -16993, -17280, -17857, -18828, -18082, -17527, -17276, -16085, -17953, -16730, -17267, -17819, -18653, -17050, -16496, -18949, -19798, -18504, -17211, -19793, -20183, -20424, -20020, -20271, -19413, -19527, -20712, -19625, -18761, -17555, -18015, -16126, -16159, -16330, -16178, -12777, -13333, -14397, -15135, -12250, -12655, -13657, -13179, -11486, -13160, -13885, -13793, -12493, -12850, -13547, -13876, -13706, -14726, -13540, -12743, -13685, -15002, -13251, -12061, -12641, -12987, -11269, -11118, -12192, -11231, -10470, -9531, -9968, -10520, -10660, -10620, -10365, -10423, -11852, -11911, -12455, -13947, -12862, -12396, -15149, -16759, -14980, -14675, -16354, -16817, -15847, -16754, -18040, -17518, -15567, -17846, -17732, -18599, -17533, -16996, -18091, -17391, -17782, -17587, -18259, -18112, -17477, -17703, -18898, -18467, -18939, -20148, -17763, -18429, -20067, -20646, -19859, -18776, -20537, -20056, -20405, -20824, -20531, -20185, -19398, -18454, -19974, -20779, -17812, -17232, -18058, -17974, -17134, -16419, -17749, -15740, -15767, -16599, -15089, -14232, -15828, -15751, -13103, -12482, -15366, -14842, -12971, -14028, -13839, -12456, -12752, -14606, -14819, -11131, -11496, -13569, -13032, -10100, -11972, -11527, -10616, -8426, -10889, -11032, -9566, -8824, -9067, -9702, -8451, -10622, -10607, -10070, -9526, -11636, -12998, -12740, -10963, -13587, -12991, -12665, -12527, -15626, -14159, -13270, -13872, -14631, -15667, -16284, -16592, -15393, -15746, -17871, -17801, -18015, -19427, -17893, -17400, -18416, -19330, -19463, -19475, -19392, -17845, -18637, -20322, -19876, -18724, -19941, -19350, -19005, -19482, -21149, -20700, -19066, -19375, -19965, -20912, -20734, -19441, -20062, -20084, -19829, -20263, -20377, -20426, -19049, -20425, -19630, -18758, -18899, -19638, -17659, -16449, -17323, -17255, -16461, -15124, -14802, -15304, -13978, -14515, -14937, -13648, -12016, -10857, -14024, -13026, -10326, -9573, -11596, -10392, -8937, -10518, -11235, -9543, -7981, -10425, -9820, -9193, -9397, -9870, -8633, -8169, -10543, -10582, -9792, -9401, -10453, -10219, -9554, -11876, -11949, -11399, -10677, -11457, -12984, -14861, -13499, -13280, -13536, -15542, -15401, -15385, -17358, -17361, -16418, -16692, -18372, -18765, -18725, -18588, -18928, -19667, -19746, -20431, -20616, -20439, -20730, -19581, -21223, -21510, -20318, -19931, -20624, -21279, -21265, -20315, -19743, -20468, -20248, -21534, -19940, -20755, -19279, -19630, -20506, -19859, -19553, -18958, -18378, -18224, -17906, -18529, -17510, -15791, -16183, -16573, -14869, -15486, -15951, -15031, -13583, -13635, -14448, -13533, -13606, -13466, -12366, -11515, -12469, -12268, -12233, -12027, -11385, -10352, -10720, -11906, -11549, -10694, -10729, -10531, -9782, -10862, -11016, -10756, -10036, -9934, -10621, -10296, -11141, -11536, -11481, -11858, -11488, -12486, -13786, -14209, -13437, -13330, -15081, -14910, -15303, -15381, -15711, -15398, -15702, -15621, -16032, -16743, -16251, -15666, -15686, -16927, -16760, -16493, -16790, -16548, -16055, -17563, -18887, -17908, -16552, -18172, -18890, -19137, -19533, -19325, -19341, -18974, -20438, -20102, -20531, -20374, -20709, -19782, -20411, -20991, -20830, -19734, -19835, -19903, -20017, -19511, -18424, -19289, -18970, -18095, -16954, -18035, -17710, -15907, -15928, -17224, -15829, -14518, -15542, -16702, -14857, -13251, -14456, -14676, -13633, -12758, -13280, -13015, -12057, -11813, -11608, -11575, -10981, -10482, -9965, -10143, -10632, -10160, -8737, -9663, -10432, -10127, -8895, -10000, -11196, -9841, -10240, -12281, -12967, -11634, -12571, -14186, -13573, -14432, -15723, -16008, -14987, -15668, -16246, -15444, -16100, -17327, -15909, -15674, -16166, -16331, -15999, -16431, -16754, -15361, -15947, -17116, -17161, -16813, -16098, -17845, -17536, -17461, -17935, -18901, -18762, -17623, -18040, -19343, -18824, -19167, -18830, -18628, -17777, -18896, -19215, -18719, -17807, -18730, -18557, -18376, -18841, -18524, -18790, -18350, -19290, -18721, -17929, -18130, -18834, -18687, -17416, -17759, -17515, -16623, -17140, -16047, -16315, -15500, -15364, -15257, -14405, -14240, -14660, -12532, -13005, -12860, -12921, -11287, -11105, -11793, -11243, -10747, -10522, -10950, -10894, -9033, -10335, -10415, -10338, -9894, -10939, -11248, -10416, -11125, -12992, -13025, -13274, -15903, -15770, -13908, -17702, -16442, -19942, -18528, -14500, -20309, -14520, -13848, -15118, -8720, -19890, -19812, -13971, -14790, -2046, -19077, -15963, -11024, -23546, -6757, -23391, -17358, -5016, -25527, -12762, -25091, -21145, -3709, -25630, -17130, -15022, -17403, -13752, -19660, -16609, -24813, -5255, -14890, -32318, -19486, -8256, -22654, -20738, -11071, -27402, -16094, -16518, -21934, -27830, -9306, -15245, -18197, -24813, -2799, -24761, -16963, -12599, -20560, -22907, -9023, -17523, -16890, -17989, -13408, -16466, -18428, -11119, -17759, -11537, -11656, -8663, -12739, -12316, -10314, -9787, -11141, -6937, -15908, -6574, -11074, -12988, -14078, -14104, -12701, -19099, -11175, -11294, -20548, -12445, -15967, -14233, -17760, -18439, -15132, -19716, -9241, -19036, -16703, -9468, -19015, -14942, -11968, -18125, -13271, -16430, -8779, -17549, -14952, -8537, -18774, -13874, -12155, -20314, -12076, -17322, -12506, -15363, -20339, -11968, -19313, -18070, -13438, -20377, -10773, -24371, -12200, -16483, -23540, -9029, -17317, -19885, -14692, -14849, -14074, -23949, -10296, -22465, -17249, -11321, -21267, -14289, -17102, -18866, -15086, -18684, -18755, -19535, -11509, -19240, -19854, -16318, -14497, -15747, -16321, -22363, -12028, -19180, -16173, -15747, -19524, -16858, -12741, -14547, -18961, -19710, -4629, -16999, -20376, -6624, -14357, -18337, -8190, -17483, -13427, -16132, -7066, -17656, -17188, -14222, -11234, -18254, -14513, -13807, -12279, -14014, -12792, -16258, -11806, -12451, -14618, -13177, -10129, -12984, -15869, -11882, -9609, -18547, -11332, -11099, -17364, -13050, -16760, -13477, -17415, -20015, -10928, -15804, -22545, -10450, -17658, -16511, -19011, -14273, -15897, -22235, -15258, -16050, -19764, -13349, -15949, -16752, -18372, -15720, -11572, -25431, -7365, -18072, -19744, -5411, -24973, -10874, -16547, -18752, -9003, -24033, -10190, -18684, -19127, -11712, -23439, -12669, -16570, -17762, -16155, -19264, -11024, -23256, -10694, -24068, -7347, -19485, -13427, -16775, -15151, -15405, -16713, -16969, -8967, -28073, -4830, -21130, -14432, -16701, -11949, -17758, -23561, -5311, -13149, -25271, -5986, -23264, -8772, -18473, -18045, -13462, -20962, -4103, -22711, -13682, -9047, -21654, -7525, -18722, -18559, -8263, -17338, -9185, -19135, -10733, -10023, -18898, -14971, -16910, -12562, -16069, -13361, -16943, -9518, -16715, -14556, -12065, -15909, -18577, -8584, -18535, -10120, -17725, -11520, -16442, -15027, -14813, -15857, -15984, -15723, -18567, -8103, -27355, -9066, -19124, -14078, -18428, -11526, -20213, -12700, -17477, -14538, -17768, -12287, -21662, -12098, -15980, -17213, -15026, -18636, -12230, -24513, -6982, -19022, -21585, -13841, -17427, -17728, -16555, -20127, -10986, -23365, -12341, -21349, -19024, -6434, -22548, -18205, -13329, -17173, -14119, -18432, -14936, -20996, -9717, -10618, -32767, -5662, -17793, -14406, -19860, -19395, -4126, -24026, -13085, -9080, -27424, -1597, -18543, -18563, -6657, -15224, -12332, -16501, -14493, -9530, -15571, -12157, -18295, -10906, -12913, -10139, -24816, -8915, -9371, -19410, -17259, -11354, -18088, -10998, -19918, -7872, -21575, -12916, -8204, -23610, -11849, -10797, -12095, -17302, -14440, -10407, -15912, -17280, -11167, -17828, -10451, -15954, -14942, -20511, -13976, -17722, -17883, -15608, -17602, -20504, -11856, -19710, -18440, -16477, -19587, -17612, -16999, -19021, -18057, -18422, -15663, -20965, -18006, -18579, -14588, -17512, -20543, -18975, -10097, -14363, -19897, -14431, -16216, -10614, -15657, -16936, -19384, -6379, -17385, -12189, -25563, -5923, -15943, -9943, -28607, -6965, -11298, -20178, -16065, -11186, -18295, -13785, -12785, -16962, -20963, -5008, -12033, -29005, -4184, -10688, -22067, -15764, -14331, -12170, -16984, -16949, -11156, -19137, -7124, -17727, -15545, -15842, -8337, -14052, -19326, -10135, -14144, -16118, -12731, -15584, -12532, -15139, -14240, -15203, -19414, -7322, -20351, -16995, -11055, -15577, -14507, -19130, -14974, -14891, -12846, -19497, -18614, -14852, -12865, -20316, -16379, -17174, -15868, -19802, -18265, -21903, -12732, -19394, -16997, -18331, -15068, -17534, -15219, -18063, -17425, -15978, -13325, -21266, -14348, -11460, -20069, -16811, -14985, -14384, -16068, -15296, -18797, -13148, -15986, -15265, -15686, -12392, -14845, -17550, -14517, -15574, -11811, -12472, -17765, -14097, -13553, -12509, -14192, -19489, -8404, -14157, -13900, -14482, -16163, -11061, -15045, -13604, -15903, -17089, -11555, -15830, -15727, -15551, -18056, -13323, -19536, -17083, -12664, -16507, -20470, -12676, -13958, -17383, -14714, -16011, -15940, -12307, -16969, -14794, -16280, -14610, -13183, -17916, -16986, -15131, -12741, -16692, -18044, -13684, -15081, -17241, -15089, -13079, -19423, -13909, -14616, -16864, -14663, -16497, -17529, -13542, -17481, -13245, -16121, -18110, -12252, -17617, -14912, -16523, -15907, -17688, -11482, -15867, -19334, -16441, -10243, -18616, -15895, -20227, -13144, -15107, -16477, -19941, -15326, -12872, -18256, -16136, -16620, -19940, -10727, -15036, -19014, -19206, -9065, -16771, -14997, -17610, -12489, -13718, -10227, -19176, -12077, -17809, -7423, -16305, -14458, -17535, -12796, -10334, -18423, -19359, -11045, -17303, -13530, -21369, -17575, -13850, -15043, -18789, -18291, -16434, -12199, -19090, -17716, -18787, -13537, -13045, -16950, -18338, -14377, -13135, -14174, -18824, -12372, -12465, -15491, -15142, -14101, -15334, -11577, -10321, -14501, -18046, -12244, -14370, -13970, -15919, -15134, -11192, -15554, -12044, -15197, -12184, -12955, -14669, -13100, -13352, -10583, -9580, -15834, -13613, -13959, -12731, -12609, -16017, -14665, -20471, -13471, -19760, -26658, -20463, -19638, -22380, -24054, -28672, -24426, -22290, -25144, -23929, -26883, -17168, -30806, -20726, -19294, -18504, -13666, -17391, -16795, -13086, -14353, -5710, -9562, -10907, -6621, -9726, -5953, -9969, -2608, -9531, -7768, -4795, -10524, -12064, -7749, -11941, -11151, -13211, -15041, -13919, -15118, -12827, -17008, -16749, -17162, -16197, -19322, -19274, -20239, -16474, -20693, -18262, -23613, -17739, -17527, -17776, -19099, -19592, -18174, -12053, -16621, -10944, -16480, -13339, -9088, -12413, -7841, -4839, -10977, -10554, -12986, -8655, -8788, -11775, -12352, -15819, -7819, -18329, -17769, -20126, -17841, -14533, -25007, -24958, -25664, -25156, -19566, -26711, -28703, -23040, -29805, -18341, -26789, -23671, -20652, -18853, -17885, -23233, -16169, -9808, -14099, -10120, -15989, -12270, -6618, -9529, -6845, -11193, -6647, -5390, -11837, -7442, -7544, -6281, -11342, -12329, -10889, -13983, -10822, -13645, -16691, -15441, -19456, -16867, -19732, -21670, -15552, -22753, -21309, -25352, -20535, -19230, -23933, -16581, -19699, -18607, -16626, -16270, -10101, -12533, -13103, -7911, -11635, -1292, -6254, -4011, -2741, -11628, -4991, -7988, -8936, -8699, -14357, -12182, -11959, -22083, -18733, -26056, -14824, -23803, -22273, -29246, -26783, -24770, -21057, -28105, -20935, -26623, -20618, -21614, -18859, -20643, -15707, -11260, -13433, -18308, -10740, -10492, -9050, -7572, -9043, -8309, -9879, -7967, -9446, -10461, -8907, -10217, -14278, -14002, -15226, -11460, -21087, -17578, -19422, -20785, -19991, -22559, -22228, -20716, -22637, -20516, -26037, -19540, -21784, -20978, -19298, -23008, -15636, -16868, -17163, -12034, -15228, -10662, -10899, -12049, -7464, -11835, -3979, -2857, -6751, -8322, -10654, -5978, -4525, -10550, -10334, -17264, -10800, -14280, -17913, -20196, -22008, -15951, -19759, -23784, -23682, -25797, -20038, -21158, -23010, -18505, -23568, -13585, -17056, -16035, -13935, -12715, -10225, -11495, -12085, -6658, -11795, -7114, -9449, -9125, -10607, -12767, -9753, -13330, -12586, -13680, -18864, -15914, -18072, -18808, -19689, -22828, -19068, -24456, -22730, -22355, -23797, -20263, -24173, -22232, -20863, -22962, -17929, -20229, -17377, -18401, -17932, -13655, -14959, -12731, -9582, -9698, -7947, -9528, -9334, -8550, -5866, -666, -4785, -7352, -13634, -10051, -8305, -9352, -14444, -16080, -19427, -16111, -23152, -20644, -28068, -21347, -21283, -23129, -27949, -27030, -23692, -19256, -21454, -15483, -19758, -16950, -14016, -11610, -8372, -10047, -5264, -7299, -7970, -4957, -4796, -6883, -5139, -6036, -11253, -10914, -11050, -13339, -14550, -17659, -19946, -21474, -21868, -19931, -27830, -22692, -27303, -24319, -26336, -23733, -23115, -22669, -22518, -16927, -21923, -16734, -20402, -13140, -15866, -15166, -13879, -11389, -11176, -7796, -10623, -6476, -10402, -9259, -10304, -9621, -8130, -3030, -8187, -10829, -20104, -14163, -13608, -14000, -19107, -21725, -21639, -17946, -27549, -20104, -28064, -18097, -17445, -18216, -22461, -22766, -16168, -11279, -14832, -7272, -14412, -10734, -10335, -4100, -4465, -6261, -3950, -8524, -8894, -4753, -9133, -9553, -12616, -10946, -14683, -18636, -17276, -20817, -20223, -21162, -24152, -24402, -27000, -23672, -23552, -24444, -23256, -23093, -22674, -20634, -20444, -18513, -19260, -16684, -17526, -16269, -16601, -15872, -16767, -15111, -14569, -13069, -12076, -10611, -12915, -12042, -13768, -13623, -13832, -7878, -7876, -10812, -12610, -16563, -18240, -16492, -13827, -14767, -18514, -18701, -17514, -22187, -18993, -20258, -14657, -14827, -12274, -16981, -17771, -13042, -10266, -9790, -6026, -10781, -12068, -10526, -6753, -7920, -8355, -6381, -10983, -12454, -10915, -13170, -13456, -14628, -13589, -16235, -17162, -20039, -20386, -20607, -18130, -20091, -20930, -23498, -22430, -21614, -19071, -20288, -19231, -19767, -17818, -18229, -18943, -18719, -15623, -16185, -16635, -19022, -18309, -18376, -16282, -15067, -13701, -12745, -13793, -13862, -17739, -15995, -13701, -10922, -7031, -9751, -13247, -16735, -18667, -15708, -16331, -15858, -17746, -19839, -17416, -25314, -21334, -22767, -17809, -14063, -14452, -16880, -20867, -17176, -9693, -10540, -5973, -8017, -10366, -10676, -9603, -5772, -6272, -5325, -8630, -11313, -10033, -13473, -13067, -12569, -11726, -14355, -17088, -18155, -20726, -19103, -16099, -18297, -18903, -21935, -20710, -21254, -19160, -16957, -18811, -19759, -18135, -18773, -18063, -19518, -17603, -16631, -17407, -19029, -18456, -18939, -17011, -13878, -11597, -12432, -12089, -12065, -14520, -14988, -13250, -7529, -5584, -9928, -11922, -18686, -19405, -17985, -17264, -18474, -21192, -21487, -22017, -27761, -26392, -25918, -18567, -18637, -14784, -19085, -19607, -17299, -13187, -7452, -6321, -6965, -9364, -10539, -7613, -9494, -4332, -6480, -7409, -11601, -10230, -14352, -13490, -12422, -12257, -14652, -12266, -16430, -18818, -19040, -14761, -15009, -15355, -17439, -19452, -19580, -18210, -17564, -17377, -18153, -18320, -19080, -20217, -20786, -20269, -18738, -18979, -20483, -19759, -19468, -18433, -14365, -9701, -9849, -10708, -11798, -14013, -13531, -12262, -5442, -7177, -8337, -14560, -19413, -21576, -21474, -19188, -19924, -22017, -20200, -26030, -26945, -27213, -23780, -16653, -15534, -12820, -18069, -16985, -17177, -11437, -8230, -7360, -7636, -10462, -10805, -11876, -10543, -8810, -11434, -11005, -11561, -12766, -14890, -15145, -13969, -12779, -10934, -11665, -13362, -14915, -12940, -13970, -13253, -13245, -15079, -16167, -17031, -18720, -19423, -18645, -18122, -18994, -20486, -22594, -22223, -21882, -20753, -19923, -19561, -18688, -18041, -14982, -11121, -8243, -7080, -8656, -11881, -11630, -12362, -8009, -6224, -8807, -11555, -19193, -22212, -24055, -23278, -22343, -22806, -19899, -21873, -25114, -27587, -26823, -18684, -14362, -11465, -13715, -15704, -15262, -17158, -13677, -12429, -10194, -10928, -13059, -15519, -16226, -13886, -12923, -13370, -11784, -10658, -11392, -11798, -10731, -10725, -8829, -8237, -6623, -9313, -10361, -12469, -13759, -14725, -14633, -16927, -18103, -19311, -19443, -22420, -21939, -21072, -19861, -20342, -21100, -20807, -20999, -21154, -20247, -18222, -17609, -14028, -11937, -9977, -8157, -7669, -10948, -13689, -13898, -12420, -7116, -8609, -9203, -14884, -18861, -23312, -25053, -21655, -20662, -18683, -15605, -19955, -22908, -25316, -20982, -17081, -12976, -10486, -14340, -15895, -19316, -18775, -17343, -14738, -14354, -15321, -15441, -16311, -15098, -14533, -14661, -13512, -10500, -9908, -10518, -9254, -10007, -11546, -10447, -9043, -8095, -9948, -10850, -13234, -15999, -16403, -16086, -17110, -17756, -17308, -17336, -18652, -18425, -18539, -18173, -18850, -18330, -18954, -18847, -20881, -19999, -20995, -18713, -16574, -12308, -9297, -8098, -8582, -12036, -16461, -16295, -13751, -8419, -7508, -7788, -14805, -20513, -25206, -25953, -24987, -22121, -17956, -14993, -17931, -21926, -23443, -22856, -16728, -13242, -9155, -12142, -12694, -16957, -18058, -19638, -16593, -15210, -13606, -14106, -14873, -15621, -15458, -16819, -15355, -13106, -10922, -10826, -8611, -10308, -11561, -10669, -8813, -8498, -7926, -8420, -10640, -13515, -14232, -16265, -16203, -17059, -16256, -17200, -18279, -18543, -18670, -19788, -20230, -20225, -19229, -18694, -19843, -20383, -20991, -19715, -16121, -10929, -7729, -6066, -7723, -13269, -18039, -20651, -16862, -12262, -9152, -8935, -14921, -21991, -26882, -29163, -27312, -22534, -16265, -11860, -14301, -16065, -19815, -20225, -17416, -12901, -9245, -10059, -9570, -14559, -17087, -19991, -20118, -19945, -18027, -15416, -13664, -13921, -15468, -18315, -17403, -16732, -12753, -10309, -7736, -8742, -9558, -9752, -9208, -9184, -9171, -9523, -10250, -12898, -14357, -15775, -17090, -18936, -18620, -17977, -17315, -17143, -16588, -17187, -18062, -18571, -17926, -17213, -16155, -16138, -18435, -19133, -16421, -11724, -6906, -5685, -8494, -15742, -22765, -24973, -21154, -14756, -10107, -10461, -14632, -20571, -26446, -30615, -28713, -22660, -13778, -8705, -10559, -12732, -18194, -18331, -17864, -14308, -11096, -10125, -9789, -13282, -16254, -19195, -22377, -22005, -20710, -16555, -14524, -11930, -13243, -15921, -17836, -17185, -15369, -11413, -8442, -8035, -9009, -9319, -10374, -12036, -13900, -13318, -13953, -14150, -14567, -15320, -17130, -17629, -16873, -17298, -15949, -13724, -11823, -11838, -13246, -15061, -16250, -16599, -16322, -17047, -19276, -20008, -17775, -13371, -9686, -7214, -11553, -18505, -24290, -24938, -21107, -16242, -11394, -9358, -12149, -17869, -25052, -30984, -29730, -24229, -14393, -10278, -8369, -11964, -15705, -18388, -19768, -15750, -13280, -9468, -9668, -11852, -13509, -17874, -20164, -21597, -20267, -17437, -14222, -11379, -12854, -13924, -16474, -16779, -16758, -14139, -12001, -11265, -9614, -8382, -9838, -12240, -14323, -15270, -16007, -14714, -14227, -14099, -14563, -14270, -15217, -15635, -14389, -12918, -11787, -12617, -14063, -16058, -16560, -17493, -18128, -19660, -22003, -21255, -18219, -12746, -8915, -7399, -10588, -17562, -21983, -23934, -21051, -17171, -12039, -9413, -12794, -18142, -25561, -31305, -30889, -25603, -16787, -10951, -6894, -9044, -12069, -15402, -16815, -15693, -13875, -10571, -9253, -9254, -11576, -15563, -19212, -22048, -22053, -19731, -15947, -13298, -13206, -14549, -15946, -16358, -16920, -15610, -14932, -12974, -10951, -9311, -9424, -10894, -12683, -15040, -17112, -16950, -16124, -14956, -14272, -12669, -13863, -13607, -14385, -14015, -13340, -13216, -13934, -15353, -15743, -16865, -17573, -18644, -20700, -20724, -18198, -12438, -7619, -5213, -7066, -11798, -17934, -22534, -23487, -21059, -16416, -12234, -12290, -17008, -24868, -29793, -31830, -28303, -21387, -12439, -8690, -7774, -9837, -13151, -15073, -15239, -16165, -13253, -13447, -11205, -13059, -14503, -18253, -19796, -20956, -19738, -17792, -14565, -13069, -13471, -14065, -13928, -14407, -13676, -14255, -13301, -12425, -9669, -9789, -10576, -12138, -14595, -16677, -17185, -17772, -17087, -16362, -13622, -14165, -14028, -14104, -14007, -14671, -15379, -16547, -16667, -16718, -16455, -16692, -17852, -18588, -18113, -15251, -11419, -7182, -4911, -6449, -10336, -17065, -20855, -22416, -21026, -17402, -14759, -13238, -16982, -23184, -28869, -31552, -26793, -20057, -12110, -9328, -7898, -9813, -13443, -14313, -16447, -16562, -15816, -14903, -12608, -13469, -14654, -18316, -19977, -19698, -18940, -17070, -15414, -14633, -14405, -13957, -13300, -12813, -13167, -13427, -13537, -12451, -10785, -10512, -10878, -11932, -13956, -15580, -16654, -17465, -18581, -16917, -15622, -14371, -14385, -14592, -14206, -14725, -15549, -16841, -17512, -17416, -17221, -16140, -16975, -16795, -15841, -12439, -9320, -6573, -7643, -10253, -15071, -18367, -19984, -20863, -19325, -17624, -14543, -15157, -19310, -24225, -28317, -27388, -22592, -16110, -9681, -8603, -7443, -11491, -13514, -16200, -17527, -17427, -17559, -14731, -14410, -15320, -17206, -19759, -20355, -19949, -18034, -15421, -14622, -14628, -14520, -13884, -13291, -12870, -12264, -12248, -12258, -10769, -10822, -10510, -11217, -12857, -14469, -16232, -16934, -17860, -17736, -16067, -15974, -14403, -14465, -13679, -13785, -13443, -14732, -16577, -18180, -18875, -18070, -16930, -15445, -14391, -12218, -10377, -9051, -9599, -12590, -15399, -18628, -18577, -19051, -18350, -16903, -15448, -15183, -17623, -21964, -26335, -28021, -23232, -17484, -11311, -8686, -8103, -9520, -12927, -16353, -19155, -20259, -19447, -17150, -13579, -13415, -15182, -18181, -20582, -21695, -20119, -17829, -14475, -13896, -13435, -14347, -14167, -14172, -13943, -12952, -12157, -10355, -10160, -10262, -10673, -11730, -13041, -14990, -16903, -17674, -18343, -16468, -15878, -14896, -13234, -13914, -12905, -13239, -13346, -15229, -17253, -18431, -18792, -18052, -16748, -15380, -13654, -10647, -8494, -8404, -10470, -13635, -16824, -17412, -18313, -18764, -18185, -17003, -14654, -15635, -17965, -22662, -26576, -26292, -22936, -15909, -11268, -7498, -7173, -9383, -13120, -18142, -20926, -22373, -20627, -17630, -15192, -14337, -15584, -17420, -19708, -20502, -20301, -18112, -16217, -14923, -13852, -13442, -13388, -13930, -12110, -11996, -10467, -9369, -9016, -9263, -10095, -11885, -15120, -17723, -19517, -19842, -18551, -16710, -15904, -15464, -14089, -13849, -13483, -13761, -14409, -15721, -17033, -19041, -19916, -18894, -16363, -13464, -11549, -9845, -8920, -9773, -11154, -12893, -15086, -16628, -17406, -17013, -16675, -15073, -14397, -15622, -17715, -21408, -23967, -25468, -23463, -17342, -11781, -7600, -7607, -8432, -14322, -18824, -23182, -24265, -22362, -18340, -14368, -13114, -14244, -15945, -18904, -19899, -21101, -19381, -18056, -16178, -14731, -12995, -11869, -11461, -11019, -10766, -10033, -9935, -9155, -8657, -9252, -12127, -14764, -18341, -20667, -20234, -18603, -15902, -15456, -14054, -15011, -14959, -14554, -14767, -15806, -17206, -19426, -20904, -21291, -18549, -15189, -11265, -8120, -7318, -8281, -11265, -12039, -14102, -14506, -15382, -17110, -17663, -17184, -16382, -16503, -18504, -19928, -23529, -24200, -24953, -22379, -17680, -12148, -7482, -6196, -7117, -12265, -17081, -20866, -22726, -20868, -18168, -14662, -12780, -13169, -15708, -19169, -21765, -22449, -20707, -19376, -17128, -15377, -12089, -10148, -8040, -8586, -10107, -9477, -9732, -8998, -9373, -9894, -12897, -16844, -19849, -21713, -21058, -18889, -16497, -14543, -14363, -13985, -15657, -15528, -14798, -14961, -16736, -19306, -20905, -20770, -17814, -13734, -8970, -7053, -6854, -9405, -12185, -13956, -15175, -15928, -16920, -17413, -18086, -17523, -17678, -18174, -18613, -20205, -20429, -21934, -22061, -20316, -16749, -11451, -9005, -6438, -9226, -12283, -16421, -20848, -21906, -22186, -19901, -18079, -16136, -15430, -16939, -17962, -19439, -20106, -20749, -19200, -17731, -14698, -11083, -7981, -5956, -7190, -7372, -8287, -8742, -9446, -10378, -12822, -15746, -18466, -19486, -19749, -18602, -17436, -15456, -14294, -13480, -14471, -16264, -17625, -16995, -16350, -18111, -19678, -21318, -20828, -17417, -12882, -7434, -5290, -5791, -9642, -13764, -16853, -17851, -17046, -17201, -16941, -16418, -16625, -18235, -20099, -20955, -21717, -20540, -20102, -18585, -16951, -13066, -10971, -8918, -9375, -11634, -14807, -18400, -20514, -21889, -20561, -19480, -18080, -16622, -17012, -17185, -18231, -17948, -18233, -17901, -18232, -17440, -14432, -11273, -7122, -5822, -6435, -7677, -8793, -8349, -9688, -10801, -14606, -17474, -19316, -19143, -18532, -17132, -15057, -13246, -12116, -12661, -15145, -17247, -18733, -18549, -19356, -19504, -20987, -20349, -19048, -14063, -8866, -4732, -4220, -8072, -12772, -17047, -19483, -19519, -19174, -17412, -16149, -15692, -17063, -19708, -22745, -23861, -23021, -21113, -18841, -15338, -12174, -9952, -9482, -9304, -12382, -15261, -18244, -19890, -20751, -19166, -18492, -18000, -17910, -17885, -18745, -18861, -17526, -15962, -15641, -15953, -16905, -16064, -14880, -11038, -8507, -7278, -6806, -7627, -8064, -8401, -10287, -13872, -17746, -20103, -20625, -19705, -17722, -15585, -12655, -10302, -9454, -11720, -14627, -17510, -19174, -19557, -18551, -19121, -19253, -18395, -15082, -10034, -5502, -2808, -4972, -10187, -15485, -19333, -20766, -19123, -17425, -16068, -16148, -16902, -18768, -21329, -23752, -24685, -24850, -22757, -19535, -15682, -11291, -9667, -8382, -12032, -14541, -18397, -20329, -21437, -20375, -18431, -16795, -16166, -16884, -18684, -19544, -18618, -16671, -15380, -15254, -15406, -15978, -16249, -14483, -12781, -10000, -8255, -7220, -6710, -7558, -8727, -11145, -15324, -18920, -22020, -21351, -19582, -16870, -13582, -10997, -8968, -10040, -11574, -15238, -17921, -19801, -20459, -20085, -19291, -17282, -13571, -9283, -4587, -1682, -2183, -6465, -13432, -18666, -21687, -21254, -18452, -16214, -14665, -15706, -17368, -20085, -23455, -24535, -26156, -24778, -22780, -18168, -13026, -9167, -6454, -8764, -11044, -16036, -19548, -22586, -22656, -20670, -18248, -15973, -15122, -15944, -17611, -18822, -17943, -17147, -16302, -16348, -15899, -15773, -14385, -13320, -11477, -10180, -9360, -9094, -9641, -10244, -12320, -14776, -18430, -21183, -22451, -22010, -19855, -16050, -12371, -10141, -9981, -11216, -14567, -16829, -18978, -19968, -19529, -18194, -15764, -12797, -9004, -5784, -3424, -3174, -6072, -10752, -16431, -20428, -21447, -19770, -17114, -15721, -15412, -16455, -18037, -19535, -20918, -22344, -23570, -23005, -19882, -15702, -10767, -7605, -7147, -9620, -12736, -17105, -20727, -23247, -22269, -19972, -16992, -15044, -14101, -14749, -16319, -16977, -16923, -16718, -16468, -16612, -15975, -15399, -14280, -13442, -12222, -11385, -10390, -10016, -11181, -12830, -14916, -17006, -20008, -22308, -22741, -21739, -18456, -14017, -10916, -9808, -10028, -11942, -15213, -18775, -20930, -21319, -19640, -15588, -11556, -8548, -6427, -5743, -5643, -7516, -10220, -14396, -18292, -20305, -20284, -18631, -17759, -17274, -17749, -18616, -18657, -19240, -20268, -21610, -22064, -20850, -18163, -14309, -11498, -8937, -8532, -10517, -13947, -17553, -20451, -21525, -20393, -17911, -14831, -13147, -12856, -13644, -15603, -17148, -17783, -17291, -17106, -16138, -15255, -14599, -13574, -12452, -11063, -10002, -9433, -9698, -11874, -14269, -17136, -18613, -20896, -22083, -22032, -19950, -17266, -14277, -11877, -10960, -11903, -14130, -17561, -20011, -21344, -19753, -16537, -11980, -8755, -7673, -7224, -7467, -7061, -7807, -10431, -14239, -17785, -19664, -20491, -20600, -20335, -20766, -20581, -20160, -19313, -18514, -18973, -18856, -18783, -18021, -16282, -14084, -11491, -10257, -10781, -12499, -14974, -17228, -19721, -20490, -19388, -16759, -14360, -13030, -13309, -15136, -17494, -19446, -19777, -18510, -16839, -14294, -12792, -11994, -11535, -9996, -9149, -8301, -8472, -10042, -13472, -16482, -19354, -21365, -22758, -22131, -20951, -18844, -16212, -13360, -12581, -12612, -14212, -16461, -19408, -20319, -19605, -16231, -12697, -10055, -9411, -9373, -9947, -9004, -7703, -7233, -8920, -12248, -16431, -19889, -22226, -23201, -23057, -22482, -21788, -20105, -18906, -18129, -17511, -16970, -16553, -15738, -14193, -13054, -12271, -11825, -12629, -14284, -16439, -18101, -19069, -18253, -16209, -14141, -12680, -12418, -13834, -16718, -20112, -22086, -21280, -19227, -15795, -12933, -11031, -9709, -9462, -9281, -9463, -9692, -10899, -12712, -15006, -17854, -19439, -20048, -19772, -19318, -17928, -16289, -14864, -13355, -12980, -14204, -16336, -18357, -20264, -20305, -19392, -16405, -14571, -13526, -13751, -13002, -11480, -9437, -7538, -7342, -9280, -12788, -16273, -19039, -20395, -20556, -19692, -18891, -17645, -16954, -16203, -16134, -16356, -16353, -16123, -15658, -15402, -14556, -14355, -15373, -16790, -18114, -18819, -18826, -17491, -16376, -14964, -13735, -13056, -13812, -16006, -18473, -20931, -21202, -19425, -16278, -13124, -10993, -9748, -10000, -10331, -11175, -11673, -12652, -13421, -14465, -16379, -17940, -17997, -17722, -17328, -16625, -16276, -16025, -15304, -14597, -14547, -16224, -18627, -20600, -21168, -19767, -18050, -16029, -14956, -14016, -12589, -10863, -8908, -7251, -6597, -7723, -10410, -13939, -17083, -18950, -19480, -18801, -17927, -17575, -16378, -15742, -14794, -14231, -14949, -15856, -16234, -15985, -15307, -15194, -15985, -17261, -18971, -19289, -18622, -17605, -16645, -15714, -15473, -15600, -16082, -17012, -18412, -20344, -20659, -19527, -16770, -13328, -11052, -9888, -10079, -10710, -12031, -13055, -13260, -13242, -14264, -15792, -17194, -18092, -17891, -17494, -17098, -16886, -16396, -14974, -13954, -13696, -14062, -16046, -18385, -19485, -19619, -18866, -18144, -16293, -14494, -12155, -9127, -6511, -5364, -6105, -8096, -12068, -16391, -19787, -21780, -22024, -20672, -19057, -18461, -17151, -15889, -14048, -13670, -14494, -16135, -16954, -15881, -14977, -13787, -13688, -15302, -17476, -19359, -19126, -18513, -17429, -16563, -15954, -15368, -15940, -16434, -17264, -18437, -19804, -20272, -18285, -14551, -11573, -10178, -9472, -9785, -10867, -11804, -10857, -10640, -11829, -12796, -15271, -17521, -18909, -18852, -18446, -18121, -16191, -14983, -13681, -13215, -14050, -16297, -20178, -21529, -21545, -20510, -18237, -15723, -13297, -11572, -8805, -5908, -4823, -4948, -7417, -11514, -16914, -20668, -23099, -24075, -23032, -21118, -20263, -18855, -16241, -14119, -12523, -13417, -15299, -17624, -18067, -17173, -15799, -13985, -14075, -15738, -16977, -17914, -17842, -18136, -17829, -17674, -17263, -17002, -15491, -15121, -15079, -16467, -18061, -18854, -16850, -14276, -12315, -10568, -9974, -10721, -11023, -10318, -9339, -9876, -9955, -11070, -13804, -16401, -18592, -20167, -20880, -19185, -16353, -14167, -12482, -11966, -14261, -18509, -21379, -23600, -24199, -22117, -18033, -13340, -11099, -8848, -6611, -6052, -6629, -7520, -10874, -15150, -18912, -20250, -20944, -19963, -18551, -17706, -18546, -17273, -16253, -15300, -16001, -17427, -19099, -21451, -21558, -19750, -17930, -15847, -15908, -14966, -15193, -14611, -14919, -15271, -15856, -16460, -15910, -15384, -14373, -13381, -13103, -14385, -17004, -17658, -16679, -15771, -14600, -13329, -12334, -11245, -10200, -8358, -8265, -9548, -11037, -13366, -16186, -18190, -18871, -19796, -19461, -17092, -14356, -12586, -11680, -11530, -14179, -17457, -20247, -22130, -22495, -20128, -15940, -12195, -10729, -9556, -9720, -10491, -11325, -12765, -15390, -18990, -20372, -20256, -19429, -17466, -15738, -15047, -16597, -16969, -17051, -17755, -18613, -20724, -22592, -23521, -21645, -18539, -16106, -13511, -12734, -12613, -13573, -14168, -14887, -15678, -15830, -16261, -15763, -15547, -14227, -13889, -14465, -16320, -17990, -17937, -16945, -15282, -14321, -12689, -10540, -8114, -5111, -3467, -4918, -9421, -12945, -16469, -19105, -18749, -18592, -18137, -17480, -15843, -14439, -14426, -14703, -15420, -18114, -20413, -21551, -21281, -19619, -16747, -12769, -10874, -10223, -9946, -9883, -11196, -12746, -14240, -17343, -19610, -19282, -17300, -14663, -13192, -11477, -12542, -16305, -18869, -21292, -23193, -24885, -24405, -23417, -21917, -18591, -15694, -13255, -12631, -13450, -14769, -16634, -16730, -16901, -16138, -15094, -15024, -14902, -16252, -16532, -17460, -17666, -18499, -18771, -17119, -14699, -13545, -13436, -11376, -9203, -6331, -3398, -2594, -5609, -10780, -14972, -18498, -19802, -18082, -16873, -16548, -15923, -13654, -13154, -13657, -15746, -16875, -19970, -21779, -21449, -20039, -17352, -14099, -10291, -8947, -9546, -9392, -10591, -11069, -11771, -12813, -16306, -18574, -18723, -17424, -16020, -13917, -12710, -13421, -16885, -19604, -23219, -25893, -25931, -24265, -22104, -19716, -16691, -14499, -14859, -14618, -15860, -17854, -18694, -18028, -16787, -15797, -13961, -14237, -15655, -18377, -19121, -19850, -19996, -19191, -17623, -14966, -12868, -11096, -10798, -10373, -7972, -5599, -4287, -5406, -8321, -12949, -15904, -16859, -16787, -15993, -15343, -14382, -13864, -12325, -11331, -12460, -14917, -16784, -19420, -20359, -19675, -17338, -15749, -13640, -10722, -10263, -11589, -12519, -12931, -13263, -13774, -13869, -16136, -18441, -20662, -20547, -20060, -18790, -16384, -15995, -17568, -19379, -20825, -22339, -22189, -19388, -17538, -16686, -15457, -15307, -16699, -17470, -18007, -18758, -18388, -17338, -16039, -16097, -14988, -16667, -18976, -21119, -20476, -19595, -18152, -16137, -13897, -11787, -9656, -7906, -7746, -7737, -6397, -6346, -7061, -8507, -11213, -14197, -15187, -14513, -14391, -14489, -14322, -14947, -14424, -13515, -12307, -12916, -14559, -15061, -17173, -19023, -19992, -19414, -17722, -15490, -11662, -10982, -12098, -13439, -13998, -14099, -14594, -15537, -17756, -20819, -22592, -23286, -22806, -22290, -19635, -16942, -16502, -17686, -17717, -18435, -17342, -15260, -13545, -14899, -16192, -16507, -17788, -18497, -17276, -17194, -16878, -16837, -14607, -16005, -17474, -19262, -21309, -22358, -22050, -19378, -17332, -15090, -11967, -9540, -8301, -7721, -7701, -7827, -7436, -7703, -8677, -10890, -12282, -13166, -13107, -12302, -12283, -12461, -12963, -13368, -13800, -13781, -12648, -12660, -14063, -15283, -17479, -21263, -23703, -22768, -20533, -17102, -12905, -9793, -10625, -12100, -13083, -14173, -16146, -17132, -18528, -21330, -22428, -22398, -21475, -21136, -20031, -16336, -14908, -15734, -15602, -15190, -14758, -14180, -13493, -15654, -18338, -19188, -18607, -18712, -18264, -16954, -17461, -17681, -17663, -17292, -20099, -21147, -21828, -20853, -19841, -16021, -12673, -10295, -9609, -9498, -10687, -11247, -11009, -9876, -10078, -8596, -9051, -9830, -11495, -12044, -13073, -13079, -12452, -11737, -12217, -12428, -12472, -12516, -13254, -13248, -14993, -16856, -19221, -21842, -24721, -24043, -21178, -17016, -13170, -9421, -9202, -10963, -12270, -13787, -15852, -18016, -19332, -20196, -20621, -19795, -19243, -18648, -18270, -16838, -15812, -15720, -16170, -15009, -14907, -15443, -15657, -17228, -19507, -20647, -19155, -18341, -18958, -16969, -16794, -16649, -17196, -17020, -19273, -22730, -22384, -20573, -16816, -12772, -9120, -7694, -8499, -10786, -13451, -16153, -16821, -14964, -13187, -11097, -9469, -9480, -9979, -10469, -10659, -11766, -11989, -11507, -11299, -10857, -10735, -11775, -13110, -12867, -14626, -17325, -19699, -20832, -22586, -22330, -19595, -16135, -13734, -10811, -8978, -9684, -12492, -14084, -16774, -19000, -20269, -20252, -20835, -19720, -18267, -17893, -18299, -18247, -17213, -15978, -16275, -17009, -17242, -18033, -18849, -18661, -18294, -17969, -17130, -15116, -15409, -15852, -15600, -16616, -18565, -20727, -21815, -24059, -23863, -19865, -15255, -10488, -8370, -5836, -7834, -11937, -15584, -16992, -17105, -14781, -10583, -8332, -7458, -7424, -9186, -11138, -12913, -13396, -14390, -13007, -12522, -11341, -11401, -11944, -13109, -14855, -16170, -18007, -19855, -19850, -20332, -19944, -19069, -16920, -14797, -12788, -10394, -8372, -9337, -12043, -14137, -17554, -19327, -19338, -18610, -17905, -17547, -16217, -16342, -17571, -18100, -18761, -19425, -20814, -22446, -22805, -23208, -21301, -17946, -16038, -14764, -14210, -13812, -15141, -16229, -16902, -19568, -22363, -23696, -23178, -23277, -20006, -15088, -11059, -8929, -8059, -8345, -10971, -13657, -13892, -12633, -10118, -6463, -3898, -5520, -7754, -9216, -11162, -13425, -14233, -14374, -15338, -14772, -13834, -13964, -15030, -15117, -15200, -15394, -16310, -17853, -19147, -18988, -17908, -17538, -17834, -16601, -15161, -12919, -10162, -9501, -10641, -12887, -15736, -17909, -19174, -17840, -16035, -14905, -13100, -12977, -14463, -18437, -20805, -23918, -25620, -26686, -26316, -26418, -23508, -20951, -16459, -14824, -13368, -14401, -16471, -18101, -19039, -19444, -20360, -21459, -21144, -19505, -17003, -15400, -11882, -9973, -9207, -10697, -11109, -12582, -11913, -10220, -7530, -6383, -6445, -7186, -9153, -10747, -11155, -11779, -13033, -13139, -11860, -12706, -14622, -14865, -14543, -14553, -13745, -12594, -14395, -16361, -17210, -18199, -18269, -17930, -17151, -19035, -18414, -16607, -14344, -13710, -12845, -13469, -14675, -16880, -17089, -16652, -14789, -11641, -9586, -9595, -12218, -15593, -20309, -23564, -25699, -26488, -28632, -27848, -26465, -22483, -20084, -17583, -16402, -17290, -17921, -19831, -19873, -20475, -19621, -18786, -17989, -17373, -16357, -13527, -13035, -9996, -9557, -9308, -11240, -10211, -9009, -8576, -7509, -7916, -8159, -9615, -10122, -11005, -12818, -13179, -13265, -12826, -13629, -13558, -14564, -16867, -16412, -14877, -13697, -13713, -14003, -14833, -16325, -15809, -15732, -15988, -17079, -16900, -17824, -18099, -17109, -15244, -14804, -14144, -14279, -15201, -15933, -13957, -12275, -8940, -8324, -8398, -12046, -15947, -19314, -22995, -24877, -27098, -26956, -27668, -26519, -24047, -20591, -19710, -18119, -19222, -19207, -20587, -20243, -19606, -19344, -17699, -17085, -15851, -15405, -13869, -11655, -11460, -9778, -10183, -9679, -11645, -9671, -9769, -10347, -11586, -11774, -11305, -11393, -11082, -11413, -12454, -12259, -12544, -13445, -14877, -15128, -16297, -16452, -14926, -14551, -13422, -13599, -12667, -12396, -12155, -12816, -14786, -16208, -17045, -18276, -19039, -18451, -17071, -16705, -15574, -14661, -14023, -13347, -11505, -9030, -9047, -8353, -10534, -12710, -16839, -18926, -22025, -24061, -26354, -26194, -26474, -25081, -23866, -21246, -20556, -20783, -21298, -21989, -21860, -22291, -20019, -18888, -17826, -15767, -14756, -13252, -13354, -10157, -10880, -11228, -12175, -12546, -13156, -14133, -12233, -12526, -12805, -12948, -11708, -10046, -9320, -7963, -8470, -9511, -10051, -12424, -13900, -15337, -15500, -16880, -16974, -15687, -15111, -13606, -12055, -11435, -11295, -12526, -13991, -17308, -18510, -18447, -19458, -19210, -18073, -15456, -13868, -11937, -9484, -9361, -9527, -8509, -9024, -10756, -13093, -14924, -17845, -21200, -22488, -24636, -25809, -26492, -25093, -23846, -23883, -23272, -21675, -22685, -22423, -23931, -22355, -22503, -20762, -17216, -16080, -13340, -12352, -10445, -11275, -11394, -10330, -13125, -13966, -16149, -14565, -15729, -14093, -12676, -12579, -13037, -12131, -9745, -7857, -7025, -7221, -9422, -10707, -12029, -14097, -15087, -15754, -16321, -16874, -15547, -14726, -13870, -12697, -11859, -12271, -13878, -15814, -17763, -19674, -19485, -19112, -19129, -17472, -14712, -11750, -10339, -7715, -6661, -7805, -8848, -9715, -12765, -14751, -16380, -18229, -20058, -21318, -22321, -23625, -23920, -23775, -23200, -23346, -24683, -24726, -24225, -24806, -23584, -22977, -20514, -19669, -16325, -13201, -11253, -9320, -8993, -9787, -11587, -12787, -13792, -16914, -16669, -16604, -15128, -14896, -13468, -12333, -12435, -11760, -9943, -9051, -8313, -9055, -10453, -13500, -14197, -15634, -17140, -17479, -16309, -15933, -14981, -13320, -12478, -12222, -12482, -13158, -15610, -17274, -18742, -20063, -19844, -18211, -16781, -15711, -13396, -10674, -9802, -9305, -7937, -8073, -9136, -11066, -11949, -15619, -16664, -17395, -18133, -18586, -19703, -19897, -21648, -22415, -22537, -24034, -24660, -26436, -26126, -25091, -25568, -21748, -20754, -16356, -15011, -11826, -9209, -9809, -8252, -10509, -11995, -14949, -16082, -16327, -19146, -16787, -15585, -13655, -13568, -11417, -9738, -10287, -8916, -8400, -9075, -10335, -11664, -13803, -16876, -17388, -17565, -18244, -17415, -15166, -14432, -14832, -13853, -13701, -14692, -17030, -17465, -18772, -19159, -18125, -17391, -15628, -13556, -12288, -12006, -12717, -12203, -13563, -13188, -11673, -11052, -10733, -11930, -12631, -14076, -15108, -14351, -15128, -15096, -17021, -18293, -20486, -22798, -24288, -25962, -27374, -27300, -26854, -25307, -22847, -20632, -16198, -14667, -10452, -10238, -9627, -10019, -11215, -11522, -14614, -15243, -17087, -16932, -16653, -17019, -13973, -13408, -11974, -11663, -9897, -10194, -10718, -10452, -11319, -12752, -13961, -15579, -16929, -17406, -16420, -15731, -15776, -14363, -13918, -14989, -16648, -16673, -18202, -19395, -18444, -17119, -16349, -14738, -12206, -11215, -10291, -10480, -12190, -15915, -17738, -17969, -17683, -15732, -13355, -10737, -10640, -9702, -10927, -11148, -12746, -12684, -13846, -15564, -16787, -19838, -22166, -25522, -27268, -28917, -29198, -27433, -24729, -22921, -19511, -17417, -13935, -13081, -11334, -11169, -12809, -12474, -13857, -13663, -14663, -15164, -14724, -15507, -13605, -14169, -11877, -11890, -11328, -11240, -11369, -11273, -12172, -12174, -12855, -13819, -14536, -14742, -14972, -15155, -14207, -14333, -15482, -16320, -16658, -18764, -19632, -18769, -17046, -16505, -14012, -12142, -11919, -10655, -9633, -10429, -13059, -15436, -17406, -20944, -21169, -19846, -18342, -16712, -13923, -10229, -9088, -9195, -9459, -11770, -12521, -14647, -14167, -16662, -18574, -20607, -23941, -25232, -27525, -26934, -25742, -24123, -21020, -19748, -18236, -16530, -16997, -14823, -16063, -14822, -15611, -15290, -13291, -13800, -11919, -12423, -11900, -12308, -12308, -10300, -12366, -11148, -11813, -11602, -12430, -12551, -11666, -12617, -12686, -12921, -13999, -14041, -14669, -14751, -15872, -16698, -17763, -19816, -19200, -18343, -16939, -14703, -12480, -10710, -11078, -9855, -10935, -12386, -13895, -15208, -17332, -19569, -19194, -19389, -19376, -18172, -16025, -15653, -14860, -13494, -12240, -12778, -12610, -11808, -13338, -15039, -15756, -17417, -18504, -20339, -19942, -21629, -22179, -21525, -21828, -21845, -22261, -21276, -21059, -21676, -20502, -19460, -19279, -17131, -15959, -12114, -12303, -10151, -9004, -8953, -8280, -9455, -8872, -11266, -11762, -12562, -14589, -13703, -14279, -12600, -13052, -12467, -13120, -13818, -14104, -15226, -16228, -16638, -18015, -18330, -18488, -16699, -15759, -13869, -11826, -10212, -10208, -10631, -11448, -13204, -14795, -15958, -17208, -18761, -18172, -17202, -17102, -15479, -14688, -14283, -16002, -16290, -17374, -19892, -19460, -18095, -15959, -15499, -14424, -14021, -16231, -15846, -16881, -16166, -15639, -16081, -14855, -17948, -18033, -21225, -23722, -25061, -26330, -25102, -24950, -24161, -20600, -18426, -14386, -12376, -9566, -6331, -7995, -6286, -8038, -7277, -9795, -11304, -11570, -14159, -12210, -13758, -12767, -12651, -12817, -12805, -14907, -13970, -15353, -16991, -18273, -19079, -18067, -16860, -14771, -13056, -11069, -10004, -9969, -10795, -12480, -13719, -15427, -16088, -16969, -17052, -16373, -16610, -16208, -15664, -13451, -13594, -13795, -13846, -15247, -18084, -21752, -21845, -22993, -23822, -22730, -21178, -19220, -17199, -13820, -12604, -12176, -11466, -10985, -11477, -11980, -14062, -17024, -20684, -23870, -25259, -27993, -27881, -27114, -24196, -21313, -18189, -14218, -12052, -11274, -9472, -10238, -7845, -8682, -8069, -8472, -8557, -8016, -9399, -9127, -11150, -11651, -12998, -15394, -14799, -15807, -15897, -18454, -17875, -17694, -17498, -14790, -13496, -11853, -11108, -10301, -10790, -12689, -13012, -14834, -15815, -16446, -15593, -15724, -16021, -15507, -15481, -15555, -14922, -14657, -15267, -15320, -15962, -17644, -19526, -20005, -21084, -23677, -24587, -25380, -25714, -23809, -20455, -16757, -12962, -9539, -7325, -7246, -8593, -10893, -13663, -17013, -18293, -21594, -22440, -24768, -23537, -23711, -23178, -20509, -19133, -17379, -16782, -15441, -13043, -11611, -9411, -7293, -6533, -3895, -6115, -5357, -7467, -8781, -11095, -14022, -14487, -17701, -16150, -18202, -18193, -16455, -16700, -15317, -16380, -12237, -12808, -12522, -12435, -12446, -13231, -14078, -14059, -14446, -15315, -14465, -14683, -14979, -14411, -13782, -15570, -16766, -17175, -17097, -18613, -17417, -17841, -18385, -19008, -20077, -20436, -22087, -21384, -21845, -21973, -21057, -22108, -20564, -20063, -16655, -14271, -12515, -10334, -10580, -11062, -14060, -16048, -17370, -18958, -18366, -17983, -18653, -18377, -20191, -19277, -21059, -18269, -16757, -14496, -11095, -8846, -6949, -5977, -6320, -5434, -9072, -9265, -10970, -12825, -13698, -14826, -13515, -15570, -14776, -14271, -14187, -12882, -13676, -12163, -13507, -14238, -15014, -15243, -15238, -16645, -15502, -15771, -16159, -15291, -13753, -13817, -14890, -14674, -15257, -16598, -17191, -16133, -16480, -17510, -16476, -17223, -18264, -20037, -20004, -21463, -21697, -20361, -20855, -21553, -20550, -19900, -20918, -21254, -21159, -21409, -22041, -21346, -19802, -18722, -15812, -12817, -10448, -10327, -10683, -12259, -14537, -14943, -15610, -14301, -14960, -12127, -10425, -9240, -9565, -10490, -10012, -10721, -11951, -12712, -14190, -13977, -14312, -15008, -14448, -14691, -12259, -13870, -12115, -10462, -8990, -9012, -9806, -9208, -12063, -12574, -15372, -17344, -17757, -19286, -19324, -20122, -16961, -17494, -17492, -17981, -17778, -17752, -16455, -15180, -13896, -12188, -11406, -11959, -13491, -13924, -16238, -18837, -20314, -21081, -23139, -25245, -24770, -25161, -24790, -23175, -21329, -20456, -19980, -18325, -19705, -20677, -20293, -19497, -20232, -20602, -19231, -18433, -17024, -13673, -10206, -7641, -6570, -4954, -4817, -6032, -5794, -7113, -7607, -9928, -9563, -11422, -13377, -13827, -15644, -15961, -17644, -17045, -17840, -17600, -17411, -14860, -14779, -11533, -11658, -7171, -7557, -7122, -5941, -7993, -8838, -12651, -13825, -18073, -19819, -20553, -23821, -23018, -25219, -23896, -24658, -20140, -17734, -15061, -12463, -10213, -9566, -9402, -8499, -9999, -12165, -13816, -15710, -19113, -22363, -24405, -27268, -27491, -27119, -26912, -26538, -24306, -22178, -21187, -18641, -17292, -16602, -16268, -15859, -16331, -17434, -16799, -17416, -17402, -16975, -15558, -14364, -12233, -9507, -7348, -5839, -5089, -4387, -6200, -7347, -9919, -10707, -11285, -11045, -10497, -11482, -10737, -12733, -13888, -17400, -18603, -19741, -19205, -19944, -17095, -15761, -11762, -9808, -7118, -6176, -6685, -6280, -10220, -12066, -16526, -20156, -23405, -25189, -24829, -24689, -20974, -20294, -18125, -16662, -15774, -16332, -15643, -13745, -14317, -13122, -12239, -11513, -13446, -13948, -15330, -18341, -20236, -22257, -24271, -26531, -26060, -25326, -24945, -23070, -21338, -19812, -18979, -17071, -16505, -16101, -15245, -13965, -13037, -12040, -10880, -10332, -9943, -10572, -11894, -13986, -15836, -17198, -18058, -17246, -15601, -12641, -9305, -6014, -3310, -2718, -3879, -7046, -10037, -12012, -14640, -15864, -16732, -15475, -14933, -14492, -14982, -15574, -16181, -16313, -16427, -17398, -16470, -17050, -15202, -15392, -13858, -14185, -13695, -13460, -15781, -16187, -18160, -19126, -20641, -19986, -19893, -19515, -18836, -18518, -17564, -17746, -17470, -18569, -16872, -16341, -15737, -15295, -14436, -14211, -16332, -16175, -18576, -20428, -22244, -22628, -22734, -22677, -20363, -19803, -19121, -17072, -16016, -15427, -14755, -12605, -11283, -10385, -8780, -8422, -9209, -9788, -10839, -12930, -15163, -15823, -17113, -18046, -17292, -16565, -15792, -14838, -12711, -11049, -10118, -8429, -6273, -5315, -4914, -6347, -8443, -11509, -13561, -13159, -14161, -14637, -16289, -17794, -18657, -21826, -23245, -24506, -22822, -20088, -19054, -15429, -14183, -12226, -10909, -11158, -11830, -15239, -15221, -18530, -19448, -20356, -20415, -22085, -21973, -21707, -22280, -21955, -21038, -19596, -19295, -16656, -16050, -15197, -13849, -13516, -13391, -15379, -15323, -17548, -16819, -16455, -15959, -16447, -15941, -16059, -17882, -18085, -18262, -19107, -18191, -15354, -12506, -11163, -8669, -7520, -8389, -8999, -10315, -12192, -13738, -14123, -14135, -12645, -11592, -11020, -12674, -13145, -14595, -16903, -18168, -17529, -15089, -14189, -12446, -10721, -9608, -9618, -9390, -9568, -11555, -15887, -19197, -20868, -18388, -15732, -13964, -11912, -12654, -12794, -18477, -22584, -27396, -26648, -23138, -19500, -16970, -12860, -13923, -10965, -13281, -14560, -18949, -21045, -20632, -21861, -18105, -17746, -18457, -18778, -19929, -21034, -24190, -22356, -21253, -18934, -14343, -12185, -11838, -11253, -10617, -12420, -13432, -13048, -13989, -14853, -12669, -12972, -15932, -16290, -17081, -17478, -16581, -12862, -12796, -12630, -10525, -9198, -10227, -10353, -10526, -11015, -10824, -8023, -7815, -9025, -11147, -13954, -17700, -21043, -21709, -22763, -21296, -18997, -17468, -18027, -19032, -18622, -19248, -19491, -17639, -15738, -13668, -11320, -7552, -4507, -4252, -4397, -8987, -14325, -18912, -20743, -18321, -18420, -16303, -16711, -17764, -19476, -23226, -25520, -23994, -20880, -14480, -15095, -13329, -17170, -19916, -18853, -21432, -20165, -20690, -16744, -15613, -15623, -14100, -17649, -19024, -18768, -17809, -16307, -15528, -13153, -13832, -13199, -12091, -14865, -15380, -13235, -10653, -8421, -6483, -5565, -8925, -9887, -10143, -14323, -16048, -16916, -16737, -16964, -15010, -14549, -17628, -17568, -15804, -15024, -13847, -14062, -14236, -15542, -15982, -15737, -16859, -16813, -16810, -15814, -15532, -15643, -17270, -19465, -19919, -20475, -19754, -20557, -19674, -18346, -17251, -15700, -13982, -12916, -11830, -9591, -8814, -7428, -7159, -5038, -7155, -10079, -16320, -21523, -25144, -21996, -18237, -16422, -16487, -19509, -22630, -26003, -28421, -27249, -22516, -12863, -4482, -4793, -3747, -10640, -12290, -14857, -15662, -15598, -16971, -15206, -17006, -17161, -17298, -20826, -19630, -18420, -15338, -15513, -14469, -14436, -15349, -13546, -12483, -12643, -10163, -8138, -7926, -9354, -11594, -15150, -19637, -18360, -17113, -17717, -17021, -18108, -20005, -21857, -20932, -21227, -20091, -16475, -12918, -11914, -10410, -12208, -13168, -14029, -12427, -12961, -13094, -14871, -17028, -18817, -19720, -20383, -20031, -18096, -16398, -16009, -15313, -15936, -16686, -16585, -15958, -16225, -15141, -14189, -13277, -12930, -12769, -13668, -16138, -15522, -14563, -11490, -8830, -8089, -11529, -15041, -16087, -13952, -10863, -10104, -10627, -13984, -18044, -19188, -22827, -21120, -18155, -11711, -6402, -12035, -15630, -22852, -22559, -19524, -19245, -17002, -19577, -19952, -21076, -21503, -19591, -20442, -16716, -11266, -8982, -9770, -13003, -16087, -18989, -17739, -13602, -13677, -12675, -11400, -11968, -13074, -15454, -16303, -19138, -17638, -16810, -19228, -20712, -22462, -20010, -17454, -13041, -10897, -10691, -9526, -9307, -8628, -9583, -12881, -13411, -16693, -15809, -17868, -19018, -21811, -23408, -21354, -19153, -17644, -15407, -15349, -12635, -12223, -11949, -10939, -11848, -11023, -11477, -12081, -13126, -18280, -19007, -20981, -21718, -19578, -17903, -13888, -12251, -10060, -8385, -9138, -4502, -4549, -5367, -10943, -16368, -18563, -17212, -13379, -13351, -16929, -19668, -23560, -24357, -27141, -26295, -23911, -21470, -18711, -21661, -21786, -24036, -19421, -10612, -7581, -4832, -8231, -9456, -14048, -15479, -14717, -15628, -14708, -13445, -17161, -19715, -23238, -24480, -24721, -20504, -15164, -13671, -11848, -10768, -12370, -11121, -9891, -9082, -9872, -9804, -11075, -14167, -14272, -15732, -16356, -14927, -14494, -15960, -20018, -20505, -20697, -19298, -16248, -15721, -15188, -15530, -14674, -12335, -12442, -9779, -9430, -8816, -10203, -14084, -16828, -20666, -19793, -19364, -18656, -19093, -19909, -19510, -20024, -17642, -17019, -15946, -16224, -16149, -16613, -17220, -16890, -15049, -11835, -8915, -9129, -10899, -13437, -13364, -12331, -8085, -9335, -11324, -17808, -17946, -17678, -15116, -13705, -14924, -18458, -21018, -26053, -25003, -27713, -20179, -14581, -10424, -10055, -19239, -18390, -20550, -10997, -5417, -3862, -5899, -12263, -13758, -14662, -16118, -15617, -19079, -17991, -20408, -22270, -23482, -22622, -18044, -13409, -9864, -10615, -15724, -18103, -18426, -16843, -14293, -11923, -11380, -10423, -9839, -10492, -13652, -15396, -16494, -17942, -18449, -19055, -20038, -20095, -17600, -15077, -13036, -12744, -13127, -14128, -15382, -15440, -17509, -19504, -21453, -22421, -19874, -19587, -15628, -15163, -14552, -14912, -16219, -16187, -16936, -15298, -12258, -11984, -8467, -11347, -11698, -13458, -13240, -14674, -16404, -17508, -18095, -19519, -18486, -17918, -15500, -12318, -11015, -9679, -9943, -8334, -6700, -5949, -6293, -10429, -15886, -16000, -16736, -13742, -15608, -16253, -18987, -22820, -22403, -24367, -21396, -19204, -16588, -15003, -16583, -17447, -15808, -14705, -7828, -10287, -9632, -16843, -18630, -21484, -19954, -18680, -17319, -19210, -19430, -23814, -24163, -24226, -20255, -15932, -12834, -9663, -9688, -12231, -13657, -15772, -15153, -14929, -13581, -13857, -15599, -16774, -17138, -17917, -16095, -14990, -14560, -15314, -17230, -19219, -20226, -18783, -15270, -13056, -10030, -8612, -8606, -9263, -11211, -12469, -16109, -18257, -19860, -20505, -20211, -18840, -16425, -13001, -11631, -10488, -12240, -12196, -12059, -11253, -10399, -11169, -12745, -14486, -16816, -16634, -18791, -16755, -17215, -16093, -16790, -17496, -19250, -20091, -19907, -16935, -14272, -10806, -9320, -8427, -8103, -7267, -6872, -5846, -7241, -9520, -13001, -15120, -18274, -20347, -24097, -25023, -26665, -28001, -27789, -28251, -23678, -21416, -16300, -15426, -13862, -12775, -10440, -10491, -8418, -11940, -13471, -19473, -18484, -20574, -19356, -19896, -19887, -20958, -20836, -21241, -19424, -18141, -13710, -11721, -9782, -9634, -10197, -10043, -10010, -11202, -12130, -16605, -18605, -21148, -19884, -18683, -16787, -14470, -14653, -15462, -16754, -17314, -16202, -13449, -10098, -8818, -8838, -9906, -11103, -11564, -11657, -13145, -14131, -15494, -16127, -18038, -19841, -22078, -22376, -19470, -16778, -15407, -14414, -13889, -10788, -8297, -5964, -6600, -9148, -9564, -12307, -13374, -17139, -18680, -20017, -20796, -21233, -22713, -21946, -20518, -18137, -15767, -15291, -14951, -13925, -13704, -11420, -13234, -11533, -14504, -13372, -12854, -12205, -10832, -11235, -12623, -14253, -18479, -18543, -22045, -21996, -21344, -20395, -16507, -17746, -17209, -19491, -20655, -18610, -18699, -16422, -15883, -16799, -15251, -18180, -14774, -16880, -14337, -14654, -15368, -16382, -16995, -17942, -18834, -19092, -17464, -18146, -17189, -15919, -16597, -15922, -14598, -13434, -12079, -11793, -11553, -13447, -13115, -14176, -14694, -13516, -11726, -11961, -12170, -13560, -14918, -15861, -15109, -15094, -14905, -15250, -15319, -15290, -13851, -13152, -12151, -11078, -11041, -11322, -11874, -11995, -13172, -14635, -15547, -17161, -18199, -19057, -18188, -17361, -16176, -14746, -13825, -13584, -14436, -15064, -15752, -17081, -17068, -17664, -15005, -15678, -15045, -16097, -16990, -16298, -17011, -15090, -15682, -15973, -16415, -17836, -16612, -16610, -15285, -15010, -15337, -16038, -16803, -16016, -16537, -16768, -17245, -16937, -15957, -15403, -14122, -14523, -13887, -14319, -14571, -15405, -16291, -16379, -16289, -17250, -20094, -23512, -24528, -22048, -20036, -17778, -17451, -15647, -15861, -15072, -17237, -15928, -16772, -12411, -13342, -10416, -13001, -11821, -13241, -12875, -13683, -14051, -14877, -14766, -15243, -13739, -14236, -13129, -14644, -14610, -15104, -14397, -14211, -12831, -13611, -12769, -12727, -11171, -10943, -11261, -12805, -15060, -16869, -17037, -18184, -18041, -18908, -18645, -18548, -17900, -16131, -14571, -13252, -12042, -11658, -11244, -11830, -11473, -12712, -14078, -15595, -15848, -15846, -15705, -16362, -18465, -20122, -20073, -19851, -17812, -17858, -15733, -15479, -14848, -13898, -16161, -15844, -19202, -17970, -19089, -18841, -16937, -16873, -14973, -14501, -14438, -12783, -14335, -13577, -17921, -18619, -19098, -18379, -15295, -13004, -12018, -10962, -11195, -10826, -11062, -12924, -13530, -16692, -15672, -16008, -15980, -14544, -17450, -17006, -20118, -20260, -19714, -19676, -16249, -17438, -16422, -18354, -17910, -16822, -17500, -17322, -16834, -15651, -13715, -15280, -13752, -15405, -13582, -15435, -16041, -17213, -16085, -14183, -12442, -12753, -13589, -15284, -15724, -17634, -17986, -17256, -15042, -12378, -10177, -9679, -10828, -12904, -14421, -16354, -17294, -17505, -17814, -17683, -16352, -16348, -16419, -17541, -15738, -14981, -12207, -9891, -7974, -8214, -10191, -11851, -13402, -13698, -12649, -11154, -10600, -13581, -16288, -19612, -20920, -21012, -18728, -16745, -16341, -14764, -14258, -13490, -14109, -15094, -17135, -18120, -17273, -16374, -17274, -16494, -16171, -14521, -14411, -14595, -16445, -18785, -19958, -22199, -23202, -23648, -20378, -17961, -14713, -13787, -13540, -12781, -13249, -13624, -13964, -14801, -15409, -17637, -17087, -19086, -18352, -17354, -16552, -16781, -17427, -15145, -15336, -13988, -13393, -13422, -12887, -13635, -12974, -15160, -17353, -18265, -19532, -18757, -19588, -18896, -18971, -19418, -18110, -17144, -15549, -14721, -12722, -12499, -13432, -12110, -10425, -7749, -6833, -6900, -8289, -8128, -8296, -10288, -12230, -13407, -15413, -17123, -18292, -19507, -19773, -19915, -20777, -21055, -20465, -18661, -16430, -12856, -11885, -11160, -10340, -8879, -8686, -9556, -11189, -13556, -14403, -15227, -15287, -15863, -17284, -19073, -21311, -22082, -21718, -20567, -19469, -18440, -17219, -16788, -15421, -13199, -11167, -10412, -11073, -12804, -14888, -16236, -16238, -16630, -17842, -19285, -21339, -22556, -23529, -21398, -18713, -16114, -14410, -15019, -15978, -16413, -15331, -12176, -11952, -11740, -14134, -14908, -17009, -19482, -19543, -20110, -19291, -19154, -18813, -17779, -15179, -12280, -12440, -12979, -13324, -12741, -11942, -11338, -11752, -12329, -12525, -12403, -13819, -14471, -16689, -17153, -18364, -17234, -16082, -14827, -14030, -14673, -14198, -14959, -11760, -10851, -7916, -11202, -13701, -17681, -16679, -15289, -14442, -14244, -15639, -15625, -17291, -19008, -20227, -20151, -17725, -16927, -17280, -19104, -18919, -16123, -13793, -12654, -13355, -15461, -15525, -15095, -14764, -14906, -15938, -16820, -17158, -15977, -14911, -14370, -13351, -14228, -14868, -15326, -15262, -14565, -13493, -12393, -12633, -13910, -15150, -15915, -15377, -15881, -15835, -16153, -16587, -17000, -16907, -17168, -17557, -16699, -15699, -15130, -13983, -13604, -13934, -14648, -15102, -15639, -16596, -16834, -17138, -16405, -15930, -15667, -16008, -16475, -16215, -16407, -16390, -16992, -16264, -15677, -15322, -15686, -16021, -17459, -18157, -19597, -18501, -17823, -15670, -14918, -14493, -13502, -15276, -14899, -16218, -15514, -15772, -15141, -14815, -16171, -16240, -16073, -16511, -16665, -17268, -15834, -15042, -12528, -11398, -11352, -12320, -13423, -13722, -14899, -14637, -13814, -12856, -11623, -11533, -11449, -13195, -13885, -13800, -14841, -15919, -17295, -18301, -16492, -16359, -14024, -14624, -14555, -15415, -15460, -15420, -16934, -16189, -14473, -14188, -14771, -18268, -20714, -21505, -21263, -20799, -19776, -17875, -16489, -15088, -13148, -14140, -13511, -13226, -13283, -13708, -13963, -14560, -15205, -15256, -15955, -17957, -18875, -19234, -17814, -16870, -16029, -15803, -15302, -15032, -14442, -14889, -14675, -14845, -13748, -13564, -12992, -13140, -13452, -14203, -14750, -15925, -16345, -16410, -15742, -15841, -16320, -16413, -15762, -14492, -13328, -13486, -13651, -14265, -14481, -15808, -15871, -16120, -15609, -15052, -14805, -15069, -15689, -15575, -15421, -16182, -15728, -16197, -15364, -15852, -16189, -17264, -18082, -18482, -18279, -16849, -15146, -14149, -14592, -16063, -16766, -16962, -16361, -15153, -14363, -13625, -14703, -15002, -16458, -16038, -16132, -15088, -14987, -13279, -14106, -12927, -13993, -13885, -15692, -15566, -14777, -12656, -12235, -12307, -14355, -14934, -16035, -16117, -16174, -18124, -17615, -18151, -17102, -18703, -19171, -21409, -20145, -18219, -15378, -16199, -15854, -15947, -14210, -12524, -13789, -15361, -17134, -16318, -16363, -15532, -15609, -16738, -16248, -15792, -15695, -16451, -16190, -15851, -14257, -13493, -12532, -13611, -13711, -13778, -13957, -13948, -14203, -13077, -12889, -12899, -12427, -12882, -12209, -12035, -11261, -12234, -13347, -14733, -15860, -16169, -15041, -13794, -12766, -12547, -13311, -14526, -15693, -15384, -15485, -16280, -17499, -18479, -18818, -18733, -19066, -19137, -19791, -18976, -17855, -17213, -17061, -18108, -18095, -18132, -16705, -16632, -16894, -18314, -18707, -18864, -18167, -18126, -18109, -18550, -18172, -16606, -15796, -15582, -16782, -16834, -17287, -14966, -16015, -15959, -17569, -15827, -14903, -13776, -12660, -12584, -11518, -10824, -10310, -11046, -12183, -12561, -12316, -13065, -14048, -15426, -15211, -13899, -12974, -12497, -13322, -12831, -12285, -11862, -12901, -14402, -15840, -14590, -14189, -12832, -15355, -16089, -17446, -17174, -16041, -17168, -17970, -19627, -18902, -18946, -19435, -19551, -18503, -16097, -14033, -14376, -14444, -15309, -14729, -13834, -12824, -13478, -14731, -15485, -15237, -15552, -14918, -15532, -16223, -16370, -15664, -14835, -15320, -15946, -16566, -17169, -16527, -16381, -15338, -14742, -13591, -13171, -13651, -14265, -14018, -13759, -12907, -12429, -12694, -14497, -15449, -16128, -16861, -18018, -19194, -20529, -21258, -21047, -20342, -20522, -21047, -21980, -22175, -20738, -18459, -16010, -14879, -13717, -13265, -13068, -12711, -13024, -13273, -14313, -14874, -15526, -16147, -16305, -16683, -16145, -15689, -14573, -13262, -13294, -13149, -13943, -13169, -12556, -11808, -11949, -12661, -12539, -11554, -11906, -11725, -13440, -13167, -14426, -14099, -14894, -14716, -15225, -15171, -14849, -15328, -15778, -16299, -15679, -14884, -13993, -13650, -14373, -14908, -15398, -15439, -15406, -14876, -14638, -14581, -16196, -18346, -20312, -20709, -18748, -16399, -14383, -15460, -17502, -20106, -20167, -18932, -16669, 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-16688, -15864, -16502, -17386, -18106, -18151, -17406, -16465, -16162, -15472, -15976, -16068, -16399, -15637, -15686, -15446, -15660, -15948, -16583, -16673, -16254, -14787, -13530, -13548, -14385, -15757, -16612, -16660, -16076, -15468, -15486, -15163, -15674, -15713, -16306, -16026, -16097, -15432, -14743, -13600, -13007, -12714, -12826, -13402, -13972, -15163, -15531, -15734, -15005, -14167, -13432, -13664, -14785, -16029, -17029, -17306, -17047, -16400, -16493, -16418, -16055, -14872, -14283, -13290, -13053, -12568, -12728, -13265, -14291, -15770, -16350, -16872, -16661, -16806, -16469, -16836, -17207, -16941, -15845, -15042, -14322, -14211, -14482, -14942, -14428, -14496, -14716, -15565, -15966, -16653, -16815, -17115, -17046, -17228, -16661, -16316, -15955, -16364, -16167, -15359, -15109, -14840, -15682, -15618, -15740, -14699, -14554, -14967, -15476, -16033, -16280, -17075, -17909, -18682, -18594, -17755, -16244, -15426, -15249, -15547, -15268, -14456, -13322, -12346, -12745, -13633, -15000, -15394, -16077, -16547, -17226, -17036, -16932, -16462, -16551, -16783, -17538, -17991, -18283, -17536, -16337, -14739, -13336, -12427, -11950, -12095, -12244, -12631, -12630, -12601, -13419, -14146, -14890, -15387, -15972, -16365, -16214, -15841, -15509, -15187, -15113, -14584, -14775, -14308, -14118, -13625, -13729, -13599, -13493, -14217, -15014, -15568, -15603, -15216, -15614, -16166, -17386, -18071, -19143, -19818, -20020, -19368, -18030, -16896, -16356, -16879, -17444, -17639, -16863, -16200, -15579, -15207, -15056, -14772, -14696, -14463, -14313, -13910, -13715, -13361, -13557, -13603, -14053, -14323, -14427, -14699, -14762, -15017, -14599, -13962, -13492, -13416, -14041, -14819, -16116, -16852, -17324, -17391, -17457, -17442, -16784, -15598, -14462, -14015, -14058, -14389, -14702, -14876, -15307, -16514, -17245, -17296, -17080, -17572, -18374, -18432, -17930, -16366, -15848, -15723, -16497, -16256, -15253, -14324, -14216, -15330, -16099, -16187, -15772, -15215, 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-15651, -16252, -14490, -16251, -15127, -15691, -15344, -15538, -14483, -17460, -13127, -18109, -12144, -19352, -11887, -18971, -12757, -17780, -13031, -19024, -11566, -19282, -12821, -17355, -13956, -17187, -13369, -17879, -13133, -17079, -14254, -16858, -14076, -16873, -13131, -17604, -13892, -16502, -15538, -14907, -15181, -15052, -16438, -15247, -15047, -16212, -14983, -15595, -15788, -15464, -13943, -17594, -13412, -18627, -11823, -19227, -11400, -19154, -13080, -18095, -12358, -19439, -11534, -19180, -13049, -16646, -14224, -16165, -15500, -16105, -14160, -16169, -15790, -13763, -17891, -13028, -16597, -16260, -14134, -17023, -14286, -15927, -16479, -14106, -16348, -15881, -14364, -17291, -12327, -19551, -12054, -18201, -12867, -17130, -14557, -15984, -14608, -17390, -13090, -16832, -14785, -15124, -16702, -12894, -17976, -13500, -17268, -13683, -16915, -13782, -17819, -12619, -19082, -11542, -19187, -11680, -19580, -11799, -18482, -13502, -17569, -13409, -16982, -14739, -16620, -13929, -16929, -15005, -16179, -14648, -17201, -13611, -16685, -14989, -16295, -15085, -16462, -14200, -16800, -14238, -17712, -12405, -18653, -12255, -18423, -13684, -16140, -13570, -19016, -11634, -19098, -12159, -17942, -13081, -17402, -13640, -18231, -12676, -17667, -13405, -16710, -14469, -15146, -16981, -13280, -18223, -12589, -17446, -14347, -15851, -14880, -17335, -12519, -18431, -13040, -17243, -14474, -16260, -14721, -16115, -14211, -17237, -13853, -16987, -14479, -16418, -14768, -16230, -14152, -17206, -14921, -14845, -16466, -15390, -15057, -15817, -15759, -15081, -16493, -13846, -17223, -14614, -16105, -14595, -16502, -13843, -17539, -13050, -18247, -12280, -18733, -12428, -17755, -14118, -16188, -15656, -13817, -17673, -13645, -16743, -14449, -15941, -15494, -16023, -14786, -15687, -14807, -17163, -13374, -17846, -14643, -15805, -14392, -16812, -14587, -15788, -15287, -16586, -14146, -17299, -14139, -16817, -13313, -17545, -14357, -16044, -15991, -15327, -14595, -17126, -12845, -17329, -14892, -15863, -16173, -13893, -17237, -14002, -15645, -16114, -15299, -13741, -18959, -11695, -18568, -12476, -16604, -14537, -16009, -15563, -15521, -13948, -17795, -12940, -17660, -14150, -16086, -14449, -16167, -15842, -14896, -16123, -15001, -15466, -15750, -14202, -17734, -13517, -17665, -13384, -18752, -10985, -21106, -9641, -20937, -10820, -20943, -11585, -18499, -12629, -17570, -12801, -18573, -13680, -17252, -14469, -16378, -14874, -15350, -15718, -14684, -16482, -14742, -17696, -12905, -17257, -12961, -17189, -13894, -17455, -14121, -16742, -13160, -19189, -11379, -18476, -13727, -17547, -13527, -16262, -15068, -15538, -14760, -16805, -14249, -16330, -15313, -14028, -16639, -14593, -14759, -16801, -14512, -17274, -12988, -16912, -15268, -15054, -15579, -16031, -14843, -15548, -16157, -14841, -16001, -14837, -17256, -13149, -17389, -14093, -16603, -13665, -18755, -13072, -17041, -14817, -15401, -16223, -14602, -16724, -14673, -16104, -15757, -14582, -16702, -13890, -16548, -14575, -17320, -13480, -16939, -14476, -15263, -15964, -15007, -16505, -11856, -20444, -10607, -21402, -10339, -19853, -11718, -19296, -12839, -17844, -11643, -20932, -9379, -20598, -13011, -16813, -14590, -16079, -14627, -14777, -16090, -15535, -15787, -14475, -18303, -11448, -18589, -13513, -16025, -15266, -15593, -17175, -12420, -17647, -13320, -16759, -14686, -17632, -12389, -18157, -13436, -17919, -12939, -16779, -14614, -16258, -14646, -17366, -13845, -15290, -16580, -13011, -18568, -12902, -19141, -12428, -17577, -13382, -17202, -12885, -17913, -13858, -17977, -14959, -15809, -14956, -14215, -17681, -12528, -17866, -15084, -16636, -13608, -18151, -12761, -16478, -14279, -16044, -16424, -15128, -16995, -13600, -16099, -14995, -16074, -13097, -18573, -12916, -19744, -11503, -17427, -14501, -14229, -16691, -15075, -16375, -15623, -14835, -16934, -13407, -17579, -12314, -19010, -12671, -17759, -13635, -17234, -13779, -17123, -13128, -18732, -11012, -20333, -12140, -17064, -14372, -16689, -13927, -17260, -13408, -16544, -15731, -14672, -16811, -14270, -16132, -15970, -13844, -17054, -14943, -14140, -18461, -12532, -17565, -14344, -15175, -15920, -15659, -14367, -17905, -12991, -18542, -11762, -19570, -12032, -17958, -13209, -16988, -15031, -17127, -13466, -15786, -15453, -15234, -16485, -13435, -19583, -11632, -18691, -12188, -18188, -13483, -17349, -13071, -18376, -14374, -15849, -14947, -15593, -15305, -17077, -12534, -19500, -10610, -20667, -9989, -19538, -12332, -19572, -10937, -20132, -11032, -19122, -13105, -17448, -12929, -17161, -14718, -16658, -12761, -18391, -13186, -17656, -13432, -17864, -12085, -18359, -14017, -16483, -14743, -16299, -15083, -15228, -15405, -16513, -13095, -17733, -14894, -16736, -13624, -16090, -15903, -13901, -17042, -15325, -14717, -15477, -17081, -13760, -15707, -15258, -17332, -11409, -19771, -12669, -18094, -11849, -20445, -10357, -20588, -10854, -20753, -10041, -19777, -13391, -17004, -12276, -20914, -9820, -19569, -12667, -18605, -11003, -19610, -12150, -18640, -12028, -18703, -12922, -17295, -13502, -16595, -14890, -17286, -14447, -14883, -15523, -15064, -15776, -16137, -14348, -17223, -13238, -18768, -12134, -19066, -10374, -21136, -11339, -19537, -12024, -18833, -10846, -20231, -11945, -18473, -12992, -17934, -13611, -15456, -17060, -14861, -14981, -15392, -15266, -16373, -15673, -16216, -12812, -18313, -12909, -18480, -12072, -17424, -15322, -14878, -16804, -12914, -17464, -14539, -16541, -12910, -18894, -12490, -20001, -10372, -18555, -14148, -16355, -14938, -15231, -16022, -16339, -13596, -16676, -15648, -13292, -18058, -13496, -17501, -14943, -15122, -14445, -17070, -13818, -17043, -13566, -17055, -15925, -13259, -16368, -14223, -16674, -15900, -14374, -17293, -14589, -15749, -14902, -15470, -15991, -14322, -17542, -13782, -16258, -15946, -13872, -17748, -14237, -16512, -15136, -15450, -15359, -16188, -13082, -18713, -13569, -16687, -15289, -14647, -16905, -14057, -16158, -16711, -13286, -17013, -15626, -14172, -16700, -14504, -16531, -12965, -18552, -13270, -17552, -11466, -19959, -11644, -19615, -12048, -17570, -13390, -18920, -12250, -16979, -13460, -18951, -12350, -17980, -12915, -17386, -13158, -17651, -13011, -18345, -12631, -18062, -14241, -15313, -16036, -15234, -16548, -15356, -15060, -14097, -19222, -11880, -19891, -10134, -20269, -10444, -22672, -7497, -22564, -9726, -20073, -12603, -16848, -13383, -18642, -13073, -16519, -15853, -13982, -17147, -13630, -16250, -15443, -14752, -18196, -13455, -15913, -14377, -16948, -13802, -17719, -13672, -16699, -14027, -17511, -13512, -16635, -13393, -17705, -13816, -17872, -13358, -16439, -14679, -16277, -14056, -15836, -15623, -15874, -14460, -18308, -14199, -14527, -15487, -15215, -16794, -14984, -16044, -14696, -15077, -17272, -12479, -18529, -12675, -17742, -14024, -18282, -12274, -18436, -12448, -18485, -10874, -21887, -9088, -21519, -10098, -21689, -9510, -19881, -11689, -18768, -12439, -19307, -12661, -17047, -15075, -16604, -13170, -16907, -14839, -17225, -13124, -16737, -16543, -12625, -16974, -13535, -16800, -16121, -14297, -16372, -15005, -15475, -16824, -13270, -16701, -15409, -17153, -13812, -15251, -16525, -13830, -18076, -11911, -19754, -11449, -18427, -13769, -15231, -16719, -15026, -15094, -16871, -14034, -16442, -14865, -15149, -16831, -14679, -15984, -15508, -15751, -14348, -16529, -12465, -19971, -11369, -18742, -13697, -15853, -15695, -14184, -13786, -18229, -13917, -16141, -16778, -13578, -17471, -12750, -17224, -12916, -17999, -14645, -17878, -13760, -17714, -14960, -13977, -17149, -14405, -18790, -12156, -17301, -14242, -14891, -16468, -15856, -11882, -22417, -7297, -24758, -7155, -21318, -11256, -17788, -15259, -16810, -11307, -20329, -10555, -19602, -10655, -18249, -12033, -17535, -14259, -16480, -14942, -15981, -15251, -15070, -15015, -16765, -14904, -18004, -11780, -18946, -14260, -14947, -18871, -13530, -16919, -15740, -15532, -13948, -15898, -14870, -17177, -12489, -18758, -13909, -16353, -15521, -14645, -16614, -17029, -12727, -17198, -11724, -21092, -11687, -17819, -12877, -17494, -14530, -13646, -16333, -13170, -19423, -11205, -20120, -10905, -20277, -11857, -17670, -13699, -20770, -15612, -17874, -15166, -12888, -13675, -12579, -14059, -16658, -14792, -17824, -13205, -16784, -14350, -16180, -13320, -17192, -14140, -18288, -14338, -15294, -14407, -16132, -15156, -14993, -15839, -16457, -15335, -14854, -15180, -16259, -16240, -16423, -16689, -14272, -18255, -11807, -20432, -8337, -21773, -9026, -22872, -8956, -20302, -11610, -20447, -9460, -21691, -7769, -22601, -8536, -21849, -9584, -22254, -10030, -20839, -8372, -22282, -10317, -18475, -13461, -18788, -13332, -17570, -13505, -17372, -13026, -18103, -13189, -17514, -15064, -15415, -14595, -16510, -14425, -17046, -13713, -16120, -16148, -15218, -14605, -16562, -14010, -16192, -13738, -18091, -13838, -17540, -13582, -16527, -15473, -15062, -15414, -15195, -14935, -15664, -14372, -15503, -16505, -15937, -14811, -16867, -13691, -17850, -12979, -20460, -8898, -21352, -10425, -21412, -9569, -20847, -8910, -23231, -6808, -24342, -7780, -19070, -15768, -12518, -16833, -14545, -15797, -16894, -12777, -16438, -16413, -13918, -17632, -12726, -17430, -14488, -16357, -14404, -16641, -15222, -17384, -11860, -20066, -10984, -23172, -7302, -22433, -7557, -23295, -11338, -14833, -16893, -13468, -16880, -16091, -12279, -19723, -12320, -16906, -16145, -14161, -19807, -10367, -20258, -12664, -18273, -11874, -18674, -10552, -23770, -7621, -22745, -10446, -17289, -16725, -14006, -16196, -14993, -15015, -17230, -11318, -19312, -14698, -14723, -17057, -13006, -18003, -13494, -16819, -13353, -17973, -13664, -17575, -12843, -15426, -16443, -15931, -12560, -19731, -12036, -17369, -14178, -15714, -16787, -12518, -16737, -14563, -15062, -16263, -15686, -13288, -17085, -16506, -14337, -16776, -13247, -16600, -17956, -13858, -17400, -13685, -15887, -17111, -14169, -15023, -15950, -15370, -16730, -13560, -15814, -17187, -12155, -16369, -12443, -18398, -12499, -20050, -10129, -20471, -10793, -21607, -9107, -22053, -9316, -23124, -12026, -17467, -12603, -20875, -12347, -17383, -12969, -19055, -10985, -20510, -11041, -17580, -13422, -17560, -13084, -17222, -12692, -18262, -10654, -21142, -9528, -19240, -13658, -14218, -19752, -11054, -20182, -10156, -20039, -13560, -16964, -13706, -18177, -13435, -20272, -10158, -19978, -11376, -18225, -15666, -13564, -18199, -12248, -20227, -11466, -16193, -15123, -15490, -14508, -16593, -14032, -17874, -13162, -17174, -13323, -17315, -13008, -18799, -12892, -19939, -11081, -18685, -12128, -19106, -11171, -18743, -11737, -18745, -13926, -15991, -14692, -15813, -14372, -17815, -12686, -18536, -12667, -18717, -12430, -17531, -12777, -19001, -12162, -17712, -14269, -17403, -14680, -15970, -13902, -16009, -16283, -16532, -13265, -19642, -11843, -16966, -14446, -17027, -15007, -14751, -16816, -16582, -14462, -17679, -13050, -15142, -13922, -19728, -11117, -18577, -12946, -17314, -13983, -15698, -14363, -14569, -15624, -17610, -12100, -19144, -12828, -18065, -13114, -16542, -15352, -16549, -14076, -17913, -12540, -19066, -12252, -17267, -14361, -16080, -15242, -15322, -14282, -15941, -14512, -16039, -15200, -15315, -15481, -14714, -16269, -15183, -14683, -16861, -14976, -15884, -16257, -15322, -16187, -15862, -14810, -17130, -14459, -17294, -14284, -16221, -17160, -13840, -17604, -12373, -18524, -13526, -17489, -13866, -17240, -14136, -15869, -14297, -16485, -13706, -17576, -13576, -18072, -12142, -18691, -11171, -19544, -12848, -17591, -14492, -16787, -13045, -18301, -12200, -19550, -12376, -17959, -13839, -16748, -14195, -16923, -13446, -17925, -12463, -18613, -12728, -17788, -12986, -17459, -14336, -17296, -14050, -16191, -13660, -17659, -12587, -17293, -13684, -16422, -13667, -13949, -13098, -12312, -15232, -13194, -16102, -13581, -14639, -13315, -14692, -13360, -15450, -14907, -16948, -17637, -17110, -17610, -16119, -18227, -17708, -17557, -19143, -18018, -19050, -18934, -17602, -18693, -17526, -16987, -15827, -15839, -16562, -16753, -15310, -14143, -14849, -13310, -13474, -13596, -13942, -13904, -12212, -14507, -13683, -14384, -13071, -14104, -13298, -15481, -13845, -14921, -16034, -14573, -17009, -13817, -18261, -15389, -16602, -15826, -17508, -16645, -16331, -16274, -17839, -15503, -17339, -14690, -18150, -13391, -16790, -11954, -14217, -11788, -11636, -12175, -10156, -14191, -12134, -10567, -11264, -10910, -13618, -12919, -13017, -15238, -16499, -17961, -16598, -18061, -19108, -21637, -19184, -23163, -20027, -23486, -20952, -19785, -21542, -20880, -20550, -20274, -17334, -20105, -15340, -18150, -12876, -14805, -11831, -12670, -10921, -12491, -10871, -10306, -9972, -10344, -10833, -11408, -10581, -11441, -12401, -13245, -13841, -13901, -16092, -15954, -16433, -17658, -18835, -18296, -19174, -17390, -19050, -17590, -18568, -18169, -18654, -16918, -19391, -15524, -17538, -16316, -17436, -14973, -15638, -15759, -17186, -14014, -15071, -14397, -14496, -13051, -13528, -10688, -10721, -8513, -10414, -8365, -10038, -11133, -9956, -9378, -11028, -10663, -14754, -11533, -15755, -14561, -17757, -17551, -19869, -18758, -24795, -21403, -25293, -23561, -21603, -23791, -20588, -21732, -22461, -20407, -22116, -17868, -19576, -18001, -15940, -14503, -13646, -12153, -11733, -9617, -9620, -10405, -6113, -10341, -7857, -10359, -9940, -11967, -10240, -11442, -13185, -13819, -15085, -14851, -18973, -17407, -20080, -20362, -20306, -21627, -20328, -21557, -20548, -20335, -19532, -19482, -18118, -17353, -18254, -16486, -16880, -15950, -15581, -15591, -14314, -15742, -12221, -14321, -12452, -12892, -10545, -10122, -7990, -8507, -6885, -9245, -8829, -10520, -8579, -9037, -9332, -14199, -12008, -13673, -15154, -16597, -20053, -17589, -20688, -23936, -22237, -24326, -22448, -23024, -21875, -19854, -20766, -20148, -20373, -17892, -18397, -14796, -16705, -15213, -13701, -13353, -11067, -13592, -8822, -11411, -10691, -10471, -10630, -10001, -12571, -11730, -14017, -11941, -15861, -13628, -16901, -15728, -18440, -19574, -18573, -18793, -20853, -21058, -22663, -18742, -21522, -18088, -19846, -18276, -18342, -16995, -17211, -16920, -14476, -16689, -15194, -16291, -14183, -16060, -16015, -14296, -14964, -13043, -12446, -10596, -9486, -9114, -6961, -8094, -8258, -9408, -7334, -9201, -9402, -11239, -11927, -12039, -13897, -15110, -17466, -18894, -20713, -20158, -24029, -22146, -24914, -20394, -23776, -20576, -22085, -19379, -21179, -18224, -17806, -15690, -16256, -15042, -14881, -12305, -12848, -9406, -12295, -8847, -12886, -10080, -11652, -9832, -10260, -11777, -13127, -13351, -14509, -15153, -17193, -16356, -17290, -20017, -19977, -18581, -20643, -22113, -21402, -21088, -20162, -20911, -18374, -19284, -18971, -15950, -15407, -15329, -14711, -13855, -14383, -14651, -14746, -14046, -17063, -14507, -15232, -14648, -15455, -11292, -10275, -10222, -7996, -8171, -8278, -8942, -10144, -6368, -12588, -7638, -14410, -10248, -14443, -13170, -15308, -19381, -18473, -19791, -23249, -22356, -23912, -21555, -22897, -23290, -18514, -21835, -18354, -20715, -15924, -17259, -15361, -15798, -14934, -13982, -12278, -13356, -11620, -13113, -10389, -15248, -10890, -12332, -10789, -12686, -13246, -12362, -13934, -14843, -14692, -17532, -15892, -19282, -19830, -18910, -17327, -21663, -19460, -21659, -18493, -21288, -19518, -18813, -20378, -18091, -17969, -16361, -16764, -14881, -15320, -15138, -15159, -13539, -15071, -15477, -14830, -15171, -14180, -14224, -8410, -8766, -6784, -6257, -3866, -4770, -7742, -4317, -7227, -7485, -9237, -11301, -8987, -15059, -13691, -18331, -19674, -18671, -22584, -23562, -24348, -25670, -21041, -28297, -21241, -24311, -21379, -22459, -20865, -16746, -16577, -15738, -14994, -14721, -11059, -13655, -11516, -12678, -12814, -12698, -13702, -10262, -15044, -12868, -14106, -15940, -12498, -16635, -14523, -19650, -17665, -18644, -20829, -20445, -19104, -20097, -19947, -19718, -17829, -18943, -18810, -17620, -17527, -17311, -15105, -16353, -15227, -15668, -13927, -15636, -14666, -13947, -14259, -15023, -15054, -12974, -15283, -13751, -12356, -9179, -8869, -6484, -5574, -4633, -5759, -5734, -4695, -8946, -5927, -11443, -7677, -13862, -13488, -18063, -17674, -19831, -19466, -24747, -20201, -26753, -18316, -26229, -19777, -23350, -20356, -21902, -21144, -17995, -17167, -18033, -15831, -15961, -11402, -14649, -13439, -12881, -13166, -13730, -15249, -14412, -15055, -16509, -15377, -17834, -14856, -16650, -16046, -17600, -17667, -16777, -19391, -18677, -18258, -18265, -19357, -19196, -16820, -17261, -17585, -16498, -16121, -14520, -15337, -14017, -15839, -14749, -15609, -15664, -16565, -15663, -16233, -16779, -17789, -15139, -15035, -15887, -13907, -10794, -9449, -8569, -6816, -5801, -4387, -7223, -5362, -6624, -6496, -8332, -10063, -10008, -14230, -15456, -19130, -19170, -20409, -23973, -22050, -24709, -20862, -22698, -21855, -20368, -21025, -17669, -19728, -16673, -15886, -15647, -14918, -14728, -11244, -12914, -13046, -11522, -11851, -12040, -14173, -15022, -13488, -16415, -14928, -17996, -16932, -18257, -18266, -20147, -18997, -19209, -18621, -21003, -19502, -19685, -18850, -19726, -19024, -18988, -18022, -17829, -18147, -15827, -15236, -14588, -14841, -14805, -13072, -14969, -13781, -15485, -14751, -17018, -16307, -16064, -16648, -14854, -14850, -11277, -10020, -6461, -6218, -5386, -5196, -5714, -6557, -6685, -7145, -8810, -10013, -11573, -12756, -16821, -17206, -19578, -19744, -24341, -21576, -24398, -20278, -24034, -20745, -22117, -19098, -17931, -18411, -16444, -15055, -14412, -13010, -14322, -11647, -12649, -12427, -12435, -11868, -13138, -13332, -15448, -15071, -15618, -15776, -17845, -18589, -18491, -18885, -21183, -19806, -20280, -19790, -22020, -19682, -19656, -18919, -19454, -19247, -18956, -17736, -17504, -17000, -16504, -14895, -15636, -15385, -15057, -12846, -13205, -14875, -13650, -14907, -14632, -15993, -15664, -16030, -15273, -14127, -12762, -7860, -7764, -4666, -5919, -4019, -4172, -6592, -4908, -7371, -8211, -11244, -13779, -14514, -17855, -19143, -19661, -22173, -22080, -23487, -22308, -22502, -22869, -20759, -22216, -18504, -18866, -17932, -17113, -15485, -12664, -12565, -12088, -11580, -11919, -10702, -11371, -11338, -12201, -13594, -13399, -15281, -14423, -15985, -17896, -18737, -19780, -19630, -21220, -21110, -21250, -22497, -21025, -21867, -20335, -20013, -19429, -20489, -18869, -18666, -17893, -18641, -16269, -16199, -15850, -15241, -13887, -13100, -13583, -12996, -13892, -13521, -14039, -12851, -15266, -13058, -15093, -11652, -11671, -7224, -7682, -6754, -6762, -5554, -6129, -6919, -7277, -8239, -10342, -12724, -14360, -16387, -19583, -21027, -21412, -22949, -21231, -22889, -19945, -22041, -18431, -19680, -16651, -17317, -16802, -17748, -15147, -14612, -11867, -12522, -11426, -11666, -11173, -11086, -10976, -12817, -13139, -15916, -14885, -16310, -15566, -17617, -18906, -19828, -19393, -20271, -20345, -21768, -21759, -22809, -21617, -22831, -19657, -20332, -19459, -19742, -17467, -16953, -17124, -17035, -16027, -16623, -15210, -15647, -13878, -14652, -12923, -14422, -14100, -13317, -13424, -13169, -14235, -11743, -12571, -11352, -8662, -8034, -6536, -7993, -6216, -6611, -6985, -6958, -8812, -8698, -12000, -13315, -15936, -17650, -19841, -21661, -23328, -22970, -23212, -22401, -22677, -21627, -19196, -18385, -15917, -16186, -15306, -15205, -13851, -12185, -12510, -12063, -11951, -12191, -10281, -11407, -10037, -14022, -13118, -15776, -15122, -16761, -16919, -18221, -18979, -21176, -20029, -20727, -20390, -23137, -21504, -21839, -21631, -20927, -19790, -19580, -19789, -18131, -16983, -15723, -16460, -15389, -15787, -15559, -14869, -14588, -14550, -13919, -13247, -13743, -15224, -13080, -14293, -13759, -14913, -13028, -13366, -11660, -10121, -8395, -8506, -8629, -8257, -7732, -7722, -7889, -9064, -10869, -12124, -13841, -15473, -18241, -18432, -21139, -21621, -22342, -19911, -21339, -21334, -20290, -17743, -15691, -15903, -14719, -14546, -13050, -12370, -11185, -12162, -11985, -12107, -12459, -11391, -12260, -12285, -14780, -16019, -16069, -16108, -17674, -18703, -19265, -19983, -21128, -20486, -20189, -20906, -22348, -21988, -22073, -21398, -20885, -19719, -20335, -19048, -17100, -16960, -15844, -15258, -14516, -15676, -14712, -14539, -14505, -15345, -13628, -14199, -14278, -14934, -13113, -14344, -13759, -13428, -14071, -12474, -11020, -9167, -9209, -9230, -8533, -9643, -8922, -7985, -9378, -10267, -12586, -12537, -14983, -15830, -17268, -18523, -20906, -20748, -20669, -19140, -21063, -19748, -19687, -16320, -15610, -15431, -14875, -13501, -12948, -11032, -12341, -10495, -13917, -11857, -13982, -11994, -13485, -13962, -16337, -16663, -16639, -16114, -19095, -18811, -19936, -18631, -20987, -19558, -19985, -19400, -20999, -20459, -20515, -19193, -19324, -19735, -18180, -17398, -16782, -17291, -15454, -14734, -14605, -15271, -14310, -15105, -15574, -14505, -14636, -15328, -15698, -14834, -15175, -15028, -13450, -12990, -13577, -12132, -9846, -9126, -10051, -9943, -9842, -11139, -9908, -10150, -10555, -12627, -14195, -15478, -17131, -17363, -17147, -18615, -18600, -19422, -17119, -19732, -17721, -17978, -15927, -16116, -16277, -16094, -14610, -14265, -11122, -13803, -10826, -13563, -11387, -13488, -11971, -14205, -13811, -16675, -16057, -17502, -16952, -18950, -18328, -19473, -18440, -18290, -17916, -18746, -17935, -18564, -17993, -21440, -18737, -20187, -19388, -21099, -17831, -17578, -17751, -17572, -15235, -15523, -15102, -15376, -14718, -16389, -14972, -15243, -15696, -16614, -15051, -15168, -14200, -13174, -10840, -10738, -10105, -9686, -8665, -9123, -10186, -11321, -11163, -11441, -11735, -11679, -12871, -13883, -16476, -17928, -17661, -18862, -17809, -18740, -17990, -17684, -17258, -16173, -15557, -13891, -13755, -14976, -14639, -14473, -13476, -13227, -14618, -12833, -13857, -12803, -14628, -12916, -14714, -15834, -17257, -17339, -17723, -19715, -20768, -20375, -21233, -21022, -19260, -18024, -17987, -17154, -15927, -15516, -17676, -16289, -18533, -18292, -19593, -17845, -18299, -18309, -17580, -16616, -16239, -14765, -13815, -14653, -15206, -14779, -15192, -15965, -16378, -16552, -16609, -15852, -14143, -12167, -8603, -8046, -7989, -10083, -7515, -9990, -9882, -12761, -12446, -14006, -15360, -15191, -15605, -17101, -17787, -17448, -18373, -16340, -17302, -15572, -17764, -16033, -14845, -14240, -13220, -13425, -12815, -13842, -13566, -11704, -14152, -13311, -15418, -12863, -14960, -14012, -14456, -14860, -16724, -17507, -17187, -17192, -20418, -19693, -21647, -21605, -22127, -19576, -19715, -19607, -17670, -15530, -15475, -15389, -15018, -15761, -18079, -18354, -17702, -18268, -18773, -18650, -17688, -17502, -16060, -14509, -14364, -13736, -15232, -14301, -15221, -15228, -17548, -16823, -16588, -14357, -13049, -9061, -8104, -8034, -9494, -8079, -10426, -9230, -12347, -12294, -15410, -16224, -16575, -18081, -18974, -18028, -17926, -19087, -16873, -16114, -13862, -17262, -14134, -14330, -13037, -13684, -12270, -12838, -12833, -12512, -11181, -12985, -13052, -14068, -11733, -15138, -13326, -14985, -14548, -18864, -17519, -18248, -17630, -19623, -19060, -20620, -20483, -20192, -18208, -18857, -18441, -18903, -17325, -17117, -15231, -15995, -16832, -17780, -18560, -18598, -18424, -18887, -19060, -19504, -18673, -17633, -16981, -15160, -15827, -15165, -15069, -15007, -15587, -16356, -14656, -14058, -12457, -10279, -7515, -7557, -8344, -7565, -8333, -8920, -10899, -11562, -12932, -16245, -16656, -19645, -19856, -21202, -17881, -19451, -17720, -17861, -14822, -15860, -16060, -14537, -13177, -13281, -13880, -13335, -12872, -12720, -11264, -10812, -11530, -12469, -11523, -11726, -12792, -13632, -14788, -17780, -19109, -19583, -18848, -19683, -19124, -19425, -19885, -18907, -16585, -16870, -16699, -17434, -16643, -17977, -16456, -15933, -16107, -17306, -19041, -18523, -19121, -18803, -19354, -19710, -19238, -20689, -19407, -19600, -17589, -18792, -17522, -16246, -15955, -16330, -12909, -11259, -8012, -8264, -6397, -7258, -8512, -8446, -7710, -8306, -10438, -10685, -12608, -14212, -17502, -17216, -20932, -20286, -21191, -18932, -21270, -19314, -18285, -18047, -17575, -16727, -13786, -14102, -13798, -12990, -11721, -10909, -10874, -10195, -11135, -10841, -10125, -9978, -11974, -12291, -13328, -14109, -17449, -18681, -19327, -19636, -19946, -19717, -19112, -18583, -18271, -16650, -15967, -15431, -16060, -15730, -16883, -16821, -17408, -16893, -19204, -19497, -20080, -19153, -20183, -19558, -19610, -20496, -20531, -20376, -20601, -21285, -20860, -18227, -17761, -15562, -13253, -8576, -6765, -5210, -5798, -5955, -7525, -7703, -7182, -9704, -8964, -11787, -12158, -15293, -16186, -17908, -18475, -19719, -18611, -20866, -20036, -19165, -19211, -17930, -20328, -17360, -17276, -15905, -15984, -15253, -12881, -11295, -11289, -10888, -10757, -8673, -9168, -8932, -10971, -11958, -13712, -14439, -15685, -18398, -19639, -19186, -19038, -18244, -19109, -17068, -16536, -14597, -16503, -16520, -16356, -15296, -17020, -17398, -18020, -17498, -18091, -18009, -18665, -19300, -18539, -18681, -19604, -20530, -21662, -22080, -23330, -23083, -22012, -21691, -18536, -14484, -10323, -9326, -6027, -4635, -4646, -6467, -6788, -6956, -8495, -9507, -9800, -11603, -12278, -13978, -15784, -15662, -17606, -14560, -18950, -19638, -20244, -21323, -19176, -21863, -18641, -20166, -18529, -16555, -15923, -15084, -13931, -12610, -10248, -12187, -10789, -11223, -9352, -9986, -10888, -11825, -12953, -14142, -15434, -17486, -17923, -19083, -18541, -19061, -19044, -18670, -16928, -16327, -15936, -17024, -16086, -16384, -14925, -15719, -16068, -18172, -17266, -17547, -18696, -19436, -19113, -19540, -19724, -20540, -21491, -22428, -21687, -19902, -20089, -20161, -16702, -13479, -10670, -10969, -11080, -10161, -10359, -7632, -6932, -7956, -8082, -9272, -8234, -11320, -12304, -14094, -13820, -15711, -14548, -17177, -15854, -18807, -15211, -16825, -16159, -18467, -18107, -16873, -18295, -17570, -18670, -18152, -16883, -15629, -12888, -12634, -10830, -10397, -9613, -10314, -11483, -12119, -14331, -15795, -17461, -18841, -19488, -18886, -17641, -17223, -17429, -17035, -17517, -15928, -15486, -16324, -17508, -17444, -14944, -14745, -14810, -15314, -15910, -16548, -17250, -18273, -19469, -22263, -21420, -24201, -24668, -24723, -22568, -20563, -19513, -15843, -13844, -12557, -10333, -11117, -11915, -13471, -11924, -9277, -9659, -7824, -8044, -7742, -8833, -11712, -11720, -13404, -11642, -10610, -14541, -14091, -17192, -14151, -15291, -15319, -14919, -17758, -18985, -19806, -19604, -18466, -19914, -17457, -16548, -14631, -13140, -12533, -11802, -12393, -12118, -11920, -14420, -14411, -16519, -15494, -17262, -16320, -15999, -15799, -16157, -15878, -17253, -17842, -19747, -18839, -18782, -17981, -15959, -15134, -14003, -12600, -11420, -11426, -14236, -15220, -17193, -19155, -21162, -21809, -24066, -25658, -25356, -23809, -22409, -21809, -18037, -16267, -16044, -14890, -15130, -16021, -17099, -14611, -12244, -12499, -11945, -9707, -7536, -6830, -6072, -7291, -7980, -7593, -6611, -6971, -9091, -9377, -9547, -10815, -11872, -13347, -15644, -18249, -18579, -18593, -19527, -21175, -20734, -19623, -19406, -17695, -17236, -16165, -17236, -16068, -15639, -15501, -16455, -17182, -17192, -16792, -14636, -14678, -15796, -17199, -16719, -16967, -18325, -18653, -18728, -18477, -18830, -16227, -14640, -13878, -13257, -12089, -12086, -13247, -13672, -15260, -16595, -18623, -19968, -22657, -23099, -23582, -22512, -22863, -21221, -19504, -18905, -18009, -16611, -16070, -15837, -15245, -12711, -11289, -10976, -10649, -10641, -10590, -10297, -10116, -8390, -8270, -6791, -7214, -6958, -7281, -7163, -7601, -9147, -10352, -13072, -15207, -17268, -16995, -17150, -18767, -19919, -19585, -18700, -18395, -17798, -18042, -19455, -19632, -18023, -17177, -18254, -18076, -17242, -16250, -16099, -14843, -14684, -15573, -16310, -16341, -17497, -18309, -18554, -19227, -19700, -18138, -15838, -15397, -15351, -14110, -12716, -13392, -13621, -13944, -14432, -15024, -15592, -16809, -19860, -20379, -21256, -21392, -22429, -21317, -21136, -20696, -20233, -18902, -19466, -18774, -15784, -12995, -12630, -12509, -11474, -10557, -10968, -10344, -10815, -10903, -10491, -7914, -7496, -7369, -7854, -7737, -7789, -7678, -8130, -10432, -12699, -13030, -13301, -13390, -15514, -16969, -19202, -19549, -18822, -18894, -19750, -20415, -20558, -19011, -17302, -16206, -16439, -18002, -17466, -17357, -16390, -17856, -17866, -17396, -16171, -15757, -15901, -15555, -15566, -16340, -16056, -16435, -15270, -16332, -16145, -16766, -15868, -15292, -15290, -14879, -14890, -14827, -16645, -18648, -19658, -20804, -21834, -23064, -23086, -23003, -21267, -20000, -19062, -19609, -19205, -16874, -14733, -12630, -11847, -11997, -12673, -11316, -9646, -10002, -10517, -9424, -8427, -8448, -8474, -8028, -8839, -9225, -9167, -8953, -10008, -11057, -10810, -11174, -11057, -11438, -13315, -16063, -19380, -19411, -19567, -19793, -20832, -20762, -18927, -17144, -15533, -14998, -16104, -17657, -18699, -18477, -17952, -18227, -18381, -17613, -16848, -15389, -14499, -14168, -14792, -14839, -14905, -15867, -16439, -16396, -16622, -18459, -18415, -17641, -17212, -17409, -17095, -17283, -18048, -18388, -18172, -19219, -20571, -20637, -21161, -21701, -20445, -18813, -19485, -20818, -20101, -16757, -15137, -13643, -12431, -11710, -11464, -10615, -10430, -11135, -11088, -10089, -9246, -10476, -10461, -9509, -8575, -8268, -7848, -7718, -8944, -8906, -9448, -9160, -10922, -12956, -14278, -17329, -18383, -19128, -18685, -18297, -18753, -17233, -16588, -15815, -15472, -16102, -17885, -18656, -18654, -17998, -18857, -18703, -18212, -17970, -17710, -16199, -15272, -14715, -14169, -12762, -13859, -14905, -16235, -16956, -18671, -18997, -19197, -18927, -19819, -18473, -18635, -19304, -20458, -20343, -19967, -20181, -19269, -18337, -18588, -18705, -19056, -19177, -19890, -19255, -18148, -17012, -14918, -12849, -11433, -11148, -10102, -9790, -11022, -11436, -10295, -10047, -10520, -12010, -12099, -11442, -10651, -9478, -8911, -9077, -8080, -8556, -8474, -10829, -12869, -15112, -17362, -18243, -17208, -17054, -16326, -15430, -13751, -13621, -14841, -14956, -15727, -18042, -18585, -18240, -17713, -18743, -19044, -18191, -17641, -16942, -15611, -15270, -14963, -14055, -13663, -14782, -16029, -17038, -18305, -19023, -18148, -16757, -17306, -18186, -18052, -18707, -19525, -20566, -20646, -21390, -21588, -20135, -19015, -18867, -18790, -19015, -20149, -20010, -18720, -16822, -16343, -15338, -14653, -13941, -13317, -12238, -11826, -12554, -12337, -11601, -11635, -11603, -12108, -11351, -11795, -10840, -9547, -8791, -8606, -8753, -8690, -8902, -10812, -12794, -14522, -15910, -15008, -14521, -15205, -14951, -15102, -13083, -13456, -13959, -14089, -15251, -15925, -16052, -16186, -17738, -18901, -18482, -17799, -17597, -17019, -16052, -16679, -16387, -15026, -13990, -14559, -16285, -17362, -17915, -17757, -16649, -16984, -18469, -18584, -18563, -19108, -20266, -20508, -20783, -21141, -21087, -20069, -20113, -20360, -20455, -20285, -20743, -19923, -19094, -17106, -16175, -14605, -14524, -13867, -13655, -13046, -13167, -12487, -12524, -12523, -12905, -12858, -12937, -11996, -11523, -10269, -9386, -8137, -8254, -8944, -9103, -10520, -12258, -13638, -13604, -13955, -13218, -13145, -12099, -12631, -12300, -11768, -12237, -12666, -13753, -15367, -16365, -16731, -16968, -18117, -18870, -17952, -17514, -16514, -15447, -15826, -16337, -17182, -17393, -17880, -17824, -18606, -18905, -18919, -17396, -16341, -15908, -16228, -16808, -17855, -18594, -18758, -19564, -21237, -21212, -21320, -20881, -21536, -21102, -20965, -20719, -19813, -18279, -17254, -16489, -16058, -16006, -16009, -15665, -15211, -13985, -12833, -12070, -12095, -12270, -12559, -13263, -13397, -12478, -11697, -10668, -10437, -9667, -8786, -8316, -8630, -10497, -11019, -12012, -12098, -12773, -12244, -12293, -12769, -12729, -11172, -11354, -11664, -12916, -13641, -14054, -15642, -17153, -19279, -20219, -19972, -19108, -17901, -16479, -16170, -15788, -16092, -16174, -16458, -17492, -18114, -19235, -19081, -18295, -17684, -17278, -15980, -15991, -16986, -18263, -17797, -17424, -18233, -18842, -19446, -20192, -20435, -20687, -21399, -22324, -21629, -19673, -17880, -16515, -15398, -15334, -15922, -15589, -15942, -15718, -15308, -14117, -14160, -14612, -14697, -15068, -14798, -13953, -12371, -11294, -11124, -10431, -9800, -9932, -9601, -11080, -11760, -12247, -11832, -10625, -10343, -10309, -10585, -11162, -10118, -10351, -10956, -12069, -13564, -14352, -15043, -16142, -16885, -18002, -17961, -18002, -16875, -15958, -15893, -16536, -16289, -16499, -17179, -18019, -17672, -18028, -18007, -17929, -17535, -17886, -17079, -16489, -17145, -19007, -18954, -18858, -18441, -18214, -17765, -19209, -20156, -19986, -19700, -20455, -20550, -19412, -18922, -18621, -17143, -16782, -16679, -16898, -16083, -16019, -15578, -13970, -13068, -13936, -14914, -15685, -15823, -16008, -15051, -14505, -14361, -13501, -11683, -10530, -9925, -10334, -11145, -11686, -11914, -10980, -10383, -11324, -11022, -11617, -9957, -9505, -9046, -8754, -10245, -11215, -12168, -14052, -15546, -17421, -18037, -17867, -16992, -15359, -14776, -15120, -15444, -15321, -16996, -18356, -18951, -19068, -19508, -19103, -18578, -18776, -19311, -17930, -17343, -18017, -18382, -18999, -19283, -19449, -18715, -18749, -19131, -19090, -18508, -19107, -18548, -16601, -15660, -16213, -16472, -17277, -17642, -18428, -17338, -17199, -17101, -15674, -14716, -14590, -15133, -16332, -16406, -16204, -14933, -14100, -14028, -14784, -14299, -13893, -12218, -11949, -11856, -11736, -10901, -9381, -7818, -9246, -10055, -11431, -11275, -10895, -11208, -10441, -10839, -10912, -10671, -11441, -13452, -15416, -16555, -15673, -15508, -15057, -15678, -17760, -18633, -18528, -18131, -17668, -17403, -17157, -17034, -16966, -16695, -18101, -19753, -19657, -19766, -19551, -19309, -18862, -18900, -18350, -17399, -16660, -17866, -17951, -17755, -16695, -15289, -14078, -14803, -17205, -18602, -18531, -18098, -17647, -16167, -16408, -16628, -18074, -17718, -18994, -19107, -19499, -18004, -16446, -15262, -15436, -17377, -18240, -17000, -14040, -11657, -10252, -10540, -9798, -10021, -9514, -8887, -9603, -8682, -8526, -7228, -8860, -9796, -10669, -10757, -10303, -9479, -10450, -12546, -14444, -15298, -15553, -15774, -15804, -16555, -18126, -17993, -18911, -18736, -18773, -17713, -18449, -18203, -18008, -17834, -18535, -18271, -18249, -19337, -19591, -18661, -18692, -18403, -17411, -16482, -17042, -17524, -17068, -17158, -15164, -11253, -8850, -11352, -16585, -19911, -20934, -19163, -17271, -18253, -19084, -19345, -20644, -23021, -25412, -21697, -17729, -15317, -15087, -19959, -21207, -22410, -17764, -14560, -10871, -10799, -9697, -12298, -10107, -9460, -6818, -5773, -6514, -5676, -7901, -9623, -10939, -11039, -8637, -8063, -7198, -9422, -12197, -14469, -13616, -13923, -12270, -13263, -14261, -18270, -19345, -18803, -19371, -18919, -18437, -16988, -19178, -19128, -19552, -19308, -18614, -16739, -17266, -19112, -20624, -19676, -19150, -17216, -14712, -15272, -17243, -19364, -18869, -16843, -11697, -8873, -10042, -15428, -18640, -19086, -18261, -17096, -17589, -19340, -19171, -21025, -24674, -25828, -24284, -16280, -16792, -14994, -20970, -20702, -21868, -17093, -14886, -11137, -12264, -12750, -13917, -11944, -8656, -7815, -5732, -6641, -7199, -8311, -10297, -10299, -10562, -7999, -8684, -9764, -11576, -12693, -13720, -12807, -12118, -12039, -13429, -15086, -16808, -16947, -17519, -16545, -17177, -16281, -18873, -19264, -20349, -18700, -18885, -18120, -18557, -19480, -20274, -19455, -18018, -16856, -14317, -13764, -15740, -19018, -17943, -15742, -10046, -9417, -10268, -17492, -18242, -17754, -16565, -18383, -18036, -17831, -17684, -20595, -23618, -24207, -24881, -17368, -19869, -17984, -25395, -22065, -23201, -17311, -14721, -11890, -15475, -14959, -14041, -10442, -9217, -6908, -8051, -9834, -11201, -8038, -10460, -7252, -8019, -6301, -9846, -9525, -10555, -12395, -12241, -10616, -11789, -15259, -15022, -16830, -15455, -15139, -13467, -17432, -19823, -17162, -16639, -17081, -17989, -18023, -20000, -20136, -19375, -18888, -19092, -16588, -14673, -14733, -14954, -16532, -18485, -16761, -13776, -9117, -11602, -12544, -18766, -18884, -15894, -13412, -15899, -19878, -21615, -20645, -22843, -22593, -22790, -23096, -16680, -19695, -18869, -26500, -21220, -19767, -15704, -13470, -13637, -18490, -17914, -14099, -9255, -8865, -9380, -10548, -13407, -11559, -7735, -9673, -8496, -8556, -9467, -12072, -11762, -10113, -11866, -10597, -8421, -12348, -15328, -15303, -15621, -15434, -12150, -11402, -15071, -18639, -15984, -17343, -17758, -16303, -16556, -18716, -19235, -18995, -21047, -21283, -17417, -15818, -15575, -15691, -15988, -17930, -14347, -13060, -10963, -11251, -13394, -15834, -19849, -13124, -14210, -14765, -19336, -18615, -20926, -19002, -24235, -21414, -26296, -16507, -19778, -20986, -24086, -22737, -17831, -17910, -14653, -16566, -17634, -17131, -12222, -12079, -9813, -11228, -12065, -13012, -13652, -11622, -13263, -10955, -7303, -9621, -10967, -12728, -11165, -9717, -8546, -7335, -11581, -14643, -15126, -14480, -15206, -12110, -14457, -15254, -18476, -14093, -14544, -14812, -17109, -17753, -19588, -17788, -17904, -18658, -20898, -19194, -18500, -14983, -15317, -15638, -18185, -15449, -12780, -9883, -9583, -11707, -15732, -16614, -11672, -11730, -15312, -19944, -19330, -18163, -17814, -23963, -23401, -27399, -18675, -20727, -22434, -25150, -24293, -17912, -18286, -15517, -17446, -19187, -18509, -13528, -12584, -11869, -11706, -11189, -12000, -11734, -9873, -11141, -10452, -9065, -10262, -13330, -11446, -10517, -10659, -10311, -11056, -12499, -14530, -10913, -12221, -12828, -12679, -12718, -16036, -17079, -14042, -15753, -15211, -17331, -17039, -20710, -19300, -18726, -19469, -18718, -17233, -16769, -16696, -16226, -16776, -17675, -14508, -12298, -12082, -11248, -15272, -14193, -17356, -10215, -10400, -15064, -16947, -17668, -18055, -16525, -25308, -18712, -26282, -17950, -21139, -26151, -24771, -25088, -16889, -18610, -16380, -19070, -19507, -18526, -13538, -13545, -11887, -11147, -11299, -13302, -13040, -9956, -11199, -8454, -8946, -10786, -12959, -11666, -10367, -11332, -10254, -8849, -13027, -11661, -13509, -13557, -14333, -12648, -11917, -15391, -16129, -15098, -16348, -13518, -16206, -16693, -19961, -18407, -17559, -19907, -19037, -19430, -19945, -17511, -18645, -16084, -19586, -13890, -14218, -11383, -10006, -13585, -15054, -17348, -12115, -8960, -16387, -15772, -18942, -18525, -16609, -24612, -16686, -23484, -14806, -18252, -25271, -24463, -25577, -17959, -19279, -16540, -18581, -20015, -18760, -14428, -14842, -11890, -12086, -10848, -14789, -12128, -10903, -11435, -9813, -9638, -11528, -12121, -10563, -9417, -12206, -9746, -9837, -12995, -11449, -12128, -12132, -13717, -12846, -12707, -16660, -15513, -14565, -15449, -16000, -17746, -17008, -17802, -16158, -17130, -20676, -18758, -19082, -16169, -17370, -17489, -19431, -19819, -15572, -13678, -11896, -11351, -15859, -14066, -16524, -10867, -11015, -15894, -16318, -17542, -17596, -17298, -24298, -19169, -22231, -16852, -17400, -25884, -23132, -24571, -16915, -20580, -17810, -19826, -18861, -17485, -13360, -15014, -14320, -14177, -12281, -14779, -11443, -10378, -11363, -10435, -10790, -10546, -11759, -7962, -8634, -11384, -10950, -10687, -13577, -11594, -11898, -11445, -13794, -12590, -12550, -16690, -13580, -13317, -13804, -16502, -17632, -18002, -18596, -16554, -16189, -20307, -19045, -18355, -14798, -15951, -16840, -18230, -19702, -14663, -12922, -12779, -12825, -16980, -14796, -17280, -11745, -13023, -17581, -18567, -17203, -17799, -17032, -24474, -18992, -23670, -16026, -18908, -23503, -22636, -20739, -17113, -20395, -19480, -19988, -19676, -16631, -14007, -15519, -15061, -13540, -12018, -14240, -11281, -10384, -11907, -11212, -12238, -12583, -13242, -9573, -9884, -11084, -9851, -9087, -12036, -10098, -10423, -9849, -12138, -12018, -13106, -17632, -14761, -14092, -12945, -15341, -16812, -17697, -17964, -16492, -16999, -19342, -19622, -18256, -16237, -15507, -17115, -18024, -18386, -14350, -13887, -12208, -12421, -15593, -14852, -16108, -10603, -13508, -17651, -18143, -19400, -18182, -19449, -24098, -20622, -24935, -18025, -22138, -23889, -22508, -19448, -16106, -19579, -18429, -19882, -17683, -14642, -12969, -14423, -15555, -13864, -13184, -14924, -10973, -10061, -10250, -10810, -13008, -13595, -14352, -9996, -9165, -12488, -11909, -12862, -14477, -11088, -12265, -9632, -12965, -10082, -10897, -14204, -13029, -12226, -13098, -13997, -15801, -15556, -18148, -16808, -18096, -19880, -21047, -19049, -16958, -16150, -16050, -15745, -16947, -14459, -13210, -11887, -11179, -16869, -14660, -17101, -10265, -12544, -16196, -18203, -19427, -18670, -16762, -21332, -19626, -24016, -21586, -22445, -27429, -24503, -23672, -17349, -21050, -19395, -21560, -18478, -14501, -11605, -12625, -12888, -13118, -11903, -14810, -12671, -10020, -11566, -10263, -12679, -13080, -13481, -11568, -9547, -12183, -12042, -11496, -14977, -11748, -12831, -11808, -14488, -13558, -10793, -13990, -12368, -11945, -11612, -13126, -14258, -14488, -15693, -16118, -16811, -19316, -19612, -19203, -17735, -19001, -18263, -17310, -16191, -14063, -13111, -12138, -10004, -13286, -11968, -14952, -10999, -10717, -13793, -15774, -20122, -19787, -17980, -18967, -21773, -21284, -24548, -19037, -27208, -22415, -26103, -19126, -23567, -21144, -25355, -21148, -20533, -14541, -15982, -12625, -15119, -10552, -13878, -8773, -8656, -7833, -10605, -10734, -12053, -10832, -12437, -9076, -13238, -11859, -12958, -14648, -13407, -11942, -11203, -13556, -15290, -13885, -14768, -13727, -11594, -11644, -14205, -14778, -15140, -14344, -15055, -14879, -17472, -18844, -18228, -16460, -16867, -18300, -18396, -17757, -16319, -14098, -13335, -11557, -13519, -14522, -13659, -12571, -8449, -10981, -12506, -17512, -18228, -17978, -14975, -21606, -19393, -25717, -18579, -25865, -22335, -25908, -20724, -22319, -21618, -22543, -22773, -20938, -17827, -16770, -16285, -16643, -14732, -14652, -12320, -8871, -9295, -10278, -11622, -8844, -9823, -8897, -10289, -10007, -11579, -9924, -12523, -14116, -13336, -12280, -12996, -14405, -15219, -16349, -15804, -13825, -12222, -15670, -15615, -17052, -13595, -15136, -14344, -18449, -18431, -18562, -15336, -16204, -16372, -18185, -16702, -15549, -13772, -14567, -13207, -12166, -12235, -13028, -14450, -12784, -11829, -11595, -13457, -16720, -19002, -15281, -18436, -18023, -21549, -20911, -20443, -23376, -21593, -24918, -21102, -23054, -19273, -22755, -21136, -22231, -18160, -17788, -14329, -16284, -15074, -16454, -11582, -11343, -10503, -12565, -10798, -11075, -10546, -10717, -9885, -10452, -9723, -9466, -11640, -12287, -12718, -11850, -12874, -12443, -13799, -14308, -15239, -14274, -16595, -15693, -17559, -15360, -16801, -16187, -17938, -18993, -18511, -16930, -15815, -16438, -16505, -17278, -15048, -14002, -13325, -13041, -13022, -11161, -13047, -12620, -13982, -12166, -12062, -12357, -15134, -17314, -17194, -16512, -19079, -19604, -20709, -20468, -21995, -21674, -21981, -21952, -22200, -21475, -20119, -20221, -20037, -19796, -18783, -16764, -14762, -15685, -15138, -15995, -14131, -14272, -12284, -11179, -10385, -12634, -12568, -13023, -10611, -10652, -8475, -9855, -11138, -12489, -12841, -12677, -12781, -11572, -12097, -12823, -14126, -14776, -14299, -15273, -15133, -16523, -17560, -18376, -19460, -18965, -18246, -18303, -17810, -17655, -17947, -17276, -14647, -13085, -12656, -14952, -13510, -11960, -11229, -10871, -11754, -12068, -14355, -14378, -15152, -14815, -16736, -16918, -20531, -20107, -21160, -20210, -19980, -19857, -19827, -20753, -20739, -21075, -20397, -19206, -18104, -17378, -17527, -17017, -16009, -15554, -13765, -14857, -15072, -16073, -14379, -13459, -12977, -13700, -14553, -14155, -12720, -11175, -10512, -10595, -10822, -11070, -11318, -11558, -11147, -10391, -11074, -12311, -14551, -13123, -13381, -12187, -14445, -16060, -17964, -18779, -18468, -17770, -18516, -19337, -20588, -20774, -20609, -18621, -16353, -15399, -16213, -16442, -16100, -14707, -13666, -12144, -11075, -11559, -12642, -13059, -13274, -12685, -14370, -15632, -18008, -18046, -18926, -17275, -17641, -17936, -18276, -18864, -18502, -18542, -17879, -17064, -17644, -17598, -17573, -17463, -15846, -15499, -14842, -16718, -16424, -16204, -14955, -15644, -14325, -16156, -16155, -16409, -15178, -15700, -14749, -13982, -12358, -13161, -12969, -12924, -11006, -10091, -9528, -12602, -12624, -13132, -11607, -11606, -12525, -14771, -17089, -17095, -16014, -16367, -17756, -18482, -18927, -18785, -18063, -17066, -17275, -18450, -17337, -15271, -14702, -14883, -14756, -13959, -13549, -13116, -12185, -12266, -12234, -12331, -12903, -15061, -16576, -16925, -16284, -16542, -17904, -18752, -19214, -19575, -18784, -18074, -17411, -17587, -18278, -18679, -19016, -17497, -15770, -15285, -16751, -17729, -17706, -16180, -14614, -14119, -15241, -16330, -16327, -15392, -14981, -14779, -14648, -14467, -13658, -14665, -13748, -12609, -10901, -11092, -12034, -13077, -12541, -12399, -11239, -12724, -13714, -14743, -14783, -13952, -14787, -16563, -17862, -17819, -16750, -16022, -15682, -17175, -18763, -19311, -16443, -15474, -15217, -15842, -15215, -15236, -15086, -15404, -14266, -14036, -12950, -13531, -14748, -16524, -15512, -13969, -13003, -15276, -18055, -18770, -18491, -16627, -16002, -16951, -17323, -18559, -18552, -18377, -17658, -15689, -16295, -16971, -17897, -17854, -16739, -16070, -15239, -16402, -16896, -16885, -15139, -15037, -14972, -14482, -14331, -14730, -15606, -15515, -13417, -12134, -11834, -12478, -13640, -13541, -12308, -11413, -11449, -13879, -14396, -14661, -13643, -13581, -14415, -15631, -17019, -16405, -15423, -14474, -15709, -16671, -17863, -16193, -15426, -15305, -17166, -17708, -17425, -15534, -15540, -14542, -15721, -15791, -16690, -16046, -16199, -15075, -13844, -12801, -13951, -16422, -17017, -16873, -15763, -15121, -15360, -15762, -16715, -16830, -17073, -16964, -16607, -16175, -17262, -18522, -19115, -18997, -17276, -16331, -16629, -17276, -18262, -17015, -16592, -15679, -15224, -14814, -14802, -14960, -15099, -13640, -12589, -12243, -13201, -12949, -12675, -11719, -11369, -10437, -12714, -13971, -14760, -14035, -14405, -14909, -14968, -16591, -16937, -15838, -14701, -15396, -16287, -16339, -15623, -14020, -13604, -14526, -16261, -16950, -16034, -16098, -15826, -16340, -16699, -16323, -17162, -17182, -17938, -15588, -15384, -14888, -17602, -17270, -17102, -14981, -14542, -14439, -15463, -16538, -16983, -15491, -14845, -14246, -14903, -15763, -17827, -17964, -17385, -15652, -15587, -17032, -17917, -19415, -17919, -16764, -16051, -16523, -16997, -16996, -15875, -15133, -13043, -13205, -13349, -13939, -12471, -11828, -11515, -11902, -12424, -12654, -12858, -12575, -13348, -14211, -15492, -15420, -15873, -16176, -16462, -15970, -16162, -16760, -17285, -16539, -14912, -13610, -13357, -14507, -16021, -15703, -14821, -14287, -14439, -15806, -16218, -18868, -18177, -17897, -15784, -15751, -15870, -17751, -18781, -18610, -17042, -15445, -15241, -15362, -16398, -16344, -15417, -14275, -14006, -14338, -15152, -15814, -15566, -15553, -15050, -15061, -16384, -16553, -18383, -17390, -17955, -17880, -17219, -17138, -17202, -17752, -16559, -14915, -14193, -14380, -14385, -13939, -12315, -11544, -11568, -12196, -12758, -12414, -11610, -11987, -13287, -14765, -14562, -14828, -14814, -15173, -15617, -16804, -16590, -16870, -17020, -17213, -15754, -14993, -14769, -15273, -15233, -14884, -14058, -13205, -13929, -14805, -15921, -16641, -15526, -15384, -14929, -17163, -17874, -19091, -18281, -17646, -16000, -16592, -17166, -18551, -18703, -17781, -16794, -15863, -16366, -17027, -17155, -16399, -14967, -14350, -14341, -15762, -16850, -16777, -15891, -15224, -16200, -16304, -16875, -17234, -17392, -16208, -14623, -13399, -14476, -15260, -15104, -12977, -11230, -11293, -11786, -13919, -13451, -12170, -11467, -11993, -13939, -14280, -15226, -14152, -14263, -14521, -15672, -15269, -15540, -16141, -16241, -16296, -15959, -15560, -15515, -16269, -16107, -15116, -13821, -13957, -14159, -15290, -16251, -15221, -13994, -13548, -14774, -16261, -17630, -17899, -17026, -17020, -17622, -18743, -19216, -20086, -18666, -17177, -16945, -18323, -19648, -19710, -19759, -18059, -16231, -16034, -17051, -18111, -17037, -16157, -14721, -14655, -14554, -15115, -15559, -15538, -15334, -13700, -12776, -12678, -14155, -14464, -13611, -11872, -11067, -10584, -11797, -12922, -12517, -12140, -11434, -12283, -12711, -13947, -14383, -14162, -14167, -14749, -14708, -14386, -14973, -15886, -16274, -15749, -15057, -14996, -16438, -17558, -17723, -16558, -14948, -14525, -15974, -17977, -17717, -15305, -14777, -14695, -15914, -16621, -17657, -16258, -15801, -16034, -17184, -17446, -18151, -17911, -16922, -16733, -18117, -19242, -19457, -20455, -20276, -18115, -17361, -18230, -20395, -20220, -19870, -18265, -16636, -16060, -16244, -16261, -15121, -14125, -13034, -12569, -12383, -12622, -11307, -10896, -10361, -10143, -10005, -10384, -10993, -10679, -10910, -11796, -11707, -11984, -12784, -13509, -13736, -13560, -14099, -14055, -14335, -15319, -16098, -16186, -16083, -15139, -15112, -15470, -16845, -16994, -17456, -16645, -15957, -16645, -17814, -17798, -16519, -16325, -16013, -15720, -16863, -18075, -17541, -16063, -15939, -16175, -16591, -17895, -18111, -16597, -15328, -16135, -16933, -17441, -18446, -18651, -17647, -17357, -18230, -19958, -21120, -21590, -20950, -18815, -18648, -18987, -19201, -18996, -17768, -16511, -14981, -14883, -14323, -12864, -11245, -10690, -10100, -9396, -9245, -9282, -8631, -8873, -8925, -9345, -9316, -10807, -12263, -13371, -13518, -13103, -12847, -13020, -14130, -14977, -15178, -14735, -14203, -14402, -15264, -15848, -16355, -15700, -16416, -15320, -16452, -16497, -17443, -17033, -16902, -16953, -16758, -16271, -17267, -18085, -18044, -17342, -16798, -16696, -17505, -17976, -18072, -17301, -16884, -17306, -16725, -17021, -17505, -17581, -17005, -17297, -17792, -18364, -19486, -20301, -19901, -18708, -19595, -20837, -21069, -20310, -19123, -17953, -17690, -18259, -17619, -15694, -13637, -12922, -12334, -12366, -11975, -10277, -8956, -8308, -8469, -8519, -8657, -9757, -10212, -10914, -10368, -10047, -9711, -11123, -12863, -13454, -12802, -12246, -11936, -13747, -14368, -15370, -14156, -13921, -13631, -14516, -15838, -16422, -16543, -16669, -16778, -16325, -16516, -17276, -18717, -18961, -18995, -18818, -18457, -19440, -19272, -19005, -18137, -18397, -18809, -18634, -18100, -17929, -17647, -17872, -17493, -17633, -17136, -18014, -18420, -18924, -18078, -17618, -18054, -19093, -19563, -18586, -17897, -17821, -18056, -18770, -18613, -17625, -16097, -15669, -15784, -15757, -14383, -13227, -12071, -11181, -10916, -10534, -10565, -10800, -10931, -10320, -9094, -8456, -9183, -10479, -11476, -11080, -9872, -9200, -9720, -10544, -11629, -11909, -11960, -11596, -12365, -13674, -14071, -14491, -15180, -16240, -16194, -15927, -16559, -17769, -18639, -18699, -18878, -18402, -18960, -19521, -20148, -19656, -19187, -19224, -19849, -19673, -19933, -19427, -18931, -18303, -18507, -17932, -18333, -18205, -18466, -17322, -16927, -17198, -17781, -18378, -18614, -17952, -17405, -17181, -18283, -18562, -18144, -17014, -16110, -15396, -16536, -16612, -16718, -15557, -15138, -14537, -14543, -14606, -14972, -14386, -13538, -12122, -10916, -10457, -11353, -11673, -11334, -10272, -9195, -8852, -8895, -9508, -9659, -9261, -8738, -8758, -9218, -9753, -10058, -10510, -11547, -12051, -13476, -13803, -14876, -15521, -16577, -17461, -17777, -18569, -18975, -19023, -19079, -19478, -19954, -20090, -19823, -20009, -19687, -19541, -19188, -19446, -19470, -19826, -20190, -20172, -19350, -19167, -18723, -18800, -18622, -18344, -17788, -17307, -17162, -17540, -18292, -18363, -17437, -16561, -16482, -16633, -17194, -17304, -17157, -16135, -15632, -15704, -15850, -16031, -16089, -15656, -14403, -13426, -13701, -13719, -13514, -13543, -13292, -12729, -11820, -11631, -11210, -10786, -9918, -9319, -8372, -8540, -8629, -9213, -8773, -8672, -8467, -9039, -10537, -12233, -12775, -12607, -12604, -13275, -14397, -15280, -15952, -16034, -16132, -16771, -18213, -18904, -19694, -19740, -20074, -19504, -19460, -19609, -20356, -20444, -20183, -19354, -18848, -18924, -19350, -19578, -19115, -18944, -18363, -18261, -18561, -19567, -19786, -19018, -17666, -17485, -17497, -17553, -17561, -17297, -16535, -15985, -16470, -16970, -17155, -17118, -17198, -16713, -16543, -16225, -16197, -14686, -13588, -13086, -13493, -12904, -12714, -12195, -11949, -11589, -11625, -11687, -11305, -10864, -11041, -10907, -10127, -9739, -9395, -9855, -10163, -11022, -10953, -11142, -11690, -13647, -13904, -13796, -13256, -13626, -13845, -14634, -15470, -15919, -15449, -15669, -15642, -16299, -16276, -17640, -18617, -18445, -18493, -18416, -18800, -19010, -19376, -19402, -18897, -18180, -18095, -17642, -18217, -18155, -18649, -18543, -18533, -18792, -18632, -18926, -18729, -18889, -18862, -18811, -18432, -18483, -18512, -18476, -17980, -17858, -18186, -18799, -18413, -17759, -16628, -16027, -15262, -15055, -14283, -13308, -12384, -11700, -11288, -11066, -10775, -10408, -10737, -10541, -10627, -10316, -10950, -11474, -12063, -11770, -11445, -11289, -12416, -13405, -13477, -12962, -12688, -12736, -13229, -14044, -14506, -14645, -15007, -15851, -15748, -15749, -15580, -16346, -15833, -15886, -15496, -15685, -15483, -16441, -16410, -16237, -16139, -16089, -16597, -17297, -17165, -17257, -16781, -17229, -17530, -17203, -17610, -17492, -18324, -18439, -18788, -18754, -18840, -19372, -19478, -19498, -19179, -18829, -18913, -18539, -18732, -18197, -18327, -18246, -17863, -17508, -17063, -16461, -15764, -15133, -14766, -13685, -13137, -12888, -12511, -11470, -11260, -11131, -11806, -12197, -12625, -12423, -12252, -12799, -13861, -14072, -13992, -13275, -13281, -13204, -13902, -13670, -13735, -13438, -13871, -13826, -14479, -14844, -15746, -15714, -15396, -15039, -15177, -15653, -15886, -16316, -15805, -15895, -15136, -15542, -15564, -15329, -14720, -14303, -14465, -15111, -15371, -15326, -14585, -14774, -15111, -15390, -16147, -15788, -16069, -15596, -16628, -17144, -17730, -18240, -18113, -18004, -18017, -18745, -19651, -19472, -19306, -18329, -17763, -17590, -17976, -17927, -16838, -15724, -15543, -15995, -16120, -16231, -15877, -15579, -15414, -15629, -15724, -15381, -15287, -14814, -14449, -13703, -13762, -14155, -14394, -14251, -13778, -13541, -13664, -13939, -14301, -14007, -13791, -13723, -13701, -13802, -14034, -14234, -13947, -14031, -14225, -14445, -14830, -14991, -15508, -15905, -16116, -16183, -15903, -16136, -15791, -15273, -14784, -14575, -14852, -14983, -14844, -14603, -14238, -14748, -14745, -14929, -14350, -14562, -14688, -14975, -15090, -14185, -14122, -13876, -14481, -14730, -14544, -14562, -15024, -15737, -17090, -17534, -17649, -17763, -17964, -18666, -18545, -19255, -18572, -18603, -17837, -18416, -18060, -17968, -17607, -17563, -17145, -17050, -17224, -17407, -17163, -17083, -17032, -17123, -16396, -15996, -15323, -15309, -14954, -14827, -14229, -13790, -13885, -13984, -13895, -13321, -13034, -13054, -13382, -13603, -13756, -13557, -13140, -13337, -14065, -14463, -14578, -14650, -14901, -15381, -15934, -15987, -15817, -15324, -15643, -15208, -15220, -14775, -14598, -14313, -14424, -14849, -14762, -14619, -13955, -13884, -13229, -12936, -12613, -12712, -13035, -13687, -13438, -13368, -13159, -13150, -13179, -13598, -15328, -15693, -16413, -16286, -16832, -17663, -18845, -19725, -19970, -19845, -19308, -19493, -20328, -20435, -20121, -19342, -19160, -18478, -18828, -18782, -18339, -17304, -16208, -15699, -15757, -16526, -15694, -14957, -13794, -14324, -15075, -16120, -16115, -16298, -15950, -15949, -16149, -16622, -16091, -15462, -14689, -14092, -13637, -13318, -13093, -12590, -12395, -12805, -13251, -13039, -13347, -13590, -14156, -14097, -15172, -15313, -15375, -15062, -15188, -14847, -14284, -13829, -13887, -13447, -13212, -13133, -12610, -11858, -10776, -10375, -10237, -11089, -11608, -12532, -11912, -12843, -13472, -14686, -15442, -16426, -17566, -18392, -19966, -20299, -20479, -19792, -20249, -20081, -20933, -19717, -19719, -18516, -19385, -18650, -18707, -17209, -17497, -17368, -18150, -17951, -17061, -16414, -15939, -16464, -16672, -16370, -15910, -15399, -15322, -15470, -16056, -16149, -15937, -16078, -16426, -16888, -16778, -16333, -16207, -15761, -15759, -14956, -14774, -13880, -13313, -13096, -13176, -13040, -12871, -12703, -12520, -12426, -12523, -12885, -12775, -12430, -12545, -12405, -13229, -13651, -14571, -14513, -14805, -14873, -15628, -15332, -15723, -16052, -15904, -14845, -13912, -13660, -13280, -12699, -11849, -11250, -11265, -11566, -12740, -13811, -14318, -14728, -15596, -16927, -17714, -18822, -18924, -20065, -20090, -20798, -20027, -19401, -18136, -18500, -18256, -18267, -17853, -17376, -17640, -18236, -18314, -18282, -18687, -18767, -19650, -19190, -18704, -18065, -17007, -16840, -16497, -16234, -15006, -14142, -13345, -13845, -14223, -14180, -14349, -13996, -14340, -14190, -14763, -14266, -14743, -14173, -13502, -12692, -12494, -11961, -12118, -12303, -12396, -12278, -12327, -12595, -12795, -13213, -13944, -14451, -14569, -14449, -14768, -14963, -15610, -16155, -16669, -16434, -16452, -17412, -17867, -18203, -17673, -16987, -15833, -15339, -14572, -13815, -11842, -10471, -10026, -10370, -11019, -11249, -12787, -13249, -15063, -15813, -17695, -17740, -19255, -19266, -20549, -20155, -20031, -20061, -19413, -19050, -18452, -18769, -17916, -18375, -17609, -18986, -18280, -18882, -17671, -18472, -18023, -19089, -17949, -17195, -15813, -15438, -14488, -14756, -14207, -13722, -12538, -11995, -12060, -12995, -12928, -13211, -13272, -13480, -13527, -13935, -13800, -14297, -14905, -14445, -13986, -14132, -14683, -14768, -15488, -15338, -14974, -13997, -14307, -14588, -14718, -14116, -14031, -13528, -13982, -14524, -15149, -15188, -15007, -15434, -15845, -16497, -16799, -17066, -16535, -16496, -16667, -16434, -15986, -15368, -14888, -13729, -12740, -11743, -12113, -12254, -12401, -12561, -13097, -13329, -14306, -15252, -16711, -16862, -18072, -18270, -19920, -20027, -20370, -20226, -19655, -18738, -19118, -19135, -18760, -18382, -17305, -17446, -17155, -17234, -16656, -16620, -16146, -16964, -16241, -15763, -15420, -15343, -14673, -15225, -15016, -14390, -13909, -13857, -14629, -14942, -14459, -14398, -14190, -14464, -14568, -14873, -14305, -14059, -13729, -13718, -13836, -14786, -14444, -14091, -13993, -13795, -13579, -13796, -14102, -13603, -13284, -13443, -14405, -14309, -14188, -14809, -14827, -15162, -16176, -17084, -17511, -17638, -17766, -17757, -17921, -17598, -17501, -16808, -15576, -15056, -14292, -12737, -11912, -11097, -10765, -10441, -10629, -11156, -11980, -12746, -14190, -15053, -15890, -16066, -17811, -19240, -19708, -20193, -19651, -19784, -19697, -19874, -19392, -18801, -18123, -17833, -17144, -16851, -17461, -17794, -16863, -17029, -16769, -17274, -17462, -17255, -17240, -16731, -16246, -15745, -16082, -15286, -15413, -14685, -14738, -15240, -15060, -14176, -14503, -14331, -13634, -13217, -13147, -13296, -13092, -12522, -12298, -12302, -12721, -13222, -13921, -14605, -14221, -14282, -14780, -15458, -15338, -15243, -15063, -14595, -14599, -15163, -15248, -15273, -15056, -16043, -16285, -16301, -16637, -17090, -16728, -16645, -16320, -15645, -14452, -14219, -13679, -13266, -12006, -11409, -10480, -9976, -10237, -11018, -12267, -12991, -14511, -15737, -16679, -17879, -18804, -19198, -20531, -20723, -21060, -20691, -20150, -20532, -20035, -19134, -19497, -19236, -18301, -17505, -17047, -17338, -17897, -16706, -16731, -16488, -16403, -16896, -16416, -15932, -15698, -16002, -15443, -15972, -15314, -14531, -13965, -13878, -14550, -14605, -13221, -12709, -12405, -12114, -11903, -12977, -12695, -12359, -12213, -12626, -13439, -14456, -14666, -15215, -15334, -15384, -15805, -16409, -15788, -15571, -14875, -14269, -14064, -13801, -14175, -13922, -13787, -14149, -14813, -15509, -15908, -16259, -16237, -16513, -16409, -16485, -16018, -15240, -14848, -14580, -14484, -13861, -13515, -12847, -11868, -12000, -12653, -14218, -15297, -16245, -17536, -17948, -18287, -18690, -18839, -18924, -19742, -19082, -19689, -18292, -19007, -18506, -18637, -18275, -18378, -17287, -17655, -16749, -16875, -17738, -17394, -16632, -17186, -16198, -16824, -16485, -16193, -15655, -15651, -14577, -14821, -14932, -13887, -13705, -13190, -13091, -13579, -13088, -12567, -12873, -12253, -11814, -12302, -12676, -12482, -12811, -13323, -13237, -14088, -14248, -15176, -15345, -15364, -14814, -14746, -14207, -13530, -13293, -13120, -12763, -12447, -12828, -13802, -15037, -16192, -17019, -18301, -18732, -19065, -19320, -19434, -18527, -18070, -16668, -16480, -16596, -16274, -16407, -15932, -15056, -14539, -14045, -13796, -13606, -13777, -14261, -14408, -15778, -16001, -16245, -16837, -16431, -16846, -17685, -18237, -18430, -18470, -18317, -19086, -17784, -17634, -17278, -18070, -16856, -17477, -15791, -16531, -16531, -16362, -16753, -16766, -15581, -15705, -15008, -15011, -15344, -15289, -14006, -14521, -13505, -13569, -13505, -12995, -12676, -12299, -11196, -11401, -11355, -10915, -10786, -12045, -11809, -12769, -13289, -13910, -14104, -15936, -15924, -16244, -15447, -14988, -14636, -14534, -13790, -13959, -14044, -14860, -15443, -17187, -18049, -18746, -18873, -19524, -19900, -20372, -20173, -19517, -19164, -18484, -18146, -18309, -17818, -17857, -17460, -16643, -15811, -14824, -13504, -11775, -10061, -9830, -9712, -11728, -12416, -13898, -15720, -14661, -15995, -15834, -16928, -17174, -18159, -17429, -18096, -17093, -19188, -18122, -19649, -17382, -18546, -16436, -17547, -15780, -15940, -16394, -15125, -15051, -15523, -14649, -15367, -14486, -14839, -13727, -14942, -13083, -14147, -13318, -13115, -12986, -12859, -11965, -12824, -11805, -11337, -11643, -11588, -11237, -12192, -13324, -14650, -15417, -15999, -15632, -16614, -17081, -16328, -16173, -15752, -15621, -15783, -16269, -16869, -17876, -19348, -18888, -19541, -19878, -19268, -19229, -18243, -18144, -17554, -17293, -16587, -17581, -18147, -17598, -17245, -16973, -16280, -16345, -14490, -14002, -12738, -11428, -9740, -9646, -10135, -10959, -12169, -13951, -13615, -15784, -14950, -15877, -15759, -14803, -15113, -16825, -17367, -18887, -17706, -19609, -18738, -19181, -17930, -16730, -16498, -14506, -16098, -14135, -16412, -15593, -14729, -15922, -15230, -14918, -13912, -13264, -12981, -13309, -13755, -13346, -14908, -14482, -14938, -14765, -14196, -13703, -13330, -12360, -12879, -13106, -12542, -14104, -15376, -16803, -16770, -16897, -16186, -15407, -16398, -16441, -15814, -16157, -16087, -17785, -17982, -19196, -18443, -18879, -17480, -16798, -17203, -17016, -16239, -16791, -16461, -17710, -17460, -18192, -17693, -17936, -16771, -16452, -16242, -15755, -15125, -14720, -14009, -13505, -12466, -11286, -10374, -9701, -9820, -10552, -11755, -13602, -13647, -15633, -13993, -15235, -13865, -14402, -15037, -17030, -17237, -18281, -17543, -19660, -18806, -18840, -17315, -16804, -16588, -16335, -17257, -15706, -17114, -16084, -15707, -17118, -15419, -14733, -13071, -13766, -13964, -15392, -15746, -15708, -16025, -15036, -15355, -15011, -13107, -12668, -11729, -11436, -12521, -13534, -13758, -14752, -15560, -16546, -15526, -15644, -15324, -15369, -16847, -16706, -17695, -18015, -18715, -18760, -18729, -18449, -17175, -16927, -15226, -15712, -15977, -15762, -16597, -16647, -17315, -18004, -17766, -16767, -17171, -16271, -16342, -16063, -15727, -15559, -14544, -13627, -13548, -13377, -11224, -10833, -9642, -9287, -10269, -11272, -13914, -14165, -13949, -14476, -13281, -14862, -12666, -14559, -15208, -18269, -18671, -19797, -18842, -20386, -18108, -19082, -17301, -17379, -15579, -17534, -17246, -16356, -18945, -16157, -16830, -16621, -15411, -15300, -14446, -15238, -14692, -16857, -15029, -16055, -14300, -14006, -13666, -13558, -12222, -12234, -11468, -11723, -13542, -13646, -13461, -14339, -14826, -15387, -15158, -16284, -16031, -17024, -18884, -19231, -19414, -18919, -19472, -18736, -18458, -17921, -16233, -15740, -13622, -14860, -14203, -14357, -14980, -15360, -15555, -16366, -16490, -16193, -15939, -14830, -14722, -15010, -14396, -14470, -14160, -14176, -14459, -15270, -13697, -13820, -12660, -11665, -12737, -13260, -14828, -13935, -13872, -13663, -13211, -14141, -12186, -14333, -14318, -16400, -16008, -16570, -15835, -17905, -17264, -18678, -18457, -19028, -18954, -20867, -20340, -20022, -21230, -18504, -19208, -19194, -18397, -17196, -16062, -16217, -15258, -15341, -14114, -13827, -11475, -11286, -10768, -9772, -9048, -9183, -8894, -9617, -11159, -11509, -12294, -14310, -16001, -17092, -17533, -19221, -19682, -21246, -21386, -22384, -20930, -20543, -20229, -18604, -17098, -15907, -14443, -13237, -12997, -13169, -13130, -12749, -12965, -13623, -13590, -14065, -13439, -13242, -13107, -12314, -13207, -13715, -14881, -15692, -15982, -16184, -17038, -17644, -17736, -17848, -17672, -17198, -17342, -18052, -17531, -17008, -16697, -15459, -14802, -12931, -12694, -11439, -11636, -11540, -12285, -12677, -13197, -13568, -13158, -14083, -14757, -15375, -16356, -17328, -17730, -17841, -19198, -19297, -19683, -19553, -19169, -18820, -18419, -18730, -18929, -18139, -17671, -16757, -15826, -14809, -14311, -13321, -12203, -11548, -11567, -12425, -12739, -13088, -13581, -14849, -15546, -16343, -16499, -16613, -17248, -17638, -17815, -17929, -17517, -17264, -16290, -16001, -14765, -14669, -13637, -13648, -13815, -13957, -13371, -13115, -13575, -13220, -13174, -13328, -12897, -12389, -12355, -13572, -14603, -15416, -15743, -16378, -16628, -17602, -18337, -18360, -17969, -18058, -17845, -17995, -17969, -18166, -17507, -17039, -16350, -15819, -14737, -13579, -12840, -12174, -12541, -12068, -12332, -12634, -13164, -13426, -13390, -14630, -15265, -15621, -15895, -16569, -17157, -17288, -17373, -17933, -18734, -18853, -19100, -19149, -19554, -19401, -19188, -18344, -17069, -15870, -15058, -14201, -13905, -13568, -13166, -12622, -12509, -12862, -13106, -13111, -13132, -14048, -13850, -14265, -14433, -15506, -16105, -16366, -17058, -17637, -17815, -17739, -17409, -17523, -16645, -16519, -16015, -16122, -15864, -15774, -14442, -13798, -13595, -12748, -12624, -12153, -12259, -12087, -12437, -13223, -13618, -14395, -14779, -15515, -15452, -16045, -16116, -16066, -16255, -16924, -17426, -17393, -18152, -18703, -18726, -18584, -18538, -18549, -17902, -17035, -16706, -16283, -16274, -15606, -15508, -14729, -14118, -13573, -13342, -13413, -12985, -13196, -13080, -14010, -14107, -14420, -14339, -14457, -14646, -15231, -15980, -16286, -16595, -16476, -16460, -16552, -16259, -16218, -15963, -15619, -15622, -15358, -15129, -14807, -14963, -14768, -14313, -14140, -14274, -14556, -14309, -14618, -14594, -15682, -15813, -16126, -16975, -17611, -17574, -16907, -16692, -16012, -15758, -15830, -16116, -16514, -15838, -15916, -15153, -15876, -15973, -15824, -15163, -14579, -14993, -14377, -15265, -15518, -15868, -15598, -15120, -15407, -14697, -15039, -14605, -15310, -15610, -16292, -16488, -16891, -17473, -17564, -17578, -17846, -17565, -17423, -16407, -16417, -16281, -16291, -16020, -15392, -15384, -14221, -14038, -13459, -14054, -13747, -13670, -13505, -13489, -13672, -12761, -12393, -12488, -12460, -12654, -12888, -13997, -14820, -15800, -16178, -16653, -16639, -16069, -16062, -15701, -15865, -15845, -15900, -15633, -15276, -15027, -14042, -13507, -13334, -13645, -12995, -12900, -13215, -14199, -15499, -16005, -16667, -16882, -16920, -16585, -16707, -16849, -16786, -17200, -17924, -19128, -19844, -19581, -19793, -20040, -20124, -19583, -18789, -17817, -17254, -17009, -16502, -16743, -16125, -15564, -14546, -14037, -13604, -12673, -12580, -12313, -13249, -13791, -14814, -15511, -16138, -16530, -16859, -17195, -17164, -17079, -16510, -16160, -16411, -16807, -17435, -17041, -17109, -16644, -16305, -15717, -15311, -14422, -12807, -12091, -11366, -11229, -10469, -10166, -10544, -10649, -10946, -11021, -11911, -12392, -12948, -13327, -13706, -13674, -13685, -13953, -14374, -14568, -14834, -14892, -14976, -14796, -14938, -14666, -14454, -14568, -15486, -15826, -15807, -16722, -17006, -17500, -17309, -17214, -17045, -17067, -17137, -17007, -17322, -17498, -17986, -18881, -19434, -20191, -20106, -20039, -20361, -20549, -20209, -19236, -18909, -18558, -18539, -17978, -17655, -17264, -16477, -16076, -15524, -15219, -14437, -14424, -14769, -14982, -15266, -15387, -15904, -15695, -15564, -14995, -15109, -14885, -15239, -15223, -15554, -15066, -15567, -15401, -15786, -14700, -14311, -13425, -13105, -12671, -12612, -11804, -10941, -10531, -10662, -10568, -10542, -10730, -11275, -11533, -12446, -13153, -14448, -14951, -15526, -15587, -15728, -15120, -15112, -15061, -15036, -14972, -15139, -15226, -15068, -14586, -14533, -14238, -14110, -13440, -13976, -13415, -13490, -14046, -14509, -15102, -15389, -16173, -16708, -17532, -17677, -18000, -18229, -18168, -18749, -19219, -19806, -20571, -21032, -21290, -21391, -21213, -20760, -20247, -19834, -19251, -18650, -17946, -17546, -16998, -16555, -15917, -15234, -14611, -14564, -14560, -14809, -14809, -15218, -15561, -15622, -15499, -15309, -15412, -15122, -15316, -15238, -15412, -15522, -15772, -16362, -16654, -16401, -15507, -14785, -14010, -13391, -12750, -12574, -11783, -11150, -11182, -11309, -11607, -11655, -12325, -12434, -12723, -13710, -13806, -14455, -14446, -14470, -14112, -14004, -13479, -13667, -13502, -13823, -13804, -14194, -14055, -13921, -13609, -13472, -13494, -13628, -13523, -14737, -14071, -15750, -16133, -16710, -17327, -16275, -18156, -17398, -18009, -18443, -16886, -18034, -17930, -18508, -18690, -19248, -19354, -19813, -19062, -20959, -17215, -19495, -17131, -16505, -15540, -16941, -14292, -15718, -15137, -14461, -14610, -14843, -13760, -13710, -14199, -15404, -14797, -16138, -16257, -16386, -16055, -17111, -16340, -16903, -16816, -17559, -17372, -18323, -18460, -18987, -18491, -18307, -16635, -15139, -13640, -13649, -12668, -13920, -13409, -14535, -14031, -12797, -13145, -12783, -13812, -14964, -13887, -15911, -14768, -16439, -15312, -12784, -14715, -13697, -14031, -14784, -12849, -13634, -13948, -14662, -14124, -12807, -14291, -10611, -13161, -11886, -13663, -14602, -14010, -14747, -13546, -15346, -15435, -14414, -15772, -15652, -16477, -17233, -13233, -15140, -14925, -16767, -19644, -17211, -18730, -16771, -19189, -16596, -16752, -18861, -16560, -18677, -17241, -16529, -15912, -16881, -14729, -15537, -13245, -16301, -11321, -15179, -11999, -13995, -15529, -14524, -15584, -13131, -14303, -15342, -14667, -15959, -17182, -17977, -19118, -20206, -21484, -19334, -19584, -19112, -18276, -17971, -18447, -17393, -16949, -17687, -17446, -15882, -15742, -14917, -14365, -14837, -15509, -15353, -14609, -14394, -15311, -14086, -13964, -14344, -13036, -13247, -12855, -14427, -13001, -13814, -14163, -14278, -13725, -13951, -13481, -13655, -12812, -13589, -12903, -13222, -12878, -13874, -14390, -15091, -13877, -14594, -13676, -14221, -13583, -13697, -14368, -14782, -15842, -16827, -16720, -17523, -16389, -18041, -17300, -18075, -18227, -18121, -18566, -17817, -16918, -16466, -15832, -16299, -14967, -16035, -14789, -15660, -14657, -14123, -14598, -13596, -12443, -11413, -8031, -9989, -11305, -13371, -15273, -13252, -15214, -14502, -15438, -19014, -17374, -22819, -21716, -24977, -23532, -19784, -18370, -19037, -17491, -22238, -20720, -20375, -20356, -15507, -16784, -11779, -13927, -9871, -12009, -12247, -14907, -11784, -11779, -10756, -8766, -11360, -12949, -14942, -15542, -18109, -17610, -16974, -16727, -16665, -15024, -15593, -16298, -17293, -16536, -17338, -16393, -14682, -15130, -14424, -12929, -13462, -13173, -15007, -13163, -13484, -14630, -12393, -14767, -15034, -16493, -16691, -16925, -18704, -18064, -18522, -18290, -19327, -18240, -18609, -18309, -17953, -16685, -15805, -16098, -15575, -14338, -14436, -13883, -12923, -11907, -10762, -8536, -6627, -4625, -3934, -5449, -9695, -12445, -18456, -14854, -15832, -14888, -12986, -19694, -18029, -23716, -25229, -26426, -28190, -20265, -17178, -19477, -12701, -23406, -16093, -18208, -14750, -9779, -11700, -5833, -9756, -7632, -11599, -13940, -17636, -14338, -17667, -14258, -15708, -17168, -21883, -21440, -22258, -22540, -20615, -17009, -16605, -15143, -12480, -13722, -15665, -15103, -14165, -14831, -13650, -13482, -13246, -16570, -14993, -16282, -18038, -17479, -17617, -16546, -18441, -17522, -18633, -18160, -18655, -15410, -16497, -14741, -17056, -14380, -15910, -16528, -15300, -16220, -15143, -17396, -14705, -15314, -15666, -14695, -12530, -12837, -11808, -12534, -8584, -9932, -5906, -4290, -3908, -5399, -11060, -11860, -17919, -13749, -13339, -11910, -12017, -17310, -16729, -23128, -26471, -27290, -27193, -19570, -15837, -17630, -9986, -24228, -9952, -18557, -11507, -12379, -10090, -9158, -11824, -10353, -14630, -18432, -19982, -17379, -21147, -15985, -17477, -17115, -21903, -18457, -19259, -19782, -17185, -14914, -14050, -11708, -12104, -13188, -16002, -15037, -17343, -17052, -16869, -17095, -17292, -19003, -18887, -21024, -20746, -19214, -18023, -16672, -14470, -15513, -13138, -15706, -12664, -13288, -12445, -12372, -14408, -14801, -17914, -18418, -19929, -20231, -19506, -18606, -17764, -16962, -15760, -15253, -14278, -12704, -11819, -9825, -8755, -5486, -3745, -1335, -2284, -7201, -11027, -16585, -16967, -13663, -15872, -12196, -19215, -18996, -22807, -28175, -26802, -27780, -21691, -13688, -15115, -7372, -14636, -13336, -9596, -15177, -7161, -12661, -5841, -12787, -11206, -15423, -19146, -23855, -20463, -22803, -18645, -18077, -16231, -19594, -19041, -16733, -17311, -13939, -11554, -10726, -8192, -9090, -9735, -13625, -14170, -16696, -18798, -17672, -19687, -19261, -21451, -20567, -21556, -21942, -20108, -17781, -16254, -13988, -13324, -12495, -12818, -14449, -11372, -14403, -13065, -15849, -16258, -18832, -20509, -21242, -21840, -21918, -19889, -19007, -17308, -17248, -15337, -15650, -14015, -13113, -11169, -9402, -7520, -5209, -4935, -3667, -8384, -12826, -16659, -21502, -16901, -17739, -15557, -15929, -21693, -17914, -24568, -23358, -22274, -20797, -10266, -10040, -7811, -4942, -15699, -6242, -13987, -9309, -12454, -11312, -12618, -17526, -16879, -20764, -24300, -23591, -22269, -19690, -16748, -15471, -14712, -17033, -12230, -12650, -9131, -7319, -7113, -5476, -6587, -8002, -12251, -16141, -17312, -20879, -20439, -21230, -22597, -23144, -24183, -22628, -23502, -21401, -19146, -15125, -14956, -11135, -12074, -11743, -13621, -13315, -12251, -14095, -14931, -16038, -18810, -20993, -21126, -22022, -20832, -21582, -18870, -17569, -17551, -15555, -15112, -14642, -13270, -12081, -10452, -10056, -9244, -7513, -7607, -9471, -13330, -17820, -21178, -22852, -18099, -18602, -15421, -17724, -17837, -18329, -21213, -19209, -18475, -14344, -6669, -7730, -3901, -7758, -12737, -8061, -15979, -11163, -16167, -12773, -17505, -18345, -18702, -22219, -24511, -20445, -20664, -16369, -14704, -11568, -12715, -12100, -7837, -10100, -6801, -7641, -7364, -7392, -10940, -11959, -17635, -19899, -21216, -23064, -21857, -22993, -22664, -22610, -22622, -20430, -20351, -18016, -15557, -12460, -11604, -10907, -10563, -13159, -13078, -13804, -14323, -15557, -18327, -19184, -20809, -22229, -21862, -22713, -20958, -19922, -18662, -16494, -16525, -15136, -13997, -12591, -11636, -11115, -10772, -9717, -10284, -8574, -9996, -11073, -15158, -17938, -20672, -22754, -17177, -18628, -14267, -15908, -16661, -16548, -19303, -18001, -16316, -14785, -6215, -8676, -5664, -8079, -15188, -9138, -18322, -13218, -18020, -15014, -18949, -19242, -19057, -20868, -22958, -18824, -19149, -15809, -14284, -10176, -12069, -11484, -8346, -10097, -8206, -9343, -8699, -10190, -13149, -14578, -18312, -20299, -21318, -22004, -21395, -20867, -21250, -19793, -21432, -19441, -18700, -15982, -12680, -10595, -10997, -10585, -12552, -12732, -13891, -14741, -15214, -17043, -18441, -20448, -22313, -22601, -22754, -22370, -19618, -18283, -16807, -15614, -15562, -13303, -13041, -10441, -9285, -10281, -8765, -10032, -9322, -9519, -11693, -12228, -17729, -19595, -23048, -23414, -18867, -19101, -15151, -16441, -17626, -16894, -19831, -16441, -16132, -12957, -6268, -9727, -7038, -11889, -15354, -11423, -18747, -13785, -18475, -14743, -19802, -19300, -19715, -21448, -21618, -17463, -16808, -14245, -13283, -10279, -12537, -10606, -8594, -9480, -8250, -9988, -9581, -11908, -14916, -16490, -20151, -20136, -21362, -20871, -19698, -20523, -19352, -19950, -19806, -17975, -17477, -14219, -11634, -10076, -9773, -10752, -11001, -13484, -14152, -14520, -15869, -17183, -19719, -20514, -22511, -21934, -21855, -20429, -18864, -16239, -15464, -13722, -13719, -11819, -11872, -9603, -9978, -9964, -10450, -11580, -12155, -13234, -14058, -16099, -19422, -22347, -23412, -24167, -17643, -16646, -13403, -14150, -16947, -15330, -18142, -14646, -14831, -13552, -7482, -10151, -11177, -13166, -21159, -13722, -21398, -14849, -19763, -16354, -20421, -21845, -19799, -19878, -19798, -14503, -14187, -12547, -12515, -10644, -12189, -11866, -7798, -9382, -8414, -10208, -10582, -12706, -15368, -16234, -18499, -18951, -19211, -18769, -17955, -18979, -19079, -19056, -19387, -17037, -16745, -14877, -12857, -11959, -11431, -12337, -11894, -13242, -14063, -14935, -15560, -17036, -19007, -20186, -21257, -20842, -20123, -19476, -17913, -15327, -16192, -14050, -13884, -12445, -12000, -10214, -9041, -11012, -12440, -12957, -14657, -12689, -14725, -13841, -17766, -20587, -21318, -24196, -16549, -14283, -10903, -9977, -16328, -15073, -19516, -17154, -15858, -18222, -9037, -12655, -14286, -15707, -25286, -16131, -21508, -14148, -17053, -15531, -17316, -21894, -18123, -17900, -18457, -14239, -12268, -14689, -13235, -12953, -13336, -16255, -10411, -10851, -12446, -11054, -11333, -12225, -13674, -13680, -15322, -16372, -16162, -16781, -16087, -18057, -18679, -20306, -19751, -20070, -18485, -18078, -15571, -14322, -10692, -12280, -11571, -12439, -14408, -13699, -13333, -12230, -15077, -16280, -17989, -18593, -19650, -19535, -19510, -16854, -17488, -16574, -16331, -14992, -14431, -12817, -11362, -12690, -12983, -12958, -12269, -11420, -10946, -11410, -14665, -17528, -19804, -21075, -15708, -11325, -10195, -11286, -16837, -17670, -21808, -18126, -19880, -17538, -13739, -12622, -17564, -19262, -23442, -19010, -16927, -12218, -13810, -13201, -13810, -19262, -17068, -17204, -16836, -16813, -12591, -15683, -16328, -16023, -16608, -19214, -13650, -13066, -14532, -14167, -11223, -11386, -11804, -11015, -13090, -13727, -13882, -13689, -15679, -17060, -17488, -19346, -19431, -20557, -21852, -21963, -19060, -16453, -14416, -13938, -13702, -14833, -16570, -15561, -13809, -12454, -10956, -11602, -13051, -13799, -16680, -18191, -19087, -16282, -16595, -16119, -15800, -15099, -15205, -13999, -13975, -15086, -14354, -13616, -13130, -11647, -11591, -11499, -13573, -14760, -17160, -18845, -13878, -9980, -8345, -10045, -13797, -15370, -17574, -16412, -18882, -18691, -15641, -14713, -18409, -21009, -25369, -21813, -20722, -17203, -18811, -17076, -16799, -19176, -17716, -16567, -16013, -14737, -10255, -10756, -10458, -10231, -12060, -14320, -12386, -11242, -12997, -14498, -12435, -14216, -16145, -17722, -20891, -21906, -21505, -18756, -19685, -19923, -18919, -19549, -18355, -17056, -15944, -14882, -11807, -8561, -8033, -9555, -11550, -13042, -15375, -14166, -14096, -14791, -16075, -17708, -20216, -20606, -21689, -21725, -22193, -19382, -17671, -17576, -16215, -13209, -11878, -10503, -8596, -10115, -10365, -12160, -11392, -11284, -11475, -10544, -12438, -14573, -17233, -19694, -18066, -13923, -11291, -8320, -10400, -11137, -13630, -14911, -15900, -17052, -15763, -14386, -14032, -16644, -21281, -25666, -24816, -22736, -20209, -20848, -19993, -21519, -21569, -20122, -20460, -18656, -15170, -9745, -8868, -6959, -9200, -10681, -11825, -8746, -9533, -9159, -9123, -10122, -13923, -16886, -20480, -22235, -22800, -18632, -19933, -19628, -20323, -20792, -20723, -20856, -18106, -16604, -13906, -11451, -11084, -13019, -14832, -15934, -17015, -15311, -13235, -12979, -14583, -15733, -17942, -18763, -19319, -17850, -18103, -16038, -14161, -15070, -14711, -12868, -11199, -10309, -9915, -11006, -12346, -14221, -14326, -14619, -14945, -13818, -15044, -16434, -17659, -19204, -16445, -13062, -9721, -8311, -10182, -10908, -12335, -13243, -14170, -15200, -13934, -13939, -14259, -16808, -21342, -23588, -22552, -20849, -21304, -21334, -20750, -23063, -21764, -21291, -21353, -18921, -15621, -12850, -11583, -11259, -12825, -14003, -11456, -9012, -8875, -7409, -7884, -8953, -9995, -11759, -14816, -16345, -15816, -13945, -16183, -16533, -19358, -20990, -21891, -21276, -21577, -20769, -19249, -17484, -17725, -20004, -20537, -21446, -21151, -17981, -15544, -13428, -14096, -12933, -14152, -14439, -14896, -13419, -13540, -12469, -9884, -12365, -12837, -13749, -12638, -13884, -13746, -15009, -15971, -17555, -15852, -15721, -15232, -14454, -15372, -15782, -15206, -12829, -10457, -8847, -8357, -8852, -10832, -11201, -12692, -14338, -15336, -15876, -16302, -17764, -18905, -21462, -21127, -20070, -18611, -19313, -19427, -19832, -19876, -18411, -18064, -19131, -18383, -15779, -15557, -14760, -15132, -16334, -18096, -15441, -13779, -13263, -12400, -10992, -10155, -10247, -8665, -10828, -11812, -12169, -9935, -10853, -11747, -13195, -14823, -17853, -17838, -19469, -21923, -21810, -20670, -19791, -22253, -22814, -24916, -25922, -24962, -21119, -19940, -17785, -15855, -13594, -14586, -13592, -13802, -12274, -11350, -8779, -7513, -11284, -12077, -12911, -12147, -14217, -13696, -15503, -16374, -17528, -15276, -15420, -15136, -14193, -14347, -14843, -13496, -11625, -11404, -10646, -10611, -10498, -12128, -12272, -14509, -15029, -16235, -15485, -16783, -16684, -17153, -17610, -15932, -16201, -15865, -17525, -16909, -18684, -18009, -17837, -18962, -20200, -18967, -18551, -19282, -18816, -18976, -19882, -19739, -16076, -15521, -13765, -12692, -8755, -9162, -6956, -6914, -8453, -10340, -9657, -9891, -11031, -12507, -13507, -15691, -19125, -19432, -21815, -22597, -22239, -21171, -21051, -22614, -22542, -23574, -24376, -23116, -20094, -18511, -16536, -14629, -13618, -14637, -14080, -13978, -12760, -12122, -9676, -10373, -13013, -14416, -14828, -14139, -15021, -13954, -15260, -15538, -15427, -14095, -13898, -13701, -12560, -13370, -14597, -14254, -13601, -13165, -12992, -11966, -11660, -13165, -13765, -14845, -14763, -15070, -13697, -12781, -13090, -13237, -12898, -14213, -15395, -14759, -15135, -15775, -16043, -17646, -19340, -20927, -20860, -22279, -21134, -19794, -21273, -20673, -21328, -20999, -19996, -17029, -15436, -13286, -9605, -7835, -8632, -8957, -8912, -10908, -11007, -11010, -10631, -12865, -13404, -14601, -17060, -19262, -18951, -19418, -19616, -18840, -17517, -19232, -21173, -21179, -21328, -22024, -20175, -18004, -17412, -16444, -15304, -15179, -16356, -15745, -14467, -13164, -12878, -12647, -13792, -15489, -15847, -14560, -14096, -14561, -15108, -14707, -14420, -14569, -14008, -14138, -13936, -13663, -13970, -14157, -14989, -15200, -14845, -12468, -11537, -11192, -12700, -13015, -13710, -12443, -13534, -13001, -12285, -11107, -12208, -13705, -15667, -17152, -17755, -15802, -14846, -15813, -17235, -18676, -20568, -20437, -18626, -18346, -19761, -18095, -19052, -20264, -19718, -19226, -18050, -15786, -12171, -12675, -14074, -14364, -15970, -16558, -14866, -14278, -13792, -13395, -12876, -13784, -14379, -14621, -15286, -15094, -13570, -12884, -13606, -15351, -17058, -18899, -20953, -20757, -20452, -20434, -19193, -16776, -16294, -16744, -16575, -15632, -15024, -13015, -11001, -11209, -12230, -13091, -13713, -13965, -14726, -14591, -15474, -16200, -16163, -16880, -17722, -18081, -18151, -17007, -17305, -17094, -15907, -15472, -14121, -13284, -10566, -9815, -9285, -8975, -9575, -12191, -13113, -12268, -11668, -12702, -12746, -15180, -16399, -18369, -19266, -18362, -18580, -16614, -15830, -18450, -19028, -18703, -16731, -15644, -14835, -15142, -19234, -18814, -17528, -17693, -16516, -17528, -15936, -17039, -16307, -17699, -19185, -18596, -16689, -15986, -14146, -12885, -11728, -11175, -10407, -11219, -12554, -11868, -10008, -10516, -11239, -13509, -17328, -20970, -22311, -22394, -23809, -23078, -21082, -19976, -20275, -18915, -17893, -16847, -15314, -13166, -11533, -11596, -10884, -10219, -11363, -12834, -13748, -13790, -14948, -15198, -15324, -15942, -17377, -17183, -17820, -17613, -17895, -17240, -15306, -13871, -11770, -11811, -12077, -12308, -11583, -9642, -9135, -11074, -12681, -13744, -13798, -12706, -13184, -15420, -18367, -17386, -17612, -18096, -18258, -17650, -17577, -15963, -15821, -17916, -18133, -16651, -15287, -16128, -17523, -18609, -19201, -17769, -16335, -17341, -16847, -17123, -17398, -18069, -18037, -17918, -16781, -14497, -12464, -13139, -12879, -11941, -11210, -10862, -11108, -11689, -12754, -12644, -12933, -15614, -18620, -20123, -21000, -22164, -22215, -21147, -20838, -19279, -17804, -16446, -16008, -15056, -12860, -13027, -12224, -12919, -12994, -13453, -14782, -15007, -16599, -16638, -17199, -16870, -17264, -17242, -16981, -15972, -16033, -15464, -14849, -14058, -12703, -11492, -10061, -9959, -10489, -10904, -11546, -12288, -12760, -11195, -11487, -13368, -14959, -15430, -14466, -13955, -14841, -16272, -16421, -14535, -13964, -16014, -16131, -16336, -14920, -14335, -16489, -19037, -19962, -20696, -20535, -21506, -21111, -21697, -21652, -20989, -21115, -20329, -19686, -18262, -17356, -16511, -14441, -12638, -10234, -9251, -9063, -9349, -8347, -8665, -8823, -10727, -12034, -13543, -14707, -16016, -19091, -21313, -22330, -22765, -22623, -22521, -20789, -18260, -16781, -15762, -15400, -14635, -13034, -12390, -10275, -12356, -12978, -14187, -15023, -16251, -17573, -17098, -17811, -17709, -17802, -17816, -18066, -17566, -16969, -15889, -15121, -14321, -13513, -11879, -10881, -10234, -10613, -11092, -12063, -11883, -11354, -10395, -11392, -12502, -13563, -13908, -13583, -12612, -13272, -13957, -14364, -13670, -13487, -14310, -15180, -15227, -15708, -14895, -17849, -20031, -21267, -21768, -21980, -21704, -22220, -22014, -22775, -22222, -22789, -21653, -20255, -18181, -17738, -16942, -14889, -12971, -11274, -9904, -9398, -9050, -8897, -8948, -9451, -10232, -11063, -11866, -12970, -14388, -17179, -18474, -19608, -20182, -19625, -19581, -18707, -17355, -16557, -15832, -17513, -17332, -16368, -14965, -13823, -14619, -15830, -17211, -17485, -17145, -17418, -17796, -17340, -16522, -16025, -16016, -15360, -16474, -16146, -15346, -13949, -13066, -13292, -12426, -12775, -12179, -12750, -12138, -13152, -12996, -12865, -12643, -12233, -12205, -13046, -11810, -12145, -10632, -11201, -11913, -11807, -13098, -12614, -13187, -14964, -15126, -17156, -17713, -19565, -21433, -21067, -22696, -22725, -23447, -23227, -22338, -22548, -21086, -21480, -20599, -19164, -17488, -16721, -15301, -14186, -11665, -12060, -11290, -11380, -10859, -9910, -10540, -9770, -10989, -11324, -11448, -12144, -12871, -14573, -15412, -15593, -16355, -15766, -15916, -16315, -15853, -15981, -15761, -17315, -18091, -18104, -17761, -17976, -18318, -19804, -20392, -20662, -19646, -20163, -19898, -19015, -17514, -16572, -15919, -15079, -15260, -14287, -13576, -12825, -12223, -12519, -12018, -12149, -11734, -12353, -12421, -13430, -13841, -13948, -13201, -12645, -12086, -12834, -11991, -12376, -10795, -11128, -11758, -11445, -12004, -12291, -12434, -14801, -15300, -16789, -17883, -18264, -21747, -20207, -22067, -22041, -22212, -23085, -22000, -22636, -21191, -19620, -19344, -18357, -17410, -17527, -16177, -15394, -12727, -12440, -12157, -11655, -11895, -11257, -11119, -10409, -10867, -11443, -11593, -11582, -12379, -13751, -14731, -15325, -15342, -15553, -15380, -15248, -15171, -15615, -16424, -17383, -17856, -17744, -16563, -17637, -18567, -19604, -20060, -19035, -19086, -19263, -20084, -20399, -18061, -18363, -16510, -16904, -16342, -15597, -15490, -13907, -13870, -13590, -12789, -12287, -10818, -11988, -10658, -13391, -11994, -13131, -12348, -11092, -11751, -10598, -11902, -12939, -11375, -12853, -11322, -11882, -13313, -12099, -15411, -13970, -17034, -17319, -18144, -18454, -19733, -20680, -20714, -20593, -20938, -21789, -21846, -22203, -21368, -19729, -19174, -18818, -18312, -17984, -17781, -16719, -15643, -13777, -12981, -11804, -12015, -12290, -11418, -10793, -10274, -9625, -10358, -9935, -11921, -12077, -13711, -14123, -13692, -14708, -13702, -14954, -14860, -14769, -16539, -16276, -18444, -17923, -16782, -18074, -17469, -20098, -20103, -20613, -20313, -19030, -20804, -20024, -19779, -18222, -17002, -16809, -15666, -16342, -15693, -14389, -13720, -12378, -12932, -12404, -11432, -12324, -11131, -12698, -12770, -12629, -13324, -11151, -11884, -11783, -12192, -13145, -12040, -11588, -10557, -10946, -12534, -12006, -13871, -14508, -15536, -16758, -16301, -17993, -17717, -21570, -21442, -21841, -21796, -21214, -23217, -22832, -22564, -21503, -19861, -20500, -19736, -19130, -18339, -16816, -16736, -15153, -13755, -12656, -11213, -12265, -11787, -11406, -10201, -8941, -9267, -10166, -10893, -12431, -12136, -12402, -12714, -12558, -13359, -13087, -14627, -14457, -14926, -15970, -17047, -18297, -18514, -18147, -18591, -19602, -21121, -21422, -21194, -20879, -20208, -20609, -19122, -18025, -16494, -15387, -15356, -14728, -13847, -12690, -11075, -11271, -11000, -11700, -11975, -12205, -12979, -12877, -13522, -13541, -14328, -14719, -14640, -13901, -13150, -12918, -12872, -12596, -12970, -11401, -11614, -11788, -13424, -13862, -14228, -15345, -16023, -16754, -17968, -18347, -20310, -21218, -21550, -22456, -21272, -22571, -21929, -22167, -21712, -20060, -20332, -19848, -19453, -17947, -16865, -15757, -14326, -13297, -13132, -12008, -12580, -12599, -12187, -10178, -8939, -10006, -11915, -13294, -13763, -11914, -11972, -12019, -13083, -13202, -12715, -13488, -12965, -14913, -15727, -16261, -16412, -16689, -17704, -18594, -20265, -21330, -21522, -21183, -20550, -19507, -18788, -18189, -17983, -17323, -15469, -14421, -13265, -12668, -11625, -11582, -11543, -11988, -12554, -12674, -13732, -12958, -14687, -14521, -14853, -15489, -14184, -15616, -14593, -13297, -12719, -11776, -12766, -13013, -11593, -11993, -11587, -13489, -14510, -14404, -14991, -15414, -16091, -17964, -18365, -18686, -19945, -20173, -21759, -20996, -20447, -20871, -20507, -21963, -21824, -21098, -19557, -17884, -17557, -16864, -16528, -15456, -14509, -13960, -13901, -13526, -12538, -11728, -10480, -11623, -12363, -13643, -14151, -13211, -12879, -11624, -12602, -12543, -13101, -13187, -13277, -13798, -14322, -13887, -14872, -15016, -16794, -18135, -19231, -19610, -19421, -19864, -19468, -19028, -18928, -18861, -18301, -16930, -15252, -14113, -13900, -13166, -13551, -12434, -12709, -12930, -12964, -14172, -13887, -14945, -15320, -15241, -16068, -15230, -15430, -14835, -14741, -14609, -13903, -13682, -13578, -12295, -12329, -12159, -13450, -14038, -13834, -14352, -14445, -14152, -14386, -15513, -17055, -17616, -17859, -17100, -16559, -16689, -17292, -19245, -19694, -19386, -19061, -18222, -18518, -18137, -17917, -17880, -17181, -17073, -16816, -16451, -16008, -15656, -15425, -14578, -14043, -14971, -16046, -16390, -16775, -15464, -14241, -13850, -13659, -14096, -14136, -14449, -13518, -12838, -12952, -13457, -13925, -14686, -15528, -16087, -17301, -17136, -17396, -16746, -16594, -16999, -16979, -16945, -15731, -14842, -13566, -13234, -13150, -13127, -13078, -12733, -13506, -13983, -14364, -14357, -14837, -15800, -16393, -16958, -16907, -16966, -16982, -16805, -16591, -15473, -14493, -15062, -15176, -15156, -14448, -13697, -14156, -14743, -15551, -15482, -14870, -15058, -14869, -15412, -15931, -16053, -15163, -14695, -14669, -14486, -15243, -15382, -16228, -14865, -15149, -14843, -15082, -15893, -16053, -16503, -15874, -16133, -16402, -16890, -16638, -16902, -16573, -16461, -16222, -16653, -18117, -18267, -18555, -17359, -16671, -16811, -16906, -16871, -15913, -15003, -14481, -14495, -15052, -15137, -15104, -15102, -14912, -15412, -16313, -16870, -17148, -17000, -16549, -16001, -15927, -16493, -16277, -15194, -13631, -12537, -12409, -12686, -12951, -12552, -12148, -12367, -12631, -13341, -14030, -14387, -14930, -15293, -15572, -15532, -15940, -16412, -16663, -16094, -15470, -15231, 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-14468, -15640, -15523, -15704, -15859, -16376, -15515, -15778, -14962, -13297, -13121, -12341, -12687, -10683, -8719, -8842, -8607, -12495, -13793, -16858, -14890, -13713, -15682, -15213, -18618, -19032, -21139, -23810, -21346, -20897, -17509, -12904, -16603, -10418, -17657, -12980, -12388, -14790, -9398, -12561, -11591, -16200, -16441, -17678, -22074, -21559, -20175, -21095, -17579, -17034, -17031, -18562, -18232, -14958, -15319, -10931, -11126, -10042, -9830, -11673, -11081, -14801, -16036, -17822, -18908, -17139, -19203, -19414, -20931, -22130, -19699, -20613, -17636, -16012, -15198, -12057, -11861, -11156, -11223, -12750, -10956, -13007, -13168, -13305, -15369, -16507, -19114, -19711, -20489, -20323, -19004, -18275, -16879, -14625, -13126, -12154, -10089, -8302, -6799, -5368, -7818, -9705, -12911, -14635, -12104, -15415, -14339, -18006, -19979, -20400, -23931, -23588, -24003, -21366, -16619, -16253, -13166, -12414, -16931, -10505, -14173, -12019, -11899, -12692, -14817, -17466, -15054, -18477, -21020, -20566, -21233, -20731, -17853, -16560, -15492, -15228, -12268, -13891, -12128, -11871, -12830, -10564, -11443, -10186, -12694, -14704, -16678, -21524, -20686, -20663, -20612, -19850, -19203, -17818, -16838, -16919, -15022, -13887, -12489, -9476, -8226, -8750, -9593, -11604, -12804, -14918, -17307, -17223, -18458, -20990, -21177, -21875, -20884, -21026, -20774, -18689, -17034, -13357, -10535, -7406, -4487, -4897, -4300, -6739, -10968, -11966, -16759, -14452, -16192, -17700, -17117, -22156, -20961, -23663, -26821, -24373, -24344, -16426, -14744, -13244, -6981, -12908, -7851, -10626, -12558, -12964, -14749, -16124, -18552, -17465, -19138, -22325, -22320, -23353, -23382, -19904, -18389, -15951, -14782, -11495, -11856, -10735, -8688, -11326, -11879, -12748, -13025, -14119, -14738, -15124, -18180, -20531, -19803, -20532, -19114, -18163, -14642, -13285, -12620, -10369, -11024, -10681, -10629, -9671, -8988, -11283, -12219, -13893, -16513, -18337, -20466, -19729, -21801, -21645, -20972, -20117, -19096, -18610, -16982, -15087, -12774, -8572, -6851, -4646, -4765, -5921, -7595, -13142, -15888, -19519, -20643, -18888, -20406, -18870, -21314, -22036, -20687, -23670, -23253, -22046, -18827, -12846, -13734, -7082, -9143, -9455, -7113, -12762, -13553, -17659, -19702, -22192, -21718, -20068, -21059, -21085, -20252, -21776, -19719, -17997, -15783, -14008, -10155, -8661, -8006, -6101, -8339, -11590, -14026, -16577, -17132, -18474, -17440, -18350, -20286, -19417, -19290, -17897, -16698, -14607, -11630, -10962, -9241, -7507, -9392, -9492, -10416, -11062, -12695, -14746, -17166, -19359, -21470, -22619, -22027, -21700, -20804, -19007, -18142, -16501, -15906, -14805, -12362, -11590, -7807, -6456, -5120, -3699, -6003, -6984, -12909, -18456, -21186, -25482, -21923, -21908, -20717, -17939, -21092, -18033, -20254, -21816, -20415, -20963, -15532, -13918, -12161, -6651, -10797, -8112, -10267, -14275, -16310, -18805, -22178, -22715, -22030, -20311, -20856, -17912, -17377, -17544, -15985, -15057, -15919, -14120, -11643, -11147, -9456, -7790, -10187, -12418, -14812, -16818, -18869, -19514, -18942, -19715, -18604, -17536, -15337, -14114, -14473, -13149, -12499, -11487, -11001, -10473, -10818, -11799, -11666, -13192, -15472, -16130, -18496, -19279, -21211, -21118, -20365, -19337, -17263, -16252, -15261, -13595, -12549, -11682, -11111, -10238, -8797, -8820, -6148, -6606, -8584, -12141, -17718, -20765, -24911, -24549, -23332, -22338, -18522, -19463, -17671, -17786, -18658, -18143, -19047, -17124, -15457, -14490, -9398, -11003, -8678, -9417, -12767, -14378, -17531, -21115, -22393, -22571, -22619, -21549, -18347, -16974, -16081, -15125, -13718, -15710, -14691, -13479, -13829, -11787, -10068, -10434, -11762, -12557, -13829, -16073, -17815, -19102, -19750, -19149, -17897, -15838, -15103, -14520, -12998, -12460, -12731, -12316, -12659, -12727, -13434, -12895, -13558, -14516, -14361, -16738, -17091, -19098, -19018, -19149, -18777, -17844, -16635, -15912, -15312, -14582, -12587, -10795, -9405, -7367, -7025, -7126, -8724, -11389, -15058, -18788, -21550, -22447, -22514, -22460, -20329, -20728, -19006, -18590, -18947, -18172, -17738, -16221, -15540, -15895, -11704, -12022, -8844, -8730, -11241, -12574, -15186, -18830, -20562, -21252, -21653, -22243, -20048, -18521, -17017, -15253, -14538, -14934, -14283, -13736, -13356, -12635, -11589, -11568, -11843, -11895, -12799, -14255, -16095, -18233, -19208, -20492, -20348, -19609, -18096, -16348, -14100, -12427, -12574, -12599, -12392, -13412, -13949, -13901, -13217, -13348, -13753, -15501, -16189, -18055, -18930, -19294, -19141, -17982, -17045, -15723, -14389, -13932, -12290, -10620, -8555, -6454, -5136, -5573, -9076, -13496, -17540, -20521, -21825, -23164, -23348, -22622, -22039, -19493, -18283, -17909, -16958, -16467, -14671, -14054, -12783, -11327, -11965, -9739, -9868, -11523, -12616, -15353, -18775, -20666, -22221, -24305, -25096, -24284, -22500, -19960, -16153, -13447, -11821, -9895, -9467, -10183, -11006, -11147, -12115, -11538, -11125, -10853, -11660, -14093, -17119, -20404, -21496, -22160, -22916, -21671, -20913, -17864, -15132, -13490, -11111, -10425, -10173, -10896, -11651, -12291, -13313, -14310, -14949, -16192, -17675, -18382, -20179, -21233, -21591, -21388, -20637, -19272, -16972, -13442, -9710, -6693, -5289, -4140, -4949, -7101, -9885, -12363, -15293, -18425, -20235, -21827, -22945, -22451, -21900, -21990, -20379, -19136, -16808, -15341, -13753, -11957, -11375, -8727, -8113, -8783, -9829, -11772, -14536, -16903, -19216, -21693, -23559, -24362, -25000, -23962, -22007, -19907, -17717, -15041, -11790, -10061, -8349, -8252, -9325, -10341, -12143, -13421, -13923, -15006, -15242, -16293, -17190, -19053, -21016, -22093, -22983, -21885, -19493, -16694, -14074, -11402, -9773, -8513, -8341, -9161, -10148, -11736, -13157, -15009, -16556, -17899, -19105, -21048, -22044, -22317, -21764, -20970, -18919, -16765, -14121, -11033, -8081, -5788, -5770, -6710, -8010, -9960, -11222, -13468, -15572, -17604, -20571, -22015, -22800, -23909, -23745, -22825, -21155, -18751, -16602, -14139, -12289, -9948, -8956, -9111, -8466, -9132, -11159, -12627, -14479, -16719, -18745, -20950, -23456, -24469, -23812, -23535, -22097, -19986, -17166, -14452, -11568, -8422, -7551, -6765, -7914, -9832, -11565, -13031, -15107, -16764, -18426, -19501, -20469, -21655, -22042, -22798, -22091, -21026, -18896, -15911, -13701, -11188, -9036, -7930, -7362, -7675, -9084, -10870, -13621, -15880, -17506, -18898, -19418, -20008, -20496, -20364, -20038, -18759, -16983, -15016, -12017, -10393, -8959, -8260, -8657, -8382, -10135, -11398, -13223, -15759, -17410, -18663, -19690, -20491, -20987, -20662, -20127, -19536, -18762, -18164, -16383, -14796, -13901, -12600, -11039, -10479, -10907, -11585, -13073, -15129, -17309, -19006, -19767, -20211, -20696, -21645, -21279, -20892, -19068, -17135, -15043, -13304, -11281, -9883, -8690, -8723, -9497, -11043, -13086, -15367, -16817, -18317, -20019, -21326, -22898, -22568, -22465, -20742, -19633, -17879, -15719, -13633, -11413, -9287, -8607, -8162, -7952, -8739, -10221, -12494, -14481, -16986, -19198, -19628, -19295, -18654, -17985, -16850, -15773, -15308, -15050, -14718, -13845, -13012, -11853, -10829, -10855, -10642, -11697, -12515, -14316, -15839, -17470, -18427, -19285, -18985, -18746, -17699, -17466, -16685, -15877, -16180, -16952, -16545, -16003, -16158, -15667, -15015, -14199, -13475, -13759, -14233, -15720, -17293, -19174, -19614, -18909, -18041, -17180, -15839, -14870, -14189, -13387, -13342, -13828, -13867, -13832, -13710, -13991, -14146, -15283, -16052, -17508, -18981, -19342, -19755, -19516, -19602, -18954, -18418, -17189, -15269, -13879, -12515, -11730, -11629, -10973, -11637, -12952, -14100, -15391, -16613, -17251, -16701, -15746, -14896, -13577, -12816, -12513, -12378, -13291, -14142, -15155, -15700, -15807, -15958, -15788, -15820, -15553, -14950, -15394, -16030, -16577, -16213, -15869, -15391, -14980, -14828, -13906, -13847, -13532, -13789, -14434, -15363, -16936, -17364, -18392, -18559, -18516, -19205, -18588, -17776, -16829, -16191, -15781, -15277, -15489, -15300, -14652, -13498, -12494, -11979, -12259, -12524, -13032, -14150, -15425, -16884, -18493, -18786, -19216, -19259, -19091, -17948, -17157, -16451, -16455, -15517, -16093, -15690, -15417, -15321, -14809, -14453, -13659, -13560, -14186, -15069, -15696, -16470, -16926, -17300, -16856, -15710, -14423, -12694, -11236, -9486, -8900, -8930, -9988, -11441, -13306, -15673, -18359, -19988, -21040, -21199, -20962, -20372, -18846, -17969, -16880, -16100, -15602, -14348, -12476, -11357, -10399, -9509, -8698, -9553, -11316, -12928, -14365, -15994, -17759, -20209, -21913, -23125, -23849, -23175, -22282, -21060, -19505, -17544, -15728, -13711, -11728, -9857, -9221, -8404, -7541, -8324, -9602, -11619, -14051, -16471, -19035, -21217, -22435, -23867, -23957, -23627, -22037, -19332, -16284, -13056, -10887, -9802, -9054, -10132, -11839, -13169, -14849, -15965, -17032, -16853, -16379, -16387, -16835, -16765, -17017, -15950, -15198, -14258, -12491, -11431, -10161, -9190, -9026, -9667, -11175, -13345, -15469, -18036, -20747, -23202, -24213, -23706, -23156, -21667, -19393, -15929, -13715, -12140, -10748, -9946, -9683, -10564, -10318, -10429, -10031, -9998, -10975, -12397, -15317, -17678, -20661, -23137, -24523, -25023, -24575, -23409, -21801, -20088, -17808, -16418, -13756, -11847, -9639, -8508, -7662, -7564, -8809, -10164, -11662, -13848, -16085, -18730, -21637, -23326, -24549, -24689, -24562, -23138, -20316, -16664, -13561, -11179, -9462, -8625, -8326, -9520, -11093, -12892, -13788, -14499, -15263, -15784, -15601, -14654, -14415, -14656, -15309, -15732, -16836, -17634, -17719, -16720, -14962, -12833, -11373, -11070, -11443, -12965, -15313, -18095, -19809, -21162, -21183, -21045, -19593, -18010, -15558, -13726, -11597, -10423, -10516, -10997, -11151, -12467, -13095, -14445, -14719, -15547, -15373, -15315, -15783, -17129, -19206, -20914, -22176, -22771, -22741, -21130, -18340, -15907, -14081, -11887, -10944, -10865, -11361, -12189, -12545, -12590, -12557, -13079, -13842, -14503, -16108, -17910, -20125, -22020, -23061, -23689, -22898, -21420, -19453, -17235, -15132, -12831, -10907, -9078, -8309, -7545, -7864, -7971, -9556, -10314, -11813, -13348, -14950, -16740, -18738, -21006, -22028, -22742, -22872, -23249, -22052, -19823, -17052, -14634, -12507, -10304, -9106, -8033, -8859, -10094, -12010, -13773, -15898, -16278, -16636, -15695, -14791, -14542, -14631, -15177, -15970, -17647, -18531, -18353, -18671, -17947, -17652, -16619, -15967, -15367, -14580, -14137, -14050, -14538, -15269, -15883, -16103, -16454, -16611, -15937, -15815, -15378, -15309, -15491, -15651, -16528, -16824, -16982, -16553, -15806, -15383, -14709, -14618, -15026, -16128, -17550, -19116, -20018, -20235, -19097, -16634, -13956, -11809, -9688, -7972, -7111, -6942, -7996, -9479, -11454, -13647, -15810, -17173, -18016, -19435, -20429, -20958, -21541, -22485, -23903, -24103, -23427, -21335, -18373, -15272, -11856, -7849, -6259, -5383, -5961, -7028, -8695, -10903, -12459, -14036, -15189, -16114, -17046, -17574, -18639, -20067, -21724, -22464, -22453, -22001, -20850, -18886, -16664, -14160, -12088, -10287, -9276, -9686, -10641, -12442, -14187, -15735, -16404, -17090, -17284, -16631, -16712, -17110, -18115, -19440, -20403, -20900, -20240, -19724, -18673, -17064, -16029, -14793, -14183, -13841, -12811, -12140, -11232, -10835, -10197, -10191, -10684, -11566, -12450, -12966, -13521, -14691, -15643, -16357, -16337, -16545, -16753, -16758, -16463, -16296, -17170, -18020, -18966, -19616, -19509, -19538, -18981, -17744, -16790, -15837, -14492, -13083, -11356, -10119, -8814, -8387, -8888, -9894, -11164, -12509, -14487, -15905, -17341, -18911, -20086, -21045, -21621, -22168, -22260, -21209, -19827, -17672, -16259, -14244, -12659, -11573, -11116, -11344, -11396, -12387, -13167, -14042, -15056, -16274, -17506, -17963, -18473, -18589, -18191, -18355, -19130, -19588, -19972, -20698, -21010, -20040, -18050, -15607, -12882, -10808, -8261, -7526, -7165, -7920, -9077, -10182, -12068, -13796, -15202, -16641, -17858, -18916, -19137, -19022, -18826, -18525, -17667, -16397, -14907, -13994, -13498, -13370, -13745, -14464, -15402, -16227, -17010, -16968, -16250, -15551, -13834, -12752, -12082, -12041, -12471, -12769, -13409, -14152, -14951, -15870, -16278, -16784, -17077, -17409, -18100, -18395, -18579, -18309, -17833, -17849, -17330, -16873, -16159, -15630, -15217, -14495, -14029, -13377, -13234, -13422, -13861, -14845, -15852, -16626, -17307, -17975, -18588, -19147, -19393, -19830, -19620, -19146, -18018, -16507, -15206, -13144, -11851, -11483, -11206, -11611, -12461, -13085, -13381, -13497, -13991, -14334, -14825, -15529, -16048, -16938, -17948, -18006, -17595, -16652, -15970, -15202, -14588, -13940, -13766, -13925, -14102, -14250, -14421, -14138, -13874, -13394, -13134, -12834, -12898, -13249, -14344, -14718, -15499, -16264, -16883, -17782, -18484, -19249, -18973, -18416, -18031, -17181, -16654, -15560, -14609, -13729, -13361, -13536, -14045, -14241, -14905, -15708, -16120, -16663, -17200, -17871, -17803, -17997, -17466, -17166, -16626, -16335, -16291, -15983, -16296, -16323, -16523, -16624, -16344, -16098, -14812, -13611, -12209, -11388, -10790, -10947, -11525, -12650, -14222, -16326, -18317, -20216, -21077, -21026, -20446, -19287, -17313, -15310, -13176, -11957, -11383, -12098, -12846, -13737, -14660, -14469, -14705, -14569, -14292, -14109, -13980, -14435, -14768, -15010, -14742, -13999, -13269, -12881, -12714, -13202, -14008, -15183, -16417, -17807, -18950, -19468, -19565, -19035, -18528, -17814, -17153, -16311, -15678, -15202, -14567, -14390, -14357, -13728, -13296, -13419, -13562, -14172, -14926, -16505, -18116, -19270, -20651, -20879, -21154, -20348, -19192, -17867, -16172, -14819, -13590, -12749, -11675, -11320, -11153, -10958, -11089, -11682, -13018, -13523, -14444, -15204, -16114, -17017, -18177, -19316, -20324, -20578, -20569, -19522, -18272, -16629, -14386, -12660, -11423, -11036, -10954, -11388, -12113, -13034, -13530, -13604, -14208, -14543, -14692, -14175, -14254, -14343, -14725, -15256, -16124, -16989, -17967, -18471, -18327, -17457, -16663, -15656, -14691, -14045, -14267, -14790, -15315, -15803, -16484, -16613, -16765, -16481, -15929, -15338, -14862, -15146, -15207, -15377, -15815, -16427, -17137, -17838, -18719, -18864, -18750, -18052, -17320, -16535, -15547, -14994, -14484, -13812, -13267, -12391, -11976, -11603, -11381, -11789, -12876, -14525, -16225, -17538, -18512, -18979, -19103, -19567, -19214, -18670, -17787, -17001, -15869, -15338, -14803, -14118, -13258, -13005, -12945, -12750, -12903, -12710, -12799, -13005, -13535, -14155, -13892, -13978, -14207, -14463, -14582, -14850, -15212, -15835, -16726, -18049, -19074, -19593, -19386, -18441, -17081, -16053, -14422, -12931, -11582, -10994, -11385, -12423, -13467, -14543, -16034, -17202, -18182, -18641, -18735, -18491, -17783, -17247, -16956, -17445, -17802, -18075, -17800, -17858, -17640, -17143, -16016, -14777, -13355, -11811, -10478, -9942, -10022, -10867, -12232, -14188, -15987, -17336, -18378, -18561, -18348, -18243, -17526, -17396, -16913, -16597, -16654, -16450, -16482, -15968, -16070, -15966, -15695, -15679, -14877, -14265, -13281, -12869, -12480, -12157, -11879, -11911, -12289, -12830, -13701, -14546, -15235, -15734, -16405, -17260, -17966, -18732, -18878, -18785, -18921, -18930, -18746, -17887, -16361, -15168, -13430, -12329, -11211, -10551, -10254, -10223, -10977, -12051, -13443, -14936, -16651, -18535, -20452, -21847, -22429, -22271, -21738, -20828, -19375, -17540, -15782, -14480, -13260, -12149, -11508, -10681, -10632, -10813, -11017, -11832, -12421, -13561, -14555, -15636, -17096, -18463, -19707, -20539, -20449, -19904, -18406, -16923, -15198, -13785, -13116, -12499, -13084, -13774, -15111, -15941, -16692, -16908, -16981, -16911, -16254, -14969, -13864, -12979, -11949, -11274, -11170, -11447, -12193, -13369, -14850, -16407, -17624, -18674, -19092, -18934, -18774, -18945, -19125, -18711, -18675, -18263, -17527, -16405, -15141, -13735, -12257, -11083, -9932, -9760, -9981, -10837, -11831, -13518, -15715, -18013, -19873, -21175, -21900, -21886, -21131, -20374, -19312, -17636, -16217, -14518, -13278, -11998, -10823, -10219, -9580, -9630, -10089, -10680, -12171, -13574, -15579, -17121, -18899, -19878, -20536, -20529, -19958, -19213, -18070, -16999, -16004, -15351, -15113, -15000, -14637, -14389, -13804, -13572, -13478, -13615, -13671, -13951, -14126, -14197, -14232, -14394, -14598, -14464, -14627, -15009, -15500, -15822, -15928, -16158, -16206, -16404, -16735, -17017, -17461, -17815, -17665, -17889, -17657, -17205, -16829, -16706, -16083, -15300, -14611, -13996, -13169, -12553, -12402, -12416, -13476, -14433, -16171, -17678, -18606, -19240, -19594, -19454, -18474, -17386, -16171, -15376, -14690, -14372, -13803, -13511, -12930, -12468, -12199, -12080, -12050, -11745, -11800, -11740, -12073, -12648, -13422, -14401, -15715, -17115, -18501, -19395, -19890, -20258, -19904, -19446, -18334, -17640, -16952, -16301, -15778, -15234, -14310, -13256, -12590, -11978, -11909, -12276, -13262, -14164, -15477, -16545, -17648, -18404, -18548, -18150, -17474, -16644, -15929, -15448, -14787, -14492, -14068, -14269, -14411, -14424, -14643, -14655, -14951, -15244, -15775, -16131, -16009, -15840, -16289, -16849, -17114, -17714, -18104, -18441, -18530, -18618, -18455, -17833, -17016, -16281, -15656, -15368, -15127, -14909, -14752, -14608, -14346, -14232, -13859, -13747, -13440, -13120, -12524, -11853, -10922, -10053, -9433, -9145, -9569, -10312, -11800, -13301, -15031, -16770, -18413, -19524, -20058, -20614, -20418, -19648, -18793, -17739, -16756, -15422, -14689, -14419, -14199, -14296, -14258, -14640, -14728, -14862, -15218, -15675, -16419, -17140, -18111, -18590, -18801, -18922, -18314, -17562, -16905, -16170, -15526, -14976, -14845, -14484, -14211, -14228, -14214, -14282, -14190, -14193, -14474, -15360, -16048, -16875, -17882, -18762, -19431, -19466, -19196, -18466, -17739, -16517, -15489, -14712, -14041, -13355, -13164, -13308, -13479, -13764, -14134, -14449, -14515, -14822, -14624, -14322, -13553, -12687, -11870, -11039, -10236, -9787, -10152, -11087, -12215, -13509, -14993, -16114, -17156, -18229, -18824, -19024, -19044, -18675, -18075, -17178, -16399, -15792, -15324, -14984, -14894, -15047, -14917, -14938, -14862, -14877, -14874, -14958, -15201, -15222, -15724, -16349, -16990, -17559, -17844, -18157, -18143, -18095, -17979, -17710, -17042, -16545, -15899, -15555, -15187, -14976, -15190, -15342, -15952, -16508, -17053, -17513, -17553, -17892, -17773, -17551, -17336, -17246, -16778, -16443, -16160, -15393, -14490, -13472, -12900, -12197, -12061, -12212, -12452, -12966, -13631, -13963, -13980, -13861, -13198, -12524, -11994, -11743, -11664, -12084, -12780, -13962, -15347, -16134, -16868, -17251, -17621, -17393, -17146, -16920, -16696, -16381, -16415, -16344, -16549, -16685, -16697, -16894, -16675, -16539, -15610, -14936, -14304, -13850, -13468, -13079, -12769, -12761, -13029, -13485, -14276, -14929, -15795, -16769, -17985, -18875, -19300, -19100, -18547, -18050, -17341, -17020, -16544, -16359, -16322, -16670, -17005, -17046, -17158, -17168, -16845, -16711, -16798, -16827, -16834, -16901, -16790, -16486, -16056, -15407, -14772, -13936, -13364, -13175, -12932, -12676, -12763, -13120, -13410, -13315, -13398, -13267, -12953, -13097, -13268, -13562, -13993, -14578, -15111, -15797, -16365, -16939, -17413, -17583, -17450, -17081, -16534, -15710, -15079, -14613, -14557, -14496, -15092, -15834, -16261, -16661, -16736, -16627, -16217, -15694, -15108, -14418, -13640, -12896, -12276, -12033, -12259, -12664, -13426, -14510, -15576, -16799, -17859, -18317, -18448, -18149, -17768, -17455, -17423, -17340, -17254, -17254, -17076, -17124, -17017, -16820, -16515, -16409, -16342, -16359, -16103, -15986, -15737, -15487, -15352, -15302, -15226, -14878, -14745, -14594, 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-17582, -17790, -17595, -17274, -16554, -15721, -14844, -13983, -13187, -12654, -12492, -12665, -13242, -13726, -14133, -14543, -14919, -15303, -15730, -16090, -16170, -16181, -16059, -15999, -15983, -16074, -15965, -16080, -16020, -15788, -15402, -15133, -14989, -15016, -15352, -15835, -16497, -17000, -17485, -17621, -17608, -17122, -16441, -15679, -14662, -14113, -13733, -13331, -13133, -13347, -13908, -14707, -15274, -15756, -15877, -15801, -15825, -15484, -15198, -14891, -14520, -14748, -15095, -15604, -16072, -16429, -16616, -16633, -16535, -16340, -15990, -15557, -15098, -14975, -15274, -15719, -16326, -16986, -17623, -18046, -18144, -17902, -17236, -16307, -15238, -14186, -13190, -12461, -12005, -11988, -12466, -13128, -14109, -15061, -15819, -16556, -17110, -17508, -17433, -17122, -16674, -16125, -15889, -15666, -15389, -15288, -15420, -15751, -15812, -15902, -15932, -15770, -15410, -14986, -14422, -13947, -13574, -13442, -13790, -14359, -15197, -15917, -16417, -16717, -16741, 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-13672, -14700, -14509, -14415, -14642, -14526, -15297, -15382, -15628, -16001, -15512, -16362, -15940, -17100, -16086, -16574, -16024, -16097, -16853, -16663, -17122, -16856, -16808, -17204, -16463, -17314, -16724, -16794, -16408, -15577, -15654, -14340, -14089, -13691, -13148, -13178, -13125, -13760, -14133, -14915, -15829, -16412, -16832, -16421, -16294, -16351, -15451, -15447, -14874, -14016, -13584, -12658, -13575, -13281, -13598, -13914, -12681, -13010, -12429, -13908, -15384, -14977, -16858, -16448, -17471, -17475, -17016, -18470, -17646, -19023, -18768, -17003, -16612, -14690, -15501, -15268, -15196, -15577, -14125, -14518, -13953, -14496, -14824, -14509, -15087, -14746, -15696, -15863, -15555, -15979, -16124, -16851, -17212, -17429, -16923, -16528, -16798, -17107, -16848, -17321, -16812, -16454, -16418, -16270, -16686, -16363, -15753, -15679, -14529, -14530, -13652, -13182, -13015, -12791, -13506, -13170, -13573, -14000, -14905, -16131, -16744, -17243, -17169, -17287, -16668, -16797, -15846, -15949, -14739, -13596, -13239, -12342, -12628, -13234, -12858, -12821, -11592, -12227, -12881, -13966, -15153, -14951, -16794, -16246, -17740, -17485, -17984, -19963, -19123, -21429, -18283, -17324, -15946, -14964, -16083, -14723, -15249, -14061, -12284, -14201, -12944, -15235, -14571, -14895, -15524, -15049, -16858, -16456, -16567, -18214, -17385, -19147, -18267, -17819, -17401, -16116, -17352, -16892, -15751, -16536, -14309, -15163, -14867, -15173, -15693, -14037, -14779, -14140, -13067, -14333, -13040, -14121, -13514, -14059, -14914, -14015, -15489, -16016, -17180, -18321, -18154, -18928, -17567, -16688, -16295, -14967, -15215, -13842, -13531, -12378, -10383, -11379, -10438, -11797, -11297, -10180, -10832, -10004, -12231, -14745, -14856, -17070, -16894, -18853, -19595, -18992, -20724, -21144, -21445, -22839, -19229, -17883, -14890, -14493, -15013, -13654, -14338, -12000, -11027, -12031, -12367, -14857, -14801, -16338, -16728, -17068, -18701, -18338, -18602, -18811, -18912, -19665, -19065, -19040, -16982, -16985, -16971, -16975, -16813, -14892, -14266, -13123, -13442, -14848, -13192, -13600, -12958, -12923, -13318, -12680, -14476, -13972, -14937, -16482, -15926, -15949, -15740, -16561, -17540, -17951, -18504, -17622, -16846, -16361, -15764, -14717, -14067, -12931, -12308, -11052, -10305, -9299, -8604, -9373, -10308, -10968, -10609, -9707, -10737, -12966, -15879, -18704, -18817, -20850, -20907, -22370, -22124, -21156, -22049, -19714, -21113, -17633, -15049, -13587, -12248, -13765, -13270, -14055, -13272, -11466, -13939, -14363, -16407, -16406, -17701, -17580, -17792, -19578, -19074, -19115, -19103, -19633, -19753, -18428, -18709, -16041, -15806, -15790, -15167, -15500, -12614, -12520, -11499, -11740, -13382, -12548, -13816, -13586, -14823, -15385, -15162, -16367, -15835, -16790, -17324, -16552, -16940, -15536, -16450, -16868, -16356, -17185, -15801, -15264, -15003, -13798, -14356, -12423, -11963, -11447, -9908, -10749, -8583, -8963, -9688, -10470, -13766, -13387, -15023, -13922, -14320, -17015, -18549, -21215, -20558, -20208, -19809, -19737, -19749, -18027, -17644, -17281, -16203, -16815, -13424, -13239, -11771, -13752, -14949, -14790, -15649, -13801, -14753, -15843, -17095, -18962, -18157, -19866, -18681, -19993, -19574, -18825, -19302, -18715, -18443, -16853, -15485, -13914, -11916, -13485, -12815, -13406, -12906, -12780, -13790, -13007, -15083, -15166, -15853, -16376, -17008, -17618, -16391, -16826, -17025, -16660, -16769, -16221, -15953, -14934, -14541, -15182, -14612, -14053, -13271, -12682, -12401, -12353, -13111, -12332, -11634, -11588, -11795, -12290, -12276, -12247, -12945, -13173, -15508, -16423, -16647, -15319, -14612, -16431, -17012, -19027, -18239, -17778, -17271, -17806, -18486, -16297, -15752, -16102, -16110, -17646, -14349, -14133, -12449, -14244, -16252, -16612, -17679, -15877, -16681, -17897, -18955, -19580, -18522, -19022, -17604, -18588, -18698, -18061, -16682, -15846, -15844, -14391, -14370, -13468, -12338, -13664, -14157, -15105, -14147, -13497, -15244, -15124, -17536, -17009, -16322, -16268, -15976, -17590, -16223, -16337, -16120, -15213, -15754, -14934, -14366, -13065, -12074, -12717, -12715, -12707, -12442, -12252, -12833, -13793, -14768, -15255, -13606, -13612, -13908, -14835, -15420, -14783, -14169, -13271, -13442, -14875, -15534, -15893, -15676, -14864, -14754, -14936, -15948, -16335, -15853, -16818, -17343, -17416, -17172, -14683, -16810, -16178, -18567, -19087, -15836, -17114, -15134, -18491, -18124, -18639, -18938, -16158, -17599, -16590, -17395, -17458, -16663, -17334, -15756, -16774, -15831, -15063, -15508, -14351, -15071, -14006, -14535, -14041, -13752, -15183, -14373, -15613, -16110, -15675, -16549, -15586, -16422, -15579, -14644, -15605, -14730, -15283, -14900, -14716, -14670, -13166, -14019, -13395, -13568, -13372, -13184, -13523, -12998, -14351, -15158, -15541, -16303, -16197, -16493, -15809, -16059, -15832, -15352, -15792, -15886, -15391, -14280, -13071, -12398, -12268, -13156, -13309, -13700, -11785, -12000, -11922, -13477, -15669, -16566, -17639, -17998, -17926, -19071, -17680, -19252, -19858, -20043, -22046, -17739, -17965, -16494, -17560, -18906, -18280, -18849, -15575, -15088, -15766, -15014, -16161, -15275, -15503, -13896, -13802, -15138, -13514, -14478, -15284, -15203, -15872, -15720, -16179, -15866, -15470, -17020, -16170, -16216, -15930, -14147, -15120, -14110, -15076, -14065, -13004, -13691, -13029, -13987, -14090, -13951, -13308, -13063, -13538, -13768, -13887, -14156, -14973, -15364, -15985, -16722, -17215, -17606, -18341, -18550, -18250, -17206, -16114, -15522, -15206, -15499, -14325, -13052, -10877, -9974, -10942, -11283, -12701, -12450, -11777, -12613, -12342, -14874, -16094, -17457, -19453, -20030, -20485, -19790, -18587, -20085, -20715, -22339, -22638, -18856, -17965, -16218, -16701, -16352, -15983, -15462, -13315, -12566, -12426, -11828, -12504, -13327, -14385, -14485, -15290, -15187, -15126, -15837, -17264, -18100, -17898, -18054, -17075, -16264, -16547, -15421, -16177, -15742, -15294, -14935, -12450, -13655, -12203, -12901, -13484, -12813, -13813, -12629, -13488, -13435, -12948, -14965, -15171, -16249, -16033, -16451, -17088, -16719, -18225, -18379, -18147, -17773, -17288, -17328, -16702, -16413, -15148, -13565, -13047, -13170, -13331, -12498, -11228, -10268, -9531, -10976, -11528, -13327, -12019, -12800, -13638, -15507, -18105, -19162, -20480, -21914, -22071, -22937, -21573, -19932, -20787, -19681, -22090, -17911, -15517, -13880, -12395, -14079, -13467, -13711, -12475, -10544, -12651, -11558, -13014, -14701, -15694, -17139, -16983, -18086, -17369, -16654, -18590, -19450, -19761, -19460, -17536, -16205, -14754, -14208, -14152, -13686, -12948, -12431, -10839, -10588, -11033, -11270, -12968, -13634, -14057, -13998, -14282, -15210, -15963, -17012, -18314, -18260, -17986, -18032, -17607, -17779, -17676, -18176, -17773, -17123, -16493, -15136, -14256, -13911, -12898, -13136, -12027, -12303, -11735, -10607, -10764, -10195, -11347, -13023, -13547, -15255, -14584, -14912, -16226, -16800, -20046, -19856, -20468, -21123, -20760, -21377, -19468, -17614, -17604, -17196, -19636, -17706, -14515, -12965, -10550, -12932, -12625, -14017, -13628, -12624, -14215, -14199, -15221, -16333, -17083, -18775, -19219, -19886, -18800, -17544, -17497, -17790, -18358, -17778, -15785, -14294, -13054, -12974, -12841, -12647, -12371, -11535, -12213, -11839, -12901, -12625, -13674, -14716, -15748, -16552, -16599, -16620, -16761, -17739, -18356, -18537, -17717, -17510, -16732, -16469, -15720, -15258, -14636, -14234, -14218, -13443, -12463, -12430, -12722, -12956, -13267, -13592, -13741, -13603, -13812, -13982, -14231, -14007, -15245, -15778, -17112, -16140, -15644, -15131, -15387, -16732, -17991, -18315, -18636, -17589, -17937, -16564, -15554, -16798, -16614, -19111, -16988, -16004, -14204, -14310, -16058, -16562, -17494, -16395, -16068, -16224, -16137, -15900, -16380, -16213, -16749, -16230, -16408, -15401, -14490, -14837, 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-15973, -16409, -16470, -16243, -15374, -14510, -15237, -14337, -14677, -14257, -13662, -13739, -13808, -14899, -15378, -15387, -15500, -15434, -16339, -17271, -17283, -17540, -16576, -17769, -17470, -17916, -16370, -15794, -15694, -16059, -16508, -16081, -15776, -14889, -15380, -15185, -15443, -15713, -16071, -16424, -16699, -16765, -17126, -17317, -17532, -17507, -17565, -17202, -16616, -15921, -15230, -14161, -13235, -12368, -11802, -11203, -11329, -11758, -12218, -12597, -13319, -13812, -14480, -15200, -16016, -16659, -16829, -17598, -17926, -18210, -17443, -16747, -16095, -16421, -16809, -16692, -15709, -14000, -13109, -12737, -13396, -13734, -13918, -13856, -13375, -14014, -14121, -15126, -15942, -16412, -17476, -17713, -17886, -17983, -17527, -17804, -17523, -17154, -16984, -16302, -15732, -15078, -14781, -14821, -15165, -14898, -14298, -13019, -12397, -12381, -13130, -14040, -14340, -14104, -14561, -15556, -15706, -15812, -16090, -17494, -18916, -19945, -19439, -18477, -18499, -18732, -18494, -17995, -17780, -17739, -17310, -16790, -15145, -13721, -12654, -12230, -11953, -12344, -12414, -11687, -10820, -11381, -11463, -12471, -13585, -14609, -15715, -16201, -17146, -16988, -17176, -18006, -18730, -18970, -18537, -17276, -16153, -15396, -15059, -14810, -13755, -13595, -12498, -12230, -12313, -13085, -13927, -14588, -15294, -15695, -16549, -17381, -18160, -18510, -18576, -18436, -18389, -18826, -18522, -18250, -17599, -17027, -16448, -15695, -15502, -14479, -13799, -13568, -13540, -13186, -12069, -11257, -10959, -11530, -13143, -13897, -13677, -12693, -13028, -13685, -15689, -17479, -18088, -18729, -19427, -20120, -19298, -17701, -17523, -17711, -19278, -19582, -17682, -15134, -13902, -14054, -13455, -13292, -12791, -12790, -12832, -13310, -13432, -13178, -13562, -14944, -16008, -16924, -17859, -17149, -17148, -16996, -17244, -16969, -16268, -15673, -14909, -14233, -13456, -12315, -12008, -12540, -13158, -13643, -13504, -13654, -13405, -14726, -15946, -17422, -18106, -18959, -18762, -18715, -18690, -19306, -19755, -19703, -18866, -17402, -16740, -16641, -16104, -15003, -14290, -13322, -13765, -13437, -14371, -13653, -14194, -14074, -13842, -13614, -13860, -14006, -14002, -13364, -12646, -12404, -13473, -15120, -16143, -15221, -14675, -14909, -16648, -17851, -18795, -18188, -18670, -19013, -19076, -16255, -14237, -13948, -14713, -16325, -14879, -13878, -11610, -13058, -12660, -14151, -14176, -15658, -16180, -17215, -17288, -17166, -17078, -17244, -17729, -18595, -19160, -18125, -16246, -14345, -13718, -12712, -12615, -12349, -11528, -11099, -10681, -11075, -11428, -12992, -14249, -14929, -16007, -17370, -18802, -19653, -20203, -20854, -20646, -20686, -20362, -19506, -19101, -18206, -17673, -16082, -13969, -13258, -13139, -13500, -12967, -13121, -12820, -13522, -14184, -15111, -14907, -15334, -14860, -15196, -14852, -14954, -14424, -13419, -12843, -12207, -13559, -14564, -16315, -15621, -14940, -14417, -16018, -17787, -19185, -18963, -18549, -19166, -18956, -17608, -14072, -14432, -13731, -16369, -14068, -13179, -10040, -11119, -11318, -12388, -13174, -14895, -16259, -17040, -18272, -18579, -19072, -18791, -19032, -18586, -19477, -18588, -17426, -15103, -14038, -12970, -11929, -11937, -11056, -10983, -10518, -10724, -11440, -12997, -14473, -15493, -16070, -17495, -18304, -19675, -19993, -20788, -20436, -20112, -19321, -18303, -17457, -17375, -16512, -15480, -13708, -13426, -13470, -14249, -13786, -13957, -13879, -14640, -15285, -16143, -16816, -16328, -15479, -14476, -13904, -13489, -13519, -12607, -11698, -11049, -12302, -13605, -15414, -15311, -14956, -14662, -16688, -19308, -21049, -20620, -20336, -20227, -20216, -18278, -15772, -14300, -13607, -14443, -13326, -11583, -10042, -10742, -10782, -11795, -13021, -15294, -16213, -17509, -18213, -19010, -18652, -18310, -17714, -18020, -18593, -18456, -17326, -15336, -13828, -12663, -12515, -12638, -12596, -12434, -11803, -11839, -13028, -14351, -15332, -15562, -16091, -16903, -17647, -18152, -17929, -18326, -18070, -17681, -17151, -16540, -16274, -16404, -16318, -16014, -14843, -14977, -15304, -15822, -15822, -16281, -16017, -16171, -16327, -16602, -16256, -15704, -14491, -13345, -12992, -12486, -12025, -10786, -9913, -9940, -11926, -14304, -16702, -16671, -15889, -15124, -16375, -19007, -20874, -21089, -21188, -21153, -20860, -18572, -15262, -13718, -12423, -13669, -13256, -11802, -10848, -11070, -11056, -11947, -13019, -15048, -16442, -17937, -18993, -19449, -19483, -18320, -18099, -17645, -17794, -17170, -16189, -15155, -14380, -13981, -13627, -13595, -13507, -13693, -13701, -14017, -14759, -16076, -16010, -15434, -14679, -14235, -14724, -14879, -15589, -15648, -15804, -15131, -15051, -14848, -15591, -16353, -17482, -17437, -17335, -17394, -17455, -17821, -17302, -17520, -17275, -16832, -16455, -15835, -15788, -15331, -14127, -12660, -11252, -10211, -9437, -9419, -9551, -10589, -12608, -14785, -16972, -17263, -16499, -15886, -16771, -19538, -21270, -22262, -22339, -21738, -19993, -16829, -13634, -11828, -11329, -12799, -12584, -12260, -11852, -11593, -11284, -12812, -14790, -17300, -18540, -19533, -19960, -20368, -19393, -17562, -16299, -16173, -16824, -16974, -15689, -14740, -13611, -13740, -14125, -15223, -15740, -15772, -15151, -14940, -15000, -16018, -15725, -15283, -14164, -12983, -13057, -13214, -14420, -14899, -14732, -14568, -14288, -14738, -15267, -16112, -17848, -18219, -19005, -18865, -18713, -18280, -17523, -16858, -16798, -16108, -16000, -14887, -14152, -12988, -12174, -11154, -10478, -9852, -9266, -9254, -10225, -12166, -15274, -17084, -18921, -19515, -18266, -17047, -16553, -17665, -19446, -20043, -20416, -19583, -18066, -16022, -13035, -11931, -11325, -12705, -12951, -12935, -13614, -14364, -14378, -14935, -15954, -17608, -19436, -20119, -20261, -20305, -19584, -18163, -16533, -15733, -15365, -15624, -14747, -13798, -13518, -13789, -14038, -14353, -14484, -14581, -15154, -15352, -15796, -15671, -15158, -14327, -13858, -13540, -13024, -13405, -14355, -15614, -16257, -16094, -15783, -16331, -16762, -17812, -18194, -18835, -18345, -18265, -17220, -16068, -14773, -13984, -13769, -13799, -13339, -12822, -12460, -12590, -12540, -13052, -12597, -12616, -12318, -12410, -13530, -14436, -15801, -17029, -18454, -19413, -18385, -16367, -15435, -15055, -16643, -17642, -18360, -18735, -18245, -17050, -14467, -12086, -11559, -12117, -13731, -14195, -14677, -15376, -15585, -15626, -16513, -17572, -19155, -20059, -20337, -20057, -19855, -18802, -17456, -16040, -15343, -15421, -15353, -14750, -14392, -14224, -13697, -13620, -14066, -13881, -13934, -13152, -13151, -13861, -14214, -14641, -14030, -14144, -14115, -14649, -16226, -17280, -17642, -17547, -16855, -16945, -16536, -16697, -16693, -16803, -16758, -16331, -15850, -14619, -14023, -13387, -13322, -13322, -12962, -12793, -13084, -13188, -13853, -13917, -14167, -13959, -13908, -13747, -14040, -14490, -15434, -16321, -17559, -18361, -18442, -16297, -15232, -14729, -15662, -17456, -18290, -18618, -18971, -18084, -17606, -14577, -13312, -12718, -12876, -13930, -13048, -13543, -14191, -14615, -15776, -16188, -17098, -18334, -19292, -20630, -20931, -20978, -19319, -17593, -16507, -15865, -15864, -15434, -14517, -14185, -13645, -13479, -13251, -13305, -12719, -11982, -12024, -13313, -14552, -15208, -14683, -14635, -14604, -15151, -15666, -16784, -17629, -18074, -17904, -17201, -16293, -15900, -15855, -16082, -16379, -16166, -15273, -14099, -12845, -12415, -12830, -13340, -13794, -13753, -13736, -14161, -14625, -14939, -15313, -15326, -15007, -14349, -14002, -13720, -13937, -14152, -14975, -16628, -17825, -18244, -16461, -15402, -14341, -15980, -18655, -19413, -20417, -19949, -19258, -18377, -14469, -13283, -12120, -12489, -13907, -12746, -13271, -13239, -13314, -14248, -14561, -16531, -18295, -20120, -21139, -21272, -21420, -19864, -18684, -17169, -16403, -16622, -15675, -15548, -14989, -13604, -12740, -11903, -11812, -11440, -11279, -12141, -13369, -14585, -14686, -13910, -14330, -14636, -16315, -17232, -17653, -17711, -17726, -17098, -16079, -15387, -15256, -15000, -15557, -15231, -15423, -14628, -13776, -13522, -13439, -13608, -13792, -14084, -13616, -14412, -15149, -15304, -15431, -15055, -15091, -15060, -14878, -14912, -14442, -13996, -13852, -14529, -15325, -16669, -17169, -15613, -15433, -15047, -17532, -19435, -19723, -20409, -20264, -20697, -20399, -15835, -14835, -12643, -13645, -13870, -11766, -12093, -11822, -12598, -13756, -14038, -16194, -17899, -19888, -21006, -21363, -21251, -19476, -18182, -16670, -16737, -16850, -15948, -15650, -14272, -13050, -12159, -11003, -11066, -10845, -11287, -12260, -13153, -14692, -14393, -14605, -14881, -15305, -17000, -17654, -18381, -18454, -17933, -17339, -15626, -15374, -14579, -14860, -14448, -14331, -14182, -13165, -12893, -13020, -12605, -13398, -14087, -14679, -14835, -15683, -16537, -16945, -17517, -16996, -16948, -16186, -15184, -14491, -13531, -12928, -12323, -12629, -13355, -14550, -14535, -13870, -14337, -15518, -18287, -20141, -21323, -22347, -22728, -23378, -20494, -17969, -15982, -14498, -15363, -13664, -12149, -11967, -10882, -11898, -11998, -13213, -15442, -17327, -19532, -20251, -20433, -19598, -18282, -17317, -17169, -17268, -17115, -15615, -15249, -13541, -12494, -10886, -9911, -10031, -10654, -11428, -12661, -13708, -14771, -15220, -15820, -16944, -17695, -19376, -19242, -20116, -18830, -17948, -15781, -14879, -13861, -13749, -12762, -12562, -11947, -12089, -11743, -12141, -12543, -12956, -14291, -14757, -15760, -16212, -17492, -18240, -18759, -18679, -18142, -17218, -16532, -15496, -15022, -13439, -12116, -11456, -11219, -12463, -12341, -12053, -12758, -14420, -18241, -19792, -21398, -21749, -22552, -24088, -22906, -20823, -18835, -15973, -16362, -13951, -12468, -11050, -9463, -10759, -10623, -13273, -14376, -16306, -17985, -19159, -20315, -20117, -19180, -18355, -17442, -18274, -17344, -16660, -14896, -13699, -12593, -11267, -10542, -10199, -10449, -10984, -11355, -12761, -13767, -15049, -16059, -17331, -18814, -19532, -20076, -19808, -19202, -18579, -17043, -15793, -13935, -12822, -11658, -11186, -10398, -10319, -10198, -11027, -11698, -12901, -13456, -15050, -15785, -17301, -18603, -20036, -20733, -20571, -20041, -18862, -17689, -16966, -15594, -14493, -12524, -10232, -9813, -9153, -11653, -11066, -11419, -12156, -13916, -17636, -19544, -21264, -22137, -23285, -25054, -23853, -21719, -19762, -16977, -17714, -14461, -12696, -10847, -9168, -10917, -10880, -13034, -13445, -14811, -16903, -18445, -19577, -19860, -19310, -18717, -18297, -18904, -17578, -16250, -14597, -13883, -13046, -12161, -10754, -9940, -9161, -10782, -11430, -13974, -14461, -15800, -16564, -17569, -19130, -19166, -19503, -18756, -18356, -17700, -16027, -14611, -13115, -12004, -11910, -11083, -10778, -10155, -10662, -11643, -12360, -13658, -14288, -15890, -17028, -18363, -19807, -20409, -21378, -20986, -19821, -19139, -17363, -16435, -14565, -12291, -10612, -8039, -8744, -8924, -10717, -10848, -11533, -12461, -15757, -18116, -21233, -21739, -23575, -24918, -24913, -23800, -20265, -18448, -16522, -16720, -13306, -12890, -9984, -11920, -10914, -12928, -12699, -13822, -15816, -17389, -18916, -18392, -18700, -18297, -18002, -18412, -17887, -17260, -16178, -15443, -14688, -13144, -12155, -10636, -10132, -10464, -11427, -12534, -13847, -14603, -15966, -16462, -17985, -18450, -18938, -18734, -18365, -17589, -16990, -15797, -14452, -13249, -11916, -11382, -10270, -10338, -10361, -11377, -12411, -13902, -14405, -15256, -16586, -17875, -19062, -19886, -20681, -20217, -19848, -18588, -17829, -16293, -15296, -13447, -11683, -9961, -9319, -9200, -9972, -11121, -10831, -12741, -13398, -17247, -18226, -21059, -21240, -22692, -23652, -23482, -22041, -19766, -17612, -16808, -15197, -14185, -13136, -11139, -12386, -11874, -14457, -14236, -16092, -16931, -17916, -18850, -18496, -18544, -17900, -17933, -17542, -16692, -15521, -14443, -13515, -12830, -12246, -11581, -11073, -10830, -11749, -12603, -14483, -15311, -16412, -16549, -17492, -18013, -18582, -18044, -17984, -17287, -17326, -16335, -15659, -14425, -13186, -12142, -10810, -10442, -10471, -11041, -11627, -12463, -13488, -14246, -15503, -15961, -17081, -18299, -19928, -20462, -20133, -19797, -19081, -18305, -16890, -15404, -13799, -13166, -12500, -12149, -11528, -11700, -11815, -12181, -13774, -14966, -17125, -18096, -18998, -19159, -19205, -19103, -18739, -17811, -16545, -15307, -13950, -13294, -12893, -12601, -12341, -13187, -14459, -16146, -17454, -18128, -18790, -19036, -19332, -19421, -19059, -18620, -17885, -16920, -16075, -14766, -14157, -13291, -13072, -12242, -11642, -11442, -11972, -12864, -14161, -15330, -16465, -16771, -17495, -18327, -18651, -18784, -17953, -17571, -17246, -16707, -15885, -14765, -14085, -12999, -11902, -10893, -10567, -10538, -11321, -12267, -13326, -13521, -14204, -14936, -15887, -16725, -17750, -18485, -18990, -19102, -18677, -17832, -16945, -15679, -14483, -13615, -13202, -13069, -12828, -12547, -12709, -13243, -14057, -15183, -16538, -17999, -19111, -19605, -19400, -19232, -18596, -17973, -16682, -15139, -13674, -12558, -12467, -12497, -12583, -12560, -13415, -14723, -16632, -18184, -19087, -19388, -19177, -19083, -19123, -18543, -18050, -16723, -15382, -14262, -13390, -13098, -12808, -12987, -12702, -12819, -12820, -13475, -14301, -15404, -16536, -17365, -17614, -18064, -17953, -17852, -17384, -16409, -16328, -15683, -15630, -14828, -14373, -13774, -12976, -12429, -12035, -11927, -12049, -12787, -13698, -14639, -15427, -16373, -16880, -17491, -17867, -18213, -18432, -18501, -18062, -17404, -16092, -14858, -13283, -12453, -11918, -12036, -12192, -12618, -12960, -13656, -14719, -15710, -16833, -17853, -18930, -19604, -19780, -19395, -19016, -18100, -17078, -15545, -14264, -13359, -12810, -12579, -12673, -12763, -13450, -14565, -15664, -16838, -17652, -18149, -18516, -18477, -18215, -17585, -16856, -15994, -14819, -13986, -13031, -12707, -12493, -13003, -13317, -13637, -14052, -14591, -15428, -16013, -17032, -17712, -18191, -18353, -18177, -17398, -16468, -15240, -14508, -14259, -13856, -13895, -13500, -13692, -13145, -12758, -12321, -12756, -13602, -14576, -15350, -16081, -17011, -17637, -18290, -18510, -18735, -18665, -18810, -18534, -17974, -17050, -15793, -14701, -13776, -12975, -12227, -11787, -12006, -12590, -13068, -13766, -14494, -15497, -16440, -17365, -18369, -18953, -19238, -19195, -18529, -17947, -16906, -15548, -14257, -13263, -12991, -12888, -13153, -13218, -13673, -14430, -15465, -16366, -17309, -17660, -18062, -17918, -17474, -16760, -16025, -15005, -14154, -13235, -12540, -12286, -12502, -12938, -13705, -14219, -14780, -15430, -16125, -16798, -17518, -18213, -18292, -18237, -17644, -17176, -16077, -15176, -14153, -13702, -13502, -13316, -13425, -13387, -13577, -13246, -12945, -12792, -13493, -14077, -15117, -15684, -16774, -17277, -17993, -18572, -18864, -19054, -18689, -18474, -17892, -17255, -16191, -15324, -14546, -14144, -13426, -13042, -12634, -12899, -13297, -13989, -14552, -15244, -15862, -16409, -17298, -17982, -18288, -18016, -17672, -17228, -17001, -16068, -15399, -14516, -14393, -14442, -14778, -14856, -14863, -15370, -15954, -16953, -17368, -17526, -17539, -17492, -17014, -16019, -15141, -14185, -13527, -13061, -12404, -11983, -11752, -12087, -12815, -13688, -14374, -15171, -15821, -16594, -17130, -17664, -17722, -17820, -17650, -17216, -16733, -15747, -14872, -14286, -14078, -13868, -13927, -13776, -14184, -14140, -13881, -13628, -13438, -13616, -14031, -14636, -15056, -15957, -16503, -17485, -17874, -18119, -17917, -17815, -17687, -17336, -16819, -16040, -15333, -14842, -14303, -13754, -13230, -13096, -13571, -14164, -14521, -14824, -15224, -16085, -17088, -17951, -18071, -17776, -17332, -17011, -16747, -16174, -15486, -14650, -14423, -14609, -14813, -14940, -14977, -15368, -16141, -16899, -17677, -17638, -17912, -17857, -17703, -16926, -15898, -15108, -14556, -14093, -13425, -12953, -12247, -12286, -12806, -13735, -14782, -15435, -16256, -16535, -16965, -17034, -17062, -17129, -17226, -17196, -17203, -16649, -15763, -14890, -14290, -14079, -13982, -13987, -13869, -13841, -13439, -13119, -12682, -12449, -12658, -13127, -13761, -14627, -15619, -16421, -17451, -18036, -18049, -17849, -17417, -17117, -16637, -16210, -15471, -14920, -14646, -14209, -13781, -13139, -13153, -13655, -14133, -14565, -14858, -15590, -16546, -17287, -17582, -17444, -17231, -17038, -17137, -16801, -16386, -15593, -15172, -14796, -14723, -14634, -14656, -15166, -15899, -16809, -17389, -17433, -17466, -17720, -17857, -17939, -17194, -16457, -15844, -15234, -14748, -13931, -13382, -12819, -13216, -13686, -14548, -15042, -15504, -15927, -16283, -16417, -16488, -16533, -16716, -16753, -16911, -16619, -16391, -15660, -15277, -14837, -14750, -14251, -13932, -13609, -13501, -13318, -12875, -12272, -12346, -12958, -13689, -14497, -15228, -16235, -17147, -18169, -18606, -18675, -18195, -17535, -16762, -16154, -15435, -14848, -14114, -13762, -13169, -12576, -12297, -12703, -13254, -13838, -14341, -14934, -15942, -16815, -17454, -17625, -17650, -17385, -17081, -16863, -16349, -15906, -15048, -14519, -14301, -14337, -14377, -14668, -15053, -15887, -16692, -17301, -17705, -17912, -18097, -17868, -17587, -16872, -16476, -15827, -15364, -14672, -14104, -13607, -13153, -13422, -13494, -14194, -14674, -15400, -16000, -16197, -16331, -16507, -16888, -17328, -17472, -17613, -17548, -17279, -16596, -15931, -15317, -14988, -14476, -14089, -13586, -13296, -12907, -12534, -12532, -12995, -13846, -14738, -15440, -16133, -17032, -17927, -18334, -18547, -17822, -17313, -16580, -15749, -15041, -14250, -13402, -13130, -12683, -12507, -12219, -12304, -12797, -13324, -13900, -14401, -15163, -16298, -17267, -18062, -18394, -18156, -17582, -17081, -16761, -16278, -15917, -15221, -14843, -14241, -14168, -13970, -14271, -14803, -15755, -16744, -17299, -17667, -17731, -17467, -17261, -16787, -16363, -15999, -15533, -15240, -14614, -14185, -13782, -13738, -14113, -14258, -14716, -15205, -15864, -16336, -16286, -16359, -16517, -16851, -16919, -16930, -16856, -16944, -16652, -16093, -15390, -14705, -14373, -14070, -13844, -13628, -13405, -13139, -13185, -13574, -14301, -15260, -15893, -16438, -17132, -17858, -18432, -18597, -18318, -17473, -16692, -15663, -14858, -14024, -13194, -12642, -12368, -12323, -12350, -12464, -12753, -13502, -13994, -14699, -15234, -16154, -17006, -17863, -18526, -18465, -17968, -17274, -16961, -16511, -16379, -15805, -15151, -14513, -14098, -14038, -14000, -14376, -14999, -16067, -16906, -17442, -17285, -17316, -17081, -16868, -16331, -15725, -15048, -14652, -14337, -13976, -13790, -13575, -13834, -13913, -14299, -14731, -15713, -16535, -17138, -17209, -17094, -17065, -17070, -16891, -16927, -17005, -16962, -16430, -15748, -14903, -14231, -13604, -13365, -13389, -13398, -13349, -13158, -13468, -14014, -14720, -15466, -16079, -16834, -17741, -18384, -18797, -18531, -17896, -16760, -15810, -15030, -14653, -13973, -13394, -12893, -12673, -12633, -12673, -12715, -13152, -13791, -14500, -15168, -15615, -16213, -16783, -17499, -18021, -18024, -17728, -17301, -16827, -16292, -15825, -15552, -15366, -15172, -15260, -14845, -14739, -14577, -15031, -16485, -17431, -18029, -17848, -16854, -16766, -16150, -15692, -15116, -14451, -14773, -13718, -14700, -13012, -13567, -13684, -14367, -13872, -15742, -14926, -16314, -16365, -17202, -16047, -17251, -16671, -16016, -16887, -16710, -16610, -16329, -16111, -14065, -13672, -13885, -13076, -14273, -13301, -13507, -13660, -14339, -14610, -15381, -15836, -16388, -17859, -17846, -18953, -18236, -18402, -17157, -16337, -16065, -14892, -15003, -14225, -13880, -13409, -12868, -13183, -12913, -13138, -13824, -13818, -14330, -14699, -15396, -15712, -16592, -17334, -17750, -17064, -17307, -16715, -17108, -16332, -16004, -15512, -15321, -14805, -15380, -14136, -14664, -14369, -15538, -16558, -16874, -17391, -17065, -16533, -17010, -15918, -15980, -15288, -13942, -14904, -14411, -14938, -14105, -13271, -14003, -14142, -14977, -15657, -14842, -16473, -16743, -16686, -16438, -16471, -16280, -17174, -17041, -16899, -16600, -16131, -15996, -14224, -13403, -14189, -13578, -14657, -13071, -13454, -13343, -15194, -14819, -15664, -14733, -16451, -16961, -18068, -18140, -17917, -16956, -17370, -16189, -15985, -15018, -14999, -14649, -14578, -14147, -13332, -13513, -12970, -14068, -12830, -14394, -13948, -14388, -15072, -15093, -16303, -16247, -17012, -17365, -17083, -16948, -17268, -16893, -16506, -16162, -15834, -15390, -15906, -14950, -15648, -14575, -16467, -16442, -16781, -16635, -15800, -15549, -16280, -15129, -15846, -14412, -14533, -14322, -14202, -14266, -13759, -13569, -14782, -14238, -15401, -15441, -15381, -16716, -16224, -16686, -16496, -16442, -17013, -16512, -17526, -16664, -16764, -16596, -15155, -15473, -13702, -14635, -13817, -14414, -14202, -13885, -14563, 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