
Dependencies:   Encoder HIDScope TextLCD mbed

Thu Oct 30 12:21:43 2014 +0000
Changed function to do slaan() and return to  rust;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 1 /********************************************/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 2 /* */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 3 /* BRONCODE GROEP 7, MODULE 9, 2014 */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 4 /* *-THE SLAP-* */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 5 /* */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 6 /* -Anne ten Dam */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 7 /* -Laura de Heus */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 8 /* -Moniek Strijdveen */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 9 /* -Bart Arendshorst */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 10 /* -Peter Bartels */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 11 /********************************************/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 12
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 13 /*
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 14 #include voor alle libraries
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 15 */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 16 #include "TextLCD.h"
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 17 #include "mbed.h"
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 18 #include "encoder.h"
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 19 //#include "HIDScope.h"
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 20 #include "PwmOut.h"
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 21
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 22 /*
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 23 #define vaste waarden
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 24 */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 25 /*definieren pinnen Motor 1*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 26 #define M1_PWM PTA5
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 27 #define M1_DIR PTA4
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 28 #define M2_PWM PTC8
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 29 #define M2_DIR PTC9
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 30 /*Definieren minimale waarden PWM per motor*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 31 #define PWM1_min_50 0.529 /*met koppelstuk!*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 32 #define PWM2_min_30 0.529 /*aanpassen! Klopt nog niet met koppelstuk*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 33 /*Definieren om de hoeveel seconden er gegevens naar de HID-scope gestuurd worden.*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 34 #define TSAMP 0.005
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 35 #define K_P (100)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 36 #define K_I (50 * TSAMP)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 37 #define K_D (1)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 38 //#define K_D (0.0005 /TSAMP)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 39 #define I_LIMIT 100.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 40 #define PI 3.1415926535897
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 41 #define lengte_arm 0.5
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 42
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 43 /*
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 44 Geef een naam aan een actie en vertel welke pinnen hiervoor gebruikt worden.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 45 */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 46 TextLCD lcd(PTD2, PTA12, PTB2, PTB3, PTC2, PTA13, TextLCD::LCD16x2); // rs, e, d4-d7
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 47 Encoder motor1(PTD3,PTD1);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 48 Encoder motor2(PTD5, PTD0);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 49 PwmOut pwm_motor1(M1_PWM);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 50 PwmOut pwm_motor2(M2_PWM);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 51 DigitalOut motordir1(M1_DIR);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 52 DigitalOut motordir2(M2_DIR);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 53 DigitalOut LEDGREEN(LED_GREEN);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 54 DigitalOut LEDRED(LED_RED);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 55
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 56 /*
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 57 definieer namen aan var, float, int, static float, uint8_t, uint16_t etc. en geef ze eventueel een waarde
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 58 */
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 59 Ticker statemachine;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 60 Ticker screen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 61 int previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 62 int current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 63 int PWM2_percentage = 100;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 64 int aantal_rotaties_1 = 10;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 65 int aantalcr_1 = 1600;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 66 int aantalcr_2 = 960;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 67 int beginpos_motor1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 68 int beginpos_motor1_new;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 69 int beginpos_motor2;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 70 int beginpos_motor2_new;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 71 int previous_pos_motor1 = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 72 int current_pos_motor1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 73 int delta_pos_motor1_puls;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 74 void clamp(float * in, float min, float max);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 75 volatile bool looptimerflag;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 76 int16_t gewenste_snelheid = 2;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 77 int16_t gewenste_snelheid_rad = 4;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 78 int16_t gewenste_snelheid_rad_return = 1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 79 float pid(float setpoint, float measurement);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 80 float pos_motor1_rad;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 81 float PWM1_percentage = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 82 float delta_pos_motor1_rad;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 83 float snelheid_motor1_rad;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 84 float snelheid_arm_ms;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 85 float PWM1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 86 float PWM2;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 87 float Speed_motor1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 88 float Speed_motor1rad;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 89 float setpoint = 0;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 90 float prev_setpoint = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 91
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 92 //HIDScope scope(6);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 93
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 94 enum state_t {RUST, ARM_KALIBRATIE, EMG_KALIBRATIE, METEN_RICHTING, METEN_HOOGTE, INSTELLEN_RICHTING, SLAAN, RETURN2RUST}; //verschillende stadia definieren voor gebruik in CASES
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 95 state_t state = RUST;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 96
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 97 //functies die vanuit de statemachinefunction aangeroepen kunnen worden
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 98 void rust() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 99 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 100 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 101
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 102 void arm_kalibratie() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 103 //voor nu om de loop te doorlopen wordt onderstaande code gebruikt. Nogmaal gesproken moet er gewacht worden op een 'hoog' signaal van een knop
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 104 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 105 motor1.setPosition(0);
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 106 motor2.setPosition(0);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 107 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 108
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 109 void emg_kalibratie() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 110 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 111 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 112
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 113 void meten_richting() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 114 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 115 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 116
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 117 void meten_hoogte() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 118 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 119 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 120
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 121 void instellen_richting() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 122 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1; previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 123 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 124
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 125 void GotoPosition (float position_setpoint_rad, float speed_radpersecond) {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 126 current_pos_motor1 = motor1.getPosition(); //bekijk na elke 0.005s wat de huidige 'waarde' van de encoder is
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 127 delta_pos_motor1_puls = current_pos_motor1 - previous_pos_motor1; //Bereken wat het verschil in waarde is voor het berekenen van de snelheid(puls)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 128 pos_motor1_rad = current_pos_motor1/(1600/(2*PI)); //echte waarde omrekenen naar rad voor (positie) PID regelaar
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 129 delta_pos_motor1_rad = delta_pos_motor1_puls/(1600/(2*PI)); //delta waarde omrekenen naar rad voor snelheidsbepaling (rad)
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 130 //snelheid_motor1_rad = delta_pos_motor1_rad / TSAMP; //rad delen door TSAMP om rad/s te verkrijgen
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 131 //snelheid_arm_ms = snelheid_motor1_rad * lengte_arm; //deze waarde maar lengte van de arm om de snelheid van het uiteinde van die arm te verkrijgen
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 132 //scope.set(0, snelheid_motor1_rad);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 133
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 134 previous_pos_motor1 = current_pos_motor1; //sla de huidige waarde op als vorige waarde.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 135
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 136 //nu gaan we positie regelen i.p.v. snelheid.
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 137 if (abs(pos_motor1_rad - position_setpoint_rad) <= 0.1) //if position error < ...rad, then stop.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 138 {
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 139 speed_radpersecond = 0;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 140 current_herhalingen = previous_herhalingen + 1;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 141 previous_herhalingen = current_herhalingen;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 142 }
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 143 else if(pos_motor1_rad - position_setpoint_rad > 0)
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 144 setpoint = prev_setpoint + TSAMP * speed_radpersecond;
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 145 else
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 146 setpoint = prev_setpoint -( TSAMP * speed_radpersecond);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 147 /*new_pwm = (setpoint - motor1.getPosition())*.001; -> P action*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 148 PWM1_percentage = pid(setpoint, pos_motor1_rad);
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 149 //scope.set(1, setpoint-pos_motor1_rad);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 150
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 151 if (PWM1_percentage < -100)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 152 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 153 PWM1_percentage = -100;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 154 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 155 else if (PWM1_percentage >100)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 156 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 157 PWM1_percentage =100;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 158 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 159
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 160 if(PWM1_percentage > 0)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 161 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 162 motordir1 = 1;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 163 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 164 else
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 165 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 166 motordir1 = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 167 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 168
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 169 pwm_motor1.write(PWM1_percentage/100.);//abs(((1-PWM1_min_50)/100)*PWM1_percentage + PWM1_min_50));
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 170 //scope.set(5, abs(((1-PWM1_min_50)/100)*PWM1_percentage + PWM1_min_50));
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 171 prev_setpoint = setpoint;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 172 //scope.send();
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 173 }
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 174
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 175
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 176
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 177 float pid(float setpoint, float measurement)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 178 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 179 float error;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 180 static float prev_error = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 181 float out_p = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 182 static float out_i = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 183 float out_d = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 184 error = (setpoint-measurement);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 185 out_p = error*K_P;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 186 out_i += error*K_I;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 187 out_d = (error-prev_error)*K_D;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 188 clamp(&out_i,-I_LIMIT,I_LIMIT);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 189 prev_error = error;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 190 //scope.set(2, out_p);
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 191 //scope.set(3, out_i);
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 192 //scope.set(4, out_d);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 193 return out_p + out_i + out_d;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 194 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 195
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 196 void clamp(float* in, float min, float max) // "*" is een pointer (verwijst naar het adres waar een variebele instaat). Dus je slaat niet de variabele op
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 197 // maar de locatie van de variabele.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 198 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 199 *in > min ? /*(*/*in < max? /*niets doen*/ : *in = max/*)*/: *in = min; // a ? b : c --> als a waar is, dan doe je b, en anders c
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 200 // *in = het getal dat staat op locatie van in --> waarde van new_pwm
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 201 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 202
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 203 void statemachinefunction()
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 204 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 205 switch(state) {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 206 case RUST: {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 207 rust();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 208 /*voorwaarde wanneer hij door kan naar de volgende case*/
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 209 if (current_herhalingen == 600)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 210 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 211 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 212 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 213 state = ARM_KALIBRATIE;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 214 }
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 215 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 216 /*bepalen hoe je zorgt dat je maar 1x de kalibraties uitvoerd! (Of eventueel de arm kalibratie elke keer!!)*/
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 217 //if (metingstatus<5);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 218 // state = ARMKALIBRATIE;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 219 //if (metingstatus==5);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 220 // state = METEN_RICHTING;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 221 //break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 222 //}
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 223 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 224
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 225 case ARM_KALIBRATIE:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 226 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 227 arm_kalibratie();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 228 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 229 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 230 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 231 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 232 state = EMG_KALIBRATIE;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 233 motor1.setPosition(0);
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 234 motor2.setPosition(0);
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 235 pwm_motor1.period_us(100);
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 236 pwm_motor2.period_us(100);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 237 }
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 238 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 239 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 240
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 241 case EMG_KALIBRATIE:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 242 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 243 emg_kalibratie();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 244 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 245 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 246 state = METEN_RICHTING;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 247 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 248 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 249 }
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 250 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 251 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 252
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 253 case METEN_RICHTING:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 254 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 255 meten_richting();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 256 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 257 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 258 state = METEN_HOOGTE;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 259 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 260 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 261 }
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 262 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 263 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 264
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 265 case METEN_HOOGTE:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 266 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 267 meten_hoogte();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 268 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 269 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 270 state = INSTELLEN_RICHTING;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 271 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 272 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 273 }
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 274 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 275 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 276
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 277 case INSTELLEN_RICHTING:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 278 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 279 instellen_richting();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 280 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 281 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 282 state = SLAAN;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 283 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 284 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 285 }
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 286 break;
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 287
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 288 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 289
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 290 case SLAAN:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 291 {
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 292 GotoPosition(0.7,4);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 293 if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 294 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 295 state = RETURN2RUST;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 296 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 297 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 298 prev_setpoint =0;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 299 setpoint =0;
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 300
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 301 }
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 302 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 303 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 304
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 305 case RETURN2RUST:
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 306 {
phgbartels 3:156c3e536ed4 307 GotoPosition(0,1);
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 308 /*if (current_herhalingen == 200)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 309 {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 310 state = RUST;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 311 current_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 312 previous_herhalingen = 0;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 313 }
phgbartels 2:de7b6c1d67c4 314 */
phgbartels 1:b08ac32d1ddc 315 break;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 316 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 317
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 318 default: {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 319 state = RUST;
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 320 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 321
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 322 }//switch(state)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 323 }//void statemachinefunction
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 324
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 325
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 326 void screenupdate(){
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 327 if(state==RUST){
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 328 lcd.cls();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 329 lcd.locate(0,0);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 330 lcd.printf("S.T.I.E.N.E.N."); //regel 1 LCD scherm
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 331 lcd.locate(0,1);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 332 lcd.printf(" GROEP 7 ");
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 333 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 334 else{
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 335 lcd.cls();
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 336 lcd.printf("state %d", state); //hier nog aan toevoegen hoe je de 'waarde', dus eigenlijk tekst, die opgeslagen staat in state kan printen.
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 337 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 338 }
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 339
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 340 int main() {
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 341 statemachine.attach(&statemachinefunction, 0.005); // the address of the function to be attached (flip) and the interval (2 seconds)
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 342 screen.attach(&screenupdate, 0.2);
phgbartels 0:2386012c6594 343 }