SPKDisplay - A mbed display class and processing imaging tools for 128x64 OLEDs using the SSD1305 driver, connected via SPI. This variant drives a Unigraphics oled on the same driver but in page mode. Includes a simple 5x7 ascii font
Fork of spk_oled_ssd1305 by
OLED driver and demo for Univision oled display 128x64.¶
Modified Toby Harris' code to run page mode addressing in 4 wire SPI on the Univision UG-2864HSWEG01 128X64 unit - often found for sale on ebay. That's where I got mine anyhow.
Wiring this was fairly straightforward but you really do have to ground all the unused pins EXCEPT for number 8 to get it to work.
Here's the layout - I made a little carrier using a 2x8 connector and a couple of headers mounted on a small piece of stripboard. You can see all the wire links that are used to ground the unused pins. It was pretty awkward setting the display to run in 4 wire spi - had to desolder and resolder three smd o ohm links on the back o fhte pcb - ended up using a microscope to see them.
Here is the output of the demo code.
In page mode the display is effectively divided up into 8 horizontal strips, each 8 pixels high so lends itself nicley to displaying text in a 5x7 font. I've included the 5x7 lcd font in the code below.
Import programunivision_oled
driver demo for univision oled dispaly
#include "mbed.h" #include "4spi_oled_ssd1305.h" /* re writtten to cope with teh ssd1306 driven oled UG-2864HSWEG01 from univision wiring for test circuit OLED pins -FUNCTION-------MBED PINns 1 ----3.3V--- Vout (p40) 2 ----0.0V--- GND (p1) 3 ----------- GND (p1) 4 ----------- GND (p1) 5 ----------- GND (p1) 6 ----------- GND (p1) 7 ----------- GND (p1) 8 ----------- N/C 9 ----D1---- mosi (p5) 10 ---D0------sck(p7) 11 ----------- GND (p1) 12 ----------- GND (p1) 13 ---DC------ p10 14 ---RES----- p9 15 ---CS------ p8 */ DigitalOut myled(LED1); // Create object and load font //SPKDisplay( mosiPin, clkPin, csPin, dcPin, resPin, Serial *debugSerial) SPKDisplay screen(p5, p7, p8, p10, p9); int main() { char msg[22]; sprintf(msg," "); // 01234567890abcdefghij int i=0; while(1==1) { myled=1; // nice logo output screen.welcome(); wait(3); wait(2); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { myled=0; screen.inverse(); wait(1); screen.normal(); myled=1; wait(1); } screen.fontdemo(); myled=0; wait(5); screen.clearBuffer(); screen.sendBuffer(); myled=1; wait(0.5); myled=0; wait(0.5); for(i=0; i<8; i++) { sprintf(msg,"HELLO WORLD %d",i); screen.textToBuffer(msg, i); screen.sendBuffer(); screen.clearBuffer(); myled=1; wait(1); } } }