breath sensor library

Sun Dec 11 21:12:18 2016 +0000
First commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 1 #include "mbed.h"
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 2 #include "NeoStrip.h"
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 3 #include "MPL3115.h"
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 4 #include <vector>
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 5
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 6 class windSensor {
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 7 public:
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 8 windSensor(PinName p, NeoStrip *_strip, PinName p2, PinName p3);
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 9 /* Start victim breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 10 void sample();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 11 void startReading();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 12 void stopReading();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 13 void reset();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 14 bool breathDetected();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 15 /* End vicim breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 16
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 17 /* start give breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 18 float give_breath(void);
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 19 bool pressureSpikeDetected();
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 20 /* end give breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 21
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 22 private:
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 23 /* start vicim breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 24 AnalogIn sensor;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 25 Ticker breathReader;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 26
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 27 volatile float thresh;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 28 //volatile bool Breath = false; // set on each visit to interrupt routine
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 29 volatile bool isBreathing;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 30 volatile int breathCount; //increment if breath is above thresh on each visit to interrupt routine
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 31 /* end victim breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 32
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 33 /* start give breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 34 Timer t, q;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 35 vector<float> b;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 36 /* end give breath */
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 37 vector<float> c;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 38 NeoStrip *strip;
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 39 MPL3115 barometer;
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 40 bool spike;
otis22894 1:d07f80ef7abc 41 float pressure_threshold;
otis22894 0:397523d4133e 42 };