Example of аnalog clock for K64F with 4.3" display, FT800 or FT801

Dependencies:   FT800-480x272

Example of аnalog clock for K64F with 4.3" display based FT800 or FT801


WIRING: FRDM-K64F Break Out Board ----------------------------------- +3.3V --- Pin 1 VDD, Pin 17 BLVDD GND --- Pin 2 GND D13 (PTD1) SCLK --- Pin 3 SPI SCLK D12 (PTD3) MISO --- Pin 4 MISO D11 (PTD2) MOSI --- PIN 5 MOSI D10 (PTD0) --- Pin 6 CS D9 (PTC4) --- Pin 7 INT D8 (PTC12) --- Pin 8 PD -----------------------------------


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 10 16:32:55 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+* Author: Nikolai Zimfer, 2020
+* Board FRDM-K64F                        - https://os.mbed.com/platforms/FRDM-K64F/
+* Display 4.3" 480 x 272 (RVT43ULFNWC03) - https://riverdi.com/product/rvt43ulfnwc0x/
+* Break Out Board 20                     - https://riverdi.com/product/break-out-board-20/
+* Cable FFC, 0.5mm pitch, 20 pin, 150 mm - https://riverdi.com/product/ffc0520150/
+* -----------------------------------
+* FRDM-K64F           Break Out Board
+* -----------------------------------
+* +3.3V           --- Pin 1 VDD, Pin 17 BLVDD
+* GND             --- Pin 2 GND      
+* D13 (PTD1) SCLK --- Pin 3 SPI SCLK 
+* D12 (PTD3) MISO --- Pin 4 MISO     
+* D11 (PTD2) MOSI --- PIN 5 MOSI     
+* D10 (PTD0)      --- Pin 6 CS       
+* D9  (PTC4)      --- Pin 7 INT      
+* D8  (PTC12)     --- Pin 8 PD       
+* -----------------------------------
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FT800.h"
+FT800 TFT( D11, D12, D13, D10, D9, D8);   // FRDM-K64F
+int16_t ox = 240, oy = 135; // center and size of clock
+int16_t i, x, y;
+uint16_t hurs, mins, secs;
+float rads;
+const float pi = 3.141592;
+char  textbuff[32];
+char  timebuff[32];
+int main()
+    TFT.Init();
+    set_time(1577869200);   // Set RTC time to 9:00:00, date to 01.01.2020
+    while(1)
+    {
+        time_t seconds = time(NULL);        
+        strftime(timebuff, 3,"%H", localtime(&seconds));
+        hurs = atoi(timebuff);
+        strftime(timebuff, 3,"%M", localtime(&seconds));
+        mins = atoi(timebuff);
+        strftime(timebuff, 3,"%S", localtime(&seconds));
+        secs = atoi(timebuff); 
+        TFT.DLstart(WHITE,100);     // Start Display List
+        // Draw the Minute ticks, angle difference is 6 degree
+        for (i = 0; i < 60; i++)
+        {        
+            rads = (pi * i*6) / 180;      // radians
+            x = (int16_t)(ox + (129 * cos(rads)));
+            y = (int16_t)(oy + (129 * sin(rads)));
+            TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 1);
+        }
+        TFT.drawPoint(ox, oy, WHITE, 124);
+        // Draw the 5 min ticks, 5*6=30 degree
+        for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+        {
+            rads = (pi * i*30) / 180;     // radians
+            x = (int16_t)(ox + (131 * cos(rads)));
+            y = (int16_t)(oy + (131 * sin(rads)));
+            TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 2);
+        }
+        TFT.drawPoint(ox, oy, WHITE, 121);
+        TFT.drawNumber(ox + 103, oy, 31, BLACK, OPT_CENTER, 3);
+        TFT.drawNumber(ox - 103, oy, 31, BLACK, OPT_CENTER, 9);
+        TFT.drawNumber(ox, oy + 100, 31, BLACK, OPT_CENTER, 6);
+        TFT.drawNumber(ox, oy - 100, 31, BLACK, OPT_CENTER, 12);
+        // Draw hour hand   // часовая стрелка
+        rads = (pi * (hurs*(-30) - mins*0.5)) / 180;
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (84 * sin(rads) * (-1)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (84 * cos(rads) * (-1)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 3);
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (20 * sin(rads)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (20 * cos(rads)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 3);
+        // Draw minute hand // минутная стрелка
+        rads = (pi * mins*(-6)) / 180;
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (114 * sin(rads) * (-1)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (115 * cos(rads) * (-1)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 3);
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (20 * sin(rads)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (20 * cos(rads)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, BLACK, 3);
+        // Draw second hand // секундная стрелка 
+        rads = (pi * secs*(-6)) / 180;
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (110 * sin(rads) * (-1)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (110 * cos(rads) * (-1)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, RED, 1);
+        x = (int16_t)(ox + (20 * sin(rads)));
+        y = (int16_t)(oy + (20 * cos(rads)));
+        TFT.drawLine(ox, oy, x, y, RED, 1);
+        TFT.drawPoint(ox, oy, BLACK, 6);
+        TFT.drawPoint(ox, oy, WHITE, 4);
+        // Draw Time & Date // Время и дата
+        strftime(timebuff, 32, "%X", localtime(&seconds));      // Time
+        TFT.drawText(240,170, 29, DARKBLUE, OPT_CENTERX, timebuff);
+        strftime(timebuff, 32, "%A", localtime(&seconds));      // Weekday
+        TFT.drawText(420,25, 27, BLACK, OPT_CENTERX, timebuff);
+        strftime(timebuff, 32, "%d.%m.%Y", localtime(&seconds));// Date
+        TFT.drawText(420,50, 27, BLACK, OPT_CENTERX, timebuff);
+        sprintf(textbuff, "Mbed OS %d.%d.%d.", MBED_MAJOR_VERSION, MBED_MINOR_VERSION, MBED_PATCH_VERSION);
+        TFT.drawText(10, 25, 27, BLACK, OPT_FLAT, textbuff);    // Mbed Version
+        TFT.DLend();
+        thread_sleep_for(1000);         // 1000 ms
+    }
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