mbed (LED blink) code on LPCXpresso-LPC1768 (-LPC1769)
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As Chris in mbed team mentioned here (http://mbed.org/users/chris/notebook/prototype-to-hardware/), the mbed code runs the LPC1768 bare metal.
To confirm this, we can try it in several ways. Do it like that web page explaining or LPC1768 boards from many vendors.
And now we have another option: LPCXpresso-LPC1768.
I've just tried to run a program LED blinking. Please find the summary below.
Code modification:
The LPCXpresso board has an LED which directly (through a resister) connected to the LPC1768 port but the hardware configuration is different from the mbed.
Now I'm going to use the mbed's simple LED blinking sample (the code which is provided when the new program generated) but it requires a modification, because I cannot use "LED1".
The LED on the LPCXpresso is tied to "P0[22]". It can be found in the schematic (http://ics.nxp.com/support/documents/microcontrollers/pdf/lpcxpresso.lpc1769.schematic.pdf), page 5.
So the initializer of "myled" should be changed from "LED1" to "P0_22".
#include "mbed.h" //DigitalOut myled(LED1); // original DigitalOut myled(P0_22); // modified int main() { while(1) { myled = 1; wait(0.2); myled = 0; wait(0.2); } }
After the compile, the binary file need to be stored somewhere.
Programing internal flash memory of the LPC1768:
To run the binary file (downloaded from compiler page) contents should be cpoied on the LPC1768 internal flash memory.
The LPCXpresso IDE can help this. Launch the IDE and find a button of chip icon.
After pressing this button, it will pop-up a dialog box to select a target chip type ... choose LPC1768.
Then the LPC-Link software will be launched automatically and it will ask which file should be programmed. The field of the base address may be OK to leave it blank. The "0" will be used if it is not available.
Choose the file you just stored. After the program completion, reset the LPCXpresso by US disconnect and connect.
You will find the LED (LED2) is blinking on the LPCXpresso.
#include "mbed.h" //DigitalOut myled(LED1); // original DigitalOut myled(P0_22); // modified int main() { while(1) { myled = 1; wait(0.2); myled = 0; wait(0.2); } }
ボタンを押すとチップ・タイプ選択のダイアログ・ボックスが現れます ... LPC1768を選択します.
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I tried this and it works!
I bought some LPCXpresso's because they are much cheaper than the mbed.
Unfortunately the IDE is horrible and after hours I could not get it to work the way I like to program.