demo sample to drive PCU9955 and PCA9629

Dependencies:   mbed I2C_slaves PCU9669 parallel_bus

Fork of mini_board_PCU9669 by InetrfaceProducts NXP

What is this?

This is a sample code to operate PCU9955 (16ch constant-current LED controller) and PCA9629 (intelligent stepper motor controller) through PCU9669 (3 channels (UltraFast mode * 2ch, FastModePlus *1ch) I2C bus controller).

This demo is written based on mini_board_PCU9669 sample code library and its API.

Demo will shows how the LED controllers and stepper motor controllers works.
It uses a mini_board_PCU9669 board with mbed, 8 of PCU9955s and 5 PCA9629s.

Demo setup
(left-top: PCU9955 boards, left-bottom: mini-board PCU9669 with mbed, right: PCA9629 x5 board)

Board connections and device addresses


User manual of PCU9669 demo board: Mini board PCU9669

sample code : mbed programs

Import programmini_board_PCU9669

mini board PCU9669 (and PCA9665) sample code

Import programPCA9955_Hello

PCA9955 16 channel current drive(sink) LED driver sample code

Import programPCA9955_simple

very simple sample code for PCA9955 (16 channel current control LED driver)

Import programPCA9629_Hello

Sample code for PCA9629 operation

device infomation

PCU9669 (Parallel bus to 1 channel Fm+ and 2 channel UFm I2C-bus controller)
PCU9955 (16-channel UFm I²C-bus 57 mA constant current LED driver)
PCA9955 (16-channel Fm+ I²C-bus 57 mA constant current LED driver)
PCU9629 (Fm+ I2C-bus stepper motor controller)

diff -r 000000000000 -r de9a15767563 main_PCU9669.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main_PCU9669.c	Thu Mar 15 04:07:07 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/** A sample code for "mini board PCU9669/PCA9665"
+ *
+ *  @author  Tedd OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.9
+ *  @date    14-Feb-2011
+ *
+ *  Released under the MIT License:
+ *
+ *  An operation sample of PCU9669/PCA9665 I2C bus controller.
+ *  The mbed accesses the bus controller's parallel port (8/2 bit address and 8 bit data) by bit-banging.
+ *  The bit-banging is poerformed by PortInOut function of mbed library.
+ *
+ *    To make the code porting easier, all codes are partitioned into layers to abstract other parts.
+ *    The mbed specific parts are concentrated in lowest layer: "hardware_abs.*".
+ *    This module may need to be modified for the porting.
+ *
+ *    All other upper layers are writen in standard-C.
+ *
+ *    base code is written from 05-Sep-2011 to 09-Sep-2011.
+ *    And demo code has been build on 11-Sep-2011.
+ *    Debug and code adjustment has been done on 08-Sep-2011.
+ *    Small sanitization for main.cpp. All mbed related codes are moved in to "hardware_abs.*". 13-Oct-2011
+ *    hardware_abs are moved into parallel_bus library folder, 3 LED driver operation sample 13-Feb.-2012
+ *    PCU9669 and PCA9665 codes are packed in a project 14-Feb-2012.
+ *
+ *    Before builidng the code, please edit the file mini_board_PCU9669/config.h
+ *    Uncomment the target name what you want to target.
+ */
+/** @note Application layer module of PCU9669
+ *
+ *  This code is made to explain basic PCU9669 operation.
+ *  And also, it demonstrates 3 channels of I2C operation with several slaves on those buses.
+ *
+ *  The ch0 is an Fm+ bus that has a PCA9955 as slave device
+ *  The ch1 and ch2 are UFm buses. Each bus has a PCU9955 as slave devices.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "transfer_manager.h"   //  abstracting the access of PCU9669 internal buffer
+#include "PCU9669_access.h"     //  PCU9669 chip access interface
+#include "hardware_abs.h"       //  to use install_ISR() and wait_sec() functions
+#include "PCx9955_reg.h"        //  slave specific definitions
+#include "PCA9629_reg.h"
+#include "utility.h"            //  
+//#include "mbed.h"   //  this header is required only when printf() is used.
+#if defined( CODE_FOR_PCU9669 ) || defined( CODE_FOR_PCA9663 )
+#ifdef  CODE_FOR_PCU9669
+#define     TARGET_CHIP_ID  PCU9669_ID
+#ifdef  CODE_FOR_PCA9663
+#define     TARGET_CHIP_ID  PCA9663_ID
+ *  register settings for PCx9955
+ */
+char  PCx9955_reg_data[] = {
+    0x80,                                       //  Strat register address with AutoIncrement bit
+    0x00, 0x05,                                 //  MODE1, MODE2
+    0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA,                     //  LEDOUT[3:0]
+    0x80, 0x00,                                 //  GRPPWM, GRPFREQ
+    PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  //  PWM[11:8]
+    PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  PWM_INIT,  //  PWM[15:12]
+    0x08                                        //  OFFSET: 1uS offsets
+char  PCx9629_reg_data[] = {  //  This sample data performs ramp-up/down with rotation=2 in 1 second
+    0x80,                                                 //  Strat register address with AutoIncrement bit
+    0x20, 0xE2, 0xE4, 0xE6, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x10,             //  for registers MODE - WDCNTL (0x00 - 0x06
+    0x00, 0x00,                                           //  for registers IP and INTSTAT (0x07, 0x08)
+    0x0F, 0x03, 0x0C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03, 0x01, //  for registers OP - INT_AUTO_CLR (0x09 - 0x11)
+    0x03, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x07, 0x1D, 0x07,       //  for registers SETMODE - CCWPWH (0x12 - 0x19)
+    0x2F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,       //  for registers CWSCOUNTL - CCWRCOUNTH (0x1A - 0x21)
+    0x08, 0x08,                                           //  for registers EXTRASTEPS0 and EXTRASTEPS1 (0x22, 0x23)
+    0x38, 0x00, 0x80                                      //  for registers RMPCNTL - MCNTL (0x24 - 0x26)
+char  PCx9955_reg_read_start_address    = 0x80;
+char  read_buffer[ 46 ];
+transaction     ufm_transactions[]   =   {
+    { PCx9955_ADDR0, PCx9955_reg_data, sizeof( PCx9955_reg_data ) }
+transaction     fm_plus_transactions[]   =   {
+    { PCx9955_ADDR0, PCx9955_reg_data, sizeof( PCx9955_reg_data ) },
+    { PCx9955_ADDR0, &PCx9955_reg_read_start_address, sizeof( PCx9955_reg_read_start_address ) },
+    { PCx9955_ADDR0 | 0x01, read_buffer, sizeof( read_buffer ) },
+    { 0x4A, PCx9629_reg_data, sizeof( PCx9629_reg_data ) }
+char    read_done   = 0;
+void interrupt_handler( void );
+int main() {
+    char    clear[ 16 ] = { 0 };
+    int     count       = 0;
+    int     i;
+    int     j;
+//    printf( "\r\nPCU9669 simple demo program on mbed\r\n  build : %s (UTC), %s \r\n\r\n", __TIME__, __DATE__ );
+    hardware_initialize();          //  initializing bit-banging parallel port
+    reset();                        //  assert hardware /RESET sgnal
+    if ( start_bus_controller( TARGET_CHIP_ID ) )   //  wait the bus controller ready and check chip ID
+        return 1;
+    write_ch_register( CH_FM_PLUS, INTMSK, 0x30 );  //  set bus controller to ignore NAK return from Fm+ slaves
+    install_ISR( &interrupt_handler );              //  interrupt service routine install
+    setup_transfer( CH_FM_PLUS, fm_plus_transactions, sizeof( fm_plus_transactions ) / sizeof( transaction ) );
+    setup_transfer( CH_UFM1, ufm_transactions, sizeof( ufm_transactions ) / sizeof( transaction ) );
+    setup_transfer( CH_UFM2, ufm_transactions, sizeof( ufm_transactions ) / sizeof( transaction ) );
+    while ( 1 ) {
+        for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
+            for ( j = 0; j < 256; j += 4 ) {
+                buffer_overwrite( CH_FM_PLUS, 0, 9 + i, (char *)&j, 1 );
+                buffer_overwrite( CH_UFM1,    0, 9 + i, (char *)&j, 1 );
+                buffer_overwrite( CH_UFM2,    0, 9 + i, (char *)&j, 1 );
+                read_done   = 0;
+                set_n_of_transaction( CH_FM_PLUS, (sizeof( fm_plus_transactions ) / sizeof( transaction )) - ((count % 256) ? 1 : 0) );
+                start( CH_FM_PLUS );
+                start( CH_UFM1 );
+                start( CH_UFM2 );
+#if 0
+                if ( read_done ) {
+                    buffer_read( CH_FM_PLUS, 2, 0, read_buffer, sizeof( read_buffer ) );
+                    dump_read_data( read_buffer, sizeof( read_buffer ) );
+                    read_done   = 0;
+                }
+                wait_sec( 0.01 );
+                count++;
+            }
+        }
+        buffer_overwrite( CH_FM_PLUS, 0, 9, clear, 16 );
+        buffer_overwrite( CH_UFM1,    0, 9, clear, 16 );
+        buffer_overwrite( CH_UFM2,    0, 9, clear, 16 );
+    }
+void interrupt_handler( void ) {
+    char    global_status;
+    char    channel_status;
+    global_status  = read_data( CTRLSTATUS );
+    if ( global_status & 0x01 ) {  //  ch0
+        channel_status  = read_ch_register( 0, CHSTATUS );
+        if ( channel_status & 0x80 )
+            read_done   = 1;
+    }
+    if ( global_status & 0x02 ) {
+        channel_status  = read_ch_register( 1, CHSTATUS );
+    }
+    if ( global_status & 0x04 ) {
+        channel_status  = read_ch_register( 2, CHSTATUS );
+    }
+//    printf( "ISR channel_status 0x%02X\r\n", channel_status );
+#endif  //  CODE_FOR_PCU9669