
Dependents of PCA995xA

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Hello world code for PCA9956A class library. The PCA9956A is a 24-channel Fm+ I2C-bus 57mA/20V constant current LED driver. This program shows its basic operation of PWM and current settings. led, LED controller, led driver, PCA9956A, PCA995xA, pwm
PCA9956B (24ch LED controller). Simple 2 demoboards operation. constant current LED driver, led, led driver, PCA9956A, PCA9956B
update to suppress warning of "last line of file ends without a newline"
Sample code to demonstrate PCA9955A's gradation control led, LED controller, led driver, PCA9955A, PCA995xA, pwm
Hello world code for PCA9955A class library. The PCA9955A is a 16-channel Fm+ I2C-bus 57mA/20V constant current LED driver. This program shows its basic operation of PWM and current settings. led, LED controller, led driver, PCA9955A, PCA995xA