This is a very simple sample code for the PCA9622_LED8x8 library. arget hardware : "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science

Dependencies:   PCA9622_LED8x8 mbed

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What is this?

Demo sample code for PCA9622_LED8x8 library.

The PCA9622_LED8x8 is a driver for "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science". This code will show the wave of the brightness on 8x8 LED array.

Import libraryPCA9622_LED8x8

Library for "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science

This animation is made by mbed internal calculation.


How to use

Just import this program and run on mbed.
Before compiling, set the PinName for your mbed.

PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( p28, p27 );     //  for 40pin type mbed
//PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( D14, D15 );   //  for Arduino type mbed
//PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( dp5, dp27 );  //  for mbed LPC1114

This code was tested on mbed LPC1768, mbed LPC11U24, mbed LPC1114FN28, TG-LPC11U35-501, mbed LPC1549, LPCXpresso824-MAX.


For more information, please find library page and Components page

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