modified locally to use with HRM1017

Dependents:   BLE_HTM_HRM1017

Fork of nRF51822 by Nordic Semiconductor

Thu Dec 04 12:50:37 2014 +0000
modified locally to use with HRM1017

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 1 /* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 2 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 3 * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 4 * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 6 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 7 * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 8 * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 9 * the file.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 10 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 11 */
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 12
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 13 #include "bootloader_util.h"
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 14 #include <stdint.h>
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 15
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 16
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 17 /**
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 18 * @brief Function for aborting current handler mode and jump to to other application/bootloader.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 19 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 20 * @details This functions will use the address provide (reset handler) to be executed after
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 21 * handler mode is exited. It creates an initial stack to ensure correct reset behavior
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 22 * when the reset handler is executed.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 23 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 24 * @param[in] reset_handler Address of the reset handler to be executed when handler mode exits.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 25 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 26 * @note This function must never be called directly from 'C' but is intended only to be used from
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 27 * \ref bootloader_util_reset. This function will never return but issue a reset into
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 28 * provided address.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 29 */
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 30 __asm void isr_abort(uint32_t reset_handler)
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 31 {
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 32 xPSR_RESET EQU 0x21000000 ; Default value of xPSR after System Reset.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 33 EXC_RETURN_CMD EQU 0xFFFFFFF9 ; EXC_RETURN for ARM Cortex. When loaded to PC the current interrupt service routine (handler mode) willl exit and the stack will be popped. Execution will continue in thread mode.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 34
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 35 LDR R4,=MASK_ONES ; Fill with ones before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R12 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up the registers).
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 36 LDR R5,=MASK_ONES ; Fill with ones before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as LR when exiting ISR. Ensures no return to application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 37 MOV R6, R0 ; Move address of reset handler to R6. Will be popped as PC when exiting ISR. Ensures the reset handler will be executed when exist ISR.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 38 LDR R7,=xPSR_RESET ; Move reset value of xPSR to R7. Will be popped as xPSR when exiting ISR.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 39 PUSH {r4-r7} ; Push everything to new stack to allow interrupt handler to fetch it on exiting the ISR.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 40
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 41 LDR R4,=MASK_ZEROS ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R0 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 42 LDR R5,=MASK_ZEROS ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R1 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 43 LDR R6,=MASK_ZEROS ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R2 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 44 LDR R7,=MASK_ZEROS ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R3 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 45 PUSH {r4-r7} ; Push zeros (R4-R7) to stack to prepare for exiting the interrupt routine.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 46
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 47 LDR R0,=EXC_RETURN_CMD ; Load the execution return command into register.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 48 BX R0 ; No return - Handler mode will be exited. Stack will be popped and execution will continue in reset handler initializing other application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 49 ALIGN
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 50 }
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 51
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 52
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 53 /**
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 54 * @brief Function for aborting current application/bootloader jump to to other app/bootloader.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 55 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 56 * @details This functions will use the address provide to swap the stack pointer and then load
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 57 * the address of the reset handler to be executed. It will check current system mode
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 58 * (thread/handler) and if in thread mode it will reset into other application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 59 * If in handler mode \ref isr_abort will be executed to ensure correct exit of handler
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 60 * mode and jump into reset handler of other application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 61 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 62 * @param[in] start_addr Start address of other application. This address must point to the
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 63 initial stack pointer of the application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 64 *
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 65 * @note This function will never return but issue a reset into provided application.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 66 */
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 67 __asm static void bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 68 {
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 69 MASK_ONES EQU 0xFFFFFFFF ; Ones, to be loaded into register as default value before reset.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 70 MASK_ZEROS EQU 0x00000000 ; Zeros, to be loaded into register as default value before reset.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 71
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 72 LDR R1, [R0] ; Get App initial MSP for bootloader.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 73 MSR MSP, R1 ; Set the main stack pointer to the applications MSP.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 74 LDR R0,[R0, #0x04] ; Load Reset handler into register 0.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 75
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 76 LDR R2, =MASK_ZEROS ; Load zeros to R2
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 77 MRS R3, IPSR ; Load IPSR to R3 to check for handler or thread mode
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 78 CMP R2, R3 ; Compare, if 0 then we are in thread mode and can continue to reset handler of bootloader
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 79 BNE isr_abort ; If not zero we need to exit current ISR and jump to reset handler of bootloader
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 80
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 81 LDR R4, =MASK_ONES ; Load ones to R4 to be placed in Link Register.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 82 MOV LR, R4 ; Clear the link register and set to ones to ensure no return.
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 83 BX R0 ; Branch to reset handler of bootloader
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 84 ALIGN
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 85 }
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 86
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 87
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 88 void bootloader_util_app_start(uint32_t start_addr)
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 89 {
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 90 bootloader_util_reset(start_addr);
Rohit Grover 66:b3680699d9a4 91 }