
Dependents of Adafruit_GFX

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

obstacle avoidance with sensors and servo installed
Demo Adafruit 2.8" TFT Touch Shield for Arduino w/Capacitive Touch
Simple program to enable me to write to a 128x64 OLED display over BLE BLE, OLED, UART
- code cleaned up in many points for a better readability - removed SPIPreinit and I2CPreinit classes - moved various method implementations from .h files to the corresponding .cpp ones … K64F, KL25z, SSD1306
Bus alarm system with WIZwiki-W7500 for WIZnet Academy api, client, ethernet, Open, WIZwiki-W7500
Test code attempting to drive a Ebay SSD1306 128X65 LCD from STM F303K8. The chip responds my I2C address scanner but the LCD never turns on or displays anything.
Starter firmware project for the Imperial College EEE SWITCH lab
Working Version Of OLED
K64F Powered ssd1306 128*64 spi OLED K64F, OLED, SSD1306
Arduboy lib for NRF and mbed
weather forecast WIZwiki-W7500 for academy client, DHCP., weather, WIZwiki-W7500
Seeed Studio's 0.96" OLED module
http client example for wiznet's mbed academy
Alphabot2-AR line tracking Handong
Final Project로 실제 점검에 사용된 코드
나중에 급하게 PID 알고리즘을 적용해 짜본 코드... 시간이 충분치 않아서 그냥 원래 있던 코드를 수정해서 하기로 했기에 버려진 코드지만, 교수님께 참고용으로 Publish를 했다.
SCH MME sensor test
Touchscreen digit recognition
Touchscreen digit recognition.
SCH MME NIBP ref. code
multiplayer pong game for LPC 1768
Filip Babic 2020/0511