
Dependents of m3pi_ng

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Nikolas Goldin original creater of this. Added some of my own notes and also a few additional commands
A short test program for all things m3pi and BtBee. btbee, m3pi, xbee
The robot's name is Geoffry in this program. This program tests the "slowstop" function Geoffry, slowdown
Insert this into Randi's program!
This was made by Niko for bluetooth communication
Basic IR sensor code
Publish 1 Thursday
Initial Test files for project
Music works yo
Pop lock n drop it
ThursWork + Infared + TurnAround
Riding dirty
Intersection not working, corners are working
Left and right turning needs to be worked out
AKUL check if this has the correct right and left turning, if not replace it Code with lots of comments
Hail to the victors music
A shoddy attempt at solving the gradient. It doesn't work, but maybe the logic could inspire you to write something useful
Basic outline
It works. But I didn't do it the way they said to. #yolo
Turns to the left 180 degrees
Explanation of Variables
Program to configure the btbee chip on an m3pi over AT commands. Note that the AT hardware switch must be in the AT position for this to work. m3pi;3pi;robot;bluetooth;btbee
"Hail to the Victors"
Hello world program that just gets the m3pi moving m3pi, pololu
Summerschool m3pi MRT