Dependents:   MP3_player_on_Orange

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/VS1002.cpp	Wed Mar 14 14:08:32 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+#include "VS1002.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+/* ==================================================================
+ * Constructor
+ * =================================================================*/
+PinName mmosi, PinName mmiso, PinName ssck, PinName ccs, const char *name,
+         PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs, PinName rst,
+         PinName dreq, PinName dcs, PinName vol)
+    :
+     _sd(mmosi, mmiso, ssck, ccs, name),
+     _spi(mosi, miso, sck), 
+     _CS(cs), 
+     _RST(rst), 
+     _DREQ(dreq),
+     _DCS(dcs), 
+     _VOL(vol) {
+    }    
+ * Functions
+ *==================================================================*/
+void VS1002::cs_low(void)
+    _CS = 0;                                
+void VS1002::cs_high(void)
+    _CS = 1;                                
+void VS1002::dcs_low(void)
+    _DCS = 0;
+void VS1002::dcs_high(void)
+    _DCS = 1;
+void VS1002::sci_en(void)                    //SCI enable
+    cs_high();
+    dcs_high();
+    cs_low();
+void VS1002::sci_dis(void)                    //SCI disable
+    cs_high();
+void VS1002::sdi_en(void)                    //SDI enable
+    dcs_high();
+    cs_high();
+    dcs_low();
+void VS1002::sdi_dis(void)                    //SDI disable
+    dcs_high();
+void VS1002::reset(void)                    //hardware reset
+    wait(0.01);
+    _RST = 0;
+    wait(0.01);
+    _RST = 1;
+    wait(0.10);
+void VS1002::power_down(void)                //hardware and software reset
+    cs_low();
+    reset();
+    sci_write(0x00, SM_PDOWN);
+    wait(0.01);
+    reset();
+void VS1002::sci_initialise(void)
+    _RST = 1;                                //no reset
+    _spi.format(8,0);                        //spi 8bit interface, steady state low
+    _spi.frequency(1000000);                //rising edge data record, freq. 1Mhz
+    cs_low();
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
+    {
+    _spi.write(0xFF);                        //clock the chip a bit
+    }
+    cs_high();
+    dcs_high();
+    wait_us(5);
+void VS1002::sdi_initialise(void)
+    _spi.format(8,0);
+    _spi.frequency(7000000);                //set to 7MHz
+    cs_high();
+    dcs_high();
+void VS1002::sci_write(unsigned char address, unsigned short int data)
+    sci_en();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
+    while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
+    _spi.write(0x02);                        //SCI write
+    _spi.write(address);                    //register address
+    _spi.write((data >> 8) & 0xFF);            //write out first half of data word
+    _spi.write(data & 0xFF);                //write out second half of data word
+    sci_dis();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
+    wait_us(5);
+void VS1002::sdi_write(unsigned char datum)
+    sdi_en();
+    while(!_DREQ);
+    _spi.write(datum);
+    sci_dis();
+unsigned short int VS1002::read(unsigned short int address)
+    cs_low();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
+    while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
+    _spi.write(0x03);                        //SCI write
+    _spi.write(address);                    //register address
+    unsigned short int received = _spi.write(0x00);    //write out dummy byte
+    received <<= 8;
+    received += _spi.write(0x00);            //write out dummy byte
+    cs_high();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
+    return received;                        //return received word
+void VS1002::sine_test_activate(unsigned char wave)
+    cs_high();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
+    while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
+    _spi.write(0x53);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0xEF);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x6E);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(wave);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    cs_low();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
+void VS1002::sine_test_deactivate(void)
+    cs_high();
+    while(!_DREQ);
+    _spi.write(0x45);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x78);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x69);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x74);                        //SDI write
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+    _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
+void VS1002::volume(void)
+ #ifdef FIXED_VOL
+    unsigned char volumize = (0 * 255); // FIXED VOL (not support volume input)
+ #else
+    unsigned char volumize = (_VOL * 255);
+ #endif
+    while(!_DREQ);
+    unsigned short int attenuation = ((256 * volumize) + volumize);
+    sci_write(0x0B, attenuation);
+void VS1002::play_song(int song_number)
+    /*====== Song Select ======*/
+//    char list[10000] = {0};
+    char list[1000] = {0};
+    char str[16] = {"/sd/"};
+    unsigned int startplace = 0;
+    unsigned int endplace = 0;
+    unsigned int play = 0;
+    num_of_files = 0;
+    DIR *d;
+    struct dirent *p;
+    d = opendir("/sd");
+    if(d != NULL) 
+           {
+               while((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) 
+           {
+               strcat(list, "*");
+               strcat(list, p->d_name);
+               num_of_files++;
+           }
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+         perror("Could not open directory!");
+    }
+    strcat(list, "*");                                //terminating *
+    if(num_of_files < song_number)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    while(play != song_number)
+    {
+        char symbol = list[startplace];
+        startplace++;
+        if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
+        {
+            play++;
+        }                        
+    }
+    play = 0;
+    while(play != (song_number+1))
+    {
+        char symbol = list[endplace];
+        endplace++;    
+        if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
+        {
+            play++;
+        }
+    }
+    strncat(str, &list[startplace], endplace-startplace);
+    str[(endplace-startplace)+3] = '\0';
+//printf("list: %s\r\n",list); //debug      
+    /*====== File Transfer ======*/
+     // return if not MP3 file
+    if (!((strstr(str,"MP3")!=NULL)||(strstr(str,"mp3")!=NULL))) return;
+    // display filename.mp3
+    printf("Now Playing: %s\r\n",str);
+    FILE *song;
+    unsigned char array[512];
+    song = fopen(str, "rb");
+    if(!song) 
+    {
+        exit(1);
+    }
+       while(!feof(song))
+    {
+           fread(&array, 1, 512, song);
+           for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
+           {
+#ifndef FS_ONLY
+            sdi_write(array[i]);
+        //    printf(".");
+           }
+#ifndef FS_ONLY
+            volume();
+       }
+    for(int n=0; n<2048; n++)
+       {
+#ifndef FS_ONLY
+           sdi_write(0x00);
+       }
+    fclose(song);                                //close the file