A library used for controlling a quadcopter. It provides an easy to use interface, which allows to mount, calibrate and run motors. It is also able to calibrate the actual speed according to calculated PID roll & pitch difference. I used the original Servo library as ESC modules use the same PWM signal as Servo motors.

Dependents:   QuadcopterProgram



File content as of revision 3:84d246dccb8d:

#include "Quadcopter.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "Servo.h" 

Quadcopter::Quadcopter(PinName FL, PinName FR, PinName BL, PinName BR){ //we have 4 motors to control
    motor[0] = new Servo (FL);  //motors are of class Servo as ESC are used in the similar manner
    motor[1] = new Servo (FR);  
    motor[2] = new Servo (BL);
    motor[3] = new Servo (BR);
//------------------------------Function for ESC calibration---------------------
void Quadcopter::calibrate (float min, float max){
    if (min > max){             //here detect if someone tried making min to be more than max. If that is the case, then flip them together
        min_calibrate = max;
        max_calibrate = min;   
    } else {   
        min_calibrate = min;
        max_calibrate = max;
    if ((min > 1.0) || (min < 0.0)) //here chech if values are in correct range. If they are not, make them to be in correct range
        min_calibrate = 0.0;
    if ((max > 1.0) || (max < 0.0))
        max_calibrate = 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){    //run motors for some time in min speed
        *motor[i] = max_calibrate;
    wait(6.0);                      //wait for the response from ESC modules
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        *motor[i] = min_calibrate;  //run motors at maximum speed
    wait(2.0);      //again wait for response
//-------------------------------------Function for Stabilising---------------
void Quadcopter::stabilise (float* speed, float* actSpeed, float rollDiff, float pitchDiff){
    actSpeed[0] = speed[0] + (rollDiff / 2) + (pitchDiff / 2);  //each motor has actual Speed and speed at which we want them to fly...
    actSpeed[1] = speed[1] - (rollDiff / 2) + (pitchDiff / 2);  //actual Speed is calculated as follows +- half rollDiff +- half pitchDiff
    actSpeed[2] = speed[2] + (rollDiff / 2) - (pitchDiff / 2);
    actSpeed[3] = speed[3] - (rollDiff / 2) - (pitchDiff / 2);
//-----------------------Function for producing thrust in Z direction --------
void Quadcopter::run (float* speed){
    //simply map values in the correct range and run PWM signals for each motor
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        *motor[i] = this->map(speed[i], 0.0, 1.0, min_calibrate, max_calibrate);
//-----------------------------Mapping function-----------------------------
float Quadcopter::map(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max){   //simply maps values in the given range
    return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;