This project serves as a template for work with the Freescale FRDM-KL46 board. Support will be added to all on-board peripherals, sensors and I/O.

Dependencies:   FRDM_MMA8451Q MAG3110 TSI mbed

Project Information:


This project has been created to serve as a template for those who wish to use the Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL46Z board. Existing drivers within mbed have been brought together and board specific configurations for certain inputs and outputs have included.



Hardware Information:

FRDM-KL46Z Information

Freescale Kinetis L-Series Microcontroller Information

Freescale Sensor Information





File content as of revision 8:b61a953b6128:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TSISensor.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "MAG3110.h"

// This project has been created to bring together the libraries required to support
// the hardware and sensors found on the Freescale FRDM-KL46Z board.  The following
// libraries are included and exercised in this project:
//  mbed (source: official mbed library)
//      Serial:
//          Serial console routed through the mbed interface
//              PTA2 / UART0_TX = TX Signal - also on Arduino pin D1
//              PTA1 / UART0_RX = RX Signal - also on Arduino pin D0
//      DigitalOut:
//          GPIO to drive onboard LEDs
//              PTD5 / GPIO = LED1 - drive low to turn on LED - also on Arduino pin D13
//              PTE29 / GPIO = LED2 - drive low to turn on LED
//      DigitalIn:
//          GPIO to monitor the two onboard push buttons
//              PTC3 / GPIO = SW1 - low input = button pressed
//              PTC12 / GPIO = SW3 - low input = button pressed
//      AnalogIn:
//          ADC channel to monitor ambient light sensor
//              PTE22 / ADC = Light Sensor - higher value = darker
//  TSI (source: )
//      Capacitive Touch library to support the onboard Touch-Slider
//  FRDM_MMA8451Q (source: )
//      Freescale MMA8451 Accelerometer connected on I2C0
//          PTE24 / I2C0_SCL = I2C bus for communication (shared with MAG3110)
//          PTE25 / I2C0_SDA =  I2C bus for communication (shared with MAG3110)
//          PTC5 / INT1_ACCEL = INT1 output of MMA8451Q
//          PTD1 / INT2_ACCEL = INT2 output of MMA8451Q (shared with MAG3110)
//  MAG3110 (source:
//            (based on:
//      Freescale MAG3110 Magnetomoter connected on I2C0
//          PTE24 / I2C0_SCL = I2C bus for communication (shared with MMA8451)
//          PTE25 / I2C0_SDA =  I2C bus for communication (shared with MMA8451)
//          PTD1 / INT1_MAG / INT2_ACCEL = INT1 output of MAG3110 (shared with MMA8451)

// Include support for USB Serial console
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

// Include support for on-board green and red LEDs
#define LED_ON  0
#define LED_OFF 1
DigitalOut greenLED(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut redLED(LED_RED);

// Include support for onboard pushbuttons (value = 0 when pressed)
DigitalIn  sw1(PTC3);
DigitalIn  sw3(PTC12);

// Include support for onboard Capacitive Touch Slider
TSISensor slider;

// Include support for analog inputs
AnalogIn  lightSense(PTE22);

// Include support for MMA8451Q Acceleromoter
#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);

// Include support for MAG3110 Magnetometer
MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24);

// Include a 1 second ticker as a heartbeat
Ticker heartBeat;

// Structure to hold FRDM-KL46Z sensor and input data
struct KL46_SENSOR_DATA {
    int     sw1State;
    int     sw3State;
    float   sliderPosition;
    float   lightSensor;
    int     magXVal;
    int     magYVal;
    float   magHeading;
    float   accXVal;
    float   accYVal;
    float   accZVal;
} sensorData;

// Prototype for routine to send all sensor data to serial port
void serialSendSensorData(void);    

// Prototype for LED flash routine
void ledFlashTick(void);

// main application
int main()
    // Ensure LEDs are off
    greenLED = LED_OFF;
    redLED = LED_OFF;
    // Set up heartBeat Ticker to flash an LED
    heartBeat.attach(&ledFlashTick, 1.0); 

    // Set Serial Port data rate and say Hello
    pc.baud( 115200 );
    pc.printf("Hello World\r\n");

    // Turn on pull up resistors on pushbutton inputs

    // Calibrate Magnetometer
    printf("Press and release SW1, rotate the board 360 degrees.\r\n");
    printf("Then press and release SW1 to complete the calibration process.\r\n");

    mag.calXY(PTC3, 0);

    printf("Calibration complete.\r\n");

    // Loop forever - read and update sensor data and print to console.    
        sensorData.sw1State = sw1;
        sensorData.sw3State = sw3;
        sensorData.sliderPosition = slider.readPercentage() * 100;
        sensorData.lightSensor = lightSense;
        sensorData.accXVal = acc.getAccX();
        sensorData.accYVal = acc.getAccY();
        sensorData.accZVal = acc.getAccZ();

        sensorData.magXVal = mag.readVal(MAG_OUT_X_MSB);
        sensorData.magYVal = mag.readVal(MAG_OUT_Y_MSB);
        sensorData.magHeading = mag.getHeading();
        // Blink red LED (loop running)
        redLED = LED_ON;
        redLED = LED_OFF;


void serialSendSensorData(void)
    printf("Switches:\r\n  SW1 = %d\r\n  SW3 = %d\r\n\r\n", sensorData.sw1State, sensorData.sw3State);
    printf("Slider:\r\n %2.0f %% \r\n\r\n", sensorData.sliderPosition);
    printf("Light Sensor:\r\n  %1.3f \r\n\r\n", sensorData.lightSensor);
    printf("Accelerometer:\r\n  X = %1.3f\r\n  Y = %1.3f\r\n  Z = %1.3f\r\n\r\n", sensorData.accXVal, sensorData.accYVal, sensorData.accZVal);
    printf("Magnetometer:\r\n  X = %d\r\n  Y = %d\r\n  Heading = %.2f  \r\n\r\n", sensorData.magXVal, sensorData.magYVal, sensorData.magHeading);

void ledFlashTick(void)
    greenLED = !greenLED;