ADE120x Library Files



File content as of revision 1:2eb9d6296ec3:

 * @file       ADE120x.h
 * @brief      ADE120x library. This file contains all ADE120x library functions. 
 * @version    V0.0.1
 * @author     ADI
 * @date       May 2019
 * @par Revision History:
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
 * By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
 * Analog Devices Software License Agreement.
#ifndef _ADE120x_h_
#define _ADE120x_h_

#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"
#include <stdint.h>

#include "mbed.h"

/** @addtogroup ADE120x_Library
  * @{
      typedef struct threshold{
    float BIN_HighThresh;
    float BIN_LowThresh;
    float WARNA_HighThresh;
    float WARNA_LowThresh;
    float WARNB_HighThresh;
    float WARNB_LowThresh;
    float WARNC_HighThresh;
    float WARNC_LowThresh;
    uint8_t BIN_Mode;
    uint8_t WARNA_Mode;
    uint8_t WARNB_Mode;
    uint8_t WARNC_Mode;
    uint8_t ADCPga;
    float VGain;
typedef struct{
    uint8_t enable;         /** Enable PL */
    uint8_t mode;               /** Configure mode, HIGH_IDLE, LOW_IDLE */
    float HighCurrent;  /** High current in mA */
    float LowCurrent;       /** Low current in mA */
    float HighTime;         /** Duration of current pulse in us */
    float VoltThresh;       /** VOltage threshold to trigger programmable load */
    uint8_t ADCPga;         /** ADC PGA setting */
    float VGain;                /** Voltage gain set by external resister divider */

typedef struct{
    uint8_t enable;                 /** Enable energy meter function */
    float FET_Energy;               /** SOA energy of exernal FET used */
    float PulseMagnitude;       /** AMplitude of current pulse in mA */
    float PulseTime;                /** Length of current pulse in ms */
    float WorkingVoltage;       /** Working voltage of system in V*/
    uint32_t AvgADCCode;        /** Average ADC code */
    float SampleRate;               /** Sample rate, 20us for ADE1202, 10us foe ADE1201 */  
    uint8_t Cooldown_TimeStep;
    uint8_t Cooldown_Decr;
    uint8_t Cooldown_Sec;
    uint8_t Ov_Scale;
    uint8_t ADCPga;                                 /** ADC PGA setting */
    float VGain;                                        /** Voltage gain set by external resister divider */

typedef struct{
    uint16_t reg_addr;
    uint32_t reg_data;

/******* REGISTER DEFINITION ***********/

#define REG_LOCK            0x000
#define REG_CTRL            0x001
#define REG_BIN_CTRL        0x002
#define REG_BIN_THR         0x003
#define REG_WARNA_THR       0x004
#define REG_WARNB_THR       0x005
#define REG_WARNC_THR       0x006
#define REG_BIN_FILTER      0x007
#define REG_WARNA_FILTER    0x008
#define REG_WARNB_FILTER    0x009
#define REG_WARNC_FILTER    0x00A
#define REG_MASK            0x00B
#define REG_INT_STATUS      0x00C
#define REG_STATUS          0x00D
#define REG_ADC             0x00E
#define REG_ADCDEC          0x00F
#define REG_PL_CTRL         0x010
#define REG_PL_RISE_THR     0x011
#define REG_PL_LOW_CODE     0x012
#define REG_PL_HIGH_CODE    0x013
#define REG_PL_HIGH_TIME    0x014
#define REG_EGY_MTR_CTRL    0x015
#define REG_EGY_MTR_THR     0x016
#define REG_EGY_MTR1        0x017
#define REG_PL_EN           0x200
#define REG_PGA_GAIN        0x201


/******** BIT DEFINITION **************/
/**         Config_LOCK **/
#define Dev_Unlock          0xADE0
#define Dev_Lock            0xADE1

/**         CTRL **/
#define DEV_ADE1201                 0x0
#define DEV_ADE1202                 0x1000
#define SW_RST                          0x10
#define ADDR_RELOAD                 0x8
#define ADE1202_IRQ                 0x4
#define CRC_EN                          0x1

/**         ADC **/
#define ADC_RAW                         0
#define ADC_DECIMATOR               1

#define LOW_IDLE                0
#define HIGH_IDLE                 1

#define OV_SCALE_1          0
#define OV_SCALE_4          1
#define OV_SCALE_8          2  
#define OV_SCALE_16         3

/******** DEFAULT CONFIG **************/
#define BIN_FILTER_VAL      0x8003

typedef enum
  COOLDOWN_TS_10us = 0,
  COOLDOWN_TS_20us = 1,
  COOLDOWN_TS_40us = 2,
  COOLDOWN_TS_80us = 3

#define CH1_Enable              1
#define CH2_Enable              2
#define CH1_CH2_Enable      3
#define CH1_Disable             0
#define CH2_disable             0
#define CH1_CH2_Disable     0

#define PL_CH2_ENABLE           1<<15
#define PL_CH1_ENABLE           1<<14
#define PL_CH2_DISABLE          0<<15
#define PL_CH1_DISABLE          0<<14

 * @defgroup ADCPGA_Const
 * @brief ADC PGA Selection
 * @{
#define ADCPGA_1            1
#define ADCPGA_2            3
#define ADCPGA_5            7
#define ADCPGA_10           0xF

#define DEV_UNLOCK                  0xADE0
#define DEV_LOCK                        0xADE1
 * @defgroup AFEINTC_SRC_Const
 * @brief Interrupt source selection. These sources are defined as bit mask. They are available for register INT_STATUS and STATUS
 * @{
 * */
 #define INTSRC_DOUT1       0x0001      /**<  Bit0, DOUT1 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNA1      0x0002      /**<  Bit1, Warning A from channel 1 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNB1      0x0004      /**<  Bit2, Warning B from channel 1 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNC1      0x0008      /**<  Bit3, Warning C from channel 1 */
 #define INTSRC_DOUT2       0x0010      /**<  Bit4, DOUT2 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNA2      0x0020      /**<  Bit5, Warning A from channel 2 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNB2      0x0040      /**<  Bit6, Warning B from channel 2 */
 #define INTSRC_WARNC2      0x0080      /**<  Bit7, Warning C from channel 2 */
 #define INTSRC_MEMFLT      0x0100      /**<  Bit8, Memory fault. After a memory fault is detected the user could reconfigure the device. */
 #define INTSRC_COMFLT      0x0200      /**<  Bit9, Communication fault */
 #define INTSRC_TSD         0x0400      /**<  Bit10, Thermal shutdown detected */
 #define INTSRC_COOLDOWN1   0x0800      /**<  Bit12, Channel 1 is in Cooldown mode */
 #define INTSRC_COOLDOWN2   0x1000      /**<  Bit13, Channel 2 is in Cooldown mode */
 #define INTSRC_BUSY        0x2000      /**<  Bit13, During busy assertion, internal communication is in progress. Once busy is deasserted, an irq can be triggered which indicates normal operation has resumed */
 #define INTSRC_RSTDONE     0x4000      /**<  Bit14, Indicates that the device has reset and is ready to be programmed or begin default normal operation */
 #define INTSRC_ALL                 0x7FFF          /**< All bits. Used to clear all interrupt sources */

 * @defgroup WARNx Mode Const
 * @brief Comparator modes
 * @details COnfigure mode for WARNx comparator modes
 * @{
#define Mode_Hysteretic         0
#define Mode_Inbetween          1
#define Mode_Greater            2
#define Mode_LessEqual          3

 * Method to identify ADE120x
 * [15:14][13:12][11:9] [8:5]
 * [ RES ][MODEL][Addr][RevIf]
#define ADE120x_Model(data)         ((((uint32_t)data)>>12)&0x3)   /**< Return model. 0: ADE1201, 1:ADE1202 */
#define ADE120x_ChipAddr(data)      ((((uint32_t)data)>>9)&0x7)  /**< Return ECC of this FIFO result */
#define ADE120x_RevId(data)         ((((uint32_t)data)>>5)&0xf)  /**< Return Channel ID */

class ADE120x{

    ADE120x(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs);
    void WriteReg(uint8_t addr, uint32_t reg_addr, uint32_t data);
    uint32_t ReadReg(uint8_t addr, uint32_t reg_addr);
    uint8_t     Reset(uint8_t addr);
    uint16_t    GetDevID(uint8_t addr);
    void        UnLock(uint8_t addr);
    void        Lock(uint8_t addr);
    uint8_t     DefaultConfig(uint8_t addr);
    void        ClearIntStatus(uint8_t addr, uint16_t IntSrcSel);
    uint16_t    GetIntStatus(uint8_t addr);
    void        SetInt(uint8_t addr, uint16_t IntSrcSel);
    void        SetBinaryThresh(uint8_t addr, uint16_t thresh);
    uint8_t     CalculateThreshCode(float V_Thresh, uint8_t ADCPga, float V_Gain);
    uint8_t     ThresholdCfg(uint8_t addr, THRESHCfg_Type *pCfg);
    uint8_t     ProgrammableLoadCfg(uint8_t addr, PLOADCfg_Type *pCfg);
    uint8_t     EnergyMtrCfg(uint8_t addr, EnergyMtrCfg_Type *pCfg);
    void        SetPgaGain(uint8_t addr, uint16_t gain);
    uint8_t     ReadADC(uint8_t addr, int8_t src);
    float       ADCCode2Volt(uint32_t ADCCode, uint8_t ADCPga, float VOLTAGE_Gain);
    void        GetRegisterData(uint8_t addr, RegisterData_Type *pBuff);
    SPI        spi_;
    DigitalOut nCS_;

