
Dependencies:   SDFileSystemDMA mbed

Issue: Unable read and write SD card using DMA Using your program

Hello Mimi,

once again i came back with a new problem using STM32l053r8 nucleo board . I had interfaced the SD card to following pins as per the schematics :SDFileSystem sd( D11, D12, D13, D10, "sd", 12000000); . when i run the program and would provide some inputs like w though serial to write and read some bytes of data i get unable to open the file. I am unable to find the error where i commit that mistake. I will attach you the screen shots that i had taken from the serial term. Could you please tell me the changes to be made for this problem. Thank you.

- Select [r] or [w] or [v]-[Write]: Testing 2048 bytes buffer: write performance...failed to create file!

[Read]: Testing 2048 bytes buffer: read performance...

Best regards, Sandeep.