mikeflores2000 AT&T MultiTech M2X Exercises book

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient MMA8451Q SocketModem jsonlite mbed

Fork of M2X_MTS_Accel by AT&T M2X Team

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 21 22:45:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Aug 22 07:42:15 2014 +0000
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 #define CELL_SHIELD 0
 // ssid and phrase for wifi
-std::string ssid = "DevLab";        // Replace with your Wifi ID (SSID)
-std::string phrase = "MultiTech";  // Replace with your Wifi phrase (password)
+std::string ssid = "HD-Members-5Ghz";        // Replace with your Wifi ID (SSID)
+std::string phrase = "hackerdojo";  // Replace with your Wifi phrase (password)
 Wifi::SecurityType security_type = Wifi::WPA; // Replace with your Wifi security type
 int main()
@@ -120,10 +120,12 @@
 y = acc.getAccY();
 z = acc.getAccZ();
 printf("Accel X: %1.2f, Y: %1.2f, Z: %1.2f\n\r", x, y, z);
-// Calculate pitch and roll. Find the maximum tilt angle. float pitch = atan(x / sqrt(y * y + z * z));
+// Calculate pitch and roll. Find the maximum tilt angle. 
+float pitch = atan(x / sqrt(y * y + z * z));
 float roll = atan(y / sqrt(x * x + z * z));
 float maxTilt =
-max(abs(roll), abs(pitch)) * 180.0 / 3.14159; printf("pitch: %5.1f roll: %5.1f maxTilt: %5.1f\n\r",
+max(abs(roll), abs(pitch)) * 180.0 / 3.14159; 
+printf("pitch: %5.1f roll: %5.1f maxTilt: %5.1f\n\r",
 pitch, roll, maxTilt);
 // If the maximum title is over 20 degrees, then send // data to stream
 if (maxTilt > 20) {
@@ -131,5 +133,5 @@
 printf("send() returned %d\r\n", ret);
 } }
\ No newline at end of file