added max-age and content-format

Fork of mbedConnectorInterface by Doug Anson

diff -r cabdd0350707 -r 853f9ecc12df api/StaticResource.h
--- a/api/StaticResource.h	Tue Jan 27 22:52:25 2015 +0000
+++ b/api/StaticResource.h	Tue Jan 27 23:41:34 2015 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * @brief   mbed CoAP Endpoint Static Resource class
  * @author  Doug Anson/Chris Paola
  * @version 1.0
- * @see     
+ * @see
  * Copyright (c) 2014
@@ -19,64 +19,66 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
- #ifndef __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__
- #define __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__
- // Base Class
- #include "Resource.h"
- // String class support
- #include <string>
- // StaticResource is a static (GET only) resource with a value type pinned as a string type
- class StaticResource : public Resource<string> {
-     public:
-        /**
-        Default constructor
-        @param logger input logger instance for this resource
-        @param name input the Resource URI/Name
-        @param value input the Resource value (a string)
-        */
-        StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const char *name,const char *value);
-        /**
-        string value constructor
-        @param logger input logger instance for this resource
-        @param name input the Resource URI/Name
-        @param value input the Resource value (a string)
-        */
-        StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const char *name,const string value);
+#ifndef __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__
+#define __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__
+// Base Class
+#include "Resource.h"
+// String class support
+#include <string>
+/** StaticResource is a static (GET only) resource with a value type pinned as a string type
+ */
+class StaticResource : public Resource<string>
+    /**
+    Default constructor
+    @param logger input logger instance for this resource
+    @param name input the Resource URI/Name
+    @param value input the Resource value (a string)
+    */
+    StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const char *name,const char *value);
+    /**
+    string value constructor
+    @param logger input logger instance for this resource
+    @param name input the Resource URI/Name
+    @param value input the Resource value (a string)
+    */
+    StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const char *name,const string value);
-        /**
-        constructor with buffer lengths
-        @param logger input logger instance for this resource
-        @param name input the Resource URI/Name
-        #param name_length input the length of the Resource URI/Name
-        @param value input the Resource value (or NULL)
-        */
-        StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const string name,const string value);
-        /**
-        Copy constructor
-        @param resource input the StaticResource that is to be deep copied
-        */
-        StaticResource(const StaticResource &resource);
-        /**
-        Destructor
-        */
-        virtual ~StaticResource();
-        /**
-        Bind resource to endpoint
-        @param p input pointer to the endpoint resources necessary for binding
-        */
-        virtual void bind(void *p); 
-    protected:
-    private:
- };
- #endif // __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__
\ No newline at end of file
+    /**
+    constructor with buffer lengths
+    @param logger input logger instance for this resource
+    @param name input the Resource URI/Name
+    #param name_length input the length of the Resource URI/Name
+    @param value input the Resource value (or NULL)
+    */
+    StaticResource(const Logger *logger,const string name,const string value);
+    /**
+    Copy constructor
+    @param resource input the StaticResource that is to be deep copied
+    */
+    StaticResource(const StaticResource &resource);
+    /**
+    Destructor
+    */
+    virtual ~StaticResource();
+    /**
+    Bind resource to endpoint
+    @param p input pointer to the endpoint resources necessary for binding
+    */
+    virtual void bind(void *p);
+#endif // __STATIC_RESOURCE_H__