Update to work with latest mBed

Dependencies:   mbed-dev

Fork of FONA_CellPhone by Dream Team

diff -r 3bb66cdfabac -r 06eca688f2a3 Adafruit_FONA.h
--- a/Adafruit_FONA.h	Fri Mar 11 02:55:42 2016 -0500
+++ b/Adafruit_FONA.h	Tue Mar 15 02:09:33 2016 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-  *  Modified by Marc PLOUHINEC 27/06/2015 for use in mbed
+  *  Modified by George Tzintzarov & Jesse Baker 03/14/2016 for use in mbed LPC1768
@@ -51,11 +51,36 @@
 #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE  255
+/** Adafruit FONA 800H Class
+*  Modified by George Tzintzarov & Jesse Baker 03/14/2016 for use in mbed LPC1768
 class Adafruit_FONA : public Stream {
-        /**
-         * Listener for FONA events.
-         */
+Listener for FONA events. Inherit this class to customize.
+#define FONA_RST p12
+#define FONA_TX p13
+#define FONA_RX p14
+#define FONA_RI p11
+Adafruit_FONA my_fona(FONA_TX, FONA_RX, FONA_RST, FONA_RI);
+DigitalOut led1(LED1); 
+class FonaEventListener : public Adafruit_FONA::EventListener {
+    virtual void onRing() {
+        led1 = 1;
+    virtual void onNoCarrier() {
+        led1 = 0; 
+    }
+FonaEventListener fonaEventListener;
         class EventListener {
@@ -70,34 +95,147 @@
+        /** Create instance of the Adafruit_FONA
+        @param tx Set mbed TX 
+        @param rx Set mbed RX
+        @param rst Set reset pin
+        @param ringIndicator Set ring indicator pin. This is to let mbed know if there is an incoming call
+        */
         Adafruit_FONA(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName rst, PinName ringIndicator) :
             _rstpin(rst, false), _ringIndicatorInterruptIn(ringIndicator),
             apn("FONAnet"), apnusername(NULL), apnpassword(NULL), httpsredirect(false), useragent("FONA"),
             _incomingCall(false), eventListener(NULL), mySerial(tx, rx), rxBufferInIndex(0), rxBufferOutIndex(0), 
             currentReceivedLineSize(0) {}
+        /** Built-in Test to see if FONA is connected
+        @param baudrate test and set at baudrate
+        @return true upon success
+        @return false upon failure. Most likely something is not hooked up.
+        @code
+// See if the FONA is responding
+// fona is an instance of Adafruit_FONA
+if (! fona.begin(9600)) {
+    printf("Couldn't find FONA\r\n");
+    while (1);
+        @endcode
+        */
         bool begin(int baudrate);
+        /** Set the event listener for incoming calls
+        @param eventListener A pointer to the event listener
+        @see Adafruit_FONA::EventListener for specific example
+        */
         void setEventListener(EventListener *eventListener);
-        // Stream
+        // Stream----------------------------------------------------------------------
         virtual int _putc(int value);
         virtual int _getc();
-        int readable();
-        // RTC
+        /** Check if FONA has anything in its output buffer
+        @return 0 if nothing
+        */
+        int readable(void);
+        // RTC----------------------------------------------------------------------
         bool enableRTC(uint8_t i); // i = 0 <=> disable, i = 1 <=> enable
-        // Battery and ADC
+        // Battery and ADC----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        /** Get ADC voltage from external pin
+        @param v uint16_t pointer to insert ADC voltage data
+        @return TRUE if successful
+        @code
+// read the ADC
+// fona is an instance of Adafruit_FONA
+uint16_t adc;
+if (! fona.getADCVoltage(&adc)) {
+    printf("Failed to read ADC\r\n");
+else {
+    printf("ADC = %d mV\r\n", adc);
+        @endcode
+        */
         bool getADCVoltage(uint16_t *v);
+        /** Get battery percentage level
+        @param p uint16_t pointer to insert battery percent data
+        @return TRUE if successful
+        @code
+// read the battery percent level
+// fona is an instance of Adafruit_FONA
+uint16_t vbatPer;
+if (! fona.getBattPercent(&vbatPer)) {
+    printf("Failed to read Batt\r\n");
+else {
+    printf("VPct = %d%%\r\n", vbatPer);
+        @endcode
+        */
         bool getBattPercent(uint16_t *p);
+        /** Get battery voltage level
+        @param v uint16_t pointer to insert battery voltage data
+        @return TRUE if successful
+        @code
+// read the battery voltage
+// fona is an instance of Adafruit_FONA
+uint16_t vbat;
+if (! fona.getBattPercent(&vbat)) {
+    printf("Failed to read Batt\r\n");
+else {
+    printf("Vbat = %d%%\r\n", vbat);
+        @endcode
+        */
         bool getBattVoltage(uint16_t *v);
-        // SIM query
+        // SIM query----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        /** Unlock SIM if needed
+        @param pin 4 digit char arrary
+        @return TRUE if successful
+        */        
         bool unlockSIM(char *pin);
+        /** Get the SIM chip card interface device (CCID)
+        @param ccid make sure it is at least 21 bytes long
+        @return length of CCID
+        */
         uint8_t getSIMCCID(char *ccid);
+        /** Get the Network Status of FONA
+        @return Code 0-5 
+        @see 
+        */
         uint8_t getNetworkStatus(void);
         uint8_t getRSSI(void);
-        // IMEI
+        // IMEI----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        /** Get the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI)
+        @param imei A char array with minimum length 16
+        @return The IMEI of the device
+        @code
+// Print SIM card IMEI number.
+char imei[15] = {0}; // MUST use a 16 character buffer for IMEI!
+uint8_t imeiLen = fona.getIMEI(imei); //fona is an instance of Adafruit_FONA
+if (imeiLen > 0) {
+    pcSerial.printf("SIM card IMEI: %s\r\n", imei);
+        @endcode
+        */
         uint8_t getIMEI(char *imei);
         // set Audio output