
Dependencies:   MODSERIAL Motordriver QEI Servo mbed HIDScope

Fork of The_Claw_Back-up_Buttons by Meike Froklage

diff -r 23b1ed826b59 -r 9715323b20ac main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 31 13:59:48 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 02 15:22:16 2016 +0000
@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@
 AnalogIn pot_cart(A2);                  
 AnalogIn pot_arm(A3);  
+AnalogIn emgl(A1);                      // labels are attached to the olimex shields the left tricep should obviously be connected to the should with an L label on it
+AnalogIn emgr(A0);
 // ticker
-Ticker tick_part;                       // ticker to switch parts        
+Ticker tick_part;                       // ticker to switch parts     
+Ticker sampleTicker;   
 //======== Variables ===========================================================
 // counters
@@ -72,16 +76,215 @@
 // miscellaneous
 const float kTimeToggle = 0.25f;        // period with which to toggle the parts
 const int LedOn = 0;                    // LED on if 0
-volatile int part_id = 2;               // ID of what part should move, begins with the cart
+volatile int part_id = 1;               // ID of what part should move, begins with the cart
 volatile int servo_id = 1;              // ID to the side the servo should move, begins in center position
+//======== Variables Filter ====================================================
+/*coefficients of each filter
+    lno = left tricep notch filter
+    lhf = left tricep high pass filter
+    llf = left tricep lowpass filter
+    same goes for rno etc.
+    */
+double lno_b0 = 0.9911;     
+double lno_b1 = -1.6036;   
+double lno_b2 = 0.9911;    
+double lno_a1 = -1.603;    
+double lno_a2 = 0.9822;    
+double rno_b0 = 0.9911;     
+double rno_b1 = -1.6036;   
+double rno_b2 = 0.9911;    
+double rno_a1 = -1.603;    
+double rno_a2 = 0.9822;    
+double lno2_b0 = 0.9824;
+double lno2_b1 = -0.6071;
+double lno2_b2 = 0.9824;
+double lno2_a1 = -0.6071;
+double lno2_a2 = 0.9647;
+double rno2_b0 = 0.9824;
+double rno2_b1 = -0.6071;
+double rno2_b2 = 0.9824;
+double rno2_a1 = -0.6071;
+double rno2_a2 = 0.9647;
+double lhf_b0 = 0.9355;    
+double lhf_b1 = -1.8711;   
+double lhf_b2 = 0.9355;    
+double lhf_a1 = -1.8669;   
+double lhf_a2 = 0.8752;   
+double rhf_b0 = 0.9355;    
+double rhf_b1 = -1.8711;   
+double rhf_b2 = 0.9355;    
+double rhf_a1 = -1.8669;   
+double rhf_a2 = 0.8752;    
+double llf_b0 = 8.7656e-5;
+double llf_b1 = 1.17531e-4;
+double llf_b2 = 8.7656e-5; 
+double llf_a1 = -1.9733;  
+double llf_a2 = 0.9737;    
+double rlf_b0 = 8.7656e-5;
+double rlf_b1 = 1.17531e-4;
+double rlf_b2 = 8.7656e-5; 
+double rlf_a1 = -1.9733;  
+double rlf_a2 = 0.9737;    
+//starting values of the biquads of the corresponding filters
+double lno_v1 = 0, lno_v2 = 0;
+double lno2_v1 = 0, lno2_v2 = 0;
+double lhf_v1 = 0, lhf_v2 = 0;
+double llf_v1 = 0, llf_v2 = 0;
+double rno_v1 = 0, rno_v2 = 0;
+double rno2_v1 = 0, rno2_v2 = 0;
+double rhf_v1 = 0, rhf_v2 = 0;
+double rlf_v1 = 0, rlf_v2 = 0;
+/* declaration of the outputs of each biquad.
+the output of the previous biquad is the input for the next biquad.
+so lno_y goes into lhf_y etc.
+double lno_y;
+double lno2_y;
+double lhf_y;
+double llf_y;
+double lrect_y;
+double rno_y;
+double rno2_y;
+double rhf_y;
+double rlf_y;
+double rrect_y;
+// set the threshold value for the filtered signal
+//if the signal exceeds this value the motors will start to rotate 
+const double threshold_value_left= 0.08;
+const double threshold_value= 0.08;
+/* declaration of each biquad
+The coefficients will be filled in later on in void scopeSend
+As said before the input of each biquad is the output of the previous one 
+The input of the first biquad is the raw EMG signal and the output of the last biquad is the filtered signal.
+This is done for both left and right so this makes two chains of 3 biquads */
+double biquad_lno(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_lno2(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_lhf(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_llf(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_rno(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_rno2(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_rhf(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+double biquad_rlf(double u, double&v1 , double&v2 , const double a1 , const double a2 , const double b0 ,
+    const double b1 , const double b2 )
+    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
+    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
+    v2 = v1;
+    v1 = v;
+    return y;
+/* function that calculates the filtered EMG signal from the raw EMG signal. 
+So 2 chains of 3 biquads each are calculating the left and the right filtered EMG signal.
+After this is calculated, the signals are sent to HIDscope (scope.send) to see what they look like.
+The filtered left signal (llf_y) is shown in channel 1, the filtered right signal (rlf_y)is shown in channel 0 (scope.set)*/
+//======== Functions and main ==============================================================
+/* function that calculates the filtered EMG signal from the raw EMG signal. 
+So 2 chains of 3 biquads each are calculating the left and the right filtered EMG signal.
+After this is calculated, the signals are sent to HIDscope (scope.send) to see what they look like.
+The filtered left signal (llf_y) is shown in channel 1, the filtered right signal (rlf_y)is shown in channel 0 (scope.set)*/
+void scopeSend(void){
+    lno_y = biquad_lno(, lno_v1, lno_v2, lno_a1, lno_a2, lno_b0, lno_b1, lno_b2);
+    lno2_y = biquad_lno2(lno_y, lno2_v1, lno2_v2, lno2_a1, lno2_a2, lno2_b0, lno2_b1, lno2_b2);
+    lhf_y = biquad_lhf(lno2_y, lhf_v1, lhf_v2, lhf_a1, lhf_a2, lhf_b0, lhf_b1, lhf_b2);
+    lrect_y = fabs(lhf_y);
+    llf_y = biquad_llf(lrect_y, llf_v1, llf_v2, llf_a1, llf_a2, llf_b0, llf_b1, llf_b2)/0.2;
+    rno_y = biquad_rno(, rno_v1, rno_v2, rno_a1, rno_a2, rno_b0, rno_b1, rno_b2);
+    rno2_y = biquad_rno2(rno_y, rno2_v1, rno2_v2, rno2_a1, rno2_a2, rno2_b0, rno2_b1, rno2_b2);    
+    rhf_y = biquad_rhf(rno2_y, rhf_v1, rhf_v2, rhf_a1, rhf_a2, rhf_b0, rhf_b1, rhf_b2);
+    rrect_y = fabs(rhf_y);
+    rlf_y = biquad_rlf(rrect_y, rlf_v1, rlf_v2, rlf_a1, rlf_a2, rlf_b0, rlf_b1, rlf_b2)/0.2;
+    }
 //======== Functions and main ==============================================================
 // Switch between Cart, Arm and Claw
-void SwitchPart()
+void SwitchPart(){
     switch (part_id) {
         case 2: {
@@ -147,196 +350,14 @@
             position_cart = (Encoder_Cart.getPulses()*factor_cart) ;    
             ain_cart =;
-                if (ain_cart == 0){
-                Encoder_Cart.reset();   
-                }else {}
             pc.printf("Distance in mm: %i\n", position_cart);
-        //Arm
-        case 3: {
-            led_g = LedOn;          
-            if(led_g == LedOn){
-                num_turned_on_1++;
-                if(btn && btn2) {            
-                    Arm.speed(0) == 0; 
-                    Cart.speed(0) == 0;                           
-                }
-                else if (btn && !btn2) {
-                    if(position_cart > -105 && position_arm >= 45){             //If the cart is not at the end, the arm can't move any further than 45 degrees
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else if(position_cart > -105 && position_arm >= 25 && position_claw == 27){
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else if(position_cart<= -105 && position_arm>=80){         //If the cart is at the right end, the arm can't move any further than 70 degrees
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else{
-                    Arm.speed(arm_speed)==arm_speed;
-                    } 
-                }else if (!btn && btn2) {
-                    if(position_cart < 105 && position_arm <= -45){             //If the cart is not at the end, the arm can't move any further than 45 degrees 
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else if(position_cart < 105 && position_arm <= -25 && position_claw == -18){
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else if(position_cart>=105 && position_arm<=-80){          //If the cart is at the left end, the arm can't move any further than 70 degrees
-                    Arm.stop(1)==1;
-                    }else{
-                    Arm.speed(-arm_speed)==-arm_speed;
-                    } 
-                }else {
-                Cart.speed(0) == 0;
-                if(position_arm>0){
-                Arm.speed(-0.1)== -0.1;
-                }else if(position_arm<0){
-                Arm.speed(0.1)==0.1;
-                }else{
-                Arm.stop(0)==0;
-                    }    
-                }
-            } 
-            // controle LED   
-            led_r = not LedOn;
-            led_b = not LedOn;           
-            // encoder
-            position_arm = (Encoder_Arm.getPulses()*factor_arm) ;    
-            ain_arm =;
-                if (ain_arm == 0){
-                Encoder_Arm.reset();   
-                }else {}
-            wait(0.1);
-            pc.baud(115200);
-            pc.printf("Degrees: %i\n", position_arm);
-            break;
-        //Claw
-        case 4: {
-            led_b = LedOn;
-            if(led_b == LedOn){
-                num_turned_on_2++;
-                if(btn && btn2){
-                }else if(btn && !btn2){
-                 servo_id ++;
-                    switch (servo_id) {
-                        case 0: {
-                            led_r = LedOn;
-                            if (led_r == LedOn) {
-                                num_claw_turned_on_0++;
-                            }
-                            led_b = not LedOn;
-                            led_g = not LedOn;
-                            servo.position(-18);
-                            pc.printf("Servo position is: left \r\n");
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        case 1: {
-                            led_b = LedOn;
-                            if (led_b == LedOn) {
-                                num_claw_turned_on_1++;
-                            }
-                            led_r = not LedOn;
-                            led_g = not LedOn;
-                            servo.position(3);
-                            pc.printf("Servo position is: center \r\n");
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        case 2: {
-                            led_g = LedOn;
-                            if (led_g == LedOn) {
-                                num_claw_turned_on_2++;
-                            }
-                            led_r = not LedOn;
-                            led_b = not LedOn;
-                            servo.position(27);
-                            pc.printf("Servo position is: right \r\n");
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }else if(!btn && btn2){
-                servo_id --;
-                switch (servo_id) {
-                    case 0: {
-                        led_r = LedOn;
-                        if (led_r == LedOn) {
-                            num_claw_turned_on_0++;
-                        }
-                        led_b = not LedOn;
-                        led_g = not LedOn;
-                        servo.position(-18);
-                        pc.printf("Servo position is: left \r\n");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    case 1: {
-                        led_b = LedOn;
-                        if (led_b == LedOn) {
-                            num_claw_turned_on_1++;
-                        }
-                        led_r = not LedOn;
-                        led_g = not LedOn;
-                        servo.position(3);
-                        pc.printf("Servo position is: center \r\n");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    case 2: {
-                        led_g = LedOn;
-                        if (led_g == LedOn) {
-                            num_claw_turned_on_2++;
-                        }
-                        led_r = not LedOn;
-                        led_b = not LedOn;
-                        servo.position(27);
-                        pc.printf("Servo position is: right \r\n");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                }else{}       
-            }
-            led_r = not LedOn;
-            led_g = not LedOn;                
-            position_claw =;
-            break;
-    }
 // Switch the part
@@ -362,6 +383,7 @@
     led_b = not LedOn;
+    sampleTicker.attach(scopeSend,0.01);