3D Low Frequency Wakeup Receiver

--- a/AS3933.h	Wed Mar 07 16:43:51 2018 +0000
+++ b/AS3933.h	Tue Mar 13 15:08:21 2018 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  * @version     7/March/2018    The ORIGIN
  * @pre         N/A.
  * @warning     N/A
- * @pre         This code belongs to Nimbus Centre ( http://unbarquero.blogspot.com ).
+ * @pre         This code belongs to Nimbus Centre ( http://www.nimbus.cit.ie ).
 #ifndef AS3933_H
 #define AS3933_H
@@ -20,21 +20,24 @@
-    #include "mbed.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
 #include "AS3933.h"
-AS3933 myAS3933   ( PB_5, PB_4, PB_3, PB_8, 1000000 );                              // MOSI: PB_5 | MISO: PB_4 | SCLK: PB_3 | CS: PB_8 | FREQ: 1MHz;
+AS3933 myAS3933   ( PB_5, PB_4, PB_3, PB_8, 1000000 );                          // MOSI: PB_5 | MISO: PB_4 | SCLK: PB_3 | CS: PB_8 | FREQ: 1MHz;
 Serial pc         ( USBTX, USBRX );
-Ticker     newReading;
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+DigitalOut  myled       ( LED1 );
+InterruptIn myWAKEpin   ( PA_8 );
+DigitalIn   myDATpin    ( PC_7 );
+DigitalIn   myCLDpin    ( PB_9 );
 AS3933::AS3933_status_t  aux;
 AS3933::AS3933_data_t    myAS3933Data;
 uint32_t                 myState = 0;
-void changeDATA ( void )
+void newData ( void )
     myState = 1;
@@ -42,6 +45,10 @@
 int main()
+    uint32_t myCounterData      =   0;
+    uint32_t myCounterTimeout   =   0;
     pc.baud ( 115200 );
     myled   =   1;
@@ -49,20 +56,80 @@
     myled   =   0;
     // Clears the wake state of the chip
     aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_Send_DirectCommand ( AS3933::CLEAR_WAKE );
     // Sets all register in the default mode
     aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_Send_DirectCommand ( AS3933::PRESET_DEFAULT );
     // Update the wakeup pattern ( default value )
-    myAS3933Data.patt1b     =   0x23;                                           // Default value: AS3933::TS1_WAKEUP_PATTERN_PATT1B;
+    myAS3933Data.patt1b     =   AS3933::TS1_WAKEUP_PATTERN_PATT1B;
     myAS3933Data.patt2b     =   AS3933::TS2_WAKEUP_PATTERN_PATT2B;
     aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetWakeUpPattern   ( myAS3933Data );
-    newReading.attach( &changeDATA, 1 );                                        // the address of the function to be attached ( changeDATA ) and the interval ( 1s )
+    // Configure All channels in Listening mode
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetLowPowerMode ( AS3933::AS3933_CH1_ON_CH2_ON_CH3_ON, AS3933::AS3933_STANDARD_LISTENING_MODE, ( AS3933::AS3933_r4_t_off_value_t )0 );
+    // Configure Crystal oscillator enabled without output signal displayed on CL_DAT pin
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetClockGenerator ( AS3933::EN_XTAL_ENABLED, AS3933::CLOCK_GEN_DIS_DISABLED );
+    // Configure Antenna dumper disabled
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetAntennaDamper ( AS3933::ATT_ON_DISABLED, ( AS3933::AS3933_r4_d_res_value_t )0 );
+    // Configure Envelop detector time constant = 4096 symbol rate
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetEnvelopDetector ( AS3933::FS_ENV_SYMBOL_RATE_4096 );
+    // Configure Data slicer. Threshold disabled, 2.3ms preamble length
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetDataSlicer ( AS3933::ABS_HY_DISABLED, AS3933::FS_SCL_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_2_3 );
+    // Configure Comparator Hysteresis. Both edges, 40mV
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetComparatorHysteresis ( AS3933::HY_POS_HYSTERESIS_BOTH_EDGES, AS3933::HY_20M_COMPARATOR_HYSTERESIS_40MV );
+    // Configure Gain reduction, No gain reduction at all
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetGainReduction ( AS3933::GR_GAIN_REDUCTION_NO_GAIN_REDUCTION );
+    // Configure Operating frequency range: 95-150 kHz
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetOperatingFrequencyRange ( AS3933::BAND_SEL_RANGE_95_150_KHZ );
+    // Configure Frequency detection tolerance: Tight
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetFrequencyDetectionTolerance  ( AS3933::AS3933_TOLERANCE_TIGHT );
+    // Configure Sensitivity boost: Disabled
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetGainBoost ( AS3933::G_BOOST_DISABLED );
+    // Configure AGC: AGC acting only on the first carrier burst is disabled and AGC operating in both direction ( up-down )
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetAGC ( AS3933::AGC_TLIM_DISABLED, AS3933::AGC_UD_UP_DOWN_MODE );
+    // Configure Do mask data before wakeup
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetDataMask ( AS3933::DAT_MASK_ENABLED );
+    // Configure Clock Generator: Crystal oscillator enabled, do NOT clock signal on CL_DAT pin
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetClockGenerator ( AS3933::EN_XTAL_ENABLED, AS3933::CLOCK_GEN_DIS_DISABLED );
+    // Configure Correlator: Enabled, 16 bit pattern and Manchester decoder enabled
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetCorrelator ( AS3933::EN_WPAT_ENABLED, AS3933::PATT32_16_BITS, AS3933::T_HBIT_BIT_RATE_12, AS3933::EN_MANCH_ENABLED );
+    // Configure Automatic Timeout: 50ms
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetAutomaticTimeOut ( AS3933::T_OUT_50_MSEC );
+    // Configure Input capacitor bank: NO capacitance in any channels
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetParallelTuningCapacitance ( AS3933::AS3933_CHANNEL_LF1P, AS3933::AS3933_CAPACITANCE_ADDS_NONE );
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetParallelTuningCapacitance ( AS3933::AS3933_CHANNEL_LF2P, AS3933::AS3933_CAPACITANCE_ADDS_NONE );
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetParallelTuningCapacitance ( AS3933::AS3933_CHANNEL_LF3P, AS3933::AS3933_CAPACITANCE_ADDS_NONE );
+    // Configure Artificial wakeup: Disabled
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_SetArtificialWakeUp ( AS3933::T_AUTO_NO_ARTIFICIAL_WAKEUP );
+    // Read the wakeup pattern
+    aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_GetWakeUpPattern ( &myAS3933Data );
+    pc.printf( "PATT1B: %x ( 0x96 ) | PATT2B: %x ( 0x69 )\r\n", myAS3933Data.patt1b, myAS3933Data.patt2b );
+    myWAKEpin.rise( &newData );                                                 // attach the address of the 'newData' function to the rising edge
     // Let the callbacks take care of everything
     while(1) {
@@ -71,9 +138,37 @@
         myled = 1;
         if ( myState == 1 ) {
-            // Read the wakeup pattern
-            aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_GetWakeUpPattern ( &myAS3933Data );
-            pc.printf( "PATT1B: %x ( 0x23 ) | PATT2B: %x ( 0x69 )\r\n", myAS3933Data.patt1b, myAS3933Data.patt2b );
+            //  Get data ( 8-bits, Manchester ).
+            //    NOTE:   Make sure the transmitter is sending data otherwise a little delay will
+            //            be introduced by myCounterTimeout.
+            //
+            myAS3933Data.data   =   0;
+            for ( myCounterData = 0; myCounterData < 8; myCounterData++ ) {
+                //  Wait until rising edges on CLD pin or Timeout
+                myCounterTimeout    =   2323;
+                while ( ( myCLDpin == 0 ) && ( myCounterTimeout > 0 ) ) {
+                    myCounterTimeout--;
+                }
+                //  Process the data
+                myAS3933Data.data <<=   1;
+                if ( myDATpin == 1 ) {
+                    myAS3933Data.data  |=  1;
+                }
+                //  Wait until CLD pin goes low again or Timeout
+                myCounterTimeout    =   2323;
+                while ( ( myCLDpin == 1 ) && ( myCounterTimeout > 0 ) ) {
+                    myCounterTimeout--;
+                }
+            }
+            // Get RSSIs and send all data through the UART
+            aux  =   myAS3933.AS3933_GetRSSI ( &myAS3933Data );
+            pc.printf( "Data: %x | RSS1: %x | RSSI2: %x | RSSI3: %x\r\n", myAS3933Data.data, myAS3933Data.rssi1, myAS3933Data.rssi2, myAS3933Data.rssi3 );
             myState  =   0;                                                     // Reset the variable