Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator



File content as of revision 3:4a9619b441f0:

 * @brief       ADS111X.h
 * @details     Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator.
 *              Header file.
 * @return      N/A
 * @author      Manuel Caballero
 * @date        18/June/2020
 * @version     18/June/2020    The ORIGIN
 * @pre         N/A.
 * @warning     N/A
 * @pre         This code belongs to AqueronteBlog ( http://unbarquero.blogspot.com ).
#ifndef ADS111X_H
#define ADS111X_H

#include "mbed.h"

#include "mbed.h"
#include "ADS111X.h"

ADS111X myADS111X ( I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, ADS111X::ADS111X_ADDRESS_GND, 100000, ADS111X::DEVICE_ADS1115 );   // I2C_SDA | I2C_SCL | DEVICE_ADS1115
Serial pc         ( USBTX, USBRX );                                             // tx, rx

DigitalOut  myled   ( LED1 );
Ticker      newAction;

//@brief Constants.

//@brief Variables.
volatile uint32_t myState;                                                      // State that indicates when to perform a new sample

void    changeDATA     ( void );

int main()
    ADS111X::ADS111X_status_t aux;
    ADS111X::ADS111X_data_t   myADS111X_Data;

    pc.baud ( 115200 );

    myled   =   1;
    myled   =   0;

    // Perform a softreset
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SoftReset  ();
    wait_ms ( 500U );

    // Input multiplexor configuration ( channels ): AINp = AIN0 | AINn = GND
    myADS111X_Data.config.mux  =   ADS111X::CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN0_AND_AINN_GND;
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SetMux  ( myADS111X_Data );

    // Gain: ±4.096V
    myADS111X_Data.config.pga  =   ADS111X::CONFIG_PGA_FSR_4_096_V;
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SetGain  ( myADS111X_Data );

    // Mode: Single-shot
    myADS111X_Data.config.mode  =   ADS111X::CONFIG_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT;
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SetMode  ( myADS111X_Data.config );

    // Data rate: 1600 SPS
    myADS111X_Data.config.dr  =   ADS111X::CONFIG_DR_128_SPS;
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SetDataRate  ( myADS111X_Data.config );

    // Comparator: Disabled
    myADS111X_Data.config.comp_que  =   ADS111X::CONFIG_COMP_QUE_DISABLED;
    aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_SetComparator  ( myADS111X_Data );

    myState  =   0UL;                                                           // Reset the variable
    newAction.attach( &changeDATA, 1U );                                        // the address of the function to be attached ( changeDATA ) and the interval ( 1s )

    // Let the callbacks take care of everything
    while(1) {

        if ( myState == 1UL ) {
            myled = 1U;

            // Trigger a new conversion
            aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_StartSingleConversion ();

            // Wait until the conversion is completed
            do {
                aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_GetOS ( &myADS111X_Data.config );
            } while( ( myADS111X_Data.config.os & ADS111X::CONFIG_OS_MASK ) == ADS111X::CONFIG_OS_BUSY );  // [TODO] Too dangerous! the uC may get stuck here
            // [WORKAROUND] Insert a counter.
            // Get the result
            aux  =   myADS111X.ADS111X_GetConversion ( &myADS111X_Data );

            // Send data through the UART
            pc.printf ( "V: %d mV\r\n", (int32_t)( 1000 * myADS111X_Data.conversion.conversion ) );

            // Reset the variables
            myState  =   0UL;
            myled    =   0U;

// @brief       changeDATA ( void  )
// @details     It changes myState variable
// @param[in]    N/A
// @param[out]   N/A.
// @return       N/A.
// @author      Manuel Caballero
// @date        18/June/2020
// @version     18/June/2020   The ORIGIN
// @pre         N/A
// @warning     N/A.
void changeDATA ( void )
    myState  =   1UL;

 Library for the ADS111X Ultra-Small, Low-Power, I2C-Compatible, 860-SPS, 16-Bit ADCs With Internal Reference, Oscillator, and Programmable Comparator.
class ADS111X
    * @brief   DEFAULT ADDRESSES
    typedef enum {
        ADS111X_ADDRESS_GND   =   ( 0b1001000 << 1U ),       /*!<   I2C slave address byte, ADDR = GND        */
        ADS111X_ADDRESS_VDD   =   ( 0b1001001 << 1U ),       /*!<   I2C slave address byte, ADDR = VDD        */
        ADS111X_ADDRESS_SDA   =   ( 0b1001010 << 1U ),       /*!<   I2C slave address byte, ADDR = SDA        */
        ADS111X_ADDRESS_SCL   =   ( 0b1001011 << 1U )        /*!<   I2C slave address byte, ADDR = SCL        */
    } ADS111X_addresses_t;

      * @brief   REGISTER MAP
    typedef enum {
        ADS111X_CONVERSION    =   0x00,           /*!<  Conversion register                           */
        ADS111X_CONFIG        =   0x01,           /*!<  Config register                               */
        ADS111X_LO_THRESH     =   0x02,           /*!<  Lo threshold register                         */
        ADS111X_HI_THRESH     =   0x03,           /*!<  Hi threshold register                         */
        ADS111X_RESET_COMMAND =   0x06            /*!<  Reset command ( with a general call )         */
    } ADS111X_register_map_t;

      * @brief   DEVICE.
      *           NOTE: The user MUST define which device to use: ADS1013, ADS1014 or ADS1015.
    typedef enum {
        DEVICE_ADS1113    =   0x00,             /*!<  Device: ADS1113                                */
        DEVICE_ADS1114    =   0x01,             /*!<  Device: ADS1114                                */
        DEVICE_ADS1115    =   0x02              /*!<  Device: ADS1115                                */
    } ADS111X_device_t;

      * @brief   CONFIG REGISTER. ( Default: 0x8583 )
      *           NOTE: The 16-bit Config register is used to control the operating mode, input selection, data rate, full-scale range, and
      *                 comparator modes.
    /* OS <15>
     *    NOTE: Operational status or single-shot conversion start.
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_OS_MASK      =   ( 1U << 15U ),            /*!<  OS mask                                                                                                         */
        CONFIG_OS_BUSY      =   ( 1U << 15U ),            /*!<  Device is not currently performing a conversion/Start a single conversion (when in power-down state) [Default]  */
        CONFIG_OS_NOT_BUSY  =   ( 0U << 15U )             /*!<  Device is currently performing a conversion                                                                     */
    } ADS111X_config_os_t;

    /* MUX <14:12>
     *    NOTE: Input multiplexer configuration ( ADS1115 only ).
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_MUX_MASK                     =   ( 0b111 << 12U ),   /*!<  MUX mask                                                     */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN0_AND_AINN_AIN1  =   ( 0b000 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN0 and AINN = AIN1                      [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN0_AND_AINN_AIN3  =   ( 0b001 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN0 and AINN = AIN3                                  */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN1_AND_AINN_AIN3  =   ( 0b010 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN1 and AINN = AIN3                                  */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN2_AND_AINN_AIN3  =   ( 0b011 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN2 and AINN = AIN3                                  */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN0_AND_AINN_GND   =   ( 0b100 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN0 and AINN = GND                                   */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN1_AND_AINN_GND   =   ( 0b101 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN1 and AINN = GND                                   */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN2_AND_AINN_GND   =   ( 0b110 << 12U ),   /*!<  AINP = AIN2 and AINN = GND                                   */
        CONFIG_MUX_AINP_AIN3_AND_AINN_GND   =   ( 0b111 << 12U )    /*!<  AINP = AIN3 and AINN = GND                                   */
    } ADS111X_config_mux_t;

    /* PGA <11:9>
     *    NOTE: Programmable gain amplifier configuration ( These bits serve NO function on the ADS1113 ).
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_PGA_MASK                     =   ( 0b111 << 9U ),   /*!<  PGA mask                                                     */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_6_144_V              =   ( 0b000 << 9U ),   /*!<  FSR = ±6.144 V                                               */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_4_096_V              =   ( 0b001 << 9U ),   /*!<  FSR = ±4.096 V                                               */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_2_048_V              =   ( 0b010 << 9U ),   /*!<  FSR = ±2.048 V                                   [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_1_024_V              =   ( 0b011 << 9U ),   /*!<  FSR = ±1.024 V                                               */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_0_512_V              =   ( 0b100 << 9U ),   /*!<  FSR = ±0.512 V                                               */
        CONFIG_PGA_FSR_0_256_V              =   ( 0b101 << 9U )    /*!<  FSR = ±0.256 V                                               */
    } ADS111X_config_pga_t;

    /* MODE <8>
     *    NOTE: Device operating mode.
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_MODE_MASK                    =   ( 1U << 8U ),       /*!<  MODE mask                                                    */
        CONFIG_MODE_CONTINUOUS_CONVERSION   =   ( 0U << 8U ),       /*!<  Continuous-conversion mode                                   */
        CONFIG_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT             =   ( 1U << 8U )        /*!<  Single-shot mode or power-down state             [ Default ] */
    } ADS111X_config_mode_t;

    /* DR <7:5>
     *    NOTE: Data rate.
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_DR_MASK                      =   ( 0b111 << 5U ),    /*!<  DR mask                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_8_SPS                     =   ( 0b000 << 5U ),    /*!<    8 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_16_SPS                    =   ( 0b001 << 5U ),    /*!<   16 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_32_SPS                    =   ( 0b010 << 5U ),    /*!<   32 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_64_SPS                    =   ( 0b011 << 5U ),    /*!<   64 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_128_SPS                   =   ( 0b100 << 5U ),    /*!<  128 SPS                                           [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_DR_250_SPS                   =   ( 0b101 << 5U ),    /*!<  250 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_475_SPS                   =   ( 0b110 << 5U ),    /*!<  475 SPS                                                       */
        CONFIG_DR_860_SPS                   =   ( 0b111 << 5U )     /*!<  860 SPS                                                       */
    } ADS111X_config_dr_t;

    /* COMP_MODE <4>
     *    NOTE: Comparator mode ( ADS1114 and ADS1115 only )
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_COMP_MODE_MASK                   =   ( 1U << 4U ),   /*!<  COMP_MODE mask                                                */
        CONFIG_COMP_MODE_TRADITIONAL_COMPARATOR =   ( 0U << 4U ),   /*!<  Traditional comparator                            [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_COMP_MODE_WINDOW_COMPARATOR      =   ( 1U << 4U )    /*!<  Window comparator                                             */
    } ADS111X_config_comp_mode_t;

    /* COMP_POL <3>
     *    NOTE: Comparator polarity ( ADS1114 and ADS1115 only )
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_COMP_POL_MASK                    =   ( 1U << 3U ),   /*!<  COMP_POL mask                                                 */
        CONFIG_COMP_POL_ACTIVE_LOW              =   ( 0U << 3U ),   /*!<  Active low                                        [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_COMP_POL_ACTIVE_HIGH             =   ( 1U << 3U )    /*!<  Active high                                                   */
    } ADS111X_config_comp_pol_t;

    /* COMP_LAT <2>
     *    NOTE: Latching comparator ( ADS1114 and ADS1115 only )
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_COMP_LAT_MASK                    =   ( 1U << 2U ),   /*!<  COMP_LAT mask                                                 */
        CONFIG_COMP_LAT_NONLATCHING_COMPARATOR  =   ( 0U << 2U ),   /*!<  Nonlatching comparator                            [ Default ] */
        CONFIG_COMP_LAT_LATCHING_COMPARATOR     =   ( 1U << 2U )    /*!<  Latching comparator                                           */
    } ADS111X_config_comp_lat_t;

    /* COMP_QUE <1:0>
     *    NOTE: Comparator queue and disable ( ADS1114 and ADS1115 only )
    typedef enum {
        CONFIG_COMP_QUE_MASK                          =   ( 0b11 << 0U ), /*!<  COMP_QUE mask                                                           */
        CONFIG_COMP_QUE_ASSERT_AFTER_ONE_CONVERSION   =   ( 0b00 << 0U ), /*!<  Assert after one conversion                                             */
        CONFIG_COMP_QUE_ASSERT_AFTER_TWO_CONVERSION   =   ( 0b01 << 0U ), /*!<  Assert after two conversions                                            */
        CONFIG_COMP_QUE_ASSERT_AFTER_FOUR_CONVERSION  =   ( 0b10 << 0U ), /*!<  Assert after four conversions                                           */
        CONFIG_COMP_QUE_DISABLED                      =   ( 0b11 << 0U )  /*!<  Disable comparator and set ALERT/RDY pin to high-impedance  [ Default ] */
    } ADS111X_config_comp_que_t;

      * @brief   LO_THRESH REGISTER. ( Default: 0x8000 )
    /* LO_THRESH <15:0>
     *    NOTE: N/A.
    typedef enum {
        LO_THRESH_MASK      =   0xFFFF            /*!<  LO_THRESH mask                                                */
    } ADS111X_lo_thresh_t;

      * @brief   HI_THRESH REGISTER. ( Default: 0x7FFF )
    /* HI_THRESH <15:0>
     *    NOTE: N/A.
    typedef enum {
        HI_THRESH_MASK      =   0xFFFF            /*!<  HI_THRESH mask                                                */
    } ADS111X_hi_thresh_t;

    /* Configuration parameters  */
    typedef struct {
        ADS111X_config_os_t         os;           /*!<  Operational status                                      */
        ADS111X_config_mux_t        mux;          /*!<  Input multiplexer configuration (ADS1015 only)          */
        ADS111X_config_pga_t        pga;          /*!<  Programmable gain amplifier configuration (not ADS1013) */
        ADS111X_config_mode_t       mode;         /*!<  Device operating mode                                   */
        ADS111X_config_dr_t         dr;           /*!<  Data rate                                               */
        ADS111X_config_comp_mode_t  comp_mode;    /*!<  Comparator mode (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only)              */
        ADS111X_config_comp_pol_t   comp_pol;     /*!<  Comparator polarity (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only)          */
        ADS111X_config_comp_lat_t   comp_lat;     /*!<  Latching comparator (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only)          */
        ADS111X_config_comp_que_t   comp_que;     /*!<  Comparator queue and disable (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) */
    } ADS111X_config_t;

    /* Thresholds: High and low thresholds   */
    typedef struct {
        int16_t     lo_thresh;                  /*!<  Low threshold value                           */
        int16_t     hi_thresh;                  /*!<  High threshold value                          */
    } ADS111X_thresh_t;

    /* Result Conversion: Raw value and conversion value     */
    typedef struct {
        float     conversion;                   /*!<  Conversion value                              */
        int16_t   raw_conversion;               /*!<  Raw conversion value                          */
    } ADS111X_conversion_t;

    /* USER: User's global variables     */
    typedef struct {
        /* Output  */
        ADS111X_conversion_t  conversion;         /*!<  Conversion values                             */

        /* Configuration  */
        ADS111X_config_t      config;             /*!<  Configuration register                        */

        /* Thresholds  */
        ADS111X_thresh_t      thresh;             /*!<  High/Low threshold values                     */

        /* Device identification   */
        ADS111X_device_t      device;             /*!<  Device. The user MUST identify the device     */
    } ADS111X_data_t;

      * @brief   INTERNAL CONSTANTS
    typedef enum {
        ADS111X_SUCCESS               =   0U,   /*!<  I2C communication success                       */
        ADS111X_FAILURE               =   1U,   /*!<  I2C communication failure                       */
        ADS111X_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED  =   2U,   /*!<  Device not supported                            */
        ADS111X_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE    =   3U,   /*!<  Value aout of range                             */
        ADS111X_DATA_CORRUPTED        =   4U,   /*!<  D and lo/hi threshold data                      */
        I2C_SUCCESS                   =   0U    /*!<   I2C communication was fine                     */
    } ADS111X_status_t;

    /** Create an ADS111X object connected to the specified I2C pins.
      * @param sda     I2C data pin
      * @param scl     I2C clock pin
      * @param addr    I2C slave address
      * @param freq    I2C frequency
      * @param device  Device to use: ADS1113, ADS1114 or ADS1115
    ADS111X ( PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t addr, uint32_t freq, ADS111X_device_t device );

    /** Delete ADS111X object.

    /** It triggers a softreset.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SoftReset              ( void                            );

    /** It gets the raw conversion value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetRawConversion       ( ADS111X_conversion_t* myRawD    );

    /** It gets the conversion value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetConversion          ( ADS111X_data_t* myD             );

    /** It starts a new single conversion.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_StartSingleConversion  ( void                            );

    /** It checks if the device is not currently performing a conversion.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetOS                  ( ADS111X_config_t* myADS111X     );

    /** It sets input multiplexer configuration ( ADS1015 only ).
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetMux                 ( ADS111X_data_t myADS111X        );

    /** It gets input multiplexer configuration ( ADS1015 only ).
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetMux                 ( ADS111X_data_t* myADS111X       );

    /** It sets programmable gain amplifier ( not ADS1013 ).
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetGain                ( ADS111X_data_t myPGA            );

    /** It gets programmable gain amplifier ( not ADS1013 ).
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetGain                ( ADS111X_data_t* myPGA           );

    /** It sets the device operating mode.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetMode                ( ADS111X_config_t myMode         );

    /** It gets the device operating mode.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetMode                ( ADS111X_config_t* myMode        );

    /** It sets the data rate.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetDataRate            ( ADS111X_config_t myDR           );

    /** It gets the data rate.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetDataRate            ( ADS111X_config_t* myDR          );

    /** It sets the comparator configuration.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetComparator          ( ADS111X_data_t myCOMP           );

    /** It gets the comparator configuration.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetComparator          ( ADS111X_data_t* myCOMP          );

    /** It sets the low threshold value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetLowThresholdValue   ( ADS111X_thresh_t myLoThres      );

    /** It gets the low threshold value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetLowThresholdValue   ( ADS111X_thresh_t* myLoThres     );

    /** It sets the high threshold value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_SetHighThresholdValue  ( ADS111X_thresh_t myHiThres      );

    /** It gets the high threshold value.
    ADS111X_status_t ADS111X_GetHighThresholdValue  ( ADS111X_thresh_t* myHiThres     );

    I2C                 _i2c;
    uint32_t            _ADS111X_Addr;
    ADS111X_device_t    _device;
