save loops

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r df6fdd9b99f0 elasticLoop.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/elasticLoop.h	Tue Dec 02 04:39:15 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ *  elasticLoop.h
+ *  laserBlobPure
+ *
+ *  Created by CASSINELLI ALVARO on 5/20/11.
+ *  Copyright 2011 TOKYO UNIVERSITY. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+// Include the basic objects to create the loop
+#include "soundSpot.h"
+#include "classPointMass.h"
+#include "classSpring.h"
+ #include <vector>
+ using namespace std;
+//#define MAX_NUM_MASSES  50
+//#define PI 3.1415926
+class elasticLoop : public soundSpot  {
+    // Constructor and destructor:
+    elasticLoop();
+    virtual ~elasticLoop();
+    // instantiation of the virtual methods of the base class (we don't need to append "virtual", but for clarity I do):
+    void createBlob(int _id, ElasticLoopMode _elasticBlobMode, vector2Df _initPos, vector2Df _initSpeed);
+    virtual void setRegionMotion(float mmix, float mmiy, float mmax, float mmay); // attention: initial position posX and posY should be inside this bounding box...
+    virtual void update(vector2Df referencePos);  // update dynamics of the mass loop   
+    virtual void draw(void);  // draw the blob (renders on the laser trajectory object lsdTrajectory from the base class, using the openGL laser renderer - not yet done).
+    virtual void computeBoundingBox();
+    virtual void sendDataSpecific(void);
+    // Some behaviour parameters:
+    virtual void setSpeed(float speed) {};// do nothing in the case of elastic loop for the time being...
+    virtual void setSize(float size) {}; // do nothing in the case of elastic loop for the time being...
+    virtual void speedFactor(float speedfactor);
+    virtual void sizeFactor(float sizeFactor) {}; // do nothing in the case of elastic loop for the time being...
+    virtual void explosion() {}; // nothing for the time being 
+    virtual vector2Df getCenter() {}; // nothing for the time being
+    virtual void resetPositionSpeed() {};// nothing for the time being 
+    virtual void setPositionSpeed(vector2Df _pos, vector2Df _spe) {};// nothing for the time being 
+    virtual void showChildParameters();
+    // methods that are new to this class (not in base class): 
+    void initSizeBlob(int _numMasses);
+    void createLoopFromScafold(void);
+    void processLoopData(); // process elastic loop data
+       // ====================== VARIABLES ======================
+    //ElasticLoopMode loopMode;
+    // The loop of masses with springs:
+    int numMasses; // Number of particles in the elastic loop (this may or may not be equal to the number of points in the lsdTrajectory)
+    float integrationStepLoop;
+    vector<pointMass> massesLoop;
+    vector<spring> loopSpringArray;
+    // NOTE: to save memory, we can drop hairVector (use lightForce instead, and then normalize it when required)
+    vector<vector2Df> hairVector; // the perpendiculars to the loop 
+    vector<vector2Df> lightForce;
+    //vector2D totalLightForce; // this belongs to the base class now
+    // For the central anchor point:
+    pointMass anchorMass;
+    float  integrationStepAnchor;
+    vector<spring> centralSpringArray;
+    // Detail modes (could be in a struct)
+    // Behaviour mode:
+    bool pseudopodesMode;
+    bool slidingDirection; // for contour following
+    bool springForcesOnLoop;
+    bool lightForcesOnLoop;
+    bool forceBorderOnLoop;
+    bool recenteringForceOnLoop;
+    bool nuclearForceOnLoop;
+    bool interParticleForceOnLoop;
+    bool forceInternalPressureOnLoop;
+    bool recenteringForceOnNucleus;
+    // Recentering vector (obtained by rotating the total light force by an arbitrary angle) for the anchor mass, and for each point in the loop 
+    // ex: if it is 180deg, then the blob just "bounces" on the zone transition; if it is 90, it does contour following... 
+    // The following are common to all blobs:
+   //  float angleCorrectionForceLoop;
+   // vector2D recenteringVectorLoop;
+   // float angleRecenteringVector; // auxiliary variables for sending data (for the recenteringVectorLoop)
+   // float normRecenteringVector;
+    float angleCorrectionForceNucleus;
+    vector2Df recenteringVectorNucleus;
+    // Numeric parameters: 
+    float massLoopParticle; 
+    float dampMotionMassesLoop;
+    float massAnchor;
+    float dampMotionAnchorMass;
+    // initial size, position and center-mass speed of the elastic loop:
+    float startRadius;
+    //vector2D startCenter; // this belongs to the base class
+    // vector2D startSpeed; // this belongs to base class
+    float interSpringK, interSpringRelax;
+    float centralSpringK, centralSpringRelax;
+    float factorLightForce;
+    float factorRecenteringAnchorMass;
+    float factorRecenteringLoopMass;
+    float factorPressureLoopMass;
+    float factorForceBorder;
+    float interParticleRange, factorInterParticleForce; // zach like blob force
+  // SOUND SENDING MODES (specific to this kind of blob object): 
+  /*
+  // (a) anchor mass data: 
+  bool sendingAnchorPosition;
+  bool sendingAnchorForce; // this is the total force on the anchor mass, not just the recentering force
+  bool sendingAnchorTouchWall;
+  // (b) data from blob points:
+  bool sendingLoopPositions;
+  bool sendingLoopForces;// this is not just the forces from light, but all the forces in each particle
+  bool sendingLoopForcesLight;
+  bool sendingLoopRegions; // from this we can detect "hits"
+  bool sendingLoopTouchWall;
+  // (c) Blob geometry:
+  bool sendingBlobArea;
+  bool sendingBlobNormals;
+  bool sendingBlobAngles; // redundant with sendingBlobNormals, but simplified (only angle of normal)
+    */