Laser Sensing Display for UI interfaces in the real world

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of skinGames_forktest by Alvaro Cassinelli

diff -r 2fc8c12822eb -r d8af03f01cd4 mbedOSC.cpp
--- a/mbedOSC.cpp	Wed Jun 20 03:25:49 2012 +0000
+++ b/mbedOSC.cpp	Fri Sep 21 10:02:35 2012 +0000
@@ -1,638 +1,638 @@
- mbedOSC.cpp 
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "mbedOSC.h"
-#include "stdarg.h"
-OSCMessage::OSCMessage() {
- // Initialize host address and port by default (as if this where the receiver message):
- //    host=new Host(IpAddr(10, 0, 0, 1), DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PORT, NULL);
- Set PortNo for the OSC Message
- @param[in] _port PortNo (unsigned int)
- @return None
- */
-void OSCMessage::setPort(uint16_t _port){
-     host.setPort(_port);
- Set IP Address of the OSC Message (for SENDING messages - for receiving this will be done when receiving something ) 
- param[in] <-- _ip pointer of IP Address array (byte *)
- Example: IP=, then we have to do: ip[]={192,168,0,1}, then setIp(ip)
- */
-void OSCMessage::setIp(uint8_t *_ip){
-    host.setIp(IpAddr(_ip[0], _ip[1], _ip[2], _ip[3]));
- Set IP Address to the OSC Message container (not through pointer)
- Example: IP= => setIp(192,168,0,99)
- */
-void OSCMessage::setIp(    uint8_t _ip1,
-                        uint8_t _ip2,
-                        uint8_t _ip3,
-                        uint8_t _ip4 ){
-    host.setIp(IpAddr(_ip1, _ip2, _ip3, _ip4));
-const IpAddr& OSCMessage::getIp(){
-    return host.getIp();
- const int& OSCMessage::getPort(){
-    return host.getPort();
- Gets the number of the OSC message address
- param[in] None
- return number of the OSC message address (byte)
- Examples: "/ard"      --> the number of the addresses is 1
-           "/ard/test" --> the number of the addresses is 2
- Attention: the maximum number of addresses is 2 (MAX_ADDRESS)
-uint8_t    OSCMessage::getAddressNum(){
-    return addressNum;
- Gets the number of the OSC message args
- param[in] None
- return number of the args (byte)
- Example: "i" 123 --> number of the OSC message args is 1
-          "if" 123 54.24 --> number of the OSC message args is 2
- Attention: the maximum number of args is 2 (MAX_ARG)
- */
-uint8_t    OSCMessage::getArgNum(){
-    return argNum;
- Gets the address string of the OSC message
- param [in] <-- _index is the index of the address string (byte)
- return pointer of the address string (char *)
- @note ex. "/ard/test"<br>
- getAddress(0) = "/ard"<br>
- getAddress(1) = "/test"
- @attention It is maximum number of the addresses is 2<br>
- In this case "/ard/test1/test2"<br>
- ignore it after "/test2"
- */
-char * OSCMessage::getAddress(uint8_t _index){
-    if(_index>MAX_ADDRESS) _index=MAX_ADDRESS-1;
-    return address[_index];
- Gets the TopAddress string of the OSC message (this is just the address with index 0)
- param[in] None
- return pointer of the TopAddress string (char *), i.e. address[0]
- Example: In the case "/ard/test", getTopAddress() = "/ard" (WITH the slash "/") 
- */
-char * OSCMessage::getTopAddress(){
-    return getAddress(0);
- Gets the "SubAddress" string of the OSC message (this is just the address with index 1)
- param[in] None
- return pointer of the SubAddress string (char *), i.e. address[1]
- Example: in the case "/ard/test", getSubAddress() = "/test" (WITH the slash "/") 
- */
-char * OSCMessage::getSubAddress(){
-    return getAddress(1);
- Gets the TypeTag string (with index) of the OSC message
- param[in] <--_index is the index of the TypeTag string (byte)
- return: TypeTag char (char)
- Example: in the case of a total typetag string equal to "if", getTypeTag(0) = 'i' and getTypeTag(1) = 'f'
- Attention: MAX_ARG is maximum number of the args, if the index argument is larger, it will be constrained to this max. 
- */
-char  OSCMessage::getTypeTag(uint8_t _index){
-    if(_index>MAX_ARG) _index=MAX_ARG-1;
-    return typeTag[_index];
- Get the args of the OSC message with an integer value
- param[in] <--_index is (an int, or uint8_t), corresponding to the index of the args (byte)
- return: integer value (long, or int32_t)
- Example: in the case "if" 123 54.24, getArgInt(0) = 123
- Noe: "i" is integer, but the return type is "long"
- Note: When a index is bigger than the number of the args, it is set to the number of the args
- */
-int32_t OSCMessage::getArgInt(uint8_t _index){
-    int32_t *value;
-    if(_index > argNum) _index=argNum;
-    value = (int32_t *)arg[_index]; // cast to int32_t
-    return *value;
- Get the args of the OSC message with a float value
- param[in] <--_index is the index of the args
- return: float value (double)
- note: In this case "if" 123 54.24, getArgFloat(1) = 54.24
- attention: arg declared as float, but return value cast as "double"
- attention: When index is bigger than the number of the args, it is set to the number of the args
- */
-double OSCMessage::getArgFloat(uint8_t _index){
-    double *value;
-    if(_index > argNum) _index=argNum;
-    value = (double *)arg[_index];
-    return *value;
- Set TopAddress string of OSC Message 
- param[in] <-- _address is a string pointer for the TopAddress String (char *). NOTE: is this a good idea? why not pass as const, and do allocation here?
- return: None
- Example: if the complete address string is "/ard/test", we set the topaddress as follows: char top[]="/ard" (allocation done here!), then setTopAddress(top)
- */
-void OSCMessage::setTopAddress(char *_address){
-    address[0]=_address;
-    address[1]=0;
-    addressNum=1; // Note: this "erases" the subaddress! (is this a good idea?)
- Set SubAddress string of the OSC Message
- param[in] <-- _address is a string pointer for the SubAddress String (char *)
- return: None
- Example:  if the complete address string is "/ard/test", we set the subaddress as follows: char sub[]="/test" (allocation done here!), then setSubAddress(sub)
- Attention: we should call first setTopAddress, and then setSubAddress. The order is important. This does not seems like a good idea...
- */
-void OSCMessage::setSubAddress(char *_address){
-    address[1]=_address;
-    addressNum=2; // Note: this assumes the top address was already set!
- Set the complete Address string of the OSC Message (top and sub addresses)
- param[in] <-- _topAddress and _subAddress are the string pointers to top and sub addresses (char *)
- return: None
- Example: in the case "/ard/test", we need to do: char top[]="/ard", char sub[]="/test", and then setAddress(top,sub)
- Reminder: in this implementation, the maximum number of addresses is MAX_ADDRESS=2
- */
-void OSCMessage::setAddress(char *_topAddress,char *_subAddress){
-    setTopAddress(_topAddress);
-    setSubAddress(_subAddress);
-    addressNum=2; // (unnecessary...)
- Set address string using index (here 0 or 1)
- Example: "/ard/test", char adr[]="/ard", setAddress(0,adr), char adr2[]="/test", setAddress(1,adr)
- */
-void OSCMessage::setAddress(uint8_t _index, char *_address){
-    if(_index>MAX_ADDRESS) _index=MAX_ADDRESS-1;
-    address[_index]=_address;
-    addressNum=_index+1;
- Set TypeTag and args to the OSC Message container
- @param[in] types TypeTag string "i"(integer) or"f"(float) (char *)
- @param[in] ... Pointer of the Args(variable argument) ..
- @return None
- @Example: 
- (1) integer 123: (NOTE: integers are LONG)
- long v1=123; sendMes.setArgs("i",&v1)
- (2)integer:123 and float:52.14
- long v1=123; double v2=52.14; sendMes.setArgs("if",&v1,&v2)
- Attention: in this implementation, the maximum number of the args is 2
- (if setArgs("iff",&v1,&v2,&v3), data is ignored after &v3)
- */
-void OSCMessage::setArgs(char *types,...){
-    va_list argList;
-    argNum = strlen(types);
-    if(argNum>MAX_ARG) argNum=MAX_ARG-1;
-    va_start( argList, types );
-    for(uint8_t i=0 ; i < argNum ; i++){
-        typeTag[i]=types[i];
-        switch(types[i]) {
-            case 'i':
-                arg[i]=(uint32_t *)va_arg(argList, uint32_t *);
-                break;
-            case 'f':
-                arg[i]=va_arg(argList, double *);
-                break;
-           // case 'b': // blob
-           //     arg[i]=va_arg(argList, double *);
-           //     break;
-        }
-    }
-void OSCMessage::clearArgs() {
-    argNum=0;
-// ================================================================================================================================================
-// ====================================  OSCClass for sending and receiving OSC messages using UDP protocol =======================================
-// ================================================================================================================================================
-//The class define an object wrapping the UDP functions to send and receive OSC messages
-    newMessage=false;
- This sets "binds" the received message to the receiver container of the communication object
- param[in]<--_mes is a pointer to the "receiveing" OSC message (OSCMessage *)
- */
-OSCClass::OSCClass(OSCMessage *_mes){
-    receiverMessage = _mes; // note: receiverMessage MUST be a pointer to the message, because we will modify things in it
-    newMessage=false;
- This initializes the OSC communication object with default receiving port (DEFAULT_REC_PORT)
- param[in]: None
- return: None
- */
-void OSCClass::begin(void (*pcallbackOnPacketArrival)(UDPSocketEvent))
-  // setup receiver udp socket, as well as callback function:
-  udpRec.bind(receiverMessage->host);
-  udpRec.setOnEvent(pcallbackOnPacketArrival); // note: onUDPSocketEvent is a member of OSCClass
- Initialize an OSC object with arbitrary listening port
- param[in] <-- _recievePort, is the listening ("receiving") Port No (unsigned int)
- return: None
- */
-void OSCClass::begin(uint16_t _recievePort, void (*pcallbackOnPacketArrival)(UDPSocketEvent))
-  receiverMessage->host.setPort(_recievePort);
-  // setup receiver udp socket, as well as callback function:
-  udpRec.bind(receiverMessage->host);
-  udpRec.setOnEvent(pcallbackOnPacketArrival);
- Set a OSC receive message container
- param[in] _mes Pointer to the OSC receive message container (OSCMessage *)
- return None
- */
-void OSCClass::setReceiveMessage(OSCMessage *_mes){
-    receiverMessage = _mes;
- callback function when an upd message arrives (it will be transformed as OSC message)
- */
-void OSCClass::onUDPSocketEvent(UDPSocketEvent e)
-  switch(e)
-  {
-  case UDPSOCKET_READABLE: //The only event for now
-    //char buf[256] = {0};
-    Host auxhost;
-    buflength = udpRec.recvfrom( rcvBuff, 256, &auxhost ); // QUESTION: auxhost should be equal to the receiver host I guess...
-    if ( buflength > 0 ) {
-      //printf("\r\nFrom %d.%d.%d.%d:\r\n", host.getIp()[0], host.getIp()[1], host.getIp()[2], host.getIp()[3]);   
-      decodePacket(receiverMessage); // convert to OSC message, and save it in receiverMessage
-      newMessage=true;
-    }
-  break;
-  }
- Decode UDP packet and save it in the OSCMessage structure
- */
-void OSCClass::decodePacket( OSCMessage *_mes) {
-    //uint16_t    lenBuff;
-    uint8_t        d;    
-    uint8_t        messagePos=0;    
-    uint8_t        adrCount=0;
-    uint8_t        adrMesPos=0;    
-    uint8_t        packetCount=0;
-    uint8_t        packetPos=4;
-    //W5100.writeSn(socketNo, SnIR, SnIR::RECV);
-    //lenBuff=recvfrom(socketNo, rcvBuff, 1, receiverMessage->ip, &receiverMessage->port);    
-    receiverMessage->address[0]=tempAddress[0];
-    //(1) address process start =========================================
-    do{
-        d=rcvBuff[messagePos];
-        if( (d=='/') && (messagePos>0) ){
-            if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS){
-                tempAddress[adrCount][adrMesPos]=0;
-                adrCount++;
-                adrMesPos=0;
-                receiverMessage->address[adrCount]=tempAddress[adrCount];
-            }
-        }
-        if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS){
-        //Added this in to remove the slashes out of final output
-        if(d!='/'){
-        tempAddress[adrCount][adrMesPos]=d;            
-        if(packetCount>3)  {
-            packetCount=0;
-            packetPos+=4;
-        }
-        adrMesPos++;
-        }
-        }
-        messagePos++;
-        packetCount++;
-    }while(d!=0);
-    if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS) adrCount++;
-    receiverMessage->addressNum=adrCount;
-    messagePos=packetPos;
-    //(2) type tag process starts =========================================
-    packetCount=0;
-    packetPos+=4;
-    uint8_t  typeTagPos=0;
-    uint8_t     tempArgNum=0;
-    while(rcvBuff[messagePos]!=0 ){
-        if(rcvBuff[messagePos] != ',') {
-                if(typeTagPos<MAX_ARG){
-                    receiverMessage->typeTag[tempArgNum]=rcvBuff[messagePos];
-                    tempArgNum++;
-                }
-                typeTagPos++;
-            }
-        packetCount++;
-        if(packetCount>3)  {
-            packetCount=0;
-            packetPos+=4;
-        }
-        messagePos++;
-    }
-    receiverMessage->argNum=tempArgNum;
-    messagePos=packetPos;
-    //(3) tempArg process starts =========================================
-    for(int i=0;i<tempArgNum;i++){
-        adrMesPos=3;
-        receiverMessage->arg[i]=tempArg[i];
-        for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
-            tempArg[i][adrMesPos]=rcvBuff[messagePos];
-            messagePos++;
-            adrMesPos--;
-        }
-    }
- Get the received OSC message (note: this is another way to access the message directly from the OSCClass object).
- The advantage is that we will signal that we read the message, and will be able to query if a NEW message arrived
- (Alternatively, one could have a function pointer to pass to the OSC object, that will be called each time a new packet is received: TO DO) 
- */
-OSCMessage * OSCClass::getMessage(){
-    newMessage=false; // this indicate the user READ the message
-    return receiverMessage;
- Send an OSC Message (message contain the host ip and port where the message data has to be sent)
- param[in] _mes Pointer to the OSC message container (OSCMessage *)
- return None
- */
-void OSCClass::sendOsc( OSCMessage *_mes )
-    uint8_t lengthEnd;
-    uint8_t lengthStart;    
-    char  buff[128];
-    sendContainer = _mes;
-    //&#12496;&#12483;&#12501;&#12449;&#21021;&#26399;&#20516;
-    buff[0]=0;
-    //1) Add name spaces:
-    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->addressNum;i++){
-        strcat(buff,sendContainer->address[i]); // note: an address is for instance: "/test" (including the "/")
-    }
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;  
-    }
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    //2) Add TypeTag:
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; // Note: type tag is for instance: ",if"
-    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->argNum;i++){
-        buff[lengthEnd++]=sendContainer->typeTag[i];
-    }
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;
-    }
-    //3) add argument values (Note: here only big endian, this is, FIRST the MOST SIGNIFICANT BYTE):
-    uint8_t *v;
-    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->argNum;i++){
-        uint8_t valuePos=3;
-        v=(uint8_t *)sendContainer->arg[i];
-        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
-        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
-        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
-        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos]; 
-    }
-    //4) Send udp packet: 
-    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
-    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
-// this is bad, should be integrated on the above, but no time:
-void OSCClass::sendOscBlob( uint8_t * myblob, int sizeblob, OSCMessage *_mes )
-    // esto es mamarrachezco: 
-     sendContainer = _mes;
-    uint8_t lengthEnd;
-    uint8_t lengthStart;    
-    char  buff[50+sizeblob];
-    buff[0]=0;
-    //1) Add name spaces (will be just '/posblob' for the blob)
-    strcat(buff,"/posblob"); 
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;  
-    }
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    //2) Add TypeTag:
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; //here type tag is just ",b" (one blob)
-    buff[lengthEnd++]='b';
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;
-    }
-    //3) add blob (Note: here it is up to the user to get the values right - big endian?):
-    // First the size (as an int32, where the type int32 is a 32-bit big-endian two's complement integer) 
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=(char)sizeblob; // note: the loops always have less than 255 points...
-    // Add blob data: 
-    memcpy(&(buff[lengthEnd]), myblob, sizeblob);
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd+sizeblob;
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;
-    }
-    //4) Send udp packet: 
-    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
-    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
-void OSCClass::sendOscString( uint8_t * myblob, int sizeblob, OSCMessage *_mes )
-    uint8_t lengthEnd;
-    uint8_t lengthStart;    
-    char  buff[50+sizeblob];
-    buff[0]=0;
-    //1) Add name spaces (will be just '/posblob' for the blob)
-    strcat(buff,"/posString"); 
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;  
-    }
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    //2) Add TypeTag:
-    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; //here type tag is just ",b" (one blob)
-    buff[lengthEnd++]='s';
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;
-    }
-    // Add blob data: 
-    memcpy(&(buff[lengthEnd]), myblob, sizeblob);
-    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
-    lengthStart=lengthEnd+sizeblob;
-    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
-    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
-        buff[i]=0;
-    }
-    //4) Send udp packet: 
-    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
-    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
- flush a receive buffer
-void OSCClass::flush() {    
-    while ( available() ){}
- Stop OSC communication (in fact, only the receiver - the server side)
- */
-void OSCClass::stop() {
-    //close( socketNo );
-    udpSend.resetOnEvent(); // disables callback
+ mbedOSC.cpp 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mbedOSC.h"
+#include "stdarg.h"
+OSCMessage::OSCMessage() {
+ // Initialize host address and port by default (as if this where the receiver message):
+ //    host=new Host(IpAddr(10, 0, 0, 1), DEFAULT_RECEIVE_PORT, NULL);
+ Set PortNo for the OSC Message
+ @param[in] _port PortNo (unsigned int)
+ @return None
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setPort(uint16_t _port){
+     host.setPort(_port);
+ Set IP Address of the OSC Message (for SENDING messages - for receiving this will be done when receiving something ) 
+ param[in] <-- _ip pointer of IP Address array (byte *)
+ Example: IP=, then we have to do: ip[]={192,168,0,1}, then setIp(ip)
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setIp(uint8_t *_ip){
+    host.setIp(IpAddr(_ip[0], _ip[1], _ip[2], _ip[3]));
+ Set IP Address to the OSC Message container (not through pointer)
+ Example: IP= => setIp(192,168,0,99)
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setIp(    uint8_t _ip1,
+                        uint8_t _ip2,
+                        uint8_t _ip3,
+                        uint8_t _ip4 ){
+    host.setIp(IpAddr(_ip1, _ip2, _ip3, _ip4));
+const IpAddr& OSCMessage::getIp(){
+    return host.getIp();
+ const int& OSCMessage::getPort(){
+    return host.getPort();
+ Gets the number of the OSC message address
+ param[in] None
+ return number of the OSC message address (byte)
+ Examples: "/ard"      --> the number of the addresses is 1
+           "/ard/test" --> the number of the addresses is 2
+ Attention: the maximum number of addresses is 2 (MAX_ADDRESS)
+uint8_t    OSCMessage::getAddressNum(){
+    return addressNum;
+ Gets the number of the OSC message args
+ param[in] None
+ return number of the args (byte)
+ Example: "i" 123 --> number of the OSC message args is 1
+          "if" 123 54.24 --> number of the OSC message args is 2
+ Attention: the maximum number of args is 2 (MAX_ARG)
+ */
+uint8_t    OSCMessage::getArgNum(){
+    return argNum;
+ Gets the address string of the OSC message
+ param [in] <-- _index is the index of the address string (byte)
+ return pointer of the address string (char *)
+ @note ex. "/ard/test"<br>
+ getAddress(0) = "/ard"<br>
+ getAddress(1) = "/test"
+ @attention It is maximum number of the addresses is 2<br>
+ In this case "/ard/test1/test2"<br>
+ ignore it after "/test2"
+ */
+char * OSCMessage::getAddress(uint8_t _index){
+    if(_index>MAX_ADDRESS) _index=MAX_ADDRESS-1;
+    return address[_index];
+ Gets the TopAddress string of the OSC message (this is just the address with index 0)
+ param[in] None
+ return pointer of the TopAddress string (char *), i.e. address[0]
+ Example: In the case "/ard/test", getTopAddress() = "/ard" (WITH the slash "/") 
+ */
+char * OSCMessage::getTopAddress(){
+    return getAddress(0);
+ Gets the "SubAddress" string of the OSC message (this is just the address with index 1)
+ param[in] None
+ return pointer of the SubAddress string (char *), i.e. address[1]
+ Example: in the case "/ard/test", getSubAddress() = "/test" (WITH the slash "/") 
+ */
+char * OSCMessage::getSubAddress(){
+    return getAddress(1);
+ Gets the TypeTag string (with index) of the OSC message
+ param[in] <--_index is the index of the TypeTag string (byte)
+ return: TypeTag char (char)
+ Example: in the case of a total typetag string equal to "if", getTypeTag(0) = 'i' and getTypeTag(1) = 'f'
+ Attention: MAX_ARG is maximum number of the args, if the index argument is larger, it will be constrained to this max. 
+ */
+char  OSCMessage::getTypeTag(uint8_t _index){
+    if(_index>MAX_ARG) _index=MAX_ARG-1;
+    return typeTag[_index];
+ Get the args of the OSC message with an integer value
+ param[in] <--_index is (an int, or uint8_t), corresponding to the index of the args (byte)
+ return: integer value (long, or int32_t)
+ Example: in the case "if" 123 54.24, getArgInt(0) = 123
+ Noe: "i" is integer, but the return type is "long"
+ Note: When a index is bigger than the number of the args, it is set to the number of the args
+ */
+int32_t OSCMessage::getArgInt(uint8_t _index){
+    int32_t *value;
+    if(_index > argNum) _index=argNum;
+    value = (int32_t *)arg[_index]; // cast to int32_t
+    return *value;
+ Get the args of the OSC message with a float value
+ param[in] <--_index is the index of the args
+ return: float value (double)
+ note: In this case "if" 123 54.24, getArgFloat(1) = 54.24
+ attention: arg declared as float, but return value cast as "double"
+ attention: When index is bigger than the number of the args, it is set to the number of the args
+ */
+double OSCMessage::getArgFloat(uint8_t _index){
+    double *value;
+    if(_index > argNum) _index=argNum;
+    value = (double *)arg[_index];
+    return *value;
+ Set TopAddress string of OSC Message 
+ param[in] <-- _address is a string pointer for the TopAddress String (char *). NOTE: is this a good idea? why not pass as const, and do allocation here?
+ return: None
+ Example: if the complete address string is "/ard/test", we set the topaddress as follows: char top[]="/ard" (allocation done here!), then setTopAddress(top)
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setTopAddress(char *_address){
+    address[0]=_address;
+    address[1]=0;
+    addressNum=1; // Note: this "erases" the subaddress! (is this a good idea?)
+ Set SubAddress string of the OSC Message
+ param[in] <-- _address is a string pointer for the SubAddress String (char *)
+ return: None
+ Example:  if the complete address string is "/ard/test", we set the subaddress as follows: char sub[]="/test" (allocation done here!), then setSubAddress(sub)
+ Attention: we should call first setTopAddress, and then setSubAddress. The order is important. This does not seems like a good idea...
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setSubAddress(char *_address){
+    address[1]=_address;
+    addressNum=2; // Note: this assumes the top address was already set!
+ Set the complete Address string of the OSC Message (top and sub addresses)
+ param[in] <-- _topAddress and _subAddress are the string pointers to top and sub addresses (char *)
+ return: None
+ Example: in the case "/ard/test", we need to do: char top[]="/ard", char sub[]="/test", and then setAddress(top,sub)
+ Reminder: in this implementation, the maximum number of addresses is MAX_ADDRESS=2
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setAddress(char *_topAddress,char *_subAddress){
+    setTopAddress(_topAddress);
+    setSubAddress(_subAddress);
+    addressNum=2; // (unnecessary...)
+ Set address string using index (here 0 or 1)
+ Example: "/ard/test", char adr[]="/ard", setAddress(0,adr), char adr2[]="/test", setAddress(1,adr)
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setAddress(uint8_t _index, char *_address){
+    if(_index>MAX_ADDRESS) _index=MAX_ADDRESS-1;
+    address[_index]=_address;
+    addressNum=_index+1;
+ Set TypeTag and args to the OSC Message container
+ @param[in] types TypeTag string "i"(integer) or"f"(float) (char *)
+ @param[in] ... Pointer of the Args(variable argument) ..
+ @return None
+ @Example: 
+ (1) integer 123: (NOTE: integers are LONG)
+ long v1=123; sendMes.setArgs("i",&v1)
+ (2)integer:123 and float:52.14
+ long v1=123; double v2=52.14; sendMes.setArgs("if",&v1,&v2)
+ Attention: in this implementation, the maximum number of the args is 2
+ (if setArgs("iff",&v1,&v2,&v3), data is ignored after &v3)
+ */
+void OSCMessage::setArgs(char *types,...){
+    va_list argList;
+    argNum = strlen(types);
+    if(argNum>MAX_ARG) argNum=MAX_ARG-1;
+    va_start( argList, types );
+    for(uint8_t i=0 ; i < argNum ; i++){
+        typeTag[i]=types[i];
+        switch(types[i]) {
+            case 'i':
+                arg[i]=(uint32_t *)va_arg(argList, uint32_t *);
+                break;
+            case 'f':
+                arg[i]=va_arg(argList, double *);
+                break;
+           // case 'b': // blob
+           //     arg[i]=va_arg(argList, double *);
+           //     break;
+        }
+    }
+void OSCMessage::clearArgs() {
+    argNum=0;
+// ================================================================================================================================================
+// ====================================  OSCClass for sending and receiving OSC messages using UDP protocol =======================================
+// ================================================================================================================================================
+//The class define an object wrapping the UDP functions to send and receive OSC messages
+    newMessage=false;
+ This sets "binds" the received message to the receiver container of the communication object
+ param[in]<--_mes is a pointer to the "receiveing" OSC message (OSCMessage *)
+ */
+OSCClass::OSCClass(OSCMessage *_mes){
+    receiverMessage = _mes; // note: receiverMessage MUST be a pointer to the message, because we will modify things in it
+    newMessage=false;
+ This initializes the OSC communication object with default receiving port (DEFAULT_REC_PORT)
+ param[in]: None
+ return: None
+ */
+void OSCClass::begin(void (*pcallbackOnPacketArrival)(UDPSocketEvent))
+  // setup receiver udp socket, as well as callback function:
+  udpRec.bind(receiverMessage->host);
+  udpRec.setOnEvent(pcallbackOnPacketArrival); // note: onUDPSocketEvent is a member of OSCClass
+ Initialize an OSC object with arbitrary listening port
+ param[in] <-- _recievePort, is the listening ("receiving") Port No (unsigned int)
+ return: None
+ */
+void OSCClass::begin(uint16_t _recievePort, void (*pcallbackOnPacketArrival)(UDPSocketEvent))
+  receiverMessage->host.setPort(_recievePort);
+  // setup receiver udp socket, as well as callback function:
+  udpRec.bind(receiverMessage->host);
+  udpRec.setOnEvent(pcallbackOnPacketArrival);
+ Set a OSC receive message container
+ param[in] _mes Pointer to the OSC receive message container (OSCMessage *)
+ return None
+ */
+void OSCClass::setReceiveMessage(OSCMessage *_mes){
+    receiverMessage = _mes;
+ callback function when an upd message arrives (it will be transformed as OSC message)
+ */
+void OSCClass::onUDPSocketEvent(UDPSocketEvent e)
+  switch(e)
+  {
+  case UDPSOCKET_READABLE: //The only event for now
+    //char buf[256] = {0};
+    Host auxhost;
+    buflength = udpRec.recvfrom( rcvBuff, 256, &auxhost ); // QUESTION: auxhost should be equal to the receiver host I guess...
+    if ( buflength > 0 ) {
+      //printf("\r\nFrom %d.%d.%d.%d:\r\n", host.getIp()[0], host.getIp()[1], host.getIp()[2], host.getIp()[3]);   
+      decodePacket(receiverMessage); // convert to OSC message, and save it in receiverMessage
+      newMessage=true;
+    }
+  break;
+  }
+ Decode UDP packet and save it in the OSCMessage structure
+ */
+void OSCClass::decodePacket( OSCMessage *_mes) {
+    //uint16_t    lenBuff;
+    uint8_t        d;    
+    uint8_t        messagePos=0;    
+    uint8_t        adrCount=0;
+    uint8_t        adrMesPos=0;    
+    uint8_t        packetCount=0;
+    uint8_t        packetPos=4;
+    //W5100.writeSn(socketNo, SnIR, SnIR::RECV);
+    //lenBuff=recvfrom(socketNo, rcvBuff, 1, receiverMessage->ip, &receiverMessage->port);    
+    receiverMessage->address[0]=tempAddress[0];
+    //(1) address process start =========================================
+    do{
+        d=rcvBuff[messagePos];
+        if( (d=='/') && (messagePos>0) ){
+            if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS){
+                tempAddress[adrCount][adrMesPos]=0;
+                adrCount++;
+                adrMesPos=0;
+                receiverMessage->address[adrCount]=tempAddress[adrCount];
+            }
+        }
+        if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS){
+        //Added this in to remove the slashes out of final output
+        if(d!='/'){
+        tempAddress[adrCount][adrMesPos]=d;            
+        if(packetCount>3)  {
+            packetCount=0;
+            packetPos+=4;
+        }
+        adrMesPos++;
+        }
+        }
+        messagePos++;
+        packetCount++;
+    }while(d!=0);
+    if(adrCount<MAX_ADDRESS) adrCount++;
+    receiverMessage->addressNum=adrCount;
+    messagePos=packetPos;
+    //(2) type tag process starts =========================================
+    packetCount=0;
+    packetPos+=4;
+    uint8_t  typeTagPos=0;
+    uint8_t     tempArgNum=0;
+    while(rcvBuff[messagePos]!=0 ){
+        if(rcvBuff[messagePos] != ',') {
+                if(typeTagPos<MAX_ARG){
+                    receiverMessage->typeTag[tempArgNum]=rcvBuff[messagePos];
+                    tempArgNum++;
+                }
+                typeTagPos++;
+            }
+        packetCount++;
+        if(packetCount>3)  {
+            packetCount=0;
+            packetPos+=4;
+        }
+        messagePos++;
+    }
+    receiverMessage->argNum=tempArgNum;
+    messagePos=packetPos;
+    //(3) tempArg process starts =========================================
+    for(int i=0;i<tempArgNum;i++){
+        adrMesPos=3;
+        receiverMessage->arg[i]=tempArg[i];
+        for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
+            tempArg[i][adrMesPos]=rcvBuff[messagePos];
+            messagePos++;
+            adrMesPos--;
+        }
+    }
+ Get the received OSC message (note: this is another way to access the message directly from the OSCClass object).
+ The advantage is that we will signal that we read the message, and will be able to query if a NEW message arrived
+ (Alternatively, one could have a function pointer to pass to the OSC object, that will be called each time a new packet is received: TO DO) 
+ */
+OSCMessage * OSCClass::getMessage(){
+    newMessage=false; // this indicate the user READ the message
+    return receiverMessage;
+ Send an OSC Message (message contain the host ip and port where the message data has to be sent)
+ param[in] _mes Pointer to the OSC message container (OSCMessage *)
+ return None
+ */
+void OSCClass::sendOsc( OSCMessage *_mes )
+    uint8_t lengthEnd;
+    uint8_t lengthStart;    
+    char  buff[128];
+    sendContainer = _mes;
+    //&#12496;&#12483;&#12501;&#12449;&#21021;&#26399;&#20516;
+    buff[0]=0;
+    //1) Add name spaces:
+    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->addressNum;i++){
+        strcat(buff,sendContainer->address[i]); // note: an address is for instance: "/test" (including the "/")
+    }
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;  
+    }
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    //2) Add TypeTag:
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; // Note: type tag is for instance: ",if"
+    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->argNum;i++){
+        buff[lengthEnd++]=sendContainer->typeTag[i];
+    }
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;
+    }
+    //3) add argument values (Note: here only big endian, this is, FIRST the MOST SIGNIFICANT BYTE):
+    uint8_t *v;
+    for(int i=0;i<sendContainer->argNum;i++){
+        uint8_t valuePos=3;
+        v=(uint8_t *)sendContainer->arg[i];
+        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
+        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
+        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos--];
+        buff[lengthEnd++]=v[valuePos]; 
+    }
+    //4) Send udp packet: 
+    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
+    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
+// this is bad, should be integrated on the above, but no time:
+void OSCClass::sendOscBlob( uint8_t * myblob, int sizeblob, OSCMessage *_mes )
+    // esto es mamarrachezco: 
+     sendContainer = _mes;
+    uint8_t lengthEnd;
+    uint8_t lengthStart;    
+    char  buff[50+sizeblob];
+    buff[0]=0;
+    //1) Add name spaces (will be just '/posblob' for the blob)
+    strcat(buff,"/posblob"); 
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;  
+    }
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    //2) Add TypeTag:
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; //here type tag is just ",b" (one blob)
+    buff[lengthEnd++]='b';
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;
+    }
+    //3) add blob (Note: here it is up to the user to get the values right - big endian?):
+    // First the size (as an int32, where the type int32 is a 32-bit big-endian two's complement integer) 
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=0;
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=(char)sizeblob; // note: the loops always have less than 255 points...
+    // Add blob data: 
+    memcpy(&(buff[lengthEnd]), myblob, sizeblob);
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd+sizeblob;
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;
+    }
+    //4) Send udp packet: 
+    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
+    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
+void OSCClass::sendOscString( uint8_t * myblob, int sizeblob, OSCMessage *_mes )
+    uint8_t lengthEnd;
+    uint8_t lengthStart;    
+    char  buff[50+sizeblob];
+    buff[0]=0;
+    //1) Add name spaces (will be just '/posblob' for the blob)
+    strcat(buff,"/posString"); 
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=strlen(buff);
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;  
+    }
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    //2) Add TypeTag:
+    buff[lengthEnd++]=','; //here type tag is just ",b" (one blob)
+    buff[lengthEnd++]='s';
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd;
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;
+    }
+    // Add blob data: 
+    memcpy(&(buff[lengthEnd]), myblob, sizeblob);
+    // pad with 0s to align in multiples of 4:
+    lengthStart=lengthEnd+sizeblob;
+    lengthEnd=lengthStart+(4-(lengthStart%4));
+    for(int i=lengthStart ; i<lengthEnd; i++){
+        buff[i]=0;
+    }
+    //4) Send udp packet: 
+    //sendto(    socketNo, (uint8_t *)buff, lengthEnd, sendContainer->ip, sendContainer->port );
+    udpSend.sendto(buff , lengthEnd, &(sendContainer->host));
+ flush a receive buffer
+void OSCClass::flush() {    
+    while ( available() ){}
+ Stop OSC communication (in fact, only the receiver - the server side)
+ */
+void OSCClass::stop() {
+    //close( socketNo );
+    udpSend.resetOnEvent(); // disables callback