Example controlling galvanomirrors (X and Y) using the spi DAC MCP4922 and the new platform FRDM_K64F

Dependencies:   mbed

Wed Dec 10 08:55:56 2014 +0000
working (the points are not drawn in an interrupt). This is a very simple code communicating wiht the PC through Serial port. Note: I noticed lots of aberrations produced by the filters and amplification in the electronic mirror driver.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 1
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 2 #ifndef hardwareIO_h
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 3 #define hardwareIO_h
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 4
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 5 #include "mbed.h"
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 6
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 7
mbedalvaro 4:1428775752f7 8 //SPI library (for DAC MCP4922 chip) uses the following pins, but we don't have to set them and inputs or outputs
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 9 // (this is done when the library is initialized, which is done by pre-instantiation:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 10 #define SCK_PIN D13 //SPI Clock
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 11 #define MISO_PIN D12 //SPI input (data comming from DAC, here not connected)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 12 #define MOSI_PIN D11 //SPI output (data going to DAC)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 13
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 14 //**** CHIP SELECT pins for MP4922 DAC (mirrors and red laser)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 15 // VERY IMPORTANT: the chip select for the DACs should be different from the default SPI "SS" pin (Slave Select), which is 53 by default (and will be used by the Ethernet Shield).
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 16 #define CS_DAC_MIRRORS D7 //Chip Select of the first DAC (mirrors)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 17
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 18 //**** LASERS pins:
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 19 // NOTE: for some reason PWM output D8 does not goes to 0!!
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 20 #define LASER_LOCKIN_PIN D5 // this can be analog, or TTL controlled (PWM modulation or real analog output, in this case it needs to be pin DAC0_OUT
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 21 #define LOCKIN_FREQUENCY 100 // in Hertz
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 22
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 23 #define LASER_RED_PIN D4 // NOT YET USED (TTL control)
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 24 #define LASER_GREEN_PIN D8 // NOT YET USED (TTL control)
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 25 #define LASER_BLUE_PIN D6 // NOT YET USED (TTL control)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 26
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 27 //**** MIRRORS:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 28 //The DAC is 12 bytes capable (Max=4096), but we will limit this a little.
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 29 #define MAX_AD_MIRRORS 4095 // note: 4095 is the absolute maximum for the SPI voltage (5V). This is for checking hardware compliance, but max and min angles can be defined for X and Y in each LivingSpot instance.
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 30 #define MIN_AD_MIRRORS 0 // note: 0 is 0 volts for the SPI voltage.
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 31 // We assume that the center of the mirror is at MAX_AD_MIRRORS/2 = 2000:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 32 #define CENTER_AD_MIRROR_X 2047 // This MUST BE the direction of the photodetector.
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 33 #define CENTER_AD_MIRROR_Y 2047 // This MUST BE the direction of the photodetector.
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 34
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 35
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 36 extern DigitalOut Laser_Red, Laser_Green, Laser_Blue;
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 37
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 38 // ==================================================================================================================================================================
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 39
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 40 class HardwareIO {
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 41 public:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 42
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 43
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 44 void init(void);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 45
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 46 // SPI control for DAC for mirrors and red laser power (low level):
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 47 void writeOutX(unsigned short value);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 48 void writeOutY(unsigned short value);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 49 void writeOutXY(unsigned short valueX, unsigned short valueY) {writeOutX(valueX); writeOutY(valueY);};
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 50
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 51
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 52 // Lockin Laser:
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 53 void setLockinFreq(int freqHz);
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 54 void setLockinPower(int powerLockin); // actually 0 or >0, for 0 and 50% duty cycle of the pwm output
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 55
mbedalvaro 3:89f592efbe84 56
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 57 //Displaying lasers:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 58 // Again: for the moment laser are TTL but these could be analog. Now, it is just: powerValue > 0 ==> 'true'; else 'false'
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 59 // Red laser:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 60 void setRedPower(int powerRed);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 61 // Green laser:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 62 void setGreenPower(int powerGreen);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 63 // Blue laser:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 64 void setBluePower(int powerBlue);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 65 // Setting all colors at once:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 66 void setRGBPower(unsigned char color); // we will use the 3 LSB bits to set each color
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 67
mbedalvaro 2:383b2acec6e4 68 // More complex functions:
mbedalvaro 4:1428775752f7 69 void showLimitsMirrors( int seconds );
mbedalvaro 2:383b2acec6e4 70 void drawCircle(int X, int Y, int R, int numPoints);
mbedalvaro 4:1428775752f7 71 void drawCircle(int X, int Y, int R, int numPoints, int seconds);
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 72
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 73 private:
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 74
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 75 };
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 76
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 77
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 78 extern HardwareIO IO; // allows the object IO to be used in other .cpp files (IO is pre-instantiated in hardwareIO.cpp)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 79 // NOTE: IO encapsulates many IO functions, but perhaps it is better not to have an IO object - just use each IO function separatedly (as with pc object for instance)
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 80 extern Serial pc; // allows pc to be manipulated by other .cpp files, even if pc is defined in the hardwareIO.cpp
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 81
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 82
mbedalvaro 0:26b228dde70c 83 #endif