mbed library sources

Dependents:   Encrypted my_mbed lklk CyaSSL_DTLS_Cellular ... more

Issue: Error when compiling for LPC1768

Get the following error after upgrading the mbed lib from build 26 to 127 today.

Any suggestions? Error: "mbed::Stream::Stream(const mbed::Stream &)" (declared at extras/mbed_25aea2a3f4e3/Stream.h', '66'); return false;">/extras/mbed_25aea2a3f4e3/Stream.h:66</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed_25aea2a3f4e3/Serial.h", Line: 50, Col: 43

Target is LPC1768.

Just defining an USB serial port seems enough to see the problem (the mbed lib and thus the program does not compile).