Just updated one of my LPC1768 mbed to the latest flash (141212) and noticed that my pc program no longer detects the mBed.
My PC application raises DTR on the serial port and expects the mBed to raise DSR in return (but that does not happen after the update anymore).
Is this by design or a bug/omission? and is there a workaround?
I would like to be able to detect the mbed presence (and being active) when I scan for devices. Checking DSR to see if anything is alive is one of the first checks I try (before sending data to see what you get in return.
I notices that in later mbed libs there is a method to set the handshake mode (but it does not include DSR).
Issue type: Defect
Severity: Default
Created 8 years, 5 months ago.Updated 8 years, 5 months ago.
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