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Issue: Wrong InterruptIn with pullup configuration in NUCLEO-F103RB

Hi, I'm working with NUCLEO-F103RB and I've found problems setting InterruptIn with pullup using mbed-src source code. I'll try to explain what is happening:

InterruptInt trig(PA_4); 
void handleISR(){

int main(){

The problem I've found is that, by default after reset, PA_4 as other input pins is setup as Input floating (you can see it in register bits GPIOA_CRL.CNF4[1:0] = 01.

When you select it as InterruptIn, this configuration is kept. Nevertheless when mode is changed to PullUp, only bit1 of GPIOA_CRL.CNF4[1:0] is set, but bit0 is not reset. So now, this register is changed to GPIOA_CRL.CNF4[1:0]=11. Which corresponds to "Reserved" in stead of "Input with pullup or pull down". And then PA_4 is not properly configured.

On the other hand, pull up/down is selected with register GPIOA_ODR, so if GPIOA_ODR.bit4 = 1 then pull up, else if GPIOA_ODR.bit4 = 0 then pull down. And this setup is never done in current mbed-src release.

Current gpio mode configuration in mbed-src is done in file pinmap.c, function: pin_mode, see below:

void pin_mode(PinName pin, PinMode mode)
    MBED_ASSERT(pin != (PinName)NC);

    uint32_t port_index = STM_PORT(pin);
    uint32_t pin_index  = STM_PIN(pin);

    // Enable GPIO clock
    uint32_t gpio_add = Set_GPIO_Clock(port_index);
    GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = (GPIO_TypeDef *)gpio_add;

    // Configure open-drain and pull-up/down
    switch (mode) {
        case PullNone:
        case PullUp:
        case PullDown:
            // Set pull-up / pull-down for Input mode
            if (pin_index < 8) {
                if ((gpio->CRL & (0x03 << (pin_index * 4))) == 0) { // MODE bits = Input mode
                    gpio->CRL |= (0x08 << (pin_index * 4)); // Set pull-up / pull-down
            } else {
                if ((gpio->CRH & (0x03 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4))) == 0) { // MODE bits = Input mode
                    gpio->CRH |= (0x08 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4)); // Set pull-up / pull-down
        case OpenDrain:
            // Set open-drain for Output mode (General Purpose or Alternate Function)
            if (pin_index < 8) {
                if ((gpio->CRL & (0x03 << (pin_index * 4))) > 0) { // MODE bits = Output mode
                    gpio->CRL |= (0x04 << (pin_index * 4)); // Set open-drain
            } else {
                if ((gpio->CRH & (0x03 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4))) > 0) { // MODE bits = Output mode
                    gpio->CRH |= (0x04 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4)); // Set open-drain

In order to solve this configuration defect, I've modified this function by myself and now is working properly, see it below:

void pin_mode(PinName pin, PinMode mode)
    MBED_ASSERT(pin != (PinName)NC);

    uint32_t port_index = STM_PORT(pin);
    uint32_t pin_index  = STM_PIN(pin);

    // Enable GPIO clock
    uint32_t gpio_add = Set_GPIO_Clock(port_index);
    GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = (GPIO_TypeDef *)gpio_add;

    // Configure open-drain and pull-up/down
    switch (mode) {
        case PullNone:
        case PullUp:
        case PullDown:
            // Set pull-up / pull-down for Input mode
            if (pin_index < 8) {
                if ((gpio->CRL & (0x03 << (pin_index * 4))) == 0) { // MODE bits = Input mode
                    gpio->CRL |= (0x08 << (pin_index * 4)); // Set pull-up / pull-down
					gpio->CRL &= ~(0x08 << ((pin_index * 4)-1)); //<-- ADDED LINE:  ENSURES GPIOx_CRL.CNFx.bit0 = 0
            } else {
                if ((gpio->CRH & (0x03 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4))) == 0) { // MODE bits = Input mode
                    gpio->CRH |= (0x08 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4)); // Set pull-up / pull-down
					gpio->CRH &= ~(0x08 << (((pin_index % 8) * 4)-1)); //<-- ADDED LINE:  ENSURES GPIOx_CRH.CNFx.bit0 = 0
       //<-- ADDED LINES:  ENSURES GPIOx_ODR pull up/down is properly setup
			if(mode == PullUp)
				gpio->ODR |= (0x01 << (pin_index)); // Set pull-up 
				gpio->ODR &= ~(0x01 << (pin_index)); // Set pull-down
        case OpenDrain:
            // Set open-drain for Output mode (General Purpose or Alternate Function)
            if (pin_index < 8) {
                if ((gpio->CRL & (0x03 << (pin_index * 4))) > 0) { // MODE bits = Output mode
                    gpio->CRL |= (0x04 << (pin_index * 4)); // Set open-drain
            } else {
                if ((gpio->CRH & (0x03 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4))) > 0) { // MODE bits = Output mode
                    gpio->CRH |= (0x04 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4)); // Set open-drain

Just with those modifications, InterruptIn with PullUp mode is setup properly. Kind regards. Raul.


24 Apr 2015

Thanks for reporting. CAn you please add this to the issues on github https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/issues ? Or if you find time, you can send a pull request with your fix, the one you presented above.

I can add it there to the issues and reference this report there.

Regards, 0xc0170

24 Jun 2016

Did somebody notice if pin is Px8 / Px4, this, gpio->CRH &= ~ (0x08 << (((pin_index % 8) * 4)-1)), doesnt work ? It is like this : 8 % 8 = 0 * 4 = 0 - 1 = -1 and 0x08 << -1 = 0x08, and no back shifting occurs. It is more simple and intuitive like this: gpio->CRH &= ~ (0x04 << ((pin_index % 8) * 4));

15 Feb 2018

Hi, Just wondering if this bug has been squashed in the recent mbed builds? I dont have a the Nucleo at the moment to try it out. thanks.