mbed library sources

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This library was superseded by mbed-dev - https://os.mbed.com/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-dev/.

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--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L0/stm32l0xx_hal_cryp.c	Thu Mar 05 13:15:07 2015 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L0/stm32l0xx_hal_cryp.c	Thu Mar 12 14:30:49 2015 +0000
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
   * @file    stm32l0xx_hal_cryp.c
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.1.0
-  * @date    18-June-2014
+  * @version V1.2.0
+  * @date    06-February-2015
   * @brief   CRYP HAL module driver.
   *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
       The CRYP HAL driver can be used as follows:
       (#)Initialize the CRYP low level resources by implementing the HAL_CRYP_MspInit():
-         (##) Enable the CRYP interface clock using __CRYP_CLK_ENABLE()
-         (##) In case of using interrupts (e.g. HAL_AES_ECB_Encrypt_IT())
+         (##) Enable the CRYP interface clock using __HAL_RCC_AES_CLK_ENABLE()
+         (##) In case of using interrupts (e.g. HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_IT())
              (+) Configure the CRYP interrupt priority using HAL_NVIC_SetPriority()
              (+) Enable the CRYP IRQ handler using HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ()
              (+) In CRYP IRQ handler, call HAL_CRYP_IRQHandler()
-         (##) In case of using DMA to control data transfer (e.g. HAL_AES_ECB_Encrypt_DMA())
+         (##) In case of using DMA to control data transfer (e.g. HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_DMA())
              (+) Enable the DMA1 interface clock using 
-                 (++) __DMA1_CLK_ENABLE()
+                 (++) __HAL_RCC_DMA1_CLK_ENABLE()
              (+) Configure and enable two DMA Channels one for managing data transfer from
                  memory to peripheral (input channel) and another channel for managing data
                  transfer from peripheral to memory (output channel)
-             (+) Associate the initilalized DMA handle to the CRYP DMA handle
+             (+) Associate the initialized DMA handle to the CRYP DMA handle
                  using  __HAL_LINKDMA()
              (+) Configure the priority and enable the NVIC for the transfer complete
                  interrupt on the two DMA Streams. The output stream should have higher
@@ -57,20 +57,20 @@
               i.e. the data transfer is ensured by DMA
               e.g. HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_DMA()
-      (#)When the processing function is called at first time after HAL_CRYP_Init()
+      (#)When the processing function is called for the first time after HAL_CRYP_Init()
          the CRYP peripheral is initialized and processes the buffer in input.
          At second call, the processing function performs an append of the already
          processed buffer.
          When a new data block is to be processed, call HAL_CRYP_Init() then the
          processing function.
-       (#)Call HAL_CRYP_DeInit() to deinitialize the CRYP peripheral.
+      (#)Call HAL_CRYP_DeInit() to deinitialize the CRYP peripheral.
   * @attention
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -97,41 +97,62 @@
+#if defined (STM32L041xx) || defined (STM32L061xx) || defined (STM32L062xx) || defined (STM32L063xx) || (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L083xx)
 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "stm32l0xx_hal.h"
 /** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver
   * @{
-/** @defgroup CRYP 
+/** @defgroup CRYP CRYP
   * @brief CRYP HAL module driver.
   * @{
-#if !defined (STM32L051xx) && !defined (STM32L052xx) && !defined (STM32L053xx)
 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Private_Defines CRYP Private Defines
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
-static void CRYP_SetInitVector(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *InitVector);
-static void CRYP_SetKey(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *Key);
-static HAL_StatusTypeDef CRYP_ProcessData(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t* Input, uint16_t Ilength, uint8_t* Output, uint32_t Timeout);
-static void CRYP_DMAInCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
-static void CRYP_DMAOutCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
-static void CRYP_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
-static void CRYP_SetDMAConfig(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint32_t inputaddr, uint16_t Size, uint32_t outputaddr);
-/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Private_Functions
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Private_Functions CRYP Private Functions
   * @{
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions 
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef  CRYP_EncryptDecrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp);
+static void               CRYP_SetInitVector(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *InitVector);
+static void               CRYP_SetKey(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *Key);
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef  CRYP_ProcessData(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t* Input, uint16_t Ilength, uint8_t* Output, uint32_t Timeout);
+static void               CRYP_DMAInCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void               CRYP_DMAOutCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void               CRYP_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void               CRYP_SetDMAConfig(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint32_t inputaddr, uint16_t Size, uint32_t outputaddr);
+  * @}
+  */
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions CRYP Exported Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions 
  *  @brief    Initialization and Configuration functions. 
@@ -157,40 +178,57 @@
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_Init(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
   /* Check the CRYP handle allocation */
-  if(hcryp == HAL_NULL)
+  if(hcryp == NULL)
     return HAL_ERROR;
   /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_AES_ALL_INSTANCE(hcryp->Instance));
   if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
+    /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
+    hcryp->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
     /* Init the low level hardware */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;  
-  /* Set the data type*/
-  AES->CR = hcryp->Init.DataType;
-  /* Reset CrypInCount and CrypOutCount */
-  hcryp->CrypInCount = 0;
-  hcryp->CrypOutCount = 0;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-  /* Set the default CRYP phase */
-  hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+  /* Check if AES already enabled */
+  if (HAL_IS_BIT_CLR(hcryp->Instance->CR, AES_CR_EN))
+  {
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;  
+    /* Set the data type*/
+    MODIFY_REG(hcryp->Instance->CR, AES_CR_DATATYPE, hcryp->Init.DataType);
+    /* Reset CrypInCount and CrypOutCount */
+    hcryp->CrypInCount = 0;
+    hcryp->CrypOutCount = 0;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Set the default CRYP phase */
+    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY;
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* The Datatype selection must be changed if the AES is disabled. Writing these bits while the AES is */
+    /* enabled is forbidden to avoid unpredictable AES behavior.*/
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
@@ -202,7 +240,7 @@
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_DeInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
   /* Check the CRYP handle allocation */
-  if(hcryp == HAL_NULL)
+  if(hcryp == NULL)
     return HAL_ERROR;
@@ -218,7 +256,7 @@
   hcryp->CrypOutCount = 0;
   /* Disable the CRYP Peripheral Clock */
+  __HAL_CRYP_DISABLE(hcryp);
   /* DeInit the low level hardware: CLOCK, NVIC.*/
@@ -241,9 +279,8 @@
 __weak void HAL_CRYP_MspInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_CRYP_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
-   */
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, 
+            the HAL_CRYP_MspInit can be implemented in the user file */
@@ -254,16 +291,15 @@
 __weak void HAL_CRYP_MspDeInit(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_CRYP_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file
-   */
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, 
+            the HAL_CRYP_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Group2 AES processing functions 
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group2 AES processing functions 
  *  @brief   processing functions. 
@@ -287,9 +323,9 @@
   *         then encrypt pPlainData. The cypher data are available in pCypherData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value 
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -297,43 +333,65 @@
   /* Process Locked */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 and Size multiple of 16*/
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
-    /* Enable CRYP */
-    /* Set the phase */
-    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
-  if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp,pPlainData, Size, pCypherData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if(hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
-    return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
+      /* Enable CRYP */
+      __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
+    /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
+    if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pPlainData, Size, pCypherData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+    {
+      return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+  else
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
@@ -341,9 +399,9 @@
   *         then encrypt pPlainData. The cypher data are available in pCypherData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value  
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -352,45 +410,67 @@
   /* Process Locked */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
-    /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-    CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-    /* Enable CRYP */
-    /* Set the phase */
-    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if(hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC mode */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Enable CRYP */
+      __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
     /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
-    if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp,pPlainData, Size, pCypherData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+    if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pPlainData, Size, pCypherData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
       return HAL_TIMEOUT;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
@@ -398,9 +478,9 @@
   *         then encrypt pPlainData. The cypher data are available in pCypherData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value  
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -409,57 +489,77 @@
   /* Process Locked */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
-    /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-    CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-    /* Enable CRYP */
-    /* Set the phase */
-    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if(hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR mode */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Enable CRYP */
+      __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
     /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
     if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pPlainData, Size, pCypherData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
       return HAL_TIMEOUT;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode
   *         then decrypted pCypherData. The cypher data are available in pPlainData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value  
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -468,42 +568,64 @@
   /* Process Locked */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-    /* Enable CRYP */
-    /* Set the phase */
-    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-  }
-  /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
-  if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pCypherData, Size, pPlainData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
-  {
-    return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if(hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
+      /* Enable CRYP */
+      __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
+    /* Write Cypher Data and Get Plain Data */
+    if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pCypherData, Size, pPlainData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+    {
+      return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
@@ -511,9 +633,9 @@
   *         then decrypted pCypherData. The cypher data are available in pPlainData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value  
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -522,45 +644,67 @@
   /* Process Locked */
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-    /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-    CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-    /* Enable CRYP */
-    /* Set the phase */
-    hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
-  if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pCypherData, Size, pPlainData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if(hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET)
-    return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Enable CRYP */
+      __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
+    /* Write Cypher Data and Get Plain Data */
+    if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pCypherData, Size, pPlainData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+    {
+      return HAL_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  else
+  {
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
@@ -568,9 +712,9 @@
   *         then decrypted pCypherData. The cypher data are available in pPlainData
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value   
   * @retval HAL status
@@ -579,8 +723,18 @@
   /* Process Locked */
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
   /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY))
     /* Change the CRYP state */
     hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
@@ -588,23 +742,23 @@
     /* Set the key */
     CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+    CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
     /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR decryption mode */
     /* Set the Initialization Vector */
     CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Set the phase */
     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-  /* Write Plain Data and Get Cypher Data */
+  /* Write Cypher Data and Get Plain Data */
   if(CRYP_ProcessData(hcryp, pCypherData, Size, pPlainData, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
     return HAL_TIMEOUT;
@@ -624,17 +778,26 @@
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB encryption mode using Interrupt.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -654,111 +817,73 @@
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-      AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
       /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
       /* Set the phase */
       hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Data Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is encrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC encryption mode using Interrupt.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -778,11 +903,11 @@
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-      AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
       /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC mode */
       /* Set the Initialization Vector */
       CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
@@ -792,100 +917,62 @@
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Data Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is encrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR encryption mode using Interrupt.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -905,11 +992,11 @@
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-      AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
       /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR mode */
       /* Set the Initialization Vector */
       CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
@@ -919,101 +1006,62 @@
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Data Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is encrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode using Interrupt.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1027,118 +1075,79 @@
     /* Change the CRYP state */
     hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
-  {
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-     /* Set the phase */
-     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-  }
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;    
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Output register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is decrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode using IT.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1152,121 +1161,82 @@
     /* Change the CRYP state */
     hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
-  {
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-    /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-    CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-     /* Set the phase */
-     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-  }
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;    
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is decrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR decryption mode using Interrupt.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0;
-  if(hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY)
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1280,121 +1250,83 @@
     /* Change the CRYP state */
     hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-  if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
-  {
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR decryption mode */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR decryption mode */
-    /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-    CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-     /* Set the phase */
-     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-  }
     /* Enable Interrupts */
     /* Enable CRYP */
+    __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
     /* Get the last input data adress */
     inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
     hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;    
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
+  else
-    /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
-    /* Get the last Output data adress */
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
-    /* Read the Output block from the Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    outputaddr+=4;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
-    hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
-    hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
-    /* Check if all input text is decrypted */
-    if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
-    {
-      /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
-      /* Process Unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-      /* Change the CRYP state */
-      hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
-      /* Call computation complete callback */
-      HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
-    }
-    else /* Process the rest of input text */
-    {
-      /* Get the last Intput data adress */
-      inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
-      /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      inputaddr+=4;
-      AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-      hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
-      hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
-    }
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB encryption mode using DMA.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1412,22 +1344,25 @@
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
       /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
-     /* Set the phase */
-     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
     /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
     CRYP_SetDMAConfig(hcryp, inputaddr, Size, outputaddr);
     /* Process Unlocked */
     /* Return function status */
     return HAL_OK;
-  {
+  {  
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     return HAL_ERROR;   
@@ -1436,17 +1371,27 @@
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC encryption mode using DMA.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1456,33 +1401,36 @@
     /* Change the CRYP state */
     hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
     /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
     if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC mode */
       /* Set the Initialization Vector */
       CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-       /* Set the phase */
-       hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-     }
-     /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
-     CRYP_SetDMAConfig(hcryp, inputaddr, Size, outputaddr);
-     /* Process Unlocked */
-     __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-     /* Return function status */
-     return HAL_OK;
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
+    /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
+    CRYP_SetDMAConfig(hcryp, inputaddr, Size, outputaddr);
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     return HAL_ERROR;   
@@ -1491,17 +1439,27 @@
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR encryption mode using DMA.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pPlainData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pCypherData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1509,23 +1467,23 @@
     inputaddr  = (uint32_t)pPlainData;
     outputaddr = (uint32_t)pCypherData;
-  /* Change the CRYP state */
-  hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
     /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
     if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB mode */
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR mode */
       /* Set the Initialization Vector */
       CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
-       /* Set the phase */
-       hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
     /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
@@ -1539,6 +1497,9 @@
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     return HAL_ERROR;   
@@ -1547,73 +1508,27 @@
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode using DMA.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
     /* Process Locked */
-    __HAL_LOCK(hcryp);
-    inputaddr  = (uint32_t)pCypherData;
-    outputaddr = (uint32_t)pPlainData;
-    /* Change the CRYP state */
-    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
-    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
-    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
-    {
-    /* Set the key */
-    CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-    /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-    AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-    /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-     /* Set the phase */
-     hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
-    }
-    /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
-    CRYP_SetDMAConfig(hcryp, inputaddr, Size, outputaddr);
-     /* Process Unlocked */
-     __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     /* Return function status */
-    return HAL_OK;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return HAL_ERROR;   
+    return HAL_ERROR;
-  * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC encryption mode using DMA.
-  * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
-  * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
-  * @retval HAL status
-  */
-HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1629,16 +1544,13 @@
       /* Set the key */
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
-      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits & */
-      AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
-      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
-      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
-      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES ECB decryption mode (with key derivation) */
       /* Set the phase */
       hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
@@ -1654,6 +1566,81 @@
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    return HAL_ERROR;   
+  }
+  * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC encryption mode using DMA.
+  * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for CRYP module
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
+  * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16 bytes
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_LOCK(hcryp);
+    inputaddr  = (uint32_t)pCypherData;
+    outputaddr = (uint32_t)pPlainData;
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_BUSY;
+    /* Check if initialization phase has already been performed */
+    if(hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_READY)
+    {
+      /* Set the key */
+      CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
+      /* Reset the CHMOD & MODE bits */
+      CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, CRYP_ALGO_CHAIN_MASK);
+      /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CBC decryption mode (with key derivation) */
+      /* Set the Initialization Vector */
+      CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
+      /* Set the phase */
+      hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
+    }
+    /* Set the input and output addresses and start DMA transfer */ 
+    CRYP_SetDMAConfig(hcryp, inputaddr, Size, outputaddr);
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     return HAL_ERROR;   
@@ -1662,17 +1649,27 @@
   * @brief  Initializes the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR decryption mode using DMA.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
-  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer
+  * @param  pCypherData: Pointer to the cyphertext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @param  Size: Length of the plaintext buffer, must be a multiple of 16
-  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer
+  * @param  pPlainData: Pointer to the plaintext buffer (aligned on u32)
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt_DMA(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *pCypherData, uint16_t Size, uint8_t *pPlainData)
-  uint32_t inputaddr;
-  uint32_t outputaddr;
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
-  if((hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY) || (hcryp->Phase == HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS))
+  /* Check that data aligned on u32 */
+  if((((uint32_t)pPlainData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || (((uint32_t)pCypherData & (uint32_t)0x00000003) != 0) || ((Size & (uint16_t)0x000F) != 0))
+  {
+    /* Process Locked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Return function status */
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if HAL_CRYP_Init has been called */
+  if ((hcryp->State != HAL_CRYP_STATE_RESET) && (hcryp->State == HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY))
     /* Process Locked */
@@ -1690,11 +1687,11 @@
       CRYP_SetKey(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pKey);
       /* Set the CRYP peripheral in AES CTR mode */
       /* Set the Initialization Vector */
       CRYP_SetInitVector(hcryp, hcryp->Init.pInitVect);
       /* Set the phase */
       hcryp->Phase = HAL_CRYP_PHASE_PROCESS;
@@ -1710,6 +1707,9 @@
+    /* Release Lock */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
     return HAL_ERROR;   
@@ -1718,8 +1718,7 @@
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Group3 DMA callback functions 
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group3 DMA callback functions 
  *  @brief   DMA callback functions. 
@@ -1736,41 +1735,41 @@
-  * @brief  CRYP error callbacks.
+  * @brief  CRYP error callback.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @retval None
  __weak void HAL_CRYP_ErrorCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_CRYP_ErrorCallback could be implemented in the user file
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, 
+            the HAL_CRYP_ErrorCallback can be implemented in the user file
-  * @brief  Input transfer completed callbacks.
+  * @brief  Input transfer completed callback.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @retval None
 __weak void HAL_CRYP_InCpltCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_CRYP_InCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, 
+            the HAL_CRYP_InCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file
-  * @brief  Output transfer completed callbacks.
+  * @brief  Output transfer completed callback.
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @retval None
 __weak void HAL_CRYP_OutCpltCallback(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_CRYP_OutCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed, 
+            the HAL_CRYP_OutCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file
@@ -1778,7 +1777,7 @@
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Group4 CRYP IRQ handler 
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group4 CRYP IRQ handler 
  *  @brief   CRYP IRQ handler.
@@ -1799,34 +1798,44 @@
 void HAL_CRYP_IRQHandler(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
+  /* Check if error occurred*/
-    HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);
-    break;
+    {
+    }
-    HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Decrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);
-    break;
+    {
+    }
-    HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Encrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);
-    break;
+    {
+    }
-    HAL_CRYP_AESCBC_Decrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);
-    break;
+    hcryp->State= HAL_CRYP_STATE_ERROR;
+    /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
+    HAL_CRYP_ErrorCallback(hcryp);
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
-    HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Encrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);       
-    break;
-    HAL_CRYP_AESCTR_Decrypt_IT(hcryp, HAL_NULL, 0, HAL_NULL);        
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Check if computation complete interrupt was enabled*/
+  {
+    /* Clear CCF Flag */
+    CRYP_EncryptDecrypt_IT(hcryp);
@@ -1834,7 +1843,7 @@
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CRYP_Group5 Peripheral State functions 
+/** @defgroup CRYP_Exported_Functions_Group5 Peripheral State functions 
  *  @brief   Peripheral State functions. 
@@ -1864,6 +1873,73 @@
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup CRYP_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  IT function called under interruption context to continue encryption or decryption
+  * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for CRYP module
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef CRYP_EncryptDecrypt_IT(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp)
+  uint32_t inputaddr = 0, outputaddr = 0;
+  /* Get the last Output data adress */
+  outputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr;
+  /* Read the Output block from the Output Register */
+  *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
+  outputaddr+=4;
+  *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
+  outputaddr+=4;
+  *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
+  outputaddr+=4;
+  *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
+  hcryp->pCrypOutBuffPtr += 16;
+  hcryp->CrypOutCount -= 16;
+  /* Check if all input text is encrypted or decrypted */
+  if(hcryp->CrypOutCount == 0)
+  {
+    /* Disable Computation Complete Interrupt */
+    /* Process Unlocked */
+    __HAL_UNLOCK(hcryp);
+    /* Change the CRYP state */
+    hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+    /* Call computation complete callback */
+    HAL_CRYPEx_ComputationCpltCallback(hcryp);
+  }
+  else /* Process the rest of input text */
+  {
+    /* Get the last Intput data adress */
+    inputaddr = (uint32_t)hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr;
+    /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    inputaddr+=4;
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    inputaddr+=4;
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    inputaddr+=4;
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->pCrypInBuffPtr += 16;
+    hcryp->CrypInCount -= 16;      
+  }
+  return HAL_OK;
   * @brief  DMA CRYP Input Data process complete callback.
   * @param  hdma: DMA handle
   * @retval None
@@ -1873,7 +1949,7 @@
   CRYP_HandleTypeDef* hcryp = (CRYP_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
   /* Disable the DMA transfer for input request  */
-  AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~AES_CR_DMAINEN);
+  CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, AES_CR_DMAINEN);
   /* Call input data transfer complete callback */
@@ -1888,12 +1964,15 @@
   CRYP_HandleTypeDef* hcryp = (CRYP_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
-  /* Disable the DMA transfer for output request by resetting the DOEN bit
+  /* Disable the DMA transfer for output request by resetting the DMAOUTEN bit
      in the DMACR register */
-  AES->CR &= (uint32_t)(~AES_CR_DMAOUTEN);
+  CLEAR_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, AES_CR_DMAOUTEN);
+  /* Clear CCF Flag */
   /* Disable CRYP */
+  __HAL_CRYP_DISABLE(hcryp);
   /* Change the CRYP state to ready */
   hcryp->State = HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
@@ -1910,7 +1989,7 @@
 static void CRYP_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
   CRYP_HandleTypeDef* hcryp = (CRYP_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
-  hcryp->State= HAL_CRYP_STATE_READY;
+  hcryp->State= HAL_CRYP_STATE_ERROR;
@@ -1919,20 +1998,25 @@
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @param  Key: Pointer to Key buffer
-  * @param  KeySize: Size of Key
+  * @note Key must be written as little endian.
+  *         If Key pointer points at address n, 
+  *         n[15:0] contains key[96:127], 
+  *         (n+4)[15:0] contains key[64:95], 
+  *         (n+8)[15:0] contains key[32:63] and 
+  *         (n+12)[15:0] contains key[0:31]
   * @retval None
 static void CRYP_SetKey(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *Key)
   uint32_t keyaddr = (uint32_t)Key;
-  AES->KEYR3 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->KEYR3 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
-  AES->KEYR2 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->KEYR2 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
-  AES->KEYR1 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->KEYR1 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
-  AES->KEYR0 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));  
+  hcryp->Instance->KEYR0 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(keyaddr));
@@ -1940,55 +2024,61 @@
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @param  InitVector: Pointer to InitVector/InitCounter buffer
-  * @param  IVSize: Size of the InitVector/InitCounter
+  * @note Init Vector must be written as little endian.
+  *         If Init Vector pointer points at address n, 
+  *         n[15:0] contains Vector[96:127], 
+  *         (n+4)[15:0] contains Vector[64:95], 
+  *         (n+8)[15:0] contains Vector[32:63] and 
+  *         (n+12)[15:0] contains Vector[0:31]
   * @retval None
 static void CRYP_SetInitVector(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t *InitVector)
   uint32_t ivaddr = (uint32_t)InitVector;
-  AES->IVR3 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->IVR3 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
-  AES->IVR2 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->IVR2 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
-  AES->IVR1 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->IVR1 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
-  AES->IVR0 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
+  hcryp->Instance->IVR0 = __REV(*(uint32_t*)(ivaddr));
-  * @brief  Process Data: Writes Input data in polling mode and read the output data
+  * @brief  Process Data: Writes Input data in polling mode and reads the output data
   * @param  hcryp: pointer to a CRYP_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
   *         the configuration information for CRYP module
   * @param  Input: Pointer to the Input buffer
   * @param  Ilength: Length of the Input buffer, must be a multiple of 16.
   * @param  Output: Pointer to the returned buffer
+  * @param  Timeout: Specify Timeout value  
   * @retval None
 static HAL_StatusTypeDef CRYP_ProcessData(CRYP_HandleTypeDef *hcryp, uint8_t* Input, uint16_t Ilength, uint8_t* Output, uint32_t Timeout)
   uint32_t tickstart = 0;
-  uint32_t i = 0;
+  uint32_t index = 0;
   uint32_t inputaddr  = (uint32_t)Input;
   uint32_t outputaddr = (uint32_t)Output;
-  for(i=0; (i < Ilength); i+=16)
+  for(index=0; (index < Ilength); index += 16)
     /* Write the Input block in the Data Input register */
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR  = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
-    AES->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
+    hcryp->Instance->DINR = *(uint32_t*)(inputaddr);
     /* Get timeout */
     tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+    while(HAL_IS_BIT_CLR(hcryp->Instance->SR, AES_SR_CCF))
       /* Check for the Timeout */
       if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
@@ -2006,16 +2096,16 @@
     /* Clear CCF Flag */
-    AES->CR |= AES_CR_CCFC;
     /* Read the Output block from the Data Output Register */
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
+    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
+    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
+    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
-    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = AES->DOUTR;
+    *(uint32_t*)(outputaddr) = hcryp->Instance->DOUTR;
   /* Return function status */
@@ -2042,31 +2132,33 @@
   hcryp->hdmaout->XferCpltCallback = CRYP_DMAOutCplt;
   /* Set the DMA error callback */
   hcryp->hdmaout->XferErrorCallback = CRYP_DMAError;
   /* Enable the DMA In DMA Stream */
-  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcryp->hdmain, inputaddr, (uint32_t)&AES->DINR, Size/4);
+  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcryp->hdmain, inputaddr, (uint32_t)&hcryp->Instance->DINR, Size/4);
   /* Enable the DMA Out DMA Stream */
-  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcryp->hdmaout, (uint32_t)&AES->DOUTR, outputaddr, Size/4);
+  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hcryp->hdmaout, (uint32_t)&hcryp->Instance->DOUTR, outputaddr, Size/4);
   /* Enable In and Out DMA requests */
+  SET_BIT(hcryp->Instance->CR, (AES_CR_DMAINEN | AES_CR_DMAOUTEN));
   /* Enable CRYP */
+  __HAL_CRYP_ENABLE(hcryp);
   * @}
-#endif /* STM32L051xx && STM32L052xx && STM32L053xx*/
-  * @}
-  */
   * @}
+  * @}
+  */
+#endif /* STM32L041xx || STM32L061xx || STM32L062xx || STM32L063xx || STM32L081xx || STM32L082xx || STM32L083xx */
 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/