
Dependents of USBDevice

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Finite State Machine move between STATE virtual com port USB connect to PC while UART connect to modem
miniblip USB piano example
miniblip mouse emulator
miniblip serial demo
Un ejemplo de uso de la Miniblip con potenciómetro circolab, hackminiblip, oslugr
Un script para cambiar el color colores, hackminiblip, miniblip
USB Audio Oscilloscope
miniBLIP usb serial hello world
Сбор информации о погодных условиях
ads_converter for the a ads1015 using all mbed
Basic program to obtain properly-scaled gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer data from the MPU-9250 9-axis motion sensor and do 9 DoF sensor fusion using the open-source Madgwick and Mahony sensor fusion …
Emulate a mouse using FRDM KL25Z. MMA8451Q accelerometer used for orientation and TSI capacitive touch sensor used for right and Left Click. USBHID class library used for USB protocol implementation.
Fork JTMK PUO Tech Creavery Ayam, Opah, PakMat, Tikus
USB HID Mouse demo for NXP Freedom Development Platform. Move automatically the mouse cursor circularly on the computer screen
USB HID Mouse/Keyboard example for Freedom boards Freedom, HID, keyboard, Mouse, USB
Speed and length measurement based on counting the rotational time of a roller
Digital speed controller
Opacity meter with USB interface
USB IO module
Cast tube base station
miniBLIP - paint on matrix
La MiniBlip se conectará como un teclado, y enviará un mensaje
Código de iniciación para MiniBlip: LEDs+pulsador+puertoSerie
mbed tokyotech
final, working project
Simple example on how to use the application board joystick as input for your pc. joystick, keyboard, USB
This code progams and reads a flash memory chip over spi
A USB to UART bridge Serial, UART, USB
Presenting to you the code for Smart Mouse developed using accelerometer and capacitive touch slider in FRDM KL25Z RMK_Engineering_College
IntelliServo is a project aiming to transform regular hobby servos into intelligent ones by replacing their original boards. By doing so the servo has upgraded capabilities, such as being able …
a bad robot thing Bad, robot
mbed support for LPC4088 Display Module
Lab 3 part 2 - USB Keyboard/Mouse (complete) FTF2014, hands-on, lab
Lab 3 part 2 - USB Mouse a house drawing (complete) FTF2014, hands-on, lab
Lab 3 part 2 - USB Keyboard/Mouse FTF2014, hands-on, lab