This library is designed to create and run state graphs. It supports hierarchical states and parallel states execution.



File content as of revision 4:22b4462fcb26:

// Copyright Rottor SAS 2017
// All rigths reserved.
// File Name : StateMachine.h
// Authors : Martin Matignon
// If you find any bug or if you have any question please contact
// Martin Matignon <>
// Nicolas Forestier <>

#ifndef __SM_STATE_MACHINE_H__
#define __SM_STATE_MACHINE_H__

#include <string>
#include "Transitions.h"

// Macro to cast derived State pointer object
#define STATE(S) ((State*)S)

typedef const char* OUTCOME;

/** A class to store and map the states graph and execute
class StateMachine : public State{

    /** Structure to store list of(state/transitions) :
     *  { state : transition{ outcome: target, ...}, ... }
    typedef struct StateItem_t{
        State       *state;
        Transitions *transitions;
        StateItem_t *next;
        StateItem_t(State* _state);
    } StateItem_t;
    /** Create a StateMachine
     *  @param const char* The state machine uuid
     *  @param UserData*   The user data object pointer
    StateMachine(const char* stateMachineUUID, UserData *ud = new UserData());
    /** Set the initial state to execute
     *  @param State* The initial state
    void setInitialState(State* state);
    /** Instance state with state machine context
     * @param const char* The state uuid
    template<typename T>
    inline T* Instance(const char* uuid){
        // State instance with user data context
        T* state = new T(uuid, m_userData);
        // Registe state into state machine
        // Routing preempt outcome
        this->connect(STATE(state), PREEMPTED, PREEMPTED);
        return state;
    /** Method for routing state outcome to other state
     * (Connect state outcome to state target)
     * @param State*      The pointer state object
     * @param const char* The state outcome
     * @param State*      The pointer target state
    void connect(State* state, const char* outcome, State* target);
    /** Remap state outcome to other state
     * @param State*      The pointer state object
     * @param const char* The state outcome
     * @param State*      The pointer target state
    void remap(State* state, const char* outcome, State* target);
    /** Method for routing state outcome to exit outcome
     * @param State*      The pointer state object
     * @param const char* The state outcome
     * @param const char* The exit outcome
    void connect(State* state, const char* outcome, const char* _exit);
    /** Remap state outcome to exit outcome
     * @param State*      The pointer state object
     * @param const char* The state outcome
     * @param const char* The exit outcome
    void remap(State* state, const char* outcome, const char* _exit);
    /** Before state machine execution (Empty)
     * (You can redefine this method in inherited object)
    virtual void onEntry();

    /** State machine execution (Execute graph state)
     * @return const char* The state machine outcome
    virtual const char* onExecute();
    /** After state machine execution (Empty)
     * (You can redefine this method in inherited object)
    virtual void onExit();
    /** The ROOT state machine execution
     * @return const char* The root state machine outcome
    const char* execute();
    /** Provide the states list registered into state machine
     * @return StateItem_t* The pointer states list
    StateItem_t* getStatesList();
    /** Provide the number of states registered into state machine
     * @return int The number of state into state machine
    int getNumberStates();
    /** Provide the user data object
     * @return UserData* The pointer user data object
    UserData* getUserData();
    /** Print the graph states
    void printGraph(string level="");

    /** Adding a new state
     *  @param State* The state object
    void _addState(State *state);
    /** Provide the item list by uuid
     * @return StateItem_t* The item structure
    StateItem_t* getItemByUUID(const char* uuid);

    StateItem_t   *m_stateList;
    int            m_nbStates;
    StateItem_t   *m_currentItem;
    const char    *m_initalStateUUID;
    const char    *m_targetStateUUID;
    UserData      *m_userData;

#endif /* #ifndef __SM_STATE_MACHINE_H__*/