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thread_commissioning_link_configuration Struct Reference

thread_commissioning_link_configuration Struct Reference

Interfaces needed for native commissioner. More...

#include <thread_commissioning_api.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t name [16]
 Name of the Thread network.
uint8_t extented_pan_id [8]
 Extended PAN ID.
uint16_t panId
 Network ID.
uint8_t Protocol_id
 Current protocol ID.
uint8_t version
 Current protocol version.
uint8_t rfChannel
 Current RF channel.

Detailed Description

Interfaces needed for native commissioner.

current design:

  • The application configures the interface to scan available Thread networks to join
    • Time passes and the user wants to start scanning for native commissioner networks.
  • The application configures the interface to begin native commissioner interface scans.
  • The application selects a network to connect to.
  • The stack connects to that network -> interface UP event sent.
  • The application starts using Commissioning API to send COMM_PET.req message triggering a DTLS handshake.
    • Commission API queries the leader address and native info and uses the one that works.

Definition at line 175 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

Field Documentation

uint8_t extented_pan_id[8]

Extended PAN ID.

Definition at line 177 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

uint8_t name[16]

Name of the Thread network.

utf8 string nul terminated if shorter than 16.

Definition at line 176 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

uint16_t panId

Network ID.

Definition at line 178 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

uint8_t Protocol_id

Current protocol ID.

Definition at line 179 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

uint8_t rfChannel

Current RF channel.

Definition at line 181 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.

uint8_t version

Current protocol version.

Definition at line 180 of file thread_commissioning_api.h.