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mqtt_connect_client_info_t Struct Reference

mqtt_connect_client_info_t Struct Reference
[MQTT client]

Client information and connection parameters. More...

#include <mqtt.h>

Data Fields

const char * client_id
 Client identifier, must be set by caller.
const char * client_user
 User name and password, set to NULL if not used.
u16_t keep_alive
 keep alive time in seconds, 0 to disable keep alive functionality
const char * will_topic
 will topic, set to NULL if will is not to be used, will_msg, will_qos and will retain are then ignored

Detailed Description

Client information and connection parameters.

Definition at line 60 of file mqtt.h.

Field Documentation

const char* client_id

Client identifier, must be set by caller.

Definition at line 62 of file mqtt.h.

const char* client_user

User name and password, set to NULL if not used.

Definition at line 64 of file mqtt.h.

u16_t keep_alive

keep alive time in seconds, 0 to disable keep alive functionality

Definition at line 67 of file mqtt.h.

const char* will_topic

will topic, set to NULL if will is not to be used, will_msg, will_qos and will retain are then ignored

Definition at line 70 of file mqtt.h.